This commit is contained in:
Cynthia Foxwell 2022-04-14 21:07:08 -06:00
commit 84f679db82
21 changed files with 1848 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
# Configuration for Alacritty, the GPU enhanced terminal emulator.
# Import additional configuration files
# Imports are loaded in order, skipping all missing files, with the importing
# file being loaded last. If a field is already present in a previous import, it
# will be replaced.
# All imports must either be absolute paths starting with `/`, or paths relative
# to the user's home directory starting with `~/`.
# - /path/to/alacritty.yml
# Any items in the `env` entry below will be added as
# environment variables. Some entries may override variables
# set by alacritty itself.
# TERM variable
# This value is used to set the `$TERM` environment variable for
# each instance of Alacritty. If it is not present, alacritty will
# check the local terminfo database and use `alacritty` if it is
# available, otherwise `xterm-256color` is used.
#TERM: alacritty
# Window dimensions (changes require restart)
# Number of lines/columns (not pixels) in the terminal. The number of columns
# must be at least `2`, while using a value of `0` for columns and lines will
# fall back to the window manager's recommended size.
columns: 84
lines: 24
# Window position (changes require restart)
# Specified in number of pixels.
# If the position is not set, the window manager will handle the placement.
# x: 0
# y: 0
# Window padding (changes require restart)
# Blank space added around the window in pixels. This padding is scaled
# by DPI and the specified value is always added at both opposing sides.
# x: 0
# y: 0
# Spread additional padding evenly around the terminal content.
#dynamic_padding: false
# Window decorations
# Values for `decorations`:
# - full: Borders and title bar
# - none: Neither borders nor title bar
# Values for `decorations` (macOS only):
# - transparent: Title bar, transparent background and title bar buttons
# - buttonless: Title bar, transparent background and no title bar buttons
#decorations: full
# Background opacity
# Window opacity as a floating point number from `0.0` to `1.0`.
# The value `0.0` is completely transparent and `1.0` is opaque.
#opacity: 1.0
# Startup Mode (changes require restart)
# Values for `startup_mode`:
# - Windowed
# - Maximized
# - Fullscreen
# Values for `startup_mode` (macOS only):
# - SimpleFullscreen
#startup_mode: Windowed
# Window title
#title: Alacritty
# Allow terminal applications to change Alacritty's window title.
#dynamic_title: true
# Window class (Linux/BSD only):
# Application instance name
#instance: Alacritty
# General application class
#general: Alacritty
# GTK theme variant (Linux/BSD only)
# Override the variant of the GTK theme. Commonly supported values are `dark`
# and `light`. Set this to `None` to use the default theme variant.
#gtk_theme_variant: None
# Maximum number of lines in the scrollback buffer.
# Specifying '0' will disable scrolling.
#history: 10000
# Scrolling distance multiplier.
#multiplier: 3
# Font configuration
# Normal (roman) font face
# Font family
# Default:
# - (macOS) Menlo
# - (Linux/BSD) monospace
# - (Windows) Consolas
family: Terminus
# The `style` can be specified to pick a specific face.
style: Regular
# Bold font face
# Font family
# If the bold family is not specified, it will fall back to the
# value specified for the normal font.
#family: monospace
# The `style` can be specified to pick a specific face.
#style: Regular
# Italic font face
# Font family
# If the italic family is not specified, it will fall back to the
# value specified for the normal font.
#family: monospace
# The `style` can be specified to pick a specific face.
#style: Italic
# Bold italic font face
# Font family
# If the bold italic family is not specified, it will fall back to the
# value specified for the normal font.
#family: monospace
# The `style` can be specified to pick a specific face.
#style: Italic
# Point size
size: 9.0
# Offset is the extra space around each character. `offset.y` can be thought
# of as modifying the line spacing, and `offset.x` as modifying the letter
# spacing.
# x: 0
# y: 0
# Glyph offset determines the locations of the glyphs within their cells with
# the default being at the bottom. Increasing `x` moves the glyph to the
# right, increasing `y` moves the glyph upward.
# x: 0
# y: 0
# Thin stroke font rendering (macOS only)
# Thin strokes are suitable for retina displays, but for non-retina screens
# it is recommended to set `use_thin_strokes` to `false`.
#use_thin_strokes: true
# If `true`, bold text is drawn using the bright color variants.
draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: true
# Colors (Tomorrow Night)
# Default colors
background: '%alacritty.background%'
foreground: '%alacritty.foreground%'
# Bright and dim foreground colors
# The dimmed foreground color is calculated automatically if it is not
# present. If the bright foreground color is not set, or
# `draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors` is `false`, the normal foreground
# color will be used.
#dim_foreground: '#828482'
#bright_foreground: '#eaeaea'
# Cursor colors
# Colors which should be used to draw the terminal cursor.
# Allowed values are CellForeground/CellBackground, which reference the
# affected cell, or hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff.
# text: CellBackground
# cursor: CellForeground
# Vi mode cursor colors
# Colors for the cursor when the vi mode is active.
# Allowed values are CellForeground/CellBackground, which reference the
# affected cell, or hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff.
# text: CellBackground
# cursor: CellForeground
# Search colors
# Colors used for the search bar and match highlighting.
# Allowed values are CellForeground/CellBackground, which reference the
# affected cell, or hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff.
# foreground: '#000000'
# background: '#ffffff'
# foreground: '#ffffff'
# background: '#000000'
# background: '#c5c8c6'
# foreground: '#1d1f21'
# Keyboard regex hints
# First character in the hint label
# Allowed values are CellForeground/CellBackground, which reference the
# affected cell, or hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff.
# foreground: '#1d1f21'
# background: '#e9ff5e'
# All characters after the first one in the hint label
# Allowed values are CellForeground/CellBackground, which reference the
# affected cell, or hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff.
# foreground: '#e9ff5e'
# background: '#1d1f21'
# Line indicator
# Color used for the indicator displaying the position in history during
# search and vi mode.
# By default, these will use the opposing primary color.
# foreground: None
# background: None
# Selection colors
# Colors which should be used to draw the selection area.
# Allowed values are CellForeground/CellBackground, which reference the
# affected cell, or hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff.
# text: CellBackground
# background: '#634e75'
# Normal colors
black: '%alacritty.color0%'
red: '%alacritty.color1%'
green: '%alacritty.color2%'
yellow: '%alacritty.color3%'
blue: '%alacritty.color4%'
magenta: '%alacritty.color5%'
cyan: '%alacritty.color6%'
white: '%alacritty.color7%'
# Bright colors
black: '%alacritty.color8%'
red: '%alacritty.color9%'
green: '%alacritty.color10%'
yellow: '%alacritty.color11%'
blue: '%alacritty.color12%'
magenta: '%alacritty.color13%'
cyan: '%alacritty.color14%'
white: '%alacritty.color15%'
# Dim colors
# If the dim colors are not set, they will be calculated automatically based
# on the `normal` colors.
# black: '#131415'
# red: '#864343'
# green: '#777c44'
# yellow: '#9e824c'
# blue: '#556a7d'
# magenta: '#75617b'
# cyan: '#5b7d78'
# white: '#828482'
# Indexed Colors
# The indexed colors include all colors from 16 to 256.
# When these are not set, they're filled with sensible defaults.
# Example:
# `- { index: 16, color: '#ff00ff' }`
#indexed_colors: []
# Transparent cell backgrounds
# Whether or not `window.opacity` applies to all cell backgrounds or only to
# the default background. When set to `true` all cells will be transparent
# regardless of their background color.
#transparent_background_colors: false
# Bell
# The bell is rung every time the BEL control character is received.
# Visual Bell Animation
# Animation effect for flashing the screen when the visual bell is rung.
# Values for `animation`:
# - Ease
# - EaseOut
# - EaseOutSine
# - EaseOutQuad
# - EaseOutCubic
# - EaseOutQuart
# - EaseOutQuint
# - EaseOutExpo
# - EaseOutCirc
# - Linear
#animation: EaseOutExpo
# Duration of the visual bell flash in milliseconds. A `duration` of `0` will
# disable the visual bell animation.
#duration: 0
