joten 01e5239b25 updated version:
fix bug        #018431: Immediate run-time errors running bug.n built from source
workaround bug #018364: Evernote: new note
feature        #005446: Reload function
2011-12-05 22:20:38 +01:00

289 lines
9.5 KiB

* bug.n - tiling window management
* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 joten
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @version (18.09.2011)
Monitor_init(m) {
Monitor_#%m%_aView_#1 := 1
Monitor_#%m%_aView_#2 := 1
Monitor_#%m%_showBar := Config_showBar
Loop, % Config_viewCount
View_init(m, A_Index)
Config_restore("Monitor", m)
Monitor_activateView(v) {
Local aView, aWndClass, aWndId, aWndTitle, m, n, wndId, wndIds
If (v = -1)
v := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#2
Else If (v = ">")
v := Manager_loop(Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1, +1, 1, Config_viewCount)
Else If (v = "<")
v := Manager_loop(Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1, -1, 1, Config_viewCount)
If (v > 0) And (v <= Config_viewCount) And Not Manager_hideShow And Not (v = Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1) {
aView := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1
WinGet, aWndId, ID, A
If WinExist("ahk_id" aWndId) {
WinGetClass, aWndClass, ahk_id %aWndId%
WinGetTitle, aWndTitle, ahk_id %aWndId%
If Not (aWndClass = "Progman") And Not (aWndClass = "AutoHotkeyGui" And SubStr(aWndTitle, 1, 10) = "bug.n_BAR_") And Not (aWndClass = "DesktopBackgroundClass")
View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%aView%_aWndId := aWndId
n := Config_syncMonitorViews
If (n = 1)
n := Manager_monitorCount
Else If (n < 1)
n := 1
Loop, % n {
If (n = 1)
m := Manager_aMonitor
m := A_Index
Monitor_#%m%_aView_#2 := aView
Monitor_#%m%_aView_#1 := v
Manager_hideShow := True
StringTrimRight, wndIds, View_#%m%_#%aView%_wndIds, 1
Loop, PARSE, wndIds, `;
If Not (Manager_#%A_LoopField%_tags & (1 << v - 1))
WinHide, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
StringTrimRight, wndIds, View_#%m%_#%v%_wndIds, 1
Loop, PARSE, wndIds, `;
WinShow, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
Manager_hideShow := False
Bar_updateView(m, aView)
Bar_updateView(m, v)
View_arrange(m, v)
wndId := View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%v%_aWndId
If Not (wndId And WinExist("ahk_id" wndId)) {
If View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%v%_wndIds
wndId := SubStr(View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%v%_wndIds, 1, InStr(View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%v%_wndIds, ";")-1)
wndId := 0
Monitor_get(x, y) {
Local m
m := 0
Loop, % Manager_monitorCount ; Check if the window is on this monitor.
If (x >= Monitor_#%A_Index%_x && x <= Monitor_#%A_Index%_x+Monitor_#%A_Index%_width && y >= Monitor_#%A_Index%_y && y <= Monitor_#%A_Index%_y+Monitor_#%A_Index%_height) {
m := A_Index
Return, m
Monitor_getWorkArea(m) {
Local bTop, x, y
Local monitor, monitorBottom, monitorLeft, monitorRight, monitorTop
Local wndClasses, wndHeight, wndId, wndWidth, wndX, wndY
SysGet, monitor, Monitor, %m%
wndClasses := "Shell_TrayWnd"
If Config_bbCompatibility
wndClasses .= ";bbLeanBar;bbSlit;BBToolbar;SystemBarEx"
Loop, PARSE, wndClasses, `;
wndId := WinExist("ahk_class " A_LoopField)
If wndId {
WinGetPos, wndX, wndY, wndWidth, wndHeight, ahk_id %wndId%
x := wndX + wndWidth / 2
y := wndY + wndHeight / 2
If (x >= monitorLeft && x <= monitorRight && y >= monitorTop && y <= monitorBottom) {
If (A_LoopField = "Shell_TrayWnd")
Manager_taskBarMonitor := m
If (wndHeight < wndWidth) { ; Horizontal
If (wndY <= monitorTop) { ; Top
wndHeight += wndY - monitorTop
monitorTop += wndHeight
} Else { ; Bottom
wndHeight := monitorBottom - wndY
monitorBottom -= wndHeight
} Else { ; Vertical
If (wndX <= monitorLeft) { ; Left
wndWidth += wndX
monitorLeft += wndWidth
} Else { ; Right
wndWidth := monitorRight - wndX
monitorRight -= wndWidth
If Monitor_#%m%_showBar {
If (Config_verticalBarPos = "top" Or (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray" And Not m = Manager_taskBarMonitor)) {
bTop := monitorTop
monitorTop += Bar_height
} Else If (Config_verticalBarPos = "bottom") {
bTop := monitorBottom - Bar_height
monitorBottom -= Bar_height
Monitor_#%m%_height := monitorBottom - monitorTop
Monitor_#%m%_width := monitorRight - monitorLeft
Monitor_#%m%_x := monitorLeft
Monitor_#%m%_y := monitorTop
Monitor_#%m%_barY := bTop
Monitor_moveWindow(m, wndId) {
Local fX, fY, monitor, wndHeight, wndWidth, wndX, wndY
