/* bug.n -- tiling window management Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Joshua Fuhs, joten This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. @license GNU General Public License version 3 ../LICENSE.md or @version 9.0.0 */ Monitor_init(m, doRestore) { Global Monitor_#%m%_aView_#1 := 1 Monitor_#%m%_aView_#2 := 1 Monitor_#%m%_showBar := Config_showBar Monitor_#%m%_showTaskBar := Config_showTaskBar Monitor_#%m%_taskBarClass := "" Monitor_%m%_taskBarPos := "" Loop, % Config_viewCount View_init(m, A_Index) If doRestore Config_restoreLayout(Main_autoLayout, m) Else Config_restoreLayout(Config_filePath, m) Monitor_getWorkArea(m) Bar_init(m) } Monitor_activateView(i, d = 0) { Local aView, aWndId, detectHidden, m, n, wndId, wndIds If (i = -1) i := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#2 Else If (i = 0) i := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 i := Manager_loop(i, d, 1, Config_viewCount) Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] Monitor_activateView; i: " . i . ", d: " . d . ", Manager_aMonitor: " . Manager_aMonitor . ", wndIds: " . View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%i%_wndIds, 1) If (i <= 0) Or (i > Config_viewCount) Or Manager_hideShow Return ;; Re-arrange the windows on the active view. If (i = Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1) { View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, i) Return } aView := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 WinGet, aWndId, ID, A If WinExist("ahk_id" aWndId) And InStr(View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%aView%_wndIds, aWndId ";") And Window_isProg(aWndId) View_setActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, aView, aWndId) n := Config_syncMonitorViews If (n = 1) n := Manager_monitorCount Else If (n < 1) n := 1 Loop, % n { If (n = 1) m := Manager_aMonitor Else m := A_Index Monitor_#%m%_aView_#2 := aView Monitor_#%m%_aView_#1 := i Manager_hideShow := True SetWinDelay, 0 StringTrimRight, wndIds, View_#%m%_#%aView%_wndIds, 1 Loop, PARSE, wndIds, `; { If Not (Window_#%A_LoopField%_tags & (1 << i - 1)) Window_hide(A_LoopField) } SetWinDelay, 10 detectHidden := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows, On wndId := View_getActiveWindow(m, i) If wndId Window_set(wndId, "AlwaysOnTop", "On") View_arrange(m, i) DetectHiddenWindows, %detectHidden% StringTrimRight, wndIds, View_#%m%_#%i%_wndIds, 1 SetWinDelay, 0 Loop, PARSE, wndIds, `; { Window_show(A_LoopField) } Window_set(wndId, "AlwaysOnTop", "Off") SetWinDelay, 10 Manager_hideShow := False Bar_updateView(m, aView) Bar_updateView(m, i) } wndId := View_getActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, i) Manager_winActivate(wndId) } Monitor_get(x, y) { Local m m := 0 Loop, % Manager_monitorCount { ;; Check if the window is on this monitor. If (x >= Monitor_#%A_Index%_x && x <= Monitor_#%A_Index%_x+Monitor_#%A_Index%_width && y >= Monitor_#%A_Index%_y && y <= Monitor_#%A_Index%_y+Monitor_#%A_Index%_height) { m := A_Index Break } } Return, m } Monitor_getWorkArea(m) { Local bHeight, bTop, x, y Local monitor, monitorBottom, monitorLeft, monitorRight, monitorTop Local wndClasses, wndHeight, wndId, wndWidth, wndX, wndY SysGet, monitor, Monitor, %m% wndClasses := "Shell_TrayWnd;Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd" ;; @TODO What about third and so forth TrayWnd? If Config_bbCompatibility wndClasses .= ";bbLeanBar;bbSlit;BBToolbar;SystemBarEx" Loop, PARSE, wndClasses, `; { wndId := WinExist("ahk_class " A_LoopField) If wndId { WinGetPos, wndX, wndY, wndWidth, wndHeight, ahk_id %wndId% x := wndX + wndWidth / 2 y := wndY + wndHeight / 2 If (x >= monitorLeft && x <= monitorRight && y >= monitorTop && y <= monitorBottom) { If (A_LoopField = "Shell_TrayWnd") Or (A_LoopField = "Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd") Monitor_#%m%_taskBarClass := A_LoopField If (wndHeight < wndWidth) { ;; Horizontal If (wndY <= monitorTop) { ;; Top wndHeight += wndY - monitorTop monitorTop += wndHeight If (A_LoopField = "Shell_TrayWnd") Or (A_LoopField = "Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd") Monitor_%m%_taskBarPos := "top" } Else { ;; Bottom wndHeight := monitorBottom - wndY monitorBottom -= wndHeight } } Else { ;; Vertical If (wndX <= monitorLeft) { ;; Left wndWidth += wndX monitorLeft += wndWidth } Else { ;; Right wndWidth := monitorRight - wndX monitorRight -= wndWidth } } } } } bHeight := Round(Bar_height / Config_scalingFactor) bTop := 0 If Monitor_#%m%_showBar { If (Config_verticalBarPos = "top") Or (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray") And Not Monitor_#%m%_taskBarClass { bTop := monitorTop monitorTop += bHeight } Else If (Config_verticalBarPos = "bottom") { bTop := monitorBottom - bHeight monitorBottom -= bHeight } } Monitor_#%m%_height := monitorBottom - monitorTop Monitor_#%m%_width := monitorRight - monitorLeft Monitor_#%m%_x := monitorLeft Monitor_#%m%_y := monitorTop