package lib import ( "fmt" "math" "regexp" "strings" "time" "unicode/utf8" "" "" "" ) var REGEX_CODEBLOCK = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)\x60\x60\x60(?:([a-z0-9_+\-\.]+?)\n)?\n*([^\n].*?)\n*\x60\x60\x60`) var REGEX_EMOTE = regexp.MustCompile(`<(?:\x{200b}|&)?a?:(\w+):(\d+)>`) type MessageOptions struct { Content string Name string Channel string Bot bool Attachments []*discordgo.MessageAttachment Stickers []*discordgo.Sticker Reply *discordgo.Message Timestamp time.Time IsMention bool IsDM bool IsJoin bool IsPin bool IsDump bool NoColor bool InHistory bool } func FormatMessage(session *discordgo.Session, options MessageOptions) { timestamp := options.Timestamp.Format("[15:04:05]") // TODO: history lines nameLength := utf8.RuneCountInString(options.Name) + 2 stateNameLength := state.GetNameLength() if nameLength > stateNameLength { state.SetNameLength(nameLength) stateNameLength = nameLength } if options.Reply != nil { nameColor := "cyan+b" if options.Bot { nameColor = "yellow+b" } headerLength := 6 + utf8.RuneCountInString(options.Reply.Author.Username) content, _ := options.Reply.ContentWithMoreMentionsReplaced(session) replyContent := strings.ReplaceAll(content, "\n", " ") // TODO: markdown replyContent = REGEX_EMOTE.ReplaceAllString(replyContent, ":$1:") attachmentCount := len(options.Reply.Attachments) if attachmentCount > 0 { attachmentPlural := "" if attachmentCount > 1 { attachmentPlural = "s" } replyContent = strings.TrimSpace(replyContent + fmt.Sprintf(" <%d attachment%s>", attachmentCount, attachmentPlural)) } stickerCount := len(options.Reply.StickerItems) if stickerCount > 0 { stickerPlural := "" if stickerCount > 0 { stickerPlural = "s" } replyContent = strings.TrimSpace(replyContent + fmt.Sprintf(" <%d sticker%s>", stickerCount, stickerPlural)) } length := headerLength + utf8.RuneCountInString(replyContent) replySymbol := " \u00bb " if !options.NoColor { replySymbol = ansi.Color(replySymbol, "white+b") } name := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] ", options.Reply.Author.Username) if !options.NoColor { name = ansi.Color(name, nameColor) } moreContent := "\u2026" if !options.NoColor { moreContent = ansi.Color(moreContent, "reset") } if length > 79 { replyContent = replyContent[:79 - headerLength] + moreContent } fmt.Print(replySymbol, name, replyContent, "\n\r") } if options.IsDump { if options.InHistory { // TODO } else { wordCount := len(strings.Split(options.Content, " ")) lineCount := len(strings.Split(options.Content, "\n")) wordsPlural := "" linesPlural := "" if wordCount > 1 { wordsPlural = "s" } if lineCount > 1 { linesPlural = "s" } str := fmt.Sprintf("<%s DUMPs in %d characters of %d word%s in %d line%s>", options.Name, len(options.Content), wordCount, wordsPlural, lineCount, linesPlural) if !options.NoColor { str = ansi.Color(str, "yellow+b") } fmt.Print(str + "\n\r") } } else { // TODO: markdown content := options.Content content = REGEX_EMOTE.ReplaceAllString(content, ":$1:") if options.IsDM { name := fmt.Sprintf("*%s*", options.Name) if !options.NoColor { name = ansi.Color(name, "red+b") } fmt.Printf("%s %s\x07\n\r", name, content) } else if utf8.RuneCountInString(content) > 1 && (strings.HasPrefix(content, "*") && strings.HasSuffix(content, "*") && !strings.HasPrefix(content, "**") && !strings.HasSuffix(content, "**")) || (strings.HasPrefix(content, "_") && strings.HasSuffix(content, "_") && !strings.HasPrefix(content, "__") && !strings.HasSuffix(content, "__")) { str := fmt.Sprintf("<%s %s>", options.Name, content[1:len(content)-1]) if !options.NoColor { str = ansi.Color(str, "green+b") } fmt.Print(str + "\n\r") } else if options.IsJoin { channel, err := session.State.Channel(options.Channel) if err != nil { return } guild, err := session.State.Guild(channel.GuildID) if err != nil { return } str := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s has joined %s", timestamp, options.Name, guild.Name) if !options.NoColor { str = ansi.Color(str, "yellow+b") } fmt.Print(str + "\n\r") } else if options.IsPin { str := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s pinned a message to this channel", timestamp, options.Name) if !options.NoColor { str = ansi.Color(str, "yellow+b") } fmt.Print(str + "\n\r") } else { nameColor := "cyan+b" if options.IsMention { nameColor = "red+b" } else if options.Bot { nameColor = "yellow+b" } name := fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", options.Name) if !options.NoColor { name = ansi.Color(name, nameColor) } padding := strings.Repeat(" ", int(math.Abs(float64(stateNameLength) - float64(nameLength))) + 1) str := name + padding + content if options.IsMention { str = str + "\x07" } fmt.Print(str + "\n\r") } } if len(options.Attachments) > 0 { for _, attachment := range options.Attachments { str := fmt.Sprintf("", attachment.URL) if !options.NoColor { str = ansi.Color(str, "yellow+b") } fmt.Print(str + "\n\r") } } if len(options.Stickers) > 0 { for _, sticker := range options.Stickers { str := fmt.Sprintf("", sticker.Name, sticker.ID) if !options.NoColor { str = ansi.Color(str, "yellow+b") } fmt.Print(str + "\n\r") } } // TODO: links // TODO: embeds // TODO: lines output for history } func ProcessMessage(session *discordgo.Session, msg *discordgo.Message, options MessageOptions) { channel, err := session.State.Channel(msg.ChannelID) if err != nil { return } guild, err := session.State.Guild(channel.GuildID) if err != nil { return } selfMember, err := session.State.Member(guild.ID, session.State.User.ID) if err != nil { return } hasMentionedRole := false for _, role := range msg.MentionRoles { for _, selfRole := range selfMember.Roles { if role == selfRole { hasMentionedRole = true break; } } } isDirectlyMentioned := false for _, user := range msg.Mentions { if user.ID == session.State.User.ID { isDirectlyMentioned = true break; } } isPing := msg.MentionEveryone || hasMentionedRole || isDirectlyMentioned isDM := channel.Type == discordgo.ChannelTypeDM || channel.Type == discordgo.ChannelTypeGroupDM isEdit := msg.EditedTimestamp != nil currentChannel := state.GetCurrentChannel() isCurrentChannel := currentChannel == msg.ChannelID if !isCurrentChannel && !isDM && !isPing { return } if isPing && !isCurrentChannel && !isDM { str := fmt.Sprintf("**mentioned by %s in #%s in %s**", msg.Author.Username, channel.Name, guild.Name) if options.NoColor { fmt.Print(ansi.Color(str, "red+b")) } else { fmt.Print(str) } fmt.Print("\x07\n\r") return } content, _ := msg.ContentWithMoreMentionsReplaced(session) if isEdit { content = content + " (edited)" } isDump := REGEX_CODEBLOCK.MatchString(content) if strings.Index(content, "\n") > -1 && !isDump { for _, line := range strings.Split(content, "\n") { options.Content = line options.Name = msg.Author.Username options.Channel = msg.ChannelID options.Bot = msg.Author.Bot options.Attachments = msg.Attachments options.Stickers = msg.StickerItems options.Reply = msg.ReferencedMessage options.IsMention = isPing options.IsDM = isDM options.IsJoin = msg.Type == discordgo.MessageTypeGuildMemberJoin options.IsPin = msg.Type == discordgo.MessageTypeChannelPinnedMessage options.IsDump = false FormatMessage(session, options) } } else { options.Content = content options.Name = msg.Author.Username options.Channel = msg.ChannelID options.Bot = msg.Author.Bot options.Attachments = msg.Attachments options.Stickers = msg.StickerItems options.Reply = msg.ReferencedMessage options.IsMention = isPing options.IsDM = isDM options.IsJoin = msg.Type == discordgo.MessageTypeGuildMemberJoin options.IsPin = msg.Type == discordgo.MessageTypeChannelPinnedMessage options.IsDump = isDump FormatMessage(session, options) } } func ProcessQueue(session *discordgo.Session) { queue := state.GetMessageQueue() for _, msg := range queue { ProcessMessage(session, msg, MessageOptions{NoColor: state.HasNoColor()}) } state.EmptyMessageQueue() }