# Visual bell animation color.
#color: '#ffffff'
# Bell Command
# This program is executed whenever the bell is rung.
# When set to `command: None`, no command will be executed.
# Example:
# command:
# program: notify-send
# args: ["Hello, World!"]
#command: None
# This string contains all characters that are used as separators for
# "semantic words" in Alacritty.
#semantic_escape_chars: ",│`|:\"' ()[]{}<>\t"
# When set to `true`, selected text will be copied to the primary clipboard.
#save_to_clipboard: false
# Cursor style
# Cursor shape
# Values for `shape`:
# - ▇ Block
# - _ Underline
# - | Beam
#shape: Block
# Cursor blinking state
# Values for `blinking`:
# - Never: Prevent the cursor from ever blinking
# - Off: Disable blinking by default
# - On: Enable blinking by default
# - Always: Force the cursor to always blink
#blinking: Off
# Vi mode cursor style
# If the vi mode cursor style is `None` or not specified, it will fall back to
# the style of the active value of the normal cursor.
# See `` for available options.
#vi_mode_style: None
# Cursor blinking interval in milliseconds.
#blink_interval: 750
# If this is `true`, the cursor will be rendered as a hollow box when the
# window is not focused.
#unfocused_hollow: true
# Thickness of the cursor relative to the cell width as floating point number
# from `0.0` to `1.0`.
#thickness: 0.15
# Live config reload (changes require restart)
#live_config_reload: true
# Shell
# You can set `shell.program` to the path of your favorite shell, e.g.
# `/bin/fish`. Entries in `shell.args` are passed unmodified as arguments to the
# shell.
# Default:
# - (macOS) /bin/bash --login
# - (Linux/BSD) user login shell
# - (Windows) powershell
# program: /bin/bash
# args:
# - --login
# Startup directory
# Directory the shell is started in. If this is unset, or `None`, the working
# directory of the parent process will be used.
#working_directory: None
# Send ESC (\x1b) before characters when alt is pressed.
#alt_send_esc: true
# Click settings
# The `double_click` and `triple_click` settings control the time
# alacritty should wait for accepting multiple clicks as one double
# or triple click.
#double_click: { threshold: 300 }
#triple_click: { threshold: 300 }
# If this is `true`, the cursor is temporarily hidden when typing.
#hide_when_typing: false
# Regex hints
# Terminal hints can be used to find text in the visible part of the terminal
# and pipe it to other applications.
# Keys used for the hint labels.
#alphabet: "jfkdls;ahgurieowpq"
# List with all available hints
# Each hint must have a `regex` and either an `action` or a `command` field.
# The fields `mouse`, `binding` and `post_processing` are optional.
# The fields `command`, `binding.key`, `binding.mods`, `binding.mode` and
# `mouse.mods` accept the same values as they do in the `key_bindings` section.
# The `mouse.enabled` field controls if the hint should be underlined while
# the mouse with all `mouse.mods` keys held or the vi mode cursor is above it.
# If the `post_processing` field is set to `true`, heuristics will be used to
# shorten the match if there are characters likely not to be part of the hint
# (e.g. a trailing `.`). This is most useful for URIs.
# Values for `action`:
# - Copy
# Copy the hint's text to the clipboard.
# - Paste
# Paste the hint's text to the terminal or search.
# - Select
# Select the hint's text.
# - MoveViModeCursor
# Move the vi mode cursor to the beginning of the hint.
# - regex: "(ipfs:|ipns:|magnet:|mailto:|gemini:|gopher:|https:|http:|news:|file:|git:|ssh:|ftp:)\
# [^\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\u009F<>\"\\s{-}\\^⟨⟩`]+"
# command: xdg-open
# post_processing: true
# mouse:
# enabled: true
# mods: None
# binding:
# key: U
# mods: Control|Shift
# Mouse bindings
# Mouse bindings are specified as a list of objects, much like the key
# bindings further below.
# To trigger mouse bindings when an application running within Alacritty
# captures the mouse, the `Shift` modifier is automatically added as a
# requirement.
# Each mouse binding will specify a:
# - `mouse`:
# - Middle
# - Left
# - Right
# - Numeric identifier such as `5`
# - `action` (see key bindings for actions not exclusive to mouse mode)
# - Mouse exclusive actions:
# - ExpandSelection
# Expand the selection to the current mouse cursor location.
# And optionally:
# - `mods` (see key bindings)
# - { mouse: Right, action: ExpandSelection }
- { mouse: Middle, action: Paste }
# Key bindings
# Key bindings are specified as a list of objects. For example, this is the
# default paste binding:
# `- { key: V, mods: Control|Shift, action: Paste }`
# Each key binding will specify a:
# - `key`: Identifier of the key pressed
# - A-Z
# - F1-F24
# - Key0-Key9
# A full list with available key codes can be found here:
# Instead of using the name of the keys, the `key` field also supports using
# the scancode of the desired key. Scancodes have to be specified as a
# decimal number. This command will allow you to display the hex scancodes
# for certain keys:
# `showkey --scancodes`.
# Then exactly one of:
# - `chars`: Send a byte sequence to the running application
# The `chars` field writes the specified string to the terminal. This makes
# it possible to pass escape sequences. To find escape codes for bindings
# like `PageUp` (`"\x1b[5~"`), you can run the command `showkey -a` outside
# of tmux. Note that applications use terminfo to map escape sequences back
# to keys. It is therefore required to update the terminfo when changing an
# escape sequence.
# - `action`: Execute a predefined action
# - ToggleViMode
# - SearchForward
# Start searching toward the right of the search origin.
# - SearchBackward
# Start searching toward the left of the search origin.
# - Copy
# - Paste
# - IncreaseFontSize
# - DecreaseFontSize
# - ResetFontSize
# - ScrollPageUp
# - ScrollPageDown
# - ScrollHalfPageUp
# - ScrollHalfPageDown
# - ScrollLineUp
# - ScrollLineDown
# - ScrollToTop
# - ScrollToBottom
# - ClearHistory
# Remove the terminal's scrollback history.
# - Hide
# Hide the Alacritty window.
# - Minimize
# Minimize the Alacritty window.
# - Quit
# Quit Alacritty.
# - ToggleFullscreen
# - SpawnNewInstance
# Spawn a new instance of Alacritty.
# - ClearLogNotice
# Clear Alacritty's UI warning and error notice.
# - ClearSelection
# Remove the active selection.
# - ReceiveChar
# - None
# - Vi mode exclusive actions:
# - Open
# Perform the action of the first matching hint under the vi mode cursor
# with `mouse.enabled` set to `true`.
# - ToggleNormalSelection
# - ToggleLineSelection
# - ToggleBlockSelection
# - ToggleSemanticSelection
# Toggle semantic selection based on `selection.semantic_escape_chars`.
# - Vi mode exclusive cursor motion actions:
# - Up
# One line up.
# - Down
# One line down.
# - Left
# One character left.
# - Right
# One character right.
# - First
# First column, or beginning of the line when already at the first column.
# - Last
# Last column, or beginning of the line when already at the last column.
# - FirstOccupied
# First non-empty cell in this terminal row, or first non-empty cell of
# the line when already at the first cell of the row.
# - High
# Top of the screen.
# - Middle
# Center of the screen.
# - Low
# Bottom of the screen.
# - SemanticLeft
# Start of the previous semantically separated word.
# - SemanticRight
# Start of the next semantically separated word.
# - SemanticLeftEnd
# End of the previous semantically separated word.
# - SemanticRightEnd
# End of the next semantically separated word.
# - WordLeft
# Start of the previous whitespace separated word.
# - WordRight
# Start of the next whitespace separated word.
# - WordLeftEnd
# End of the previous whitespace separated word.
# - WordRightEnd
# End of the next whitespace separated word.
# - Bracket
# Character matching the bracket at the cursor's location.
# - SearchNext
# Beginning of the next match.
# - SearchPrevious
# Beginning of the previous match.
# - SearchStart
# Start of the match to the left of the vi mode cursor.
# - SearchEnd
# End of the match to the right of the vi mode cursor.
# - Search mode exclusive actions:
# - SearchFocusNext
# Move the focus to the next search match.
# - SearchFocusPrevious
# Move the focus to the previous search match.
# - SearchConfirm
# - SearchCancel
# - SearchClear
# Reset the search regex.
# - SearchDeleteWord
# Delete the last word in the search regex.
# - SearchHistoryPrevious
# Go to the previous regex in the search history.
# - SearchHistoryNext
# Go to the next regex in the search history.
# - macOS exclusive actions:
# - ToggleSimpleFullscreen
# Enter fullscreen without occupying another space.
