const {Client, Constants, Channel} = require("@projectdysnomia/dysnomia"); const DiscordRPC = require("discord-rpc"); const chalk = require("chalk"); const fs = require("fs"); const os = require("os"); const rcfile = require("./lib/rcfile"); const config = {}; if (fs.existsSync(rcfile.path)) { console.log(`% Reading ${rcfile.path.replace(os.homedir(), "~")} ...`); rcfile.readFile(config); } const CLIENT_ID = "1026163285877325874"; const token = process.argv[2]; if (!config.token && token) { console.log("% Writing token to .comcordrc"); config.token = token; rcfile.writeFile(config); } if (!config.token && !token) { console.log("No token provided."); process.exit(1); } process.title = "comcord"; global.comcord = { config, state: { rpcConnected: false, startTime:, currentGuild: null, currentChannel: null, nameLength: 2, inPrompt: false, messageQueue: [], lastChannel: new Map(), afk: false, }, commands: {}, }; const client = new Client( (config.allowUserAccounts == "true" ? "" : "Bot ") + (token ?? config.token), { defaultImageFormat: "png", defaultImageSize: 1024, gateway: { intents: Object.values(Constants.Intents), }, allowedMentions: { everyone: false, }, } ); comcord.client = client; const rpc = new DiscordRPC.Client({transport: "ipc"}); comcord.rpc = rpc; const {finalizePrompt} = require("./lib/prompt"); const {processMessage, processQueue} = require("./lib/messages"); const {updatePresence} = require("./lib/presence"); require("./commands/quit"); require("./commands/clear"); require("./commands/help"); const {sendMode} = require("./commands/send"); require("./commands/emote"); const {listGuilds} = require("./commands/listGuilds"); const {switchGuild} = require("./commands/switchGuild"); // loads listChannels and listUsers require("./commands/switchChannel"); //loads listUsers require("./commands/history"); // includes extended history require("./commands/afk"); require("./commands/privateMessages"); process.stdin.setRawMode(true); process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.setEncoding("utf8"); client.once("ready", function () { console.log( "Logged in as: " + chalk.yellow(`${client.user.username} (${})`) ); comcord.state.nameLength = client.user.username.length + 2; listGuilds(); if (config.defaultGuild) { const guild = client.guilds.get(config.defaultGuild); if (guild != null) { if (config.defaultChannel) { comcord.state.currentChannel = config.defaultChannel; comcord.state.lastChannel.set( config.defaultGuild, config.defaultChannel ); } switchGuild(; } else { console.log("% This account is not in the defined default guild."); } } else { if (config.defaultChannel) { console.log("% Default channel defined without defining default guild."); } } if ( { rpc .login({ clientId: CLIENT_ID, }) .catch(function () {}); } }); client.on("error", function () {}); rpc.on("connected", function () { comcord.state.rpcConnected = true; updatePresence(); }); let retryingRPC = false; rpc.once("ready", function () { rpc.transport.on("error", function () {}); rpc.transport.on("close", function () { comcord.state.rpcConnected = false; if (!retryingRPC) { retryingRPC = true; setTimeout(function () { rpc.transport .connect() .then(() => { retryingRPC = false; }) .catch((err) => { retryingRPC = false; rpc.transport.emit("close"); }); }, 5000); } }); }); rpc.on("error", function () {}); client.on("messageCreate", async function (msg) { if ( === return; if ( !( instanceof Channel) && != && !msg.guildID ) { const newChannel = await client.getDMChannel(; if ( == = newChannel; } if (!( instanceof Channel)) return; if ( == comcord.state.currentChannel || != null ) { if (comcord.state.inPrompt) { comcord.state.messageQueue.push(msg); } else { processMessage(msg); } } if ( != null) { comcord.state.lastDM =; } }); client.on("messageUpdate", async function (msg, old) { if ( === return; if ( !( instanceof Channel) && != && !msg.guildID ) { const newChannel = await client.getDMChannel(; if ( == = newChannel; } if (!