/* bug.n -- tiling window management Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Joshua Fuhs, joten This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. @license GNU General Public License version 3 ../LICENSE.md or @version 9.0.0 */ Manager_init() { Local doRestore Manager_setWindowBorders() Bar_getHeight() ; axes, dimensions, percentage, flipped, gapWidth Manager_layoutDirty := 0 ; New/closed windows, active changed, Manager_windowsDirty := 0 Manager_aMonitor := 1 View_tiledWndId0 := 0 doRestore := 0 If (Config_autoSaveSession = "ask") { MsgBox, 0x4, , Would you like to restore an auto-saved session? IfMsgBox Yes doRestore := 1 } Else If (Config_autoSaveSession = "auto") { doRestore := 1 } SysGet, Manager_monitorCount, MonitorCount Loop, % Manager_monitorCount { Monitor_init(A_Index, doRestore) } Bar_initCmdGui() Manager_hideShow := False Bar_hideTitleWndIds := "" Manager_allWndIds := "" Manager_managedWndIds := "" Manager_initial_sync(doRestore) Bar_updateStatus() Bar_updateTitle() Loop, % Manager_monitorCount { View_arrange(A_Index, Monitor_#%A_Index%_aView_#1) Bar_updateView(A_Index, Monitor_#%A_Index%_aView_#1) } Manager_registerShellHook() SetTimer, Manager_doMaintenance, %Config_maintenanceInterval% SetTimer, Bar_loop, %Config_readinInterval% } Manager_activateMonitor(i, d = 0) { Local aView, aWndHeight, aWndId, aWndWidth, aWndX, aWndY, v, wndId If (Manager_monitorCount > 1) { aView := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 WinGet, aWndId, ID, A If WinExist("ahk_id" aWndId) And InStr(View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%aView%_wndIds, aWndId ";") And Window_isProg(aWndId) { WinGetPos, aWndX, aWndY, aWndWidth, aWndHeight, ahk_id %aWndId% If (Monitor_get(aWndX + aWndWidth / 2, aWndY + aWndHeight / 2) = Manager_aMonitor) View_setActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, aView, aWndId) } ;; Manually set the active monitor. If (i = 0) i := Manager_aMonitor Manager_aMonitor := Manager_loop(i, d, 1, Manager_monitorCount) v := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 wndId := View_getActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, v) Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] Manager_activateMonitor: Manager_aMonitor: " Manager_aMonitor ", i: " i ", d: " d ", wndId: " wndId, 1) Manager_winActivate(wndId) } } Manager_applyRules(wndId, ByRef isManaged, ByRef m, ByRef tags, ByRef isFloating, ByRef isDecorated, ByRef hideTitle, ByRef action) { Local i, wndClass, wndTitle Local rule0, rule1, rule2, rule3, rule4, rule5, rule6, rule7, rule8, rule9, rule10 isManaged := True m := 0 tags := 0 isFloating := False isDecorated := False hideTitle := False action := "" WinGetClass, wndClass, ahk_id %wndId% WinGetTitle, wndTitle, ahk_id %wndId% If (wndClass Or wndTitle) { Loop, % Config_ruleCount { ;; The rules are traversed in reverse order. i := Config_ruleCount - A_Index + 1 StringSplit, rule, Config_rule_#%i%, `; If RegExMatch(wndClass . ";" . wndTitle, rule1 . ";" . rule2) And (rule3 = "" Or %rule3%(wndId)) { isManaged := rule4 m := rule5 tags := rule6 isFloating := rule7 isDecorated := rule8 hideTitle := rule9 action := rule10 ;; The first matching rule is returned, i. e. the last in the original rder of Config_rule. Break } } Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] Manager_applyRules: class: " wndClass ", title: " wndTitle ", wndId: " wndId ", rule #: " i, 1) } Else { isManaged := False If wndTitle hideTitle := True } } Manager_cleanup() { Local aWndId, m, ncmSize, ncm, wndIds WinGet, aWndId, ID, A Manager_restoreWindowBorders() ;; Show borders and title bars. StringTrimRight, wndIds, Manager_managedWndIds, 1 Manager_hideShow := True Loop, PARSE, wndIds, `; { Window_show(A_LoopField) If Not Config_showBorder Window_set(A_LoopField, "Style", "+0x40000") Window_set(A_LoopField, "Style", "+0xC00000") } ;; Show the task bar. WinShow, Start ahk_class Button WinShow, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd Manager_hideShow := False ;; Restore window positions and sizes. Loop, % Manager_monitorCount { m := A_Index Monitor_#%m%_showBar := False Monitor_#%m%_showTaskBar := True Monitor_getWorkArea(m) Loop, % Config_viewCount { View_arrange(m, A_Index, True) } } Window_set(aWndId, "AlwaysOnTop", "On") Window_set(aWndId, "AlwaysOnTop", "Off") DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHAppBarMessage", "UInt", (ABM_REMOVE := 0x1), "UInt", &Bar_appBarData) ;; SKAN: Crazy Scripting : Quick Launcher for Portable Apps (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic22398.html) } Manager_closeWindow() { Local aWndId WinGet, aWndId, ID, A If Window_isProg(aWndId) Window_close(aWndId) } ; Asynchronous management of various WM properties. ; We want to make sure that we can recover the layout and windows in the event of ; unexpected problems. ; Periodically check for changes to these things and save them somewhere (not over ; user-defined files). Manager_doMaintenance: Critical ;; @TODO: Manager_sync? If Not (Config_autoSaveSession = "off") And Not (Config_autoSaveSession = "False") Manager_saveState() Return Manager_getWindowInfo() { Local aWndClass, aWndHeight, aWndId, aWndPId, aWndPName, aWndStyle, aWndTitle, aWndWidth, aWndX, aWndY, detectHiddenWnds, isHidden, text, v detectHiddenWnds := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows, On WinGet, aWndId, ID, A DetectHiddenWindows, %detectHiddenWnds% isHidden := Window_getHidden(aWndId, aWndClass, aWndTitle) WinGet, aWndPName, ProcessName, ahk_id %aWndId% WinGet, aWndPId, PID, ahk_id %aWndId% WinGet, aWndStyle, Style, ahk_id %aWndId% WinGet, aWndMinMax, MinMax, ahk_id %aWndId% WinGetPos, aWndX, aWndY, aWndWidth, aWndHeight, ahk_id %aWndId% text := "ID: " aWndId (isHidden ? " [hidden]" : "") "`nclass:`t" aWndClass "`ntitle:`t" aWndTitle If InStr(Bar_hideTitleWndIds, aWndId ";") text .