# - Linux/BSD exclusive actions:
# - CopySelection
# Copy from the selection buffer.
# - PasteSelection
# Paste from the selection buffer.
# - `command`: Fork and execute a specified command plus arguments
# The `command` field must be a map containing a `program` string and an
# `args` array of command line parameter strings. For example:
# `{ program: "alacritty", args: ["-e", "vttest"] }`
# And optionally:
# - `mods`: Key modifiers to filter binding actions
# - Command
# - Control
# - Option
# - Super
# - Shift
# - Alt
# Multiple `mods` can be combined using `|` like this:
# `mods: Control|Shift`.
# Whitespace and capitalization are relevant and must match the example.
# - `mode`: Indicate a binding for only specific terminal reported modes
# This is mainly used to send applications the correct escape sequences
# when in different modes.
# - AppCursor
# - AppKeypad
# - Search
# - Alt
# - Vi
# A `~` operator can be used before a mode to apply the binding whenever
# the mode is *not* active, e.g. `~Alt`.
# Bindings are always filled by default, but will be replaced when a new
# binding with the same triggers is defined. To unset a default binding, it can
# be mapped to the `ReceiveChar` action. Alternatively, you can use `None` for
# a no-op if you do not wish to receive input characters for that binding.
# If the same trigger is assigned to multiple actions, all of them are executed
# in the order they were defined in.
#- { key: Paste, action: Paste }
#- { key: Copy, action: Copy }
#- { key: L, mods: Control, action: ClearLogNotice }
#- { key: L, mods: Control, mode: ~Vi|~Search, chars: "\x0c" }
#- { key: PageUp, mods: Shift, mode: ~Alt, action: ScrollPageUp, }
#- { key: PageDown, mods: Shift, mode: ~Alt, action: ScrollPageDown }
#- { key: Home, mods: Shift, mode: ~Alt, action: ScrollToTop, }
#- { key: End, mods: Shift, mode: ~Alt, action: ScrollToBottom }
# Vi Mode
#- { key: Space, mods: Shift|Control, mode: ~Search, action: ToggleViMode }
#- { key: Space, mods: Shift|Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollToBottom }
#- { key: Escape, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ClearSelection }
#- { key: I, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ToggleViMode }
#- { key: I, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollToBottom }
#- { key: C, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ToggleViMode }
#- { key: Y, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollLineUp }
#- { key: E, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollLineDown }
#- { key: G, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollToTop }
#- { key: G, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollToBottom }
#- { key: B, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollPageUp }
#- { key: F, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollPageDown }
#- { key: U, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollHalfPageUp }
#- { key: D, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollHalfPageDown }
#- { key: Y, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Copy }
#- { key: Y, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ClearSelection }
#- { key: Copy, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ClearSelection }
#- { key: V, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ToggleNormalSelection }
#- { key: V, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ToggleLineSelection }
#- { key: V, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ToggleBlockSelection }
#- { key: V, mods: Alt, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ToggleSemanticSelection }
#- { key: Return, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Open }
#- { key: K, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Up }
#- { key: J, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Down }
#- { key: H, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Left }
#- { key: L, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Right }
#- { key: Up, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Up }
#- { key: Down, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Down }
#- { key: Left, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Left }
#- { key: Right, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Right }
#- { key: Key0, mode: Vi|~Search, action: First }
#- { key: Key4, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Last }
#- { key: Key6, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: FirstOccupied }
#- { key: H, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: High }
#- { key: M, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Middle }
#- { key: L, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Low }
#- { key: B, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SemanticLeft }
#- { key: W, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SemanticRight }
#- { key: E, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SemanticRightEnd }
#- { key: B, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: WordLeft }
#- { key: W, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: WordRight }
#- { key: E, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: WordRightEnd }
#- { key: Key5, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Bracket }
#- { key: Slash, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SearchForward }
#- { key: Slash, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SearchBackward }
#- { key: N, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SearchNext }
#- { key: N, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SearchPrevious }
# Search Mode
#- { key: Return, mode: Search|Vi, action: SearchConfirm }
#- { key: Escape, mode: Search, action: SearchCancel }
#- { key: C, mods: Control, mode: Search, action: SearchCancel }
#- { key: U, mods: Control, mode: Search, action: SearchClear }
#- { key: W, mods: Control, mode: Search, action: SearchDeleteWord }
#- { key: P, mods: Control, mode: Search, action: SearchHistoryPrevious }
#- { key: N, mods: Control, mode: Search, action: SearchHistoryNext }
#- { key: Up, mode: Search, action: SearchHistoryPrevious }
#- { key: Down, mode: Search, action: SearchHistoryNext }
#- { key: Return, mode: Search|~Vi, action: SearchFocusNext }
#- { key: Return, mods: Shift, mode: Search|~Vi, action: SearchFocusPrevious }
# (Windows, Linux, and BSD only)
- { key: V, mods: Control|Shift, action: Paste }
- { key: C, mods: Control|Shift, action: Copy }
#- { key: F, mods: Control|Shift, mode: ~Search, action: SearchForward }
#- { key: B, mods: Control|Shift, mode: ~Search, action: SearchBackward }
#- { key: C, mods: Control|Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ClearSelection }
#- { key: Insert, mods: Shift, action: PasteSelection }
#- { key: Key0, mods: Control, action: ResetFontSize }
#- { key: Equals, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize }
#- { key: Plus, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize }
#- { key: NumpadAdd, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize }
#- { key: Minus, mods: Control, action: DecreaseFontSize }
#- { key: NumpadSubtract, mods: Control, action: DecreaseFontSize }
# (Windows only)
#- { key: Return, mods: Alt, action: ToggleFullscreen }
# (macOS only)
#- { key: K, mods: Command, mode: ~Vi|~Search, chars: "\x0c" }
#- { key: K, mods: Command, mode: ~Vi|~Search, action: ClearHistory }
#- { key: Key0, mods: Command, action: ResetFontSize }
#- { key: Equals, mods: Command, action: IncreaseFontSize }
#- { key: Plus, mods: Command, action: IncreaseFontSize }
#- { key: NumpadAdd, mods: Command, action: IncreaseFontSize }
#- { key: Minus, mods: Command, action: DecreaseFontSize }
#- { key: NumpadSubtract, mods: Command, action: DecreaseFontSize }
#- { key: V, mods: Command, action: Paste }
#- { key: C, mods: Command, action: Copy }
#- { key: C, mods: Command, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ClearSelection }
#- { key: H, mods: Command, action: Hide }
#- { key: H, mods: Command|Alt, action: HideOtherApplications }
#- { key: M, mods: Command, action: Minimize }
#- { key: Q, mods: Command, action: Quit }
#- { key: W, mods: Command, action: Quit }
#- { key: N, mods: Command, action: SpawnNewInstance }
#- { key: F, mods: Command|Control, action: ToggleFullscreen }
#- { key: F, mods: Command, mode: ~Search, action: SearchForward }
#- { key: B, mods: Command, mode: ~Search, action: SearchBackward }
# Display the time it takes to redraw each frame.
#render_timer: false
# Keep the log file after quitting Alacritty.
#persistent_logging: false
# Log level
# Values for `log_level`:
# - Off
# - Error
# - Warn
# - Info
# - Debug
# - Trace
#log_level: Warn
# Print all received window events.
#print_events: false

