
132 lines
3.3 KiB

package commands
import (
var REGEX_MENTION = regexp.MustCompile("@([a-z0-9._]{1,32})")
func SendMode() {
client := state.GetClient()
currentGuild := state.GetCurrentGuild()
channelId := state.GetCurrentChannel()
if channelId == "" {
fmt.Print("<not in a channel>\n\r")
parsedChannelId, err := discord.ParseSnowflake(channelId)
if err != nil {
fmt.Print("<failed to parse channel id: ", err.Error(), ">\n\r")
channel, err := client.ChannelStore.Channel(discord.ChannelID(parsedChannelId))
if err != nil {
fmt.Print("<error getting channel: ", err.Error(), ">\n\r")
guild, err := client.GuildStore.Guild(channel.GuildID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Print("<failed to get current guild: ", err.Error(), ">\n\r")
self, err := client.MeStore.Me()
if err != nil {
fmt.Print("<failed to get self: ", err.Error(), ">\n\r")
selfMember, err := client.MemberStore.Member(guild.ID, self.ID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Print("<failed to get self as member: ", err.Error(), ">\n\r")
perms := lib.CalcPermissionsFixed(*guild, *channel, *selfMember)
cannotSend := !perms.Has(discord.PermissionSendMessages)
if perms == 0 {
if channel.ParentID.IsValid() {
category, err := client.ChannelStore.Channel(channel.ParentID)
if err == nil {
perms := lib.CalcPermissionsFixed(*guild, *category, *selfMember)
cannotSend = perms.Has(discord.PermissionSendMessages)
if perms == 0 {
cannotSend = false
} else {
cannotSend = false
if cannotSend {
fmt.Print("<you do not have permission to send messages here>\n\r")
length := utf8.RuneCountInString(self.Username) + 2
curLength := state.GetNameLength()
prompt := fmt.Sprintf("[%s]%s", self.Username, strings.Repeat(" ", (curLength - length) + 1))
if !state.HasNoColor() {
prompt = ansi.Color(prompt, "cyan+b")
lib.MakePrompt(prompt, true, func(input string, interrupt bool) {
if input == "" {
if interrupt {
fmt.Print("^C<no message sent>\n\r")
} else {
fmt.Print(prompt, "<no message sent>\n\r")
} else {
fmt.Print(prompt, input, "\n\r")
input := REGEX_MENTION.ReplaceAllStringFunc(input, func(match string) string {
matches := REGEX_MENTION.FindStringSubmatch(match)
username := matches[1]
parsedGuildId, err := discord.ParseSnowflake(currentGuild)
if err != nil {
return match
members, err := client.MemberStore.Members(discord.GuildID(parsedGuildId))
if err != nil {
return match
for _, member := range members {
if member.User.Username == username {
return member.User.ID.Mention()
return match
_, err := client.SendMessage(channel.ID, input)
if err != nil {
fmt.Print("<failed to send message: ", err, ">\n\r")
// TODO: update afk state