= " [hidden]" text .= "`nprocess:`t" aWndPName " [" aWndPId "]`nstyle:`t" aWndStyle "`nmetrics:`tx: " aWndX ", y: " aWndY ", width: " aWndWidth ", height: " aWndHeight If InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, aWndId ";") { text .= "`ntags:`t" Window_#%aWndId%_tags If Window_#%aWndId%_isFloating text .= " [floating]" } Else text .= "`ntags:`t--" text .= "`n`nConfig_rule=" aWndClass ";" aWndTitle ";;" Manager_getWindowRule(aWndId) MsgBox, 260, bug.n: Window Information, % text "`n`nCopy text to clipboard?" IfMsgBox Yes Clipboard := text } Manager_getWindowList() { Local text, v, aWndId, aWndTitle, wndIds, wndTitle v := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 aWndId := View_getActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, v) WinGetTitle, aWndTitle, ahk_id %aWndId% text := "Active Window`n" aWndId ":`t" aWndTitle StringTrimRight, wndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%v%_wndIds, 1 text .= "`n`nWindow List" Loop, PARSE, wndIds, `; { WinGetTitle, wndTitle, ahk_id %A_LoopField% text .= "`n" A_LoopField ":`t" wndTitle } MsgBox, 260, bug.n: Window List, % text "`n`nCopy text to clipboard?" IfMsgBox Yes Clipboard := text } Manager_getWindowRule(wndId) { Local rule, wndMinMax rule := "" WinGet, wndMinMax, MinMax, ahk_id %wndId% If InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, wndId ";") { rule .= "1;" If (Window_#%wndId%_monitor = "") rule .= "0;" Else rule .= Window_#%wndId%_monitor ";" If (Window_#%wndId%_tags = "") rule .= "0;" Else rule .= Window_#%wndId%_tags ";" If Window_#%wndId%_isFloating rule .= "1;" Else rule .= "0;" If Window_#%wndId%_isDecorated rule .= "1;" Else rule .= "0;" } Else rule .= "0;;;;;" If InStr(Bar_hideTitleWndIds, wndId ";") rule .= "1;" Else rule .= "0;" If (wndMinMax = 1) rule .= "maximize" Return, rule } Manager_lockWorkStation() { Global Config_shellMsgDelay RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, DisableLockWorkstation, 0 Sleep, % Config_shellMsgDelay DllCall("LockWorkStation") Sleep, % 4 * Config_shellMsgDelay RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, DisableLockWorkstation, 1 } ;; Unambiguous: Re-use WIN+L as a hotkey in bug.n (http://www.autohotkey.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=500903&sid=eb3c7a119259b4015ff045ef80b94a81#p500903) Manager_loop(index, increment, lowerBound, upperBound) { If (upperBound <= 0) Or (upperBound < lowerBound) Or (upperBound = 0) Return, 0 numberOfIndexes := upperBound - lowerBound + 1 lowerBoundBasedIndex := index - lowerBound lowerBoundBasedIndex := Mod(lowerBoundBasedIndex + increment, numberOfIndexes) If (lowerBoundBasedIndex < 0) lowerBoundBasedIndex += numberOfIndexes Return, lowerBound + lowerBoundBasedIndex } Manager__setWinProperties(wndId, isManaged, m, tags, isDecorated, isFloating, hideTitle, action = "") { Local a := False If Not InStr(Manager_allWndIds, wndId ";") Manager_allWndIds .= wndId ";" If (isManaged) { If (action = "close" Or action = "maximize" Or action = "restore") Window_%action%(wndId) If Not InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, wndId ";") Manager_managedWndIds .= wndId ";" Window_#%wndId%_monitor := m Window_#%wndId%_tags := tags Window_#%wndId%_isDecorated := isDecorated Window_#%wndId%_isFloating := isFloating Window_#%wndId%_isMinimized := False Window_#%wndId%_area := 0 If Not Config_showBorder Window_set(wndId, "Style", "-0x40000") If Not Window_#%wndId%_isDecorated Window_set(wndId, "Style", "-0xC00000") a := Window_#%wndId%_tags & (1 << (Monitor_#%m%_aView_#1 - 1)) If a { ;; A newly created window defines the active monitor, if it is visible. Manager_aMonitor := m Manager_winActivate(wndId) } Else { Manager_hideShow := True Window_hide(wndId) Manager_hideShow := False } } If hideTitle And Not InStr(Bar_hideTitleWndIds, wndId ";") Bar_hideTitleWndIds .