linux/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -1,22 +1,33 @@
#! /bin/sh
xrdb ~/.config/xrdb/main.xrdb
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
xrdb -merge "$HOME/.config/xrdb/colors/$(cat $HOME/.config/bspwm/colorscheme).xrdb"
pkill -9 picom
pkill -9 sxhkd
pkill -9 dunst
~/.local/bin/xrdb-replace -f "$HOME/.config/xrdb-replace/files"
picom &
vmware-user-suid-wrapper &
pgrep -f xmousepasteblock > /dev/null || xmousepasteblock &
~/.fehbg &
sxhkd &
dunst &
~/.local/bin/ &
~/.local/bin/ &
pgrep -x sxhkd > /dev/null || sxhkd &
bspc monitor -d ⠈ ⠐ ⠘ ⠠ ⠨ ⠰ ⠸ ⢀
bspc monitor -d I II III IV V VI VII VIII
bspc config border_width 2
bspc config border_width 1
bspc config window_gap 8
bspc config top_padding 16
bspc config normal_border_color $(xrdb -query | awk '/*.background:/ { print substr($2,1) }')
bspc config focused_border_color $(xrdb -query | awk '/*.color5:/ { print substr($2,1) }')
bspc config presel_feedback_color $(xrdb -query | awk '/*.color1:/ { print substr($2,1) }')
bspc config normal_border_color $(xgetres background)
bspc config focused_border_color $(xgetres color5)
bspc config split_ratio 0.52
bspc config borderless_monocle true

