/** * bug.n - tiling window management * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 joten * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * @version (27.07.2011) */ Config_init() { Local i, key, layout0, layout1, layout2, layout_#1, layout_#2, layout_#3 ; status bar Config_showBar := True ; If false, the bar is hidden. It can be made visible or hidden by hotkey (see below). Config_horizontalBarPos := "left" ; The horizontal position of the bar: "center", "left" or "right" side of the monitor or an offset in pixel (px) from the left (>= 0) or right (< 0). Config_verticalBarPos := "top" ; The vertical position of the bar: "top" or "bottom" of the monitor, "tray" = sub-window of the task bar. Config_barWidth := "100%" ; The width of the bar in pixel (px) or with a per cent sign (%) as a percentage. Config_singleRowBar := True ; If false, the bar will have to rows, one for the window title and one for all other GUI controls. Config_spaciousBar := False ; If true, the height of the bar will be set to a value equal to the height of an edit control, else it will be set to the text height. Config_fontName := "Lucida Console" ; A monospace font is preferable for bug.n to calculate the correct width of the bar and its elements (sub-windows). Config_readinBat := False ; If true, the system battery status is read in and displayed in the status bar. This only makes sense, if you have a system battery (notebook). Config_readinCpu := False ; If true, the current CPU load is read in and displayed in the status bar. Config_readinDate := True ; If true, the current date is read in (format: "WW, DD. MMM. YYYY") and displayed in the status bar. Config_readinTime := True ; If true, the current time is read in (format: "HH:MM") and displayed in the status bar. Config_readinInterval := 30000 ; Time in milliseconds after which the above status values are refreshed. ; Windows ui elements Config_bbCompatibility := False ; If true, bug.n looks for BlackBox components (bbLeanBar, bbSlit and SystemBarEx) when calculating the work area. It is assumed that the virtual desktop functionality of BlackBox and NOT bug.n is used (=> Hiding and showing windows is detected and acted upon). Config_borderWidth := 0 ; If > 0, the window border width is set to the integer value Config_borderWidth. Config_borderPadding := -1 ; If >= 0, the window border padding is set to the integer value Config_borderPadding (only for Windows >= Vista). Config_showTaskBar := False ; If false, the task bar is hidden. It can be made visible or hidden by hotkey (see below). Config_showBorder := True ; If false, the window borders are hidden; therefor windows cannot be resized manually by dragging the border, even if using the according hotkey. Config_selBorderColor := "" ; Border colour of the active window; format: 0x00BBGGRR (e. g. "0x006A240A", if = "", the system's window border colour is not changed). ; Config_borderWidth, Config_borderPadding and Config_selBorderColor are especially usefull, if you are not allowed to set the design in the system settings. ; window arrangement Config_viewCount := 9 ; The total number of views. This has effects on the displayed groups in the bar, and should not be exceeded in the hotkeys below. layout_#1 := "[]=;tile" ; The layout symbol and arrange function (the first entry is set as the default layout, no layout function means floating behavior) layout_#2 := "[M];monocle" layout_#3 := "><>;" Config_layoutCount := 3 ; Total number of layouts defined above. Config_layoutAxis_#1 := 1 ; The layout axis: 1 = x, 2 = y; negative values mirror the layout, setting the master area to the right / bottom instead of left / top. Config_layoutAxis_#2 := 2 ; The master axis: 1 = x (from left to right), 2 = y (from top to bottom), 3 = z (monocle). Config_layoutAxis_#3 := 2 ; The stack axis: 1 = x (from left to right), 2 = y (from top to bottom), 3 = z (monocle). Config_layoutMFactor := 0.6 ; The factor for the size of the master area, which is multiplied by the monitor size. Config_monitorFollowsMouse := False ; If true, the active monitor is determined by the position of the mouse pointer, if a window is opened; therefor