= wndId . ";" Return, a } ;; Accept a window to be added to the system for management. ;; Provide a monitor and view preference, but don't override the config. Manager_manage(preferredMonitor, preferredView, wndId, rule = "") { Local a, action, c0, hideTitle, i, isDecorated, isFloating, isManaged, l, m, n, replace, search, tags, body Local rule0, rule1, rule2, rule3, rule4, rule5, rule6, rule7 Local wndControlList0, wndId0, wndIds, wndX, wndY, wndWidth, wndHeight ;; Manage any window only once. If InStr(Manager_allWndIds, wndId ";") And (rule = "") Return body := 0 If Window_isGhost(wndId) { Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] A window has given up the ghost (Ghost wndId: " . wndId . ")", 2) body := Window_findHung(wndId) If body { isManaged := InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, body ";") m := Window_#%body%_monitor tags := Window_#%body%_tags isDecorated := Window_#%body%_isDecorated isFloating := Window_#%body%_isFloating hideTitle := InStr(Bar_hideTitleWndIds, body ";") action := "" } Else Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] No body could be found for ghost wndId: " . wndId, 1) } ;; Apply rules if the window is either a normal window or a ghost without a body. If (body = 0) { Manager_applyRules(wndId, isManaged, m, tags, isFloating, isDecorated, hideTitle, action) If Not (rule = "") { StringSplit, rule, rule, `; isManaged := rule1 m := rule2 tags := rule3 isFloating := rule4 isDecorated := rule5 hideTitle := rule6 action := rule7 } If (m = 0) m := preferredMonitor If (m < 0) m := 1 If (m > Manager_monitorCount) ;; If the specified monitor is out of scope, set it to the max. monitor. m := Manager_monitorCount If (tags = 0) tags := 1 << (preferredView - 1) } a := Manager__setWinProperties(wndId, isManaged, m, tags, isDecorated, isFloating, hideTitle, action) ; Do view placement. If isManaged { Loop, % Config_viewCount If (Window_#%wndId%_tags & (1 << (A_Index - 1))) { If (body) { ; Try to position near the body. View_ghostWindow(m, A_Index, body, wndId) } Else View_addWindow(m, A_Index, wndId) } } Return, a } Manager_maximizeWindow() { Local aWndId WinGet, aWndId, ID, A If InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, aWndId ";") And Not Window_#%aWndId%_isFloating View_toggleFloatingWindow(aWndId) Window_set(aWndId, "Top", "") Window_move(aWndId, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_x, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_y, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_width, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_height) } Manager_minimizeWindow() { Local aView, aWndId WinGet, aWndId, ID, A aView := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 StringReplace, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%aView%_aWndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%aView%_aWndIds, % aWndId ";",, All If InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, aWndId ";") And Not Window_#%aWndId%_isFloating View_toggleFloatingWindow(aWndId) Window_set(aWndId, "Bottom", "") Window_minimize(aWndId) } Manager_moveWindow() { Local aWndId, SC_MOVE, WM_SYSCOMMAND WinGet, aWndId, ID, A If InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, aWndId . ";") And Not Window_#%aWndId%_isFloating View_toggleFloatingWindow(aWndId) Window_set(aWndId, "Top", "") WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x112 SC_MOVE = 0xF010 SendMessage, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MOVE, , , ahk_id %aWndId% } Manager_onDisplayChange(a, wParam, uMsg, lParam) { Global Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] Manager_onDisplayChange( a: " . a . ", uMsg: " . uMsg . ", wParam: " . wParam . ", lParam: " . lParam . " )", 1) MsgBox, 291, , % "Would you like to reset the monitor configuration?`n'No' will only rearrange all active views.`n'Cancel' will result in no change." IfMsgBox Yes Manager_resetMonitorConfiguration() Else IfMsgBox No { Loop, % Manager_monitorCount { View_arrange(A_Index, Monitor_#%A_Index%_aView_#1) Bar_updateView(A_Index, Monitor_#%A_Index%_aView_#1) } Bar_updateStatus() Bar_updateTitle() } } /* Possible indications for a ... new window: 1 (started by Windows Explorer) or 6 (started by cmd, shell or Win+E). There doesn't seem to be a reliable way to get all application starts. closed window: 2 (always?) or 13 (ghost) focus change: 4 or 32772 title change: 6 or 32774 */ Manager_onShellMessage(wParam, lParam) { Local a, isChanged, aWndClass, aWndHeight, aWndId, aWndTitle, aWndWidth, aWndX, aWndY, i, m, t, wndClass, wndId, wndId0, wndIds, wndIsDesktop, wndIsHidden, wndTitle, x, y ;; HSHELL_* become global. ;; MESSAGE NAME AND ... NUMBER COMMENTS, POSSIBLE EVENTS HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED := 1 ;; window shown HSHELL_WINDOWDESTROYED := 2 ;; window hidden, destroyed or deactivated HSHELL_ACTIVATESHELLWINDOW := 3 HSHELL_WINDOWACTIVATED := 4 ;; window title changed, window activated (by mouse, Alt+Tab or hotkey); alternative message: 32772 HSHELL_GETMINRECT := 5 HSHELL_REDRAW := 6 ;; window title changed HSHELL_TASKMAN := 7 HSHELL_LANGUAGE := 8 HSHELL_SYSMENU := 9 HSHELL_ENDTASK := 10 HSHELL_ACCESSIBILITYSTATE := 11 HSHELL_APPCOMMAND := 12 ;; The following two are seen when a hung window recovers. HSHELL_WINDOWREPLACED := 13 ;; hung window recovered and replaced the ghost window (lParam indicates the ghost window.) HSHELL_WINDOWREPLACING := 14 ;; hung window recovered (lParam indicates the previously hung and now recovered window.) HSHELL_HIGHBIT := 32768 ;; 0x8000 HSHELL_FLASH := 32774 ;; (HSHELL_REDRAW|HSHELL_HIGHBIT); window signalling an application update (The window is flashing due to some event, one message for each flash.) HSHELL_RUDEAPPACTIVATED := 32772 ;; (HSHELL_WINDOWACTIVATED|HSHELL_HIGHBIT); full-screen app or root-privileged window activated? alternative message: 4 ;; Any message may be missed, if bug.n is hung or they come in too quickly. SetFormat, Integer, hex lParam := lParam + 0 SetFormat, Integer, d Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] Manager_onShellMessage( wParam: " . wParam . ", lParam: " . lParam . " )", 2) wndIsHidden := Window_getHidden(lParam, wndClass, wndTitle) If wndIsHidden { ;; If there is no window class or title, it is assumed that the window is not identifiable. ;; The problem was, that i. a. claws-mail triggers Manager_sync, but the application window ;; would not be ready for being managed, i. e. class and title were not available. Therefore more ;; attempts were needed. Return } wndIsDesktop := (lParam = 0) If wndIsDesktop { WinGetClass, wndClass, A WinGetTitle, wndTitle, A } WinGet, aWndId, ID, A WinGetClass, aWndClass, ahk_id %aWndId% WinGetTitle, aWndTitle, ahk_id %aWndId% If ((wParam = 4 Or wParam = 32772) And (aWndClass = "WorkerW" And aWndTitle = "" Or lParam = 0 And aWndClass = "Progman" And aWndTitle = "Program Manager")) { MouseGetPos, x, y m := Monitor_get(x, y) ;; The current position of the mouse cursor defines the active monitor, if the desktop has been activated. If m Manager_aMonitor := m Bar_updateTitle() } ;; This was previously inactive due to `HSHELL_WINDOWREPLACED` not being defined in this function. ;; Afterwards it caused problems managing new windows, when messages come in too quickly. ; If (wParam = HSHELL_WINDOWREPLACED) ; { ;; This shouldn't need a redraw because the window was supposedly replaced. ; Manager_unmanage(lParam) ; } ; If (wParam = 14) ; { ;; Window recovered from being hung. Maybe force a redraw. ; } ;; @todo: There are two problems with the use of Manager_hideShow: ;; 1) If Manager_hideShow is set when we hit this block, we won't take some actions that should eventually be taken. ;; This _may_ explain why some windows never get picked up when spamming Win+E ;; 2) There is a race condition between the time that Manager_hideShow is checked and any other action which we are ;; trying to protect against. If another process (hotkey) enters a hideShow block after Manager_hideShow has ;; been checked here, bad things could happen. I've personally observed that windows may be permanently hidden. ;; Look into the use of AHK synchronization primitives. If (wParam = 1 Or wParam = 2 Or wParam = 4 Or wParam = 6 Or wParam = 32772) And lParam And Not Manager_hideShow { Sleep, % Config_shellMsgDelay wndIds := "" a := isChanged := Manager_sync(wndIds) If wndIds isChanged := False If isChanged { If Config_dynamicTiling View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1) Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1) } If (Manager_monitorCount > 1 And a > -1) { WinGet, aWndId, ID, A WinGetPos, aWndX, aWndY, aWndWidth, aWndHeight, ahk_id %aWndId% m := Monitor_get(aWndX + aWndWidth / 2, aWndY + aWndHeight / 2) Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] Manager_onShellMessage: Manager_monitorCount: " Manager_monitorCount ", Manager_aMonitor: " Manager_aMonitor ", m: " m ", aWndId: " aWndId, 1) ;; The currently active window defines the active monitor. If m Manager_aMonitor := m } If wndIds { ;; If there are new (unrecognized) windows, which are hidden ... If (Config_onActiveHiddenWnds = "view") { ;; ... change the view to show the first hidden window wndId := SubStr(wndIds, 1, InStr(wndIds, ";") - 1) Loop, % Config_viewCount { If (Window_#%wndId%_tags & 1 << A_Index - 1) { Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[3] Switching views because " . wndId . " is considered hidden and active", 3) ;; A newly created window defines the active monitor, if it is visible. Manager_aMonitor := Window_#%wndId%_monitor Monitor_activateView(A_Index) Break } } } Else { ;; ... re-hide them StringTrimRight, wndIds, wndIds, 1 StringSplit, wndId, wndIds, `; If (Config_onActiveHiddenWnds = "hide") { Loop, % wndId0 { Window_hide(wndId%A_Index%) } } Else If (Config_onActiveHiddenWnds = "tag") { ;; ... or tag all of them for the current view. t := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 Loop, % wndId0 { wndId := wndId%A_Index% View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_wndIds := wndId ";" View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_wndIds View_setActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, t, wndId) Window_#%wndId%_tags += 1 << t - 1 } Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, t) If Config_dynamicTiling View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, t) } } } If InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, lParam ";") { WinGetPos, aWndX, aWndY, aWndWidth, aWndHeight, ahk_id %lParam% If (Monitor_get(aWndX + aWndWidth / 2, aWndY + aWndHeight / 2) = Manager_aMonitor) View_setActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1, lParam) Else