WinGetPos, wndX, wndY, wndWidth, wndHeight, ahk_id %wndId%
monitor := Monitor_get(wndX+wndWidth/2, wndY+wndHeight/2)
If Not (m = monitor) {
; move the window to the target monitor and scale it, if it does not fit on the monitor
fX := Monitor_#%m%_width / Monitor_#%monitor%_width
fY := Monitor_#%m%_height / Monitor_#%monitor%_height
If (wndX-Monitor_#%monitor%_x+wndWidth > Monitor_#%m%_width) Or (wndY-Monitor_#%monitor%_y+wndHeight > Monitor_#%m%_height)
Manager_winMove(wndId, Monitor_#%m%_x+fX*(wndX-Monitor_#%monitor%_x), Monitor_#%m%_y+fY*(wndY-Monitor_#%monitor%_y), fX*wndWidth, fY*wndHeight)
Manager_winMove(wndId, Monitor_#%m%_x+(wndX-Monitor_#%monitor%_x), Monitor_#%m%_y+(wndY-Monitor_#%monitor%_y), wndWidth, wndHeight)
Monitor_setWindowTag(t) {
Local aView, aWndId, wndId
If (t = ">")
t := Manager_loop(Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1, +1, 1, Config_viewCount)
Else If (t = "<")
t := Manager_loop(Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1, -1, 1, Config_viewCount)
WinGet, aWndId, ID, A
If (InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, aWndId ";") And t >= 0 And t <= Config_viewCount) {
If (t = 0) {
Loop, % Config_viewCount
If Not (Manager_#%aWndId%_tags & (1 << A_Index - 1)) {
View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds := aWndId ";" View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds
View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_aWndId := aWndId
Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, A_Index)
Manager_#%aWndId%_tags += 1 << A_Index - 1
} Else {
Loop, % Config_viewCount
If Not (A_index = t) {
StringReplace, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds, %aWndId%`;,
View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_aWndId := 0
Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, A_Index)
If Not (Manager_#%aWndId%_tags & (1 << t - 1))
View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_wndIds := aWndId ";" View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_wndIds
View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_aWndId := aWndId
Manager_#%aWndId%_tags := 1 << t - 1
aView := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1
If Not (t = aView) {
Manager_hideShow := True
wndId := SubStr(View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%aView%_wndIds, 1, InStr(View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%aView%_wndIds, ";")-1)
Manager_hideShow := False
If Config_viewFollowsTagged
Else {
Manager_hideShow := True
WinHide, ahk_id %aWndId%
Manager_hideShow := False
View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, aView)
Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, t)
Monitor_toggleBar() {
Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_showBar := Not Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_showBar
View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1)
Monitor_toggleTaskBar() {
Local m
m := Manager_aMonitor
If (m = Manager_taskBarMonitor) {
Manager_showTaskBar := Not Manager_showTaskBar
Manager_hideShow := True
If Not Manager_showTaskBar {
WinHide, Start ahk_class Button
WinHide, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
} Else {
WinShow, Start ahk_class Button
WinShow, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
Manager_hideShow := False
View_arrange(m, Monitor_#%m%_aView_#1)
Monitor_toggleWindowTag(t) {
Local aWndId, wndId
WinGet, aWndId, ID, A
If (InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, aWndId ";") And t >= 0 And t <= Config_viewCount) {
If (Manager_#%aWndId%_tags & (1 << t - 1)) {
If Not ((Manager_#%aWndId%_tags - (1 << t - 1)) = 0) {
Manager_#%aWndId%_tags -= 1 << t - 1
StringReplace, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_wndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_wndIds, %aWndId%`;,
Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, t)
If (t = Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1) {
Manager_hideShow := True
WinHide, ahk_id %aWndId%
Manager_hideShow := False
wndId := SubStr(View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_wndIds, 1, InStr(View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_wndIds, ";")-1)
View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, t)
} Else {
View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_wndIds := aWndId ";" View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_wndIds
View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_aWndId := aWndId
Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, t)
Manager_#%aWndId%_tags += 1 << t - 1