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

linux/.config/dunst/dunstrc Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
# See dunst(5) for all configuration options
### Display ###
# Which monitor should the notifications be displayed on.
monitor = 0
# Display notification on focused monitor. Possible modes are:
# mouse: follow mouse pointer
# keyboard: follow window with keyboard focus
# none: don't follow anything
# "keyboard" needs a window manager that exports the
# _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property.
# This should be the case for almost all modern window managers.
# If this option is set to mouse or keyboard, the monitor option
# will be ignored.
follow = none
### Geometry ###
# dynamic width from 0 to 300
# width = (0, 300)
# constant width of 300
width = 300
# The maximum height of a single notification, excluding the frame.
height = 300
# Position the notification in the top right corner
origin = top-right
# Offset from the origin
offset = 10x50
# Scale factor. It is auto-detected if value is 0.
scale = 0
# Maximum number of notification (0 means no limit)
notification_limit = 0
### Progress bar ###
# Turn on the progess bar. It appears when a progress hint is passed with
# for example dunstify -h int:value:12
progress_bar = true
# Set the progress bar height. This includes the frame, so make sure
# it's at least twice as big as the frame width.
progress_bar_height = 10
# Set the frame width of the progress bar
progress_bar_frame_width = 1
# Set the minimum width for the progress bar
progress_bar_min_width = 150
# Set the maximum width for the progress bar
progress_bar_max_width = 300
# Show how many messages are currently hidden (because of
# notification_limit).
indicate_hidden = yes
# The transparency of the window. Range: [0; 100].
# This option will only work if a compositing window manager is
# present (e.g. xcompmgr, compiz, etc.). (X11 only)
transparency = 0
# Draw a line of "separator_height" pixel height between two
# notifications.
# Set to 0 to disable.
separator_height = 2
# Padding between text and separator.
padding = 8
# Horizontal padding.
horizontal_padding = 8
# Padding between text and icon.
text_icon_padding = 0
# Defines width in pixels of frame around the notification window.
# Set to 0 to disable.
frame_width = 1
# Defines color of the frame around the notification window.
frame_color = "#ffffff"
# Define a color for the separator.
# possible values are:
# * auto: dunst tries to find a color fitting to the background;
# * foreground: use the same color as the foreground;
# * frame: use the same color as the frame;
# * anything else will be interpreted as a X color.
separator_color = frame
# Sort messages by urgency.
sort = yes
# Don't remove messages, if the user is idle (no mouse or keyboard input)
# for longer than idle_threshold seconds.
# Set to 0 to disable.
# A client can set the 'transient' hint to bypass this. See the rules
# section for how to disable this if necessary
# idle_threshold = 120
### Text ###
font = Terminus 8
# The spacing between lines. If the height is smaller than the
# font height, it will get raised to the font height.
line_height = 0
# Possible values are:
# full: Allow a small subset of html markup in notifications:
# <b>bold</b>
# <i>italic</i>
# <s>strikethrough</s>
# <u>underline</u>
# For a complete reference see
# <>.
# strip: This setting is provided for compatibility with some broken
# clients that send markup even though it's not enabled on the
# server. Dunst will try to strip the markup but the parsing is
# simplistic so using this option outside of matching rules for
# specific applications *IS GREATLY DISCOURAGED*.
# no: Disable markup parsing, incoming notifications will be treated as
# plain text. Dunst will not advertise that it has the body-markup
# capability if this is set as a global setting.
# It's important to note that markup inside the format option will be parsed
# regardless of what this is set to.
markup = full
# The format of the message. Possible variables are:
# %a appname
# %s summary
# %b body
# %i iconname (including its path)
# %I iconname (without its path)
# %p progress value if set ([ 0%] to [100%]) or nothing
# %n progress value if set without any extra characters
# %% Literal %
# Markup is allowed
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
# Alignment of message text.
# Possible values are "left", "center" and "right".
alignment = left
# Vertical alignment of message text and icon.
# Possible values are "top", "center" and "bottom".
vertical_alignment = center
# Show age of message if message is older than show_age_threshold
# seconds.
# Set to -1 to disable.
show_age_threshold = 60
# Specify where to make an ellipsis in long lines.
# Possible values are "start", "middle" and "end".
ellipsize = middle
# Ignore newlines '\n' in notifications.
ignore_newline = no
# Stack together notifications with the same content
stack_duplicates = true
# Hide the count of stacked notifications with the same content
hide_duplicate_count = false
# Display indicators for URLs (U) and actions (A).
show_indicators = yes
### Icons ###
# Align icons left/right/top/off
icon_position = left
# Scale small icons up to this size, set to 0 to disable. Helpful
# for e.g. small files or high-dpi screens. In case of conflict,
# max_icon_size takes precedence over this.
min_icon_size = 0
# Scale larger icons down to this size, set to 0 to disable
max_icon_size = 32
# Paths to default icons.
icon_path = /home/cyn/.icons/Chicago95-tux/status/16/:/home/cyn/.icons/Chicago95-tux/devices/16/
### History ###
# Should a notification popped up from history be sticky or timeout
# as if it would normally do.
sticky_history = yes
# Maximum amount of notifications kept in history
history_length = 20
### Misc/Advanced ###
# dmenu path.
dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu -p dunst:
# Browser for opening urls in context menu.
browser = /usr/bin/xdg-open
# Always run rule-defined scripts, even if the notification is suppressed
always_run_script = true
# Define the title of the windows spawned by dunst
title = Dunst
# Define the class of the windows spawned by dunst
class = Dunst
# Define the corner radius of the notification window
# in pixel size. If the radius is 0, you have no rounded
# corners.
# The radius will be automatically lowered if it exceeds half of the
# notification height to avoid clipping text and/or icons.
corner_radius = 0
# Ignore the dbus closeNotification message.
# Useful to enforce the timeout set by dunst configuration. Without this
# parameter, an application may close the notification sent before the
# user defined timeout.
ignore_dbusclose = false
### Wayland ###
# These settings are Wayland-specific. They have no effect when using X11
# Uncomment this if you want to let notications appear under fullscreen
# applications (default: overlay)
# layer = top
# Set this to true to use X11 output on Wayland.
force_xwayland = false
### Legacy
# Use the Xinerama extension instead of RandR for multi-monitor support.
# This setting is provided for compatibility with older nVidia drivers that
# do not support RandR and using it on systems that support RandR is highly
# discouraged.
# By enabling this setting dunst will not be able to detect when a monitor
# is connected or disconnected which might break follow mode if the screen
# layout changes.
force_xinerama = false
### mouse
# Defines list of actions for each mouse event
# Possible values are:
# * none: Don't do anything.
# * do_action: Invoke the action determined by the action_name rule. If there is no
# such action, open the context menu.
# * open_url: If the notification has exactly one url, open it. If there are multiple
# ones, open the context menu.
# * close_current: Close current notification.
# * close_all: Close all notifications.
# * context: Open context menu for the notification.
# * context_all: Open context menu for all notifications.
# These values can be strung together for each mouse event, and
# will be executed in sequence.
mouse_left_click = close_current
mouse_middle_click = do_action, close_current
mouse_right_click = close_all
# Experimental features that may or may not work correctly. Do not expect them
# to have a consistent behaviour across releases.
# Calculate the dpi to use on a per-monitor basis.
# If this setting is enabled the Xft.dpi value will be ignored and instead
# dunst will attempt to calculate an appropriate dpi value for each monitor
# using the resolution and physical size. This might be useful in setups
# where there are multiple screens with very different dpi values.
per_monitor_dpi = false
# IMPORTANT: colors have to be defined in quotation marks.
# Otherwise the "#" and following would be interpreted as a comment.
background = "#000000"
foreground = "#ffffff"
frame_color = "#888888"
timeout = 10
# Icon for notifications with low urgency, uncomment to enable
#default_icon = /path/to/icon
background = "#000000"
foreground = "#ffffff"
timeout = 10
# Icon for notifications with normal urgency, uncomment to enable
#default_icon = /path/to/icon
background = "#000000"
foreground = "#ff0000"
frame_color = "#ff0000"
timeout = 0
# Icon for notifications with critical urgency, uncomment to enable
#default_icon = /path/to/icon
# Every section that isn't one of the above is interpreted as a rules to
# override settings for certain messages.
# Messages can be matched by
# appname (discouraged, see desktop_entry)
# body
# category
# desktop_entry
# icon
# match_transient
# msg_urgency
# stack_tag
# summary
# and you can override the
# background
# foreground
# format
# frame_color
# fullscreen
# new_icon
# set_stack_tag
# set_transient
# set_category
# timeout
# urgency
# icon_position
# skip_display
# history_ignore
# action_name
# word_wrap
# ellipsize
# alignment
# hide_text
# Shell-like globbing will get expanded.
# Instead of the appname filter, it's recommended to use the desktop_entry filter.
# GLib based applications export their desktop-entry name. In comparison to the appname,
# the desktop-entry won't get localized.
# You can specify a script that gets run when the rule matches by
# setting the "script" option.
# The script will be called as follows:
# script appname summary body icon urgency
# where urgency can be "LOW", "NORMAL" or "CRITICAL".
# NOTE: It might be helpful to run dunst -print in a terminal in order
# to find fitting options for rules.
# Disable the transient hint so that idle_threshold cannot be bypassed from the
# client
# match_transient = yes
# set_transient = no
# Make the handling of transient notifications more strict by making them not
# be placed in history.
# match_transient = yes
# history_ignore = yes
# fullscreen values
# show: show the notifications, regardless if there is a fullscreen window opened
# delay: displays the new notification, if there is no fullscreen window active
# If the notification is already drawn, it won't get undrawn.
# pushback: same as delay, but when switching into fullscreen, the notification will get
# withdrawn from screen again and will get delayed like a new notification
# fullscreen = delay
# msg_urgency = critical
# fullscreen = show
# summary = "*"
# script =
# summary = "*script*"
# script =
# # This notification will not be displayed
# summary = "foobar"
# skip_display = true
# # This notification will not be saved in history
# summary = "foobar"
# history_ignore = yes
# # This notification will not be displayed, but will be included in the history
# summary = "foobar"
# skip_display = yes
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = "*signed on*"
# urgency = low
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = *signed off*
# urgency = low
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = *says*
# urgency = critical
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = **
# urgency = normal
# appname = "some_volume_notifiers"
# set_stack_tag = "volume"
# vim: ft=cfg

