
121 lines
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(-) deleted
(~) changed
(+) added
(-) 'Config_addRunCommands' (the 'Run' item in 'command GUI').
(-) 'Config_sessionFilePath'
(-) 'Config_topBar' (replaced by 'Config_verticalBarPos'.
(~) Brackets are no longer used for array names ('[i]' -> '_#i').
(~) The default values for the color and font size of the status bar
are now retrieved from the system settings.
- 'Config_normBgColor'
- 'Config_normFgColor'
- 'Config_selBgColor'
- 'Config_selFgColor'
- 'Config_fontSize'
(+) Default rules
(+) 'Config_hotkey' (setting hotkeys in 'Config.ini').
(+) 'Config_horizontalBarPos' (The horizontal position of the bar:
'center', 'left' or 'right' side of the monitor or an offset in
pixel (px) from the left (>= 0) or right (< 0).
(+) 'Config_verticalBarPos' (The vertical position of the bar: 'top'
or 'bottom' of the monitor, 'tray' = sub-window of the task bar.
(+) 'Config_barWidth' (The width of the bar in pixel (px) or with a
per cent sign (%) as a percentage.
(+) 'Config_singleRowBar' (If false, the bar will have to rows, one
for the window title and one for all other GUI controls.
(+) 'Config_spaciousBar' (If true, the height of the bar will be set
to a value equal to the height of an edit control, else it will
be set to the text height.
(+) 'Config_syncMonitorViews' (The number of monitors (2 or more),
for which views should be activated, when using the accordant
hotkey. If set to 1, the views are actiated for all monitors. If
set to 0, views are activated independently (only on the active
(~) Changed hotkeys
- #s -> #^s::Config_saveSession()
- #+r -> #^r::Reload
- #+q -> #^q::ExitApp
(+) #y::Bar_toggleCommandGui() (Open the command GUI for executing
programmes or bug.n functions.)
(+) #^e::Run, edit, %Config_sessionFilePath% (Open the session file
in the standard text editor.
(+) "<" and ">" as an argument for 'Monitor_activateView'.
(+) "<" and ">" as an argument for 'Monitor_setWindowTag'.
(~) 'tile' function: resetting msplit
(~) 'Manager_winActivate(wndId)' now does not activate 'Program
Manager', if there is no window on the view, but sets the mouse
pointer to the center of the active monitor.
(~) 'Bar_updateTitle()' now indicates the floating state of a window.
(~) A memory leak in 'Manager_managedWndIds' was removed.
(~) Now mouse-follows-focus does also work in 'View_shuffleWindow(d)'.
(~) The 'anyText' field in the status bar is now updated correctly.
(~) The positioning of the 'command GUI' has been corrected for the
case of a bar at the bottom of the screen.
(~) Empty cells (for not existing, but registered windows) in the
'tile' layout were removed.
(+) AutoHotkey_L compatibility
- (~) Brackets are no longer used for array names ('[i]' -> '_#i').
- (~) Getting system settings (ANSI vs. UTF-8)
(+) 'Manager_maximizeWindow()' to 'command GUI'
(+) 'View_shuffleWindow(d)' does now work in a loop (last <-> first
(+) 'Manager_taskBarMonitor' for allowing the task bar on another
than the first monitor
(+) If the status bar is not put in the task bar, the status bar is
registered as an AppBar and therewith changes the windows
(~) The number of windows on a view is not indicated by different
background colors anymore, but by a progress bar.
(~) The battery status is also indicated with a progress bar.
(~) All bar elements are now put in a single window.
(~) Session.ahk was merged into Config.ahk and Session.ini moved to
(+) Shell event: 32772
(+) A monitor with no windows on it can now be activated by cklicking
on the desktop and therewith changing the active window.
(-) 'Config_showTitleBars'
(~) 'Config_rules' have two more parameters (window style and if the
window is decorated; this replaces 'Config_showTitleBars').
(~) A bug is solved, which occurred when opening a web link from
another application than the web browser itself, e. g. a mail
(+) WIN+SHIFT+X maximizes a window to the bug.n workspace.
(+) You may now use 'Monitor_activateView(">")' for cycling through
the views and 'View_setLayout(">")' for cycling through the
%%txt: (c) 2010-2011 joten, last modified %%date(%d.%m.%Y)