syntax "cmake" "CMakeLists\.txt$|\.cmake$" # Resets everything back to plain text coloring. # Can be used at the start of each theme file. color white "^.*$" color cyan "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*[[:space:]]*[(]" color white "[(]" color brightwhite "\<(ON|OFF|TRUE|FALSE|YES|NO)\>" color blue "\$\{[A-Za-z0-9_!@#$*?-]+\}" color green ""(\\.|[^"])*"|'(\\.|[^'])*'" color yellow "\\([()#$^]|\\|\")" color brightblack "(^|[[:space:]])#([^{].*)?$" color ,red "[[:space:]]+$" color brightyellow " + +| + +" # rainbow indent color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{32}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{30}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{28}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{26}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{24}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{22}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{20}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{18}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{16}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{14}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{12}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{10}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{8}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{6}" color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{4}" color ,black "^[[:space:]]{2}"