const chalk = require("chalk"); const {addCommand} = require("../lib/command"); function getStatus(status) { let color; switch (status) { case "online": color =; break; case "idle": color = chalk.bold.yellow; break; case "dnd": color =; break; default: color = chalk.bold; break; } return color(" \u2022 "); } function listUsers() { if (!comcord.state.currentGuild) { console.log(""); return; } if (!comcord.state.currentChannel) { console.log(""); return; } const guild = comcord.client.guilds.get(comcord.state.currentGuild); const channel = guild.channels.get(comcord.state.currentChannel); console.log( `\n[you are in '${}' in '${}' among ${guild.memberCount}]\n` ); const online = [...guild.members.values()].filter((m) => m.status); online.sort((a, b) => -; let longest = 0; for (const member of online) { const name = member.user.username + "#" + member.user.discriminator; if (name.length + 3 > longest) longest = name.length + 3; } const columns = Math.ceil(process.stdout.columns / longest); let index = 0; for (const member of online) { const name = member.user.username + "#" + member.user.discriminator; const status = getStatus(member.status); const nameAndStatus = chalk.reset(name) + status; index++; process.stdout.write( nameAndStatus + " ".repeat( index % columns == 0 ? 0 : Math.abs(longest - (name.length + 3)) ) ); if (index % columns == 0) process.stdout.write("\n"); } if (index % columns != 0) process.stdout.write("\n"); console.log(""); if (channel.topic != null) { console.log("--Topic".padEnd(80, "-")); console.log(channel.topic); console.log("-".repeat(80)); console.log(""); } } if (!comcord.commands.w) { addCommand("w", "who is in guild", listUsers); } module.exports = { listUsers, };