echo" -v, --version print version number and exit"
echo" --check check dependencies and exit"
echo" -a, --area select an area to upload"
echo" -f, --full upload the full screen"
echo" -k, --keep keep the file after uploading"
echo" -w, --wayland run in Wayland mode"
echo" -x, --xorg run in Xorg mode"
echo" --admin upload as an admin"
echo" --noadmin upload as a user"
function version(){
function check_deps(){
for i in date jq curl;do
(which $i&>/dev/null)&&echo"OK: found $i"||echo"ERROR: $i not found"
if[[ ! $macos=="true"]];then
(which notify-send &>/dev/null)&&echo"OK: found notify-send "||echo"ERROR: notify-send not found"
for i in grim slurp;do
(which $i&>/dev/null)&&echo"OK: found $i"||echo"ERROR: $i not found"
(which wl-copy &>/dev/null)&&echo"OK: found wl-clipboard"||echo"ERROR: wl-clipboard not found"
elif[[ ! $macos=="true"]];then
(which escrotum &>/dev/null)&&echo"OK: escrotum found (sidenote: you need it through python2, and you need to install pygtk)"||echo"ERROR: escrotum not found"
(which xclip &>/dev/null)&&echo"OK: found xclip"||echo"ERROR: xclip not found"