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
background = "#1D1F28"
foreground = "#FDFDFD"
frame_color = "#FDFDFD"
background = "#1D1F28"
foreground = "#FDFDFD"
frame_color = "#C574DD"
background = "#1D1F28"
foreground = "#F37F97"
frame_color = "#F37F97"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
background = "%dunst.background%"
foreground = "%dunst.foreground%"
frame_color = "%dunst.foreground%"
background = "%dunst.background%"
foreground = "%dunst.foreground%"
frame_color = "%dunst.color5%"
background = "%dunst.background%"
foreground = "%dunst.color1%"
frame_color = "%dunst.color1%"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
/* ==========================================================================
Rofi color theme
Based on the Gruvbox color scheme for Vim by morhetz
File: gruvbox-dark.rasi
Desc: Gruvbox dark color theme for Rofi
Author: bardisty <>
Modified: Mon Feb 12 2018 04:08:43 PST -0800
========================================================================== */
* {
/* Theme settings */
highlight: bold italic;
scrollbar: true;
/* Gruvbox dark colors */
gruvbox-dark-bg0: #1D1F28;
gruvbox-dark-bg0-soft: #1D1F28;
gruvbox-dark-bg3: #8897F4;
gruvbox-dark-fg0: #FDFDFD;
gruvbox-dark-fg1: #FDFDFD;
gruvbox-dark-red-dark: #F37F97;
gruvbox-dark-red-light: #FF4971;
gruvbox-dark-yellow-dark: #F2A272;
gruvbox-dark-yellow-light: #FF8037;
gruvbox-dark-gray: #414458;
/* Theme colors */
background: @gruvbox-dark-bg0;
background-color: @background;
foreground: @gruvbox-dark-fg1;
border-color: @gruvbox-dark-gray;
separatorcolor: @border-color;
scrollbar-handle: @border-color;
normal-background: @background;
normal-foreground: @foreground;
alternate-normal-background: @gruvbox-dark-bg0-soft;
alternate-normal-foreground: @foreground;
selected-normal-background: @gruvbox-dark-bg3;
selected-normal-foreground: @gruvbox-dark-fg0;
active-background: @gruvbox-dark-yellow-dark;
active-foreground: @background;
alternate-active-background: @active-background;
alternate-active-foreground: @active-foreground;
selected-active-background: @gruvbox-dark-yellow-light;
selected-active-foreground: @active-foreground;
urgent-background: @gruvbox-dark-red-dark;
urgent-foreground: @background;
alternate-urgent-background: @urgent-background;
alternate-urgent-foreground: @urgent-foreground;
selected-urgent-background: @gruvbox-dark-red-light;
selected-urgent-foreground: @urgent-foreground;
@import "gruvbox-common.rasi"
window {
width: 512px;
height: 384px;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
/* ==========================================================================
Rofi color theme
Based on the Gruvbox color scheme for Vim by morhetz
File: gruvbox-dark.rasi
Desc: Gruvbox dark color theme for Rofi
Author: bardisty <>
Modified: Mon Feb 12 2018 04:08:43 PST -0800
========================================================================== */
* {
/* Theme settings */
highlight: bold italic;
scrollbar: true;
/* Gruvbox dark colors */
gruvbox-dark-bg0: %rofi.background%;
gruvbox-dark-bg0-soft: %rofi.background%;
gruvbox-dark-bg3: %rofi.color4%;
gruvbox-dark-fg0: %rofi.foreground%;
gruvbox-dark-fg1: %rofi.foreground%;
gruvbox-dark-red-dark: %rofi.color1%;
gruvbox-dark-red-light: %rofi.color9%;
gruvbox-dark-yellow-dark: %rofi.color3%;
gruvbox-dark-yellow-light: %rofi.color11%;
gruvbox-dark-gray: %rofi.color8%;
/* Theme colors */
background: @gruvbox-dark-bg0;
background-color: @background;
foreground: @gruvbox-dark-fg1;
border-color: @gruvbox-dark-gray;
separatorcolor: @border-color;
scrollbar-handle: @border-color;
normal-background: @background;
normal-foreground: @foreground;
alternate-normal-background: @gruvbox-dark-bg0-soft;
alternate-normal-foreground: @foreground;
selected-normal-background: @gruvbox-dark-bg3;
selected-normal-foreground: @gruvbox-dark-fg0;
active-background: @gruvbox-dark-yellow-dark;
active-foreground: @background;
alternate-active-background: @active-background;
alternate-active-foreground: @active-foreground;
selected-active-background: @gruvbox-dark-yellow-light;
selected-active-foreground: @active-foreground;
urgent-background: @gruvbox-dark-red-dark;
urgent-foreground: @background;
alternate-urgent-background: @urgent-background;
alternate-urgent-foreground: @urgent-foreground;
selected-urgent-background: @gruvbox-dark-red-light;
selected-urgent-foreground: @urgent-foreground;
@import "gruvbox-common.rasi"
window {
width: 512px;
height: 384px;