Manager_winActivate(View_getActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1)) If Window_#%lParam%_isMinimized { Window_#%lParam%_isFloating := False Window_#%lParam%_isMinimized := False View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1) } } ;; This is a workaround for a redrawing problem of the bug.n bar, which ;; seems to get lost, when windows are created or destroyed under the ;; following conditions. If (Manager_monitorCount > 1) And (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray") { Loop, % (Manager_monitorCount - 1) { i := A_Index + 1 Bar_updateLayout(i) Bar_updateStatic(i) Loop, % Config_viewCount Bar_updateView(i, A_Index) } Bar_updateStatus() } Bar_updateTitle() } } Manager_override(rule = "") { Local aWndId, aWndMinMax WinGet, aWndId, ID, A If (rule = "") { rule := Manager_getWindowRule(aWndId) InputBox, rule, bug.n: Override, % "Which rule should be applied?`n`n;;;;;;",, 483, 152,,,,, % rule If Not (ErrorLevel = 0) Return } Manager_manage(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1, aWndId, rule) If Config_dynamicTiling View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1) Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1) } Manager_registerShellHook() { Global Config_monitorDisplayChangeMessages WM_DISPLAYCHANGE := 126 ;; This message is sent when the display resolution has changed. Gui, +LastFound hWnd := WinExist() WinGetClass, wndClass, ahk_id %hWnd% WinGetTitle, wndTitle, ahk_id %hWnd% DllCall("RegisterShellHookWindow", "UInt", hWnd) ;; Minimum operating systems: Windows 2000 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms644989(VS.85).aspx) Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] Manager_registerShellHook; hWnd: " . hWnd . ", wndClass: " . wndClass . ", wndTitle: " . wndTitle, 1) msgNum := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", "Str", "SHELLHOOK") OnMessage(msgNum, "Manager_onShellMessage") If Config_monitorDisplayChangeMessages OnMessage(WM_DISPLAYCHANGE, "Manager_onDisplayChange") } ;; SKAN: How to Hook on to Shell to receive its messages? (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=123323#123323) Manager_resetMonitorConfiguration() { Local GuiN, hWnd, i, j, m, mPrimary, wndClass, wndIds, wndTitle m := Manager_monitorCount SysGet, Manager_monitorCount, MonitorCount If (Manager_monitorCount < m) { ;; A monitor has been disconnected. Which one? i := Monitor_find(-1, m) If (i > 0) { SysGet, mPrimary, MonitorPrimary GuiN := (m - 1) + 1 Gui, %GuiN%: Destroy Loop, % Config_viewCount { If View_#%i%_#%A_Index%_wndIds { View_#%mPrimary%_#%A_Index%_wndIds .= View_#%i%_#%A_Index%_wndIds StringTrimRight, wndIds, View_#%i%_#%A_Index%_wndIds, 1 Loop, PARSE, wndIds, `; { Window_#%A_LoopField%_monitor := mPrimary } If (Manager_aMonitor = i) Manager_aMonitor := mPrimary } } Loop, % m - i { j := i + A_Index Monitor_moveToIndex(j, j - 1) Monitor_getWorkArea(j - 1) Bar_init(j - 1) } } } Else If (Manager_monitorCount > m) { ;; A monitor has been connected. Where has it been put? i := Monitor_find(+1, Manager_monitorCount) If (i > 0) { Loop, % Manager_monitorCount - i { j := Manager_monitorCount - A_Index Monitor_moveToIndex(j, j + 1) Monitor_getWorkArea(j + 1) Bar_init(j + 1) } Monitor_init(i, True) } } Else { ;; Has the resolution of a monitor been changed? Loop, % Manager_monitorCount { Monitor_getWorkArea(A_Index) Bar_init(A_Index) } } Manager_saveState() Loop, % Manager_monitorCount { View_arrange(A_Index, Monitor_#%A_Index%_aView_#1) Bar_updateView(A_Index, Monitor_#%A_Index%_aView_#1) } Manager__restoreWindowState(Main_autoWindowState) Bar_updateStatus() Bar_updateTitle() Gui, +LastFound hWnd := WinExist() WinGetClass, wndClass, ahk_id %hWnd% WinGetTitle, wndTitle, ahk_id %hWnd% DllCall("RegisterShellHookWindow", "UInt", hWnd) ;; Minimum operating systems: Windows 2000 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms644989(VS.85).aspx) Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] Manager_registerShellHook; hWnd: " . hWnd . ", wndClass: " . wndClass . ", wndTitle: " . wndTitle, 1) } Manager_restoreWindowBorders() { Local ncm, ncmSize If Config_selBorderColor DllCall("SetSysColors", "Int", 1, "Int*", 10, "UInt*", Manager_normBorderColor) If (Config_borderWidth > 0) Or (Config_borderPadding >= 0 And A_OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA") { ncmSize := VarSetCapacity(ncm, 4 * (A_OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA" ? 