the newly opened window will be moved there by default. Config_mouseFollowsFocus := True ; If true, the mouse pointer is set over the focused window, if a window is activated by bug.n. Config_shellMsgDelay := 350 ; The time bug.n waits after a shell message (a window is opened, closed or the focus has been changed); if there are any problems recognizing, when windows are opened or closed, try to increase this number. Config_viewFollowsTagged := False ; If true, the view is set to, if a window is tagged with a single tag. ; Config_rules_#i := ";;<window style (hexadecimal number or blank)>;<is managed (1 = True or 0 = False)>;<monitor (0 <= integer <= total number of monitors, 0 means the currently active monitor)>;<tags (binary mask as integer >= 0, e. g. 17 for 1 and 5, 0 means the currently active tag)>;<is floating (1 = True or 0 = False)>;<is decorated (1 = True or 0 = False)>;<hide title (1 = True or 0 = False)>" (";" is not allowed as a character) Config_rules_#1 := ".*;.*;;1;0;0;0;0;0" ; At first you may set a default rule (.*;.*;) for a default monitor, view and / or showing window title bars. Config_rules_#2 := ".*;.*;0x80000000;0;0;0;1;1;1" ; Pop-up windows (style WS_POPUP=0x80000000) will not be managed, are floating and the titles are hidden. Config_rules_#3 := "SWT_Window0;.*;;1;0;0;0;0;0" ; Windows created by Java (SWT) e. g. Eclipse have the style WS_POPUP, but should excluded from the above rule. Config_rules_#4 := "Xming;.*;;1;0;0;0;0;0" ; Xming windows have the style WS_POPUP, but should be excluded from the above rule. Config_rules_#5 := "_sp;_sp;;1;0;0;1;0;1" Config_rules_#6 := "MozillaDialogClass;.*;;1;0;0;1;1;0" Config_rules_#7 := "MsiDialog(No)?CloseClass;.*;;1;0;0;1;1;0" Config_rules_#8 := "gdkWindowToplevel;GIMP-Start;;1;0;0;1;1;0" Config_rules_#9 := "gdkWindowToplevel;GNU Image Manipulation Program;;1;0;0;1;1;0" Config_rules_#10 := "gdkWindowToplevel;Werkzeugkasten;;1;0;0;1;1;0" Config_rules_#11 := "gdkWindowToplevel;Ebenen, .* - Pinsel, Muster, .*;;1;0;0;1;1;0" Config_rules_#12 := "gdkWindowToplevel;Toolbox;;1;0;0;1;1;0" Config_rules_#13 := "gdkWindowToplevel;Layers, Channels, Paths, .*;;1;0;0;1;1;0" Config_rules_#14 := "CalcFrame;.*;;1;0;0;1;1;0" Config_rulesCount := 14 ; This variable has to be set to the total number of active rules above. ; session management Config_autoSaveSession := False ; Automatically save the current state of monitors, views, layouts (active view, layout, axes, mfact and msplit) to te session file (set below) when quitting bug.n. If Not Config_sessionFilePath ; The file path, to which the session is saved. This target directory must be writable by the user (%A_ScriptDir% is the diretory, in which "Main.ahk" or the executable of bug.n is saved). Config_sessionFilePath := A_ScriptDir "\Session.ini" Session_restore("Config") Config_getSystemSettings() Config_initColors() Loop, % Config_hotkeyCount { i := InStr(Config_hotkey_#%A_Index%, "::") Config_hotkey_#%A_index%_key := SubStr(Config_hotkey_#%A_Index%, 1, i - 1) Config_hotkey_#%A_index%_command := SubStr(Config_hotkey_#%A_Index%, i + 2) key := Config_hotkey_#%A_index%_key If Not Config_hotkey_#%A_index%_command Hotkey, %key%, Off Else Hotkey, %key%, Config_hotkeyLabel } Loop, % Config_layoutCount { StringSplit, layout, layout_#%A_Index%, `; Config_layoutFunction_#%A_Index% := layout2 Config_layoutSymbol_#%A_Index% := layout1 } If (Config_viewCount > 9) Config_viewCount := 9 } Config_initColors() { Global StringReplace, Config_normBgColor, Config_normBgColor, `;0`;, `;000000`;, All Config_normBgColor := RegExReplace(Config_normBgColor, "^0;", "000000;") Config_normBgColor := RegExReplace(Config_normBgColor, ";0$", ";000000") StringSplit, Config_normBgColor, Config_normBgColor, `; StringReplace, Config_normFgColor, Config_normFgColor, `;0`;, `;000000`;, All Config_normFgColor := RegExReplace(Config_normFgColor, "^0;", "000000;") Config_normFgColor := RegExReplace(Config_normFgColor, ";0$", ";000000") StringSplit, Config_normFgColor, Config_normFgColor, `; StringReplace, Config_selBgColor, Config_selBgColor, `;0`;, `;000000`;, All Config_selBgColor := RegExReplace(Config_selBgColor, "^0;", "000000;") Config_selBgColor := RegExReplace(Config_selBgColor, ";0$", ";000000") StringSplit, Config_selBgColor, Config_selBgColor, `; StringReplace, Config_selFgColor, Config_selFgColor, `;0`;, `;000000`;, All Config_selFgColor := RegExReplace(Config_selFgColor, "^0;", "000000;") Config_selFgColor := RegExReplace(Config_selFgColor, ";0$", ";000000") StringSplit, Config_selFgColor, Config_selFgColor, `; } Config_convertSystemColor(systemColor) { ; systemColor format: 0xBBGGRR rr := SubStr(systemColor, 7, 2) gg := SubStr(systemColor, 5, 2) bb := SubStr(systemColor, 3, 2) Return, rr gg bb } Config_getSystemSettings() { Global Config_fontName, Config_fontSize, Config_normBgColor, Config_normFgColor, Config_selBgColor, Config_selFgColor If Not Config_fontName { ncmSize := VarSetCapacity(ncm, 44 + 5 * (28 + 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)), 0) NumPut(ncmSize, ncm, 0, "UInt") DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "UInt", 0x0029, "UInt", ncmSize, "UInt", &ncm, "UInt", 0) VarSetCapacity(lf, 28 + 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), 0) DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Str", lf, "UInt", &ncm + 24, "UInt", 28 + 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)) VarSetCapacity(Config_fontName, 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), 0) DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Str", Config_fontName, "UInt", &lf + 28, "UInt", 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)) ; maestrith: Script Writer (http://www.autohotkey.net/~maestrith/Script Writer/) } If Not Config_fontSize { ncmSize := VarSetCapacity(ncm, 44 + 5 * (28 + 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)), 0) NumPut(ncmSize, ncm, 0, "UInt") DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "UInt", 0x0029, "UInt", ncmSize, "UInt", &ncm, "UInt", 0) lfSize := VarSetCapacity(lf, 28 + 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), 0) NumPut(lfSize, lf, 0, "UInt") DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Str", lf, "UInt", &ncm + 24, "UInt", 28 + 32 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)) lfHeightSize := VarSetCapacity(lfHeight, 4, 0) NumPut(lfHeightSize, lfHeight, 0, "Int") lfHeight := NumGet(lf, 0, "Int") lfPixelsY := DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", "UInt", DllCall("GetDC", "UInt", 0), "UInt", 90) ; LOGPIXELSY Config_fontSize := -DllCall("MulDiv", "Int", lfHeight, "Int", 72, "Int", lfPixelsY) ; maestrith: Script Writer (http://www.autohotkey.net/~maestrith/Script Writer/) } SetFormat, Integer, hex If Not Config_normBgColor { Config_normBgColor := Config_convertSystemColor(DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 4)) ; COLOR_MENU Config_normBgColor .= ";" Config_convertSystemColor(DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 3)) ; COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION Config_normBgColor .= ";" Config_convertSystemColor(DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 28)) ; COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION Config_normBgColor .= ";Red" Config_normBgColor .= ";" Config_convertSystemColor(DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 28)) ; COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION } If Not Config_normFgColor { Config_normFgColor := Config_convertSystemColor(DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 7)) ; COLOR_MENUTEXT Config_normFgColor .= ";Default" Config_normFgColor .= ";" Config_convertSystemColor(DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 3)) ; COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION Config_normFgColor .= ";" Config_convertSystemColor(DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 19)) ; COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT Config_normFgColor .= ";" Config_convertSystemColor(DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 13)) ; COLOR_HIGHLIGHT Config_normFgColor .= ";White" Config_normFgColor .= ";Default" Config_normFgColor .