const Eris = require("eris"); const chalk = require("chalk"); const token = process.argv[2]; const stdin = process.stdin; const stdout = process.stdout; stdin.setRawMode(true); stdin.resume(); stdin.setEncoding("utf8"); let currentGuild, currentChannel, inSendMode = false, inEmoteMode = false, guildSwitch = false, channelSwitch = false, nameLength = 2; const messageQueue = []; const commands = { q: "quit comcord", e: "emote", g: "goto a channel", G: "goto a guild", l: "list channels", L: "list guilds", w: "who is in guild", f: "finger", r: "channel history", R: "extended channel history", h: "command help", c: "clear", }; const client = new Eris("Bot " + token, { defaultImageFormat: "png", defaultImageSize: 1024, intents: Eris.Constants.Intents.all, }); client.once("ready", function () { console.log( "Logged in as: " + chalk.yellow( `${client.user.username}#${client.user.discriminator} (${})` ) ); nameLength = client.user.username.length + 2; listGuilds(); }); function processMessage({name, content, bot, attachments, reply}) { if (name.length + 2 > nameLength) nameLength = name.length + 2; if (reply) { const nameColor = ? chalk.bold.yellow : chalk.bold.cyan; const headerLength = 5 +; const length = headerLength + reply.content.length; console.log( chalk.bold.white(" \u250d ") + nameColor(`[${}] `) + chalk.reset( `${ length > 79 ? reply.content.substring(0, length - headerLength) + "\u2026" : reply.content }` ) ); } if ( (content.startsWith("*") && content.endsWith("*")) || (content.startsWith("_") && content.endsWith("_")) ) { console.log(`<${name} ${content.substring(1, content.length - 1)}>`) ); } else { const nameColor = bot ? chalk.bold.yellow : chalk.bold.cyan; // TODO: markdown console.log( nameColor(`[${name}]`) + " ".repeat(nameLength - (name.length + 2)) + chalk.reset(" " + content) ); } for (const attachment of attachments) { console.log(chalk.bold.yellow(``)); } } function processQueue() { for (const msg of messageQueue) { if (msg.content.indexOf("\n") > -1) { const lines = msg.content.split("\n"); for (const index in lines) { const line = lines[index]; processMessage({ name:, bot:, content: line, attachments: index == lines.length - 1 ? msg.attachments : null, reply: index == 0 ? msg.referencedMessage : null, }); } } else { processMessage({ name:, bot:, content: msg.content, attachments: msg.attachments, reply: msg.referencedMessage, }); } } messageQueue.splice(0, messageQueue.length); } client.on("messageCreate", function (msg) { if ( === return; if ( == currentChannel) { if (inSendMode || inEmoteMode) { messageQueue.push(msg); } else { if (msg.content.indexOf("\n") > -1) { const lines = msg.content.split("\n"); for (const index in lines) { const line = lines[index]; processMessage({ name:, bot:, content: line, attachments: index == lines.length - 1 ? msg.attachments : null, reply: index == 0 ? msg.referencedMessage : null, }); } } else { processMessage({ name:, bot:, content: msg.content, attachments: msg.attachments, reply: msg.referencedMessage, }); } } } }); client.on("messageUpdate", function (msg, old) { if ( === return; if ( == currentChannel) { if (msg.content == old.content) return; if (inSendMode || inEmoteMode) { messageQueue.push(msg); } else { if (msg.content.indexOf("\n") > -1) { const lines = msg.content.split("\n"); for (const index in lines) { const line = lines[index]; processMessage({ name:, bot:, content: line + index == lines.length - 1 ? " (edited)" : null, attachments: index == lines.length - 1 ? msg.attachments : null, reply: index == 0 ? msg.referencedMessage : null, }); } } else { processMessage({ name:, bot:, content: msg.content + " (edited)", attachments: msg.attachments, reply: msg.referencedMessage, }); } } } }); let toSend = ""; async function setupSendMode() { inSendMode = true; toSend = ""; stdout.write( chalk.bold.cyan(`[${client.user.username}]`) + " ".repeat(nameLength - (client.user.username.length + 2)) + chalk.reset(" ") ); try { await client.guilds .get(currentGuild) .channels.get(currentChannel) .sendTyping(); } catch (err) { // } } async function sendMessage() { toSend = toSend.trim(); if (toSend === "") { stdout.write("\n"); } else { try { stdout.write("\n"); await client.createMessage(currentChannel, toSend); } catch (err) { console.log(""); } } inSendMode = false; processQueue(); } function showHelp() { console.log("\nCOMcord (c)left 2022\n"); const keys = Object.keys(commands); keys.sort(); let index = 0; for (const key of keys) { const desc = commands[key]; stdout.write( (" " + chalk.bold.yellow(key) + chalk.reset(" - " + desc)).padEnd( 25, " " ) ); index++; if (index % 3 == 0) stdout.write("\n"); } if (index % 3 != 0) stdout.write("\n"); console.log("\nTo begin TALK MODE, press [SPACE]\n"); } function listGuilds() { let longest = 0; const guilds = []; for (const guild of client.guilds.values()) { if ( > longest) longest =; const online = [...guild.members.values()].filter((m) => m.status).length; guilds.push({name:, members: guild.memberCount, online}); } console.log(""); console.log(" " + "guild-name".padStart(longest, " ") + " online total"); console.log("-".repeat(80)); for (const guild of guilds) { console.log( " " +, " ") + " " +, " ") + " " + guild.members.toString().padStart(5, " ") ); } console.log(""); } let targetGuild = ""; function gotoGuild() { targetGuild = ""; guildSwitch = true; stdout.write(":guild> "); } function findTopChannel(guildId) { const guild = client.guilds.get(guildId); const channels = [...guild.channels.values()].filter((c) => c.type == 0); channels.