11 : 10) + 5 * (28 + 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)), 0) NumPut(ncmSize, ncm, 0, "UInt") DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "UInt", 0x0029, "UInt", ncmSize, "UInt", &ncm, "UInt", 0) If (Config_borderWidth > 0) NumPut(Manager_borderWidth, ncm, 4, "Int") If (Config_borderPadding >= 0 And A_OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA") NumPut(Manager_borderPadding, ncm, 40 + 5 * (28 + 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)), "Int") DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "UInt", 0x002a, "UInt", ncmSize, "UInt", &ncm, "UInt", 0) } } ;; Restore previously saved window state. ;; If the state is completely different, this function won't do much. However, if restoring from a crash ;; or simply restarting bug.n, it should completely recover the window state. Manager__restoreWindowState(filename) { Local vidx, widx, i, j, m, v, candidate_set, detectHidden, view_set, excluded_view_set, view_m0, view_v0, view_list0, wnds0, items0, wndPName, view_var, isManaged, isFloating, isDecorated, hideTitle If Not FileExist(filename) Return widx := 1 vidx := 1 view_set := "" excluded_view_set := "" ;; Read all interesting things from the file. Loop, READ, %filename% { If (SubStr(A_LoopReadLine, 1, 5) = "View_") { i := InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "#") j := InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "_", false, i) m := SubStr(A_LoopReadLine, i + 1, j - i - 1) i := InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "#", false, j) j := InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "_", false, i) v := SubStr(A_LoopReadLine, i + 1, j - i - 1) i := InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "=", j + 1) If (m <= Manager_monitorCount) And ( v <= Config_viewCount ) { view_list%vidx% := SubStr(A_LoopReadLine, i + 1) view_m%vidx% := m view_v%vidx% := v view_set := view_set . view_list%vidx% vidx := vidx + 1 } Else { excluded_view_set := excluded_view_set . view_list%vidx% Debug_logMessage("View (" . m . ", " . v . ") is no longer available (" . vidx . ")", 0) } } Else If (SubStr(A_LoopReadLine, 1, 7) = "Window ") { wnds%widx% := SubStr(A_LoopReadLine, 8) widx := widx + 1 } } ;Debug_logMessage("view_set: " . view_set, 1) ;Debug_logMessage("excluded_view_set: " . excluded_view_set, 1) candidate_set := "" ; Scan through all defined windows. Create a candidate set of windows based on whether the properties of existing windows match. Loop, % (widx - 1) { StringSplit, items, wnds%A_Index%, `; If (items0 < 9) { Debug_logMessage("Window '" . wnds%A_Index% . "' could not be processed due to parse error", 0) Continue } i := 1 i := items%i% j := 2 detectHidden := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows, On WinGet, wndPName, ProcessName, ahk_id %i% DetectHiddenWindows, %detectHidden% If Not ( items%j% = wndPName ) { Debug_logMessage("Window ahk_id " . i . " process '" . wndPName . "' doesn't match expected '" . items%j% . "', forgetting this window", 0) Continue } j := 8 isManaged := items%j% ; If Managed If ( items%j% ) { If ( InStr(view_set, i) = 0) { If ( InStr(excluded_view_set, i) ) Debug_logMessage("Window ahk_id " . i . " is being ignored because it no longer belongs to an active view", 0) Else Debug_logMessage("Window ahk_id " . i . " is being ignored because it doesn't exist in any views", 0) Continue } } ; Set up the window. j := 3 m := items%j% j := 4 v := items%j% j := 5 isFloating := items%j% j := 6 isDecorated := items%j% j := 7 hideTitle := items%j% Manager__setWinProperties(i, isManaged, m, v, isDecorated, isFloating, hideTitle ) ;Window_hide(i) candidate_set := candidate_set . i . ";" } ;Debug_logMessage("candidate_set: " . candidate_set, 1) ; Set up all views. Must filter the window list by those from the candidate set. Loop, % (vidx - 1) { StringSplit, items, view_list%A_Index%, `; view_set := "" Loop, % (items0 - 1) { If ( InStr(candidate_set, items%A_Index% ) > 0 ) view_set := view_set . items%A_Index% . ";" } view_var := "View_#" . view_m%A_Index% . "_#" . view_v%A_Index% . "_wndIds" %view_var% := view_set } } Manager_saveState() { Critical Global Config_filePath, Config_viewCount, Main_autoLayout, Main_autoWindowState, Manager_layoutDirty, Manager_monitorCount, Manager_windowsDirty Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] Manager_saveState", 2) ;; @TODO: Check for changes to the layout. ;If Manager_layoutDirty { Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] Manager_saveState: " Main_autoLayout, 2) Config_saveSession(Config_filePath, Main_autoLayout) Manager_layoutDirty := 0 ;} ;; @TODO: Check for changes to windows. ;If Manager_windowsDirty { Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] Manager_saveState: " Main_autoWindowState, 2) Manager_saveWindowState(Main_autoWindowState, Manager_monitorCount, Config_viewCount) Manager_windowsDirty := 0 ;} } Manager_saveWindowState(filename, nm, nv) { Local allWndId0, allWndIds, detectHidden, wndPName, title, text, monitor, wndId, view, isManaged, isTitleHidden text := "; bug.n - tiling window management`n; @version " VERSION "`n`n" tmpfname := filename . ".tmp" FileDelete, %tmpfname% ; Dump window ID and process name. If these two don't match an existing process, we won't try ; to recover that window. StringTrimRight, allWndIds, Manager_allWndIds, 1 StringSplit, allWndId, allWndIds, `; detectHidden := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows, On Loop, % allWndId0 { wndId := allWndId%A_Index% WinGet, wndPName, ProcessName, ahk_id %wndId% ; Include title for informative reasons. WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %wndId% ; wndId;processName;Tags;Floating;Decorated;HideTitle;Managed;Title isManaged := InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, wndId . ";") isTitleHidden := InStr(Bar_hideTitleWndIds, wndId . ";") text .