( instanceof Channel)) return; if ( == comcord.state.currentChannel || != null ) { if (old && msg.content == old.content) return; if (comcord.state.inPrompt) { comcord.state.messageQueue.push(msg); } else { processMessage(msg); } } if ( != null) { comcord.state.lastDM =; } }); process.stdin.on("data", async function (key) { if (comcord.state.inPrompt) { if (key === "\r") { await finalizePrompt(); processQueue(); } else { if (key === "\b" || key === "\u007f") { if (comcord.state.promptInput.length > 0) { process.stdout.moveCursor(-1); process.stdout.write(" "); process.stdout.moveCursor(-1); comcord.state.promptInput = comcord.state.promptInput.substring( 0, comcord.state.promptInput.length - 1 ); } } else { key = key.replace("\u001b", ""); process.stdout.write(key); comcord.state.promptInput += key; } } } else { if (comcord.commands[key]) { comcord.commands[key].callback(); } else { sendMode(); } } }); if ( config.allowUserAccounts == "true" && !(token ?? config.token).startsWith("Bot ") ) { console.log("User account support pending rewrite."); process.exit(1); /*if (fetch == null) { console.log("Node v18+ needed for user account support."); process.exit(1); } (async function () { comcord.clientSpoof = require("./lib/clientSpoof"); const superProperties = await comcord.clientSpoof.getSuperProperties(); console.log("% Allowing non-bot tokens to connect"); const connectLines = client.connect.toString().split("\n"); connectLines.splice(0, 4); connectLines.splice(-1, 1); const newConnect = new client.connect.constructor(connectLines.join("\n")); client.connect = newConnect.bind(client); console.log("% Injecting headers into request handler"); = `Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) discord/${superProperties.client_version} Chrome/91.0.4472.164 Electron/13.6.6 Safari/537.36`; = ); = async function (options) { options.headers = options.headers ?? {}; options.headers["X-Super-Properties"] = await comcord.clientSpoof.getSuperPropertiesBase64(); return await this._request.apply(this, [options]); }.bind(; console.log("% Setting gateway connection properties"); client.shards.options.connectionProperties = superProperties; console.log("% Injecting application into READY payload"); client.shards._spawn = client.shards.spawn.bind(client.shards); client.shards.spawn = function (id) { const res = this._spawn.apply(this, [id]); const shard = this.get(id); if (shard) { shard._onDispatch = shard.onDispatch.bind(shard); shard.onDispatch = async function (packet) { if (packet.t == "READY") { packet.d.application = {id: CLIENT_ID, flags: 565248}; } const ret = await this._onDispatch.apply(this, [packet]); if (packet.t == "READY") { for (const guild of packet.d.guilds) { await this._onDispatch.apply(this, [ { t: "GUILD_CREATE", d: guild, }, ]); } } return ret; }.bind(shard); } return res; }.bind(client.shards); console.log("% Connecting to gateway now"); await client.connect(); })();*/ } else { client.connect(); } console.log("COMcord (c)left 2022"); console.log("Type 'h' for Commands"); const dateObj = new Date(); let sentTime = false; const weekdays = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]; const months = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", ]; setInterval(function () { dateObj.setTime(; const hour = dateObj.getUTCHours(), minutes = dateObj.getUTCMinutes(), seconds = dateObj.getUTCSeconds(), day = dateObj.getUTCDate(), month = dateObj.getUTCMonth(), year = dateObj.getUTCFullYear(), weekDay = dateObj.getUTCDay(); const timeString = `[${weekdays[weekDay]} ${day .toString() .padStart(2, "0")}-${months[month]}-${year .toString() .substring(2, 4)} ${hour.toString().padStart(2, "0")}:${minutes .toString() .padStart(2, "0")}:${seconds.toString().padStart(2, "0")}]`; if (minutes % 15 == 0 && seconds < 2 && !sentTime) { if (comcord.state.inPrompt == true) { comcord.state.messageQueue.push({time: true, content: timeString}); } else { console.log(timeString); } comcord.state.nameLength = client.user.username.length + 2; sentTime = true; } else if (seconds > 2 && sentTime) { sentTime = false; } }, 500);