View file

@ -145,4 +145,4 @@ configuration {
sorting-method: "name";
@theme "amora"
@theme "colors"

View file

@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ super + @space
super + Escape
pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd
# bspwm hotkeys

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$HOME/.config/dunst/dunstrc.d/99-xrdb-generated.conf dunst
$HOME/.config/rofi/colors.rasi rofi
$HOME/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml alacritty

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
! special
*.foreground: #dedbeb
*.background: #2a2331
*.cursorColor: #dedbeb
! colors
*.color0: #231d29
*.color1: #e83f80
*.color2: #a2baa8
*.color3: #eacac0
*.color4: #9985d1
*.color5: #e68ac1
*.color6: #aabae7
*.color7: #dedbeb
*.color8: #302838
*.color9: #f55d8f
*.color10: #bfd1c3
*.color11: #f0ddd8
*.color12: #b4a4de
*.color13: #edabd2
*.color14: #c4d1f5
*.color15: #edebf7

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
*.background: #02131a
*.foreground: #a9b1d6
*.cursorColor: #B5E8E0
*.color0: #1a1b26
*.color1: #f7768e
*.color2: #9ece6a
*.color3: #e0af68
*.color4: #7aa2f7
*.color5: #ad8ee6
*.color6: #449dab
*.color7: #787c99
*.color8: #444b6a
*.color9: #ff7a93
*.color10: #b9f27c
*.color11: #ff9e64
*.color12: #7da6ff
*.color13: #bb9af7
*.color14: #0db9d7
*.color15: #acb0d0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
*background: #1D1F28
*foreground: #FDFDFD
*cursorColor: #C574DD
*color0: #282A36
*color1: #F37F97
*color2: #5ADECD
*color3: #F2A272
*color4: #8897F4
*color5: #C574DD
*color6: #79E6F3
*color7: #FDFDFD
*color8: #414458
*color9: #FF4971
*color10: #18E3C8
*color11: #FF8037
*color12: #556FFF
*color13: #B043D1
*color14: #3FDCEE
*color15: #BEBEC1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
! urxvt
URxvt.font: xft:Terminus:size=9
URxvt.perl-ext-common: clipboard
URxvt.clipboard.autocopy: false
URxvt.keysym.C-S-c: perl:clipboard:copy
URxvt.keysym.C-S-v: perl:clipboard:paste
! curors
Xcursor.theme: Chicago95_Cursor_White
! st
*.font: Terminus:pixelsize=12:antialias=false;
*.alpha: 1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
readonly prog_name="elixiremanager"
readonly prog_ver="7.0"
readonly apiurl=""
readonly apikey="$ELIXIRE_TOKEN"
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
readonly filename_format="/tmp/elixire-$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S).png"
readonly upload_connect_timeout="5"
readonly upload_timeout="120"
readonly upload_retries="1"
function usage() {
echo "usage: ${1} [options] [filename]"
echo "options:"
echo " -h, --help print this help and exit"
echo " -v, --version print version number and exit"
echo " --check check dependencies and exit"
echo " -a, --area select an area to upload"
echo " -f, --full upload the full screen"
echo " -k, --keep keep the file after uploading"
echo " -w, --wayland run in Wayland mode"
echo " -x, --xorg run in Xorg mode"
echo " --admin upload as an admin"
echo " --noadmin upload as a user"
function version() {
echo "$prog_name $prog_ver"
function check_deps() {
for i in date jq curl; do
(which $i &>/dev/null) && echo "OK: found $i" || echo "ERROR: $i not found"
if [[ ! $macos == "true" ]]; then
(which notify-send &>/dev/null) && echo "OK: found notify-send " || echo "ERROR: notify-send not found"
if [[ $wayland == "true" ]]; then
for i in grim slurp; do
(which $i &>/dev/null) && echo "OK: found $i" || echo "ERROR: $i not found"
(which wl-copy &>/dev/null) && echo "OK: found wl-clipboard" || echo "ERROR: wl-clipboard not found"
elif [[ ! $macos == "true" ]]; then
(which escrotum &>/dev/null) && echo "OK: escrotum found (sidenote: you need it through python2, and you need to install pygtk)" || echo "ERROR: escrotum not found"
(which xclip &>/dev/null) && echo "OK: found xclip" || echo "ERROR: xclip not found"
function take_screenshot() {
if [[ $1 == "area" ]]; then
if [[ $wayland == "true" ]]; then
grim -g "$(slurp)" "${2}"
elif [[ $macos == "true" ]]; then
screencapture -i "${2}"
escrotum -s "${2}"
if [[ $wayland == "true" ]]; then
grim "${2}"
elif [[ $macos == "true" ]]; then
screencapture "${2}"
escrotum "${2}"
function upload_file_and_notify() {
response=$(curl --compressed --connect-timeout ${upload_connect_timeout} -m ${upload_timeout} --retry ${upload_retries} -H "Authorization: ${apikey}" -F upload=@"${1}" "${apiurl}/upload${is_admin}" | jq .url -r | tr -d '\n')
if [[ -n "${response}" ]]; then
if [[ $wayland == "true" ]]; then
echo -en "${response}" | wl-copy
elif [[ $macos == "true" ]]; then
echo -en "${response}" | pbcopy
echo -en "${response}" | xclip -selection clipboard
if [[ $macos == "true" ]]; then
osascript -e "display notification \"${response}\" with title \"Success!\""
notify-send -t 5000 "Success!" "${response}" -i "${1}" --hint=int:transient:1
if [[ $macos == "true" ]]; then
osascript -e "display notification \"Error uploading file\" with title \"Error!\""
notify-send -t 5000 "Error!" --hint=int:transient:1
while [[ $# != 0 ]]; do
case "${1}" in
--help | -h)
usage "${0}"
exit 0 ;;
--version | -v)
version "${0}"
exit 0 ;;
exit 0 ;;
--area | -a)
shift ;;
--full | -f)
shift ;;
--keep | -k)
shift ;;
--wayland | -w)
shift ;;
--xorg | -x)
shift ;;
--macos | -m)
shift ;;
shift ;;
shift ;;
shift ;;
if [[ -z $file ]]; then
if [[ -z $file_provided ]]; then
take_screenshot $mode "${file}"
upload_file_and_notify "${file}"
if [[ -z $file_provided && -z $keep ]]; then
rm -f "${file}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
pkill -9 pipewire
pkill -9 pipewire-pulse
pkill -9 vmware-user-suid-wrapper
pkill -9 xmousepasteblock
pipewire &
pipewire-pulse &
vmware-user-suid-wrapper &
xmousepasteblock &