= "Window " . wndId . ";" . wndPName . ";" If isManaged text .= Window_#%wndId%_monitor . ";" . Window_#%wndId%_tags . ";" . Window_#%wndId%_isFloating . ";" . Window_#%wndId%_isDecorated . ";" Else text .= ";;;;" text .= isTitleHidden . ";" . isManaged . ";" . title . "`n" } DetectHiddenWindows, %detectHidden% text .= "`n" ;; Dump window arrangements on every view. If some views or monitors have disappeared, leave their ;; corresponding windows alone. Loop, % nm { monitor := A_Index Loop, % nv { view := A_Index ;; Dump all view window lists text .= "View_#" . monitor . "_#" . view . "_wndIds=" . View_#%monitor%_#%view%_wndIds . "`n" } } FileAppend, %text%, %tmpfname% If ErrorLevel { If FileExist(tmpfname) FileDelete, %tmpfname% } Else FileMove, %tmpfname%, %filename%, 1 } Manager_setCursor(wndId) { Local wndHeight, wndWidth, wndX, wndY If Config_mouseFollowsFocus { If wndId { WinGetPos, wndX, wndY, wndWidth, wndHeight, ahk_id %wndId% DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Int", Round(wndX + wndWidth / 2), "Int", Round(wndY + wndHeight / 2)) } Else DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Int", Round(Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_x + Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_width / 2), "Int", Round(Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_y + Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_height / 2)) } } Manager_setViewMonitor(i, d = 0) { Local aView, aWndId, v, wndIds aView := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 If (Manager_monitorCount > 1) And View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%aView%_wndIds { If (i = 0) i := Manager_aMonitor i := Manager_loop(i, d, 1, Manager_monitorCount) v := Monitor_#%i%_aView_#1 View_#%i%_#%v%_wndIds := View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%aView%_wndIds View_#%i%_#%v%_wndIds StringTrimRight, wndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%aView%_wndIds, 1 Loop, PARSE, wndIds, `; { Loop, % Config_viewCount { StringReplace, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds, %A_LoopField%`;, StringReplace, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_aWndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_aWndIds, %A_LoopField%`;, } Window_#%A_LoopField%_monitor := i Window_#%A_LoopField%_tags := 1 << v - 1 } View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, aView) Loop, % Config_viewCount { Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, A_Index) } ;; Manually set the active monitor. Manager_aMonitor := i View_arrange(i, v) WinGet, aWndId, ID, A Manager_winActivate(aWndId) Bar_updateView(i, v) } } Manager_setWindowBorders() { Local ncm, ncmSize If Config_selBorderColor { SetFormat, Integer, hex Manager_normBorderColor := DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 10) SetFormat, Integer, d DllCall("SetSysColors", "Int", 1, "Int*", 10, "UInt*", Config_selBorderColor) } If (Config_borderWidth > 0) Or (Config_borderPadding >= 0 And A_OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA") { ncmSize := VarSetCapacity(ncm, 4 * (A_OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA" ? 11 : 10) + 5 * (28 + 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)), 0) NumPut(ncmSize, ncm, 0, "UInt") DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "UInt", 0x0029, "UInt", ncmSize, "UInt", &ncm, "UInt", 0) Manager_borderWidth := NumGet(ncm, 4, "Int") Manager_borderPadding := NumGet(ncm, 40 + 5 * (28 + 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)), "Int") If (Config_borderWidth > 0) NumPut(Config_borderWidth, ncm, 4, "Int") If (Config_borderPadding >= 0 And A_OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA") NumPut(Config_borderPadding, ncm, 40 + 5 * (28 + 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)), "Int") DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "UInt", 0x002a, "UInt", ncmSize, "UInt", &ncm, "UInt", 0) } } Manager_setWindowMonitor(i, d = 0) { Local aWndId, v WinGet, aWndId, ID, A If (Manager_monitorCount > 1 And InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, aWndId ";")) { Loop, % Config_viewCount { StringReplace, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds, %aWndId%`;, StringReplace, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_aWndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_aWndIds, %aWndId%`;, All Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, A_Index) } If Config_dynamicTiling View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1) ;; Manually set the active monitor. If (i = 0) i := Manager_aMonitor Manager_aMonitor := Manager_loop(i, d, 1, Manager_monitorCount) Window_#%aWndId%_monitor := Manager_aMonitor v := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 Window_#%aWndId%_tags := 1 << v - 1 View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%v%_wndIds := aWndId ";" View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%v%_wndIds