= ";" Config_convertSystemColor(DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 3)) ; COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION } If Not Config_selBgColor { Config_selBgColor := Config_convertSystemColor(DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 27)) ; COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION } If Not Config_selFgColor { Config_selFgColor := Config_convertSystemColor(DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 9)) ; COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT Config_selFgColor .= ";" Config_convertSystemColor(DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 2)) ; COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION } SetFormat, Integer, d } Config_hotkeyLabel: Config_redirectHotkey(A_ThisHotkey) Return Config_readinAny() { ; Add information to the variable "text" in this function to display it in the status bar. Global Config_readinCpu, Config_readinDate text := "" If Config_readinCpu text .= " CPU: " Bar_getSystemTimes() "% " If Config_readinDate And Config_readinCpu text .= "|" If Config_readinDate text .= " " A_DDD ", " A_DD ". " A_MMM ". " A_YYYY " " Return, text } Config_redirectHotkey(key) { Local functionArgument0, functionArgument1, functionArgument2, functionArguments, functionName, i, j, parameter0, parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, parameters, type Loop, % Config_hotkeyCount If (key = Config_hotkey_#%A_index%_key) { type := SubStr(Config_hotkey_#%A_index%_command, 1, 5) If (type = "Run, ") { parameters := SubStr(Config_hotkey_#%A_index%_command, 6) If InStr(parameters, ", ") { StringSplit, parameter, parameters, `, If (parameter0 = 2) { StringTrimLeft, parameter2, parameter2, 1 Run, %parameter1%, %parameter2% } Else If (parameter0 > 2) { StringTrimLeft, parameter2, parameter2, 1 StringTrimLeft, parameter3, parameter3, 1 Run, %parameter1%, %parameter2%, %parameter3% } } Else Run, %parameters% } Else If (type = "Send ") Send % SubStr(Config_hotkey_#%A_index%_command, 6) Else { i := InStr(Config_hotkey_#%A_index%_command, "(") j := InStr(Config_hotkey_#%A_index%_command, ")", False, i) If i And j { functionName := SubStr(Config_hotkey_#%A_index%_command, 1, i - 1) functionArguments := SubStr(Config_hotkey_#%A_index%_command, i + 1, j - (i + 1)) StringSplit, functionArgument, functionArguments, `, If (functionArgument0 < 2) %functionName%(functionArguments) Else If (functionArgument0 = 2) { StringTrimLeft, functionArgument2, functionArgument2, 1 %functionName%(functionArgument1, functionArgument2) } } } Break } } /** * key definitions * * format: <modifier><key>::<function>(<argument>) * modifier: ! = Alt (Mod1Mask), ^ = Ctrl (ControlMask), + = Shift (ShiftMask), # = LWin (Mod4Mask) */ #Down::View_activateWindow(+1) ; Activate the next window in the active view. #Up::View_activateWindow(-1) ; Activate the previous window in the active view. #+Down::View_shuffleWindow(+1) ; Move the active window to the next position in the window list of the view. #+Up::View_shuffleWindow(-1) ; Move the active window to the previous position in the window list of the view. #+Enter::View_shuffleWindow(0) ; Move the active window to the first position in the window list of the view. #c::Manager_closeWindow() ; Close the active window. #+d::Manager_toggleDecor() ; Show / Hide the title bar of the active window. #+f::View_toggleFloating() ; Toggle the floating status of the active window (i. e. dis- / regard it when tiling). #+m::Manager_moveWindow() ; Move the active window by key (only floating windows). #+s::Manager_sizeWindow() ; Resize the active window by key (only floating windows). #+x::Manager_maximizeWindow() ; Move and resize the active window to the size of the work area (only floating windows). #i::Manager_getWindowInfo() ; Get information for the active window (id, title, class, process name, style, geometry, tags and floating state). #+i::Manager_getWindowList() ; Get a window list for the active view (id, title and class). #Tab::View_setLayout(-1) ; Set the previously set layout. You may also use View_setLayout(">") for setting the next layout in the layout array. #f::View_setLayout(3) ; Set the 3rd defined layout (i. e. floating layout in the default configuration). #m::View_setLayout(2) ; Set the 2nd defined layout (i. e. monocle layout in