Monitor_#%m%_barY := bTop Monitor_setWorkArea(monitorLeft, monitorTop, monitorRight, monitorBottom) } Monitor_moveWindow(m, wndId) { Global Window_#%wndId%_monitor := m } Monitor_setWindowTag(i, d = 0) { Local aView, aWndId, wndId If (i = 0) i := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 Else If (i <= Config_viewCount) i := Manager_loop(i, d, 1, Config_viewCount) WinGet, aWndId, ID, A If InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, aWndId ";") And (i > 0) And (i <= Config_viewCount Or i = 10) { If (i = 10) { Loop, % Config_viewCount { If Not (Window_#%aWndId%_tags & (1 << A_Index - 1)) { View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds := aWndId ";" View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds View_setActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, A_Index, aWndId) Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, A_Index) Window_#%aWndId%_tags += 1 << A_Index - 1 } } } Else { Loop, % Config_viewCount { If Not (A_index = i) { StringReplace, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%A_Index%_wndIds, %aWndId%`;, View_setActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, A_Index, 0) Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, A_Index) } } If Not (Window_#%aWndId%_tags & (1 << i - 1)) View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%i%_wndIds := aWndId ";" View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%i%_wndIds View_setActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, i, aWndId) Window_#%aWndId%_tags := 1 << i - 1 aView := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 If Not (i = aView) { Manager_hideShow := True wndId := SubStr(View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%aView%_wndIds, 1, InStr(View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%aView%_wndIds, ";") - 1) Manager_winActivate(wndId) Manager_hideShow := False If Config_viewFollowsTagged Monitor_activateView(i) Else { Manager_hideShow := True Window_hide(aWndId) Manager_hideShow := False If Config_dynamicTiling View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, aView) Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, i) } } } } } Monitor_setWorkArea(left, top, right, bottom) { VarSetCapacity(area, 16) NumPut(left, area, 0) NumPut(top, area, 4) NumPut(right, area, 8) NumPut(bottom, area, 12) DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x2F, UInt, 0, UInt, &area, UInt, 0) ; 0x2F = SPI_SETWORKAREA } Monitor_toggleBar() { Global Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_showBar := Not Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_showBar Bar_toggleVisibility(Manager_aMonitor) Monitor_getWorkArea(Manager_aMonitor) View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1) Manager_winActivate(Bar_aWndId) } Monitor_toggleNotifyIconOverflowWindow() { Static wndId If Not WinExist("ahk_class NotifyIconOverflowWindow") { WinGet, wndId, ID, A detectHidden := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows, On WinShow, ahk_class NotifyIconOverflowWindow WinActivate, ahk_class NotifyIconOverflowWindow DetectHiddenWindows, %detectHidden% } Else { WinHide, ahk_class NotifyIconOverflowWindow WinActivate, ahk_id %wndId% } } Monitor_toggleTaskBar() { Local m m := Manager_aMonitor If Monitor_#%m%_taskBarClass { Monitor_#%m%_showTaskBar := Not Monitor_#%m%_showTaskBar Manager_hideShow := True If Not Monitor_#%m%_showTaskBar { WinHide, Start ahk_class Button WinHide, % "ahk_class " Monitor_#%m%_taskBarClass } Else { WinShow, Start ahk_class Button WinShow, % "ahk_class " Monitor_#%m%_taskBarClass } Manager_hideShow := False Monitor_getWorkArea(m) Bar_move(m) View_arrange(m, Monitor_#%m%_aView_#1) } } Monitor_toggleWindowTag(i, d = 0) { Local aWndId, wndId WinGet, aWndId, ID, A If (InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, aWndId ";") And i >= 0 And i <= Config_viewCount) { If (Window_#%aWndId%_tags & (1 << i - 1)) { If Not ((Window_#%aWndId%_tags - (1 << i - 1)) = 0) { Window_#%aWndId%_tags -= 1 << i - 1 StringReplace, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%i%_wndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%i%_wndIds, %aWndId%`;, Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, i) If (i = Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1) { Manager_hideShow := True Window_hide(aWndId) Manager_hideShow := False wndId := SubStr(View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%i%_wndIds, 1, InStr(View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%i%_wndIds, ";")-1) Manager_winActivate(wndId) If Config_dynamicTiling View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, i) } } } Else { View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%i%_wndIds := aWndId ";" View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%i%_wndIds View_setActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, i, aWndId) Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, i) Window_#%aWndId%_tags += 1 << i - 1 } } }