View_setActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, v, aWndId) If Config_dynamicTiling View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, v) Manager_winActivate(aWndId) Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, v) } } Manager_sizeWindow() { Local aWndId, SC_SIZE, WM_SYSCOMMAND WinGet, aWndId, ID, A If InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, aWndId . ";") And Not Window_#%aWndId%_isFloating View_toggleFloatingWindow(aWndId) Window_set(aWndId, "Top", "") WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x112 SC_SIZE = 0xF000 SendMessage, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_SIZE, , , ahk_id %aWndId% } ;; No windows are known to the system yet. ;; Try to do something smart with the initial layout. Manager_initial_sync(doRestore) { Local wndId, wndId0, wnd, wndX, wndY, wndW, wndH, x, y, m, len ;; Initialize lists ;; Note that these variables make this function non-reentrant. Loop, % Manager_monitorCount Manager_initial_sync_m#%A_Index%_wndList := "" ;; Use saved window placement settings to first determine ;; which monitor/view a window should be attached to. If doRestore Manager__restoreWindowState(Main_autoWindowState) ;; Check all remaining visible windows against the known windows WinGet, wndId, List, , , Loop, % wndId { ;; Based on some analysis here, determine which monitors and layouts would best ;; serve existing windows. Do not override configuration settings. ;; Which monitor is it on? wnd := wndId%A_Index% WinGetPos, wndX, wndY, wndW, wndH, ahk_id %wnd% x := wndX + wndW/2 y := wndY + wndH/2 m := Monitor_get(x, y) If m > 0 Manager_initial_sync_m#%m%_wndList .= wndId%A_Index% ";" } Loop, % Manager_monitorCount { m := A_Index StringTrimRight, wndIds, Manager_initial_sync_m#%m%_wndList, 1 StringSplit, wndId, wndIds, `; Loop, % wndId0 Manager_manage(m, 1, wndId%A_Index%) } } ;; @todo: This constantly tries to re-add windows that are never going to be manageable. ;; Manager_manage should probably ignore all windows that are already in Manager_allWndIds. ;; The problem was, that i. a. claws-mail triggers Manager_sync, but the application window ;; would not be ready for being managed, i. e. class and title were not available. Therefore more ;; attempts were needed. ;; Perhaps this method can be refined by not adding any window to Manager_allWndIds, but only ;; those, which have at least a title or class. Manager_sync(ByRef wndIds = "") { Local a, flag, shownWndIds, v, visibleWndIds, wndId a := 0 shownWndIds := "" Loop, % Manager_monitorCount { v := Monitor_#%A_Index%_aView_#1 shownWndIds .= View_#%A_Index%_#%v%_wndIds } ;; Check all visible windows against the known windows visibleWndIds := "" WinGet, wndId, List, , , Loop, % wndId { If Not InStr(shownWndIds, wndId%A_Index% ";") { If Not InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, wndId%A_Index% ";") { flag := Manager_manage(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1, wndId%A_Index%) If flag a := 1 } Else If Not Window_isHung(wndId%A_Index%) { ;; This is a window that is already managed but was brought into focus by something. ;; Maybe it would be useful to do something with it. wndIds .= wndId%A_Index% ";" } } visibleWndIds := visibleWndIds wndId%A_Index% ";" } ;; @todo-future: Find out why this unmanage code exists and if it's still needed. ;; check, if a window, that is known to be visible, is actually not visible StringTrimRight, shownWndIds, shownWndIds, 1 Loop, PARSE, shownWndIds, `; { If Not InStr(visibleWndIds, A_LoopField) { flag := Manager_unmanage(A_LoopField) If (flag And a = 0) a := -1 } } Return, a } Manager_unmanage(wndId) { Local a, aView aView := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 a := Window_#%wndId%_tags & 1 << aView - 1 Loop, % Config_viewCount { If (Window_#%wndId%_tags & 1 << A_Index - 1) { StringReplace, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds, % wndId ";",, All StringReplace, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_aWndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_aWndIds, % wndId ";",, All Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, A_Index) } } Window_#%wndId%_monitor := Window_#%wndId%_tags := Window_#%wndId%_isDecorated := Window_#%wndId%_isFloating := Window_#%wndId%_area := StringReplace, Bar_hideTitleWndIds, Bar_hideTitleWndIds, %wndId%`;, StringReplace, Manager_allWndIds, Manager_allWndIds, %wndId%`;, StringReplace, Manager_managedWndIds, Manager_managedWndIds, %wndId%`;, , All Return, a } Manager_winActivate(wndId) { Global Manager_aMonitor Manager_setCursor(wndId) Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] Activating window: " wndId, 1) If Not wndId { wndId := WinExist("bug.n_BAR_" . Manager_aMonitor) Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] Activating Desktop: " wndId, 1) } If Window_activate(wndId) Return, 1 Else { Bar_updateTitle() Return 0 } } Manager_windowNotMaximized(width, height) { Global Return, (width < 0.99 * Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_width Or height < 0.99 * Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_height) }