#SingleInstance Force ; You can generate a fresh version of this file with "komorebic ahk-library" #Include %A_ScriptDir%\komorebic.lib.ahk ; https://github.com/LGUG2Z/komorebi/#generating-common-application-specific-configurations #Include %A_ScriptDir%\komorebi.generated.ahk ;;;; Settings ;;;; WindowHidingBehaviour("minimize") WatchConfiguration("enable") EnsureWorkspaces(0, 9) InvisibleBorders(7, 0, 14, 7) MouseFollowsFocus("disable") WorkspaceName(0, 0, "I") WorkspaceName(0, 1, "II") WorkspaceName(0, 2, "III") WorkspaceName(0, 3, "IV") WorkspaceName(0, 4, "V") WorkspaceName(0, 5, "VI") WorkspaceName(0, 6, "VII") WorkspaceName(0, 7, "VIII") WorkspaceName(0, 8, "IX") WorkspacePadding(0, 0, 0) WorkspacePadding(0, 1, 0) WorkspacePadding(0, 2, 0) WorkspacePadding(0, 3, 0) WorkspacePadding(0, 4, 0) WorkspacePadding(0, 5, 0) WorkspacePadding(0, 6, 0) WorkspacePadding(0, 7, 0) WorkspacePadding(0, 8, 0) ContainerPadding(0, 0, 6) ContainerPadding(0, 1, 6) ContainerPadding(0, 2, 6) ContainerPadding(0, 3, 6) ContainerPadding(0, 4, 6) ContainerPadding(0, 5, 6) ContainerPadding(0, 6, 6) ContainerPadding(0, 7, 6) ContainerPadding(0, 8, 6) ;;;; Rules ;;;; FloatRule("exe", "steam.exe") ; personal preference FloatRule("exe", "steamwebhelper.exe") ; personal preference FloatRule("exe", "scrcpy.exe") ; personal preference FloatRule("exe", "vmware.exe") ; TODO: pr? FloatRule("title", "SplashScreenGuard") ; TODO: pr FloatRule("class", "TFormHexView") ; TODO: pr FloatRule("class", "WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2bf8098_r7_ad1") ManageRule("title", " - MusicBee") IdentifyTrayApplication("exe", "thunderbird.exe") ; TODO: pr? doesnt work well if "minimize to tray" is enabled IdentifyTrayApplication("exe", "foobar2000.exe") IdentifyBorderOverflowApplication("exe", "MusicBee.exe") ; TODO: pr? also need to figure out how to make miniplayer popout not steal focus IdentifyBorderOverflowApplication("exe", "vivaldi.exe") ; TODO: pr IdentifyBorderOverflowApplication("exe", "mixxx.exe") ; TODO: pr ;;;; Finalize config ;;;; CompleteConfiguration() ;;;; Keys ;;;; #!q:: Stop() return #!r:: ReloadConfiguration() return #+h:: Move("left") return #+j:: Move("down") return #+k:: Move("up") return #+l:: Move("right") return #1:: FocusWorkspace(0) return #2:: FocusWorkspace(1) return #3:: FocusWorkspace(2) return #4:: FocusWorkspace(3) return #5:: FocusWorkspace(4) return #6:: FocusWorkspace(5) return #7:: FocusWorkspace(6) return #8:: FocusWorkspace(7) return #9:: FocusWorkspace(8) return #+1:: SendToWorkspace(0) return #+2:: SendToWorkspace(1) return #+3:: SendToWorkspace(2) return #+4:: SendToWorkspace(3) return #+5:: SendToWorkspace(4) return #+6:: SendToWorkspace(5) return #+7:: SendToWorkspace(6) return #+8:: SendToWorkspace(7) return #+9:: SendToWorkspace(8) return #f:: ToggleFloat() return #t:: Manage() return #+t:: Unmanage() return #Enter:: Run, wezterm-gui start return