/* bug.n -- tiling window management Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Joshua Fuhs, joten This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. @license GNU General Public License version 3 ../LICENSE.md or @version 9.0.0 */ Debug_initLog(filename, level = 0, truncateFile = True) { Global Debug_logFilename, Debug_logLevel Debug_logFilename := filename Debug_logLevel := level If truncateFile If FileExist(Debug_logFilename) FileDelete, %Debug_logFilename% } Debug_logHelp() { Debug_logMessage("Help Display", 0) Debug_logMessage("Window list columns", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" ID - Windows ID. Unique, OS-assigned ID", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" H - Hidden. Whether bug.n thinks this window is hidden.", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" W - Windows active. This window is active according to Windows.", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" A - View active. This window is active according to bug.n.", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" F - Floating. This window should not be positioned and resized by the layout.", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" D - Decorated. Does the window have a title bar?", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" R - Responsive. Is responding to messages?", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" G - Ghost. Is this window a ghost of another hung window?", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" M - Monitor number.", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" Tags - Bit-mask of the views in which the window is active.", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" X - Windows X position.", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" Y - Windows Y position.", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" W - Windows width.", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" H - Windows height.", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" Style - Windows style.", 0, False) Debug_logMessage(" Proc / Class / Title - Process/Class/Title of the window.", 0, False) } Debug_logManagedWindowList() { Local wndIds Debug_logMessage("Window dump for manager") Debug_logMessage("ID`t`tH W A F D R G M`tTags`tX`tY`tW`tH`tStyle`t`tProc / Class / Title", 0, False) StringTrimRight, wndIds, Manager_managedWndIds, 1 Loop, PARSE, wndIds, `; { Debug_logWindowInfo(A_LoopField) } } Debug_logMessage(text, level = 1, includeTimestamp = True) { Global Debug_logFilename, Debug_logLevel If (Debug_logLevel >= level) { If includeTimestamp { FormatTime, time, , yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss text := time " " text } Else text := " " text FileAppend, %text%`r`n, %Debug_logFilename% } } Debug_logViewWindowList() { Local v, wndIds v := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 Debug_logMessage("Window dump for active view (" . Manager_aMonitor . ", " . v . ")") Debug_logMessage("ID`t`tH W A F D R G M`tTags`tX`tY`tW`tH`tStyle`t`tProc / Class / Title", 0, False) StringTrimRight, wndIds, View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%v%_wndIds, 1 Loop, PARSE, wndIds, `; { Debug_logWindowInfo(A_LoopField) } } Debug_logWindowInfo(wndId) { Local aWndId, detectHidden, text, v Local isBugnActive, isDecorated, isFloating, isGhost, isHidden, isResponsive, isWinFocus Local wndClass, wndH, wndPId, wndPName, wndStyle, wndTitle, wndW, wndX, wndY detectHidden := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows, On WinGet, aWndId, ID, A If aWndId = %wndId% isWinFocus := "*" Else isWinFocus := " " v := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 If (View_getActiveWindow(Manager_aMonitor, v) = wndId) isBugnActive := "*" Else isBugnActive := " " WinGetTitle, wndTitle, ahk_id %wndId% WinGetClass, wndClass, ahk_id %wndId% WinGet, wndPName, ProcessName, ahk_id %wndId% WinGet, wndPId, PID, ahk_id %wndId% If InStr(Bar_hiddenWndIds, wndId) isHidden := "*" Else isHidden := " " If Window_#%wndId%_isFloating isFloating := "*" Else isFloating := " " If Window_#%wndId%_isDecorated isDecorated := "*" Else isDecorated := " " WinGet, wndStyle, Style, ahk_id %wndId% WinGetPos, wndX, wndY, wndW, wndH, ahk_id %wndId% If Window_isGhost(wndId) isGhost := "*" Else isGhost := " " DetectHiddenWindows, %detectHidden% ;; Intentionally don't detect hidden windows here to see what Manager_hungTest does If Window_isHung(wndId) isResponsive := " " Else isResponsive := "*" text := wndId "`t" text .= isHidden " " isWinFocus " " isBugnActive " " isFloating " " isDecorated " " isResponsive " " isGhost " " text .= Window_#%wndId%_monitor "`t" Window_#%wndId%_tags "`t" text .= wndX "`t" wndY "`t" wndW "`t" wndH "`t" wndStyle "`t" wndPName " [" wndPId "] / " wndClass " / " wndTitle Debug_logMessage(text , 0, False) } Debug_setLogLevel(i, d) { Global Debug_logLevel If (i = 0) i := Debug_logLevel i += d If (i >= 0) And (i != Debug_logLevel) { Debug_logLevel := i If (i = 0) Debug_logMessage("Logging disabled.", 0) Else Debug_logMessage("Log level set to " i ".") } }