linux/.local/bin/screenie Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# screenie - capture a screenshot and use elixiremanager to send to
# uses flameshot as a drop-in replacement for kshare's "editing
# before sending" mechanic
# based off lynnesbian's,
# this:
# - uses ~/Screenshots as a folder to store them all
# - requires notify-send, requires it as well, so.
# - uses flameshot, more @
# - On latest versions of flameshot, the Return key has been changed. You
# want to set the return key to copy image, rather than upload to imgur.
# - NOTE: press enter after doing a screenshot, instead of saving, for all
# of this to work
# change this if wanted
# set this to the path for
mkdir -p "$screenshot_folder"
date_str=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S')
maim -s "$target"
if [ ! -f "$target" ]; then
notify-send -t 5000 "screenshot not found, skipping sending"
notify-send -t 5000 "screenie: sending: $target"
source ~/.secrets
$elixiremanager "$target"

linux/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function download {
if [[ -x "$(command -v curl)" ]]; then
curl -fsSL "$1" -o "$2"
return $?
elif [[ -x "$(command -v wget)" ]]; then
wget -qo "$2" "$1"
return $?
echo "Failed to download $1. curl or wget not installed"
return 1

View file

@ -2,26 +2,36 @@
set -eux
cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit $?
echo "Installing .Xresources"
cp -f "${PWD}/.Xresources" "${HOME}/.Xresources"
echo "Installing scripts to .local/bin"
cp -f "${PWD}"/.local/bin/* "${HOME}/.local/bin"
echo "Installing bspwm config"
mkdir -p "${HOME}/.config/bspwm"
cp -f "${PWD}/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc" "${HOME}/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc"
echo "Installing xrdb configs and color schemes"
cp -rf "${PWD}/.config/xrdb" "${HOME}/.config/xrdb"
#cp "${PWD}/.config/xrdb/main.xrdb" "${HOME}/.Xresources"
echo "Installing polybar config"
echo "Installing xrdb-replace and config"
download "" "${HOME}/.local/bin"
chmod +x "${HOME}/.local/bin/xrdb-replace"
cp -rf "${PWD}/.config/xrdb-replace"
echo "Installing bspwm config"
cp -rf "${PWD}/.config/bspwm" "${HOME}/.config/bspwm"
echo "Installing polybar config and scripts"
mkdir -p "${HOME}/.config/polybar/scripts"
cp -f "${PWD}/.config/polybar/config" "${HOME}/.config/polybar/config"
cp -rf "${PWD}"/.config/polybar/scripts/* "${HOME}/.config/polybar/scripts/"
echo "Installing rofi"
echo "Installing rofi config"
mkdir -p "${HOME}/.config/rofi"
cp -f "${PWD}"/.config/rofi/* "${HOME}/.config/rofi/"
echo "Installing sxhkdrc config"
echo "Installing sxhkd config"
mkdir -p "${HOME}/.config/sxhkd"
cp -f "${PWD}/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc" "${HOME}/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc"
@ -46,3 +56,26 @@ cp -f "${PWD}/.XCompose" "${HOME}/.XCompose"
echo "Installing .zshrc"
cp -f "${PWD}/.zshrc" "${HOME}/.zshrc"
# Distro agnostic tools to be compiled
echo "-- Compiling xgetres --"
echo "Cloning..."
git clone /tmp/xgetres
cd /tmp/xgetres
echo "Compiling..."
echo "Installing..."
sudo make install
echo "-- Compiling xmousepasteblock --"
echo "Cloning..."
git clone /tmp/xmpb
cd /tmp/xmpb
echo "Compiling..."
echo "Installing..."
sudo make install

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
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