syntax "python" "\.py$" "jhbuildrc$" header "^#!.*/(env +)?python[-0-9._]*( |$)" # Resets everything back to plain text coloring. # Can be used at the start of each theme file. color white "^.*$" color cyan "def [ 0-9A-Z_]+" color cyan "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*[[:space:]]*[(]" color white "[(]" color red "\<(as|assert|class|def|del|elif|else|except|exec|finally|for|from|global|if|import|lambda|map|pass|print|raise|try|while|with|yield|None)\>" color red "\<(break|continue|return)\>" color blue "\<(str|bytearray|bytes|list|tuple|set|frozenset|dict|int|float|complex|bool)\>" color brightwhite "[0-9]" color yellow "[-+*/%|&=~!<>^.:;,]|\<(and|not|or|is|in)\>" color red "@[A-Za-z0-9_]+" color red "__[A-Za-z0-9_]+__" color brightwhite "\<(True|False)\>" color white "[(){}]" "\[" "\]" color green ""(\\.|[^"])*"|'(\\.|[^'])*'" color green "["][^"]*[^\\]["]" "["]{3}.*[^\\]["]{3}" color green "['][^']*[^\\][']" "[']{3}.*[^\\][']{3}" color green start=""""[^"]" end=""""" color green start="'''[^']" end="'''" color yellow "\\.?" color brightblack "(^|[[:space:]])#([^{].*)?$" color brightwhite,cyan "\:?" color brightwhite,cyan "\:?" color ,red "[[:space:]]+$" color brightyellow " + +| + +" # rainbow indent color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{32}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{30}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{28}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{26}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{24}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{22}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{20}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{18}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{16}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{14}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{12}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{10}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{8}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{6}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{4}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{2}"