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position); return channels[0]; } function getStatus(status) { let color; switch (status) { case "online": color =; break; case "idle": color = chalk.bold.yellow; break; case "dnd": color =; break; default: color = chalk.bold; break; } return color(" \u2022 "); } function listUsers() { const guild = client.guilds.get(currentGuild); const channel = guild.channels.get(currentChannel); console.log( `\n[you are in '${}' in '${}' among ${guild.memberCount}]\n` ); const online = [...guild.members.values()].filter((m) => m.status); online.sort((a, b) => -; let longest = 0; for (const member of online) { const name = member.user.username + "#" + member.user.discriminator; if (name.length + 3 > longest) longest = name.length + 3; } const columns = Math.ceil(stdout.columns / longest); let index = 0; for (const member of online) { const name = member.user.username + "#" + member.user.discriminator; const status = getStatus(member.status); const nameAndStatus = chalk.reset(name) + status; index++; stdout.write( nameAndStatus + " ".repeat( index % columns == 0 ? 0 : Math.abs(longest - (name.length + 3)) ) ); if (index % columns == 0) stdout.write("\n"); } if (index % columns != 0) stdout.write("\n"); console.log(""); if (channel.topic != null) { console.log("--Topic".padEnd(80, "-")); console.log(channel.topic); console.log("-".repeat(80)); console.log(""); } } function switchGuild() { if (targetGuild == "") { listUsers(); guildSwitch = false; return; } let target; for (const guild of client.guilds.values()) { if ( > -1) { target =; break; } } if (target == null) { console.log(""); } else { currentGuild = target; // TODO: store last visited channel and switch to it if we've been to this guild before const topChannel = findTopChannel(target); currentChannel =; listUsers(); } guildSwitch = false; } let targetChannel = ""; function gotoChannel() { targetChannel = ""; channelSwitch = true; stdout.write(":channel> "); } function switchChannel() { if (targetChannel == "") { listUsers(); channelSwitch = false; return; } let target; const guild = client.guilds.get(currentGuild); const channels = [...guild.channels.values()].filter((c) => c.type == 0); channels.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position); for (const channel of channels) { if ( > -1) { target =; break; } } if (target == null) { console.log(""); } else { currentChannel = target; listUsers(); } channelSwitch = false; } function startEmote() { toSend = ""; inEmoteMode = true; stdout.write(":emote> "); } async function sendEmote() { toSend = toSend.trim(); if (toSend === "") { console.log(""); } else { try { await client.createMessage(currentChannel, "*" + toSend + "*"); console.log(`<${client.user.username} ${toSend}>`); } catch (err) { console.log(""); } } inEmoteMode = false; processQueue(); } stdin.on("data", function (key) { if (guildSwitch) { if (key === "\r") { console.log(""); switchGuild(); } else { if (key === "\b") { if (targetGuild.length > 0) { stdout.moveCursor(-1); stdout.write(" "); stdout.moveCursor(-1); targetGuild = targetGuild.substring(0, targetGuild.length - 1); } } else { stdout.write(key); targetGuild += key; } } } else if (channelSwitch) { if (key === "\r") { console.log(""); switchChannel(); } else { if (key === "\b") { if (targetChannel.length > 0) { stdout.moveCursor(-1); stdout.write(" "); stdout.moveCursor(-1); targetChannel = targetChannel.substring(0, targetChannel.length - 1); } } else { stdout.write(key); targetChannel += key; } } } else if (inSendMode) { if (key === "\r") { sendMessage(); } else { if (key === "\b") { if (toSend.length > 0) { stdout.moveCursor(-1); stdout.write(" "); stdout.moveCursor(-1); toSend = toSend.substring(0, toSend.length - 1); } } else { stdout.write(key); toSend += key; } } } else if (inEmoteMode) { if (key === "\r") { console.log(""); sendEmote(); } else { if (key === "\b") { if (toSend.length > 0) { stdout.moveCursor(-1); stdout.write(" "); stdout.moveCursor(-1); toSend = toSend.substring(0, toSend.length - 1); } } else { stdout.write(key); toSend += key; } } } else { switch (key) { case "\u0003": case "q": { client.disconnect(false); process.exit(0); break; } case "h": { showHelp(); break; } case "g": { if (currentGuild == null) { console.log(""); break; } gotoChannel(); break; } case "G": { gotoGuild(); break; } case "l": { if (currentGuild == null) { console.log(""); break; } break; } case "L": { listGuilds(); break; } case "w": { if (currentGuild == null) { console.log(""); break; } listUsers(); break; } case "e": { if (currentChannel == null) { console.log(""); break; } startEmote(); break; } case " ": case "\r": default: { if (currentChannel == null) { console.log(""); break; } setupSendMode(); break; } } } }); client.connect(); console.log("COMcord (c)left 2022"); console.log("Type 'h' for Commands");