the default configuration). #t::View_setLayout(1) ; Set the 1st defined layout (i. e. tile layout in the default configuration). #Left::View_setMFactor(-0.05) ; Reduce the size of the master area in the active view (only for the "tile" layout). #Right::View_setMFactor(+0.05) ; Enlarge the size of the master area in the active view (only for the "tile" layout). #^t::View_rotateLayoutAxis(1, +1) ; Rotate the layout axis (i. e. 2 -> 1 = vertical layout, 1 -> 2 = horizontal layout, only for the "tile" layout). #^Enter::View_rotateLayoutAxis(1, +2) ; Mirror the layout axis (i. e. -1 -> 1 / 1 -> -1 = master on the left / right side, -2 -> 2 / 2 -> -2 = master at top / bottom, only for the "tile" layout). #^Tab::View_rotateLayoutAxis(2, +1) ; Rotate the master axis (i. e. 3 -> 1 = x-axis = horizontal stack, 1 -> 2 = y-axis = vertical stack, 2 -> 3 = z-axis = monocle, only for the "tile" layout). #^+Tab::View_rotateLayoutAxis(3, +1) ; Rotate the stack axis (i. e. 3 -> 1 = x-axis = horizontal stack, 1 -> 2 = y-axis = vertical stack, 2 -> 3 = z-axis = monocle, only for the "tile" layout). #^Left::View_setMSplit(+1) ; Move the master splitter, i. e. decrease the number of windows in the master area (only for the "tile" layout). #^Right::View_setMSplit(-1) ; Move the master splitter, i. e. increase the number of windows in the master area (only for the "tile" layout). #BackSpace::Monitor_activateView(-1) ; Activate the previously activated view. You may also use Monitor_activateView("<") or Monitor_activateView(">") for activating the previous or next adjacent view. #+0::Monitor_setWindowTag(0) ; Tag the active window with all tags (1 ... Config_viewCount). You may also use Monitor_setWindowTag("<") or Monitor_setWindowTag(">") for setting the tag of the previous or next adjacent to the current view. #1::Monitor_activateView(1) ; Activate the view (choose one out of 1 ... Config_viewCount). #+1::Monitor_setWindowTag(1) ; Tag the active window (choose one tag out of 1 ... Config_viewCount). #^1::Monitor_toggleWindowTag(1) ; Add / Remove the tag (1 ... Config_viewCount) for the active window, if it is not / is already set. #2::Monitor_activateView(2) #+2::Monitor_setWindowTag(2) #^2::Monitor_toggleWindowTag(2) #3::Monitor_activateView(3) #+3::Monitor_setWindowTag(3) #^3::Monitor_toggleWindowTag(3) #4::Monitor_activateView(4) #+4::Monitor_setWindowTag(4) #^4::Monitor_toggleWindowTag(4) #5::Monitor_activateView(5) #+5::Monitor_setWindowTag(5) #^5::Monitor_toggleWindowTag(5) #6::Monitor_activateView(6) #+6::Monitor_setWindowTag(6) #^6::Monitor_toggleWindowTag(6) #7::Monitor_activateView(7) #+7::Monitor_setWindowTag(7) #^7::Monitor_toggleWindowTag(7) #8::Monitor_activateView(8) #+8::Monitor_setWindowTag(8) #^8::Monitor_toggleWindowTag(8) #9::Monitor_activateView(9) #+9::Monitor_setWindowTag(9) #^9::Monitor_toggleWindowTag(9) #.::Manager_activateMonitor(+1) ; Activate the next monitor in a multi-monitor environment. #,::Manager_activateMonitor(-1) ; Activate the previous monitor in a multi-monitor environment. #+.::Manager_setWindowMonitor(+1) ; Set the active window to the active view on the next monitor in a multi-monitor environment. #+,::Manager_setWindowMonitor(-1) ; Set the active window to the active view on the previous monitor in a multi-monitor environment. #^+.::Manager_setViewMonitor(+1) ; Set all windows of the active view on the active view of the next monitor in a multi-monitor environment. #^+,::Manager_setViewMonitor(-1) ; Set all windows of the active view on the active view of the previous monitor in a multi-monitor environment. #+Space::Monitor_toggleBar() ; Hide / Show the bar (bug.n status bar) on the active monitor. #Space::Monitor_toggleTaskBar() ; Hide / Show the task bar. #y::Bar_toggleCommandGui() ; Open the command GUI for executing programmes or bug.n functions. #^e::Run, edit, %Config_sessionFilePath% ; Open the session file in the standard text editor. #^s::Session_save() ; Save the current state of monitors, views, layouts. #^r::Reload ; For resetting the confguration, if running bug.n as an Autohotkey script. #^q::ExitApp ; Quit bug.n, restore the default Windows UI and show all windows.