## bug.n -- Tiling Window Manager bug.n is a [tiling window manager](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiling_window_manager) add-on for Microsoft Windows. It is written in the scripting language [AutoHotkey](http://ahkscript.org/download/). ### What it can do * Provide layouts for resizing and moving windows, utilizing all available screen estate and customizable to your specific needs and workflow * Provide views (i. e. virtual desktops) for showing only those windows, which you need to do your work. * Dynamically resize and move your windows, applying a specified layout, without you having to care about moving them all by mouse * Increase the available screen estate by hiding and therewith freeing up the space occupied by the Microsoft Windows Taskbar and the title bar for every single window * and replacing all with a single slim status bar (-- but bug.n is not a shell replacement) * Show window management information in the status bar: active window title, active layout, overview of the views used * Show system information in the status bar: time and date, CPU and memory usage, disk and network load, battery level * Store your settings, i. e. which windows and layout were set on a specific view * Support multiple monitors ### What it enables _you_ to do * You can resize and move windows specified by the active layout and initialized by hotkey. * You can toggle the visibility of the Windows Taskbar. * You can toggle the visibility of the Windows title bar of the active window. * You can change the layout for the tiling window management suitable to your needs. + **Tile**: Lay out all windows like tiles on a master area, which can be further split up, and a stacking area, where remaining windows can be stacked or shown side by side. + **Monocle**: All windows are maximized and only one is shown at any time. + **Floating**: Windows are not dynamically tiled. * You can further customize the layouts for each view. * You can move windows to another view (virtual desktop) by tagging them with a number. * You can share windows between views by tagging them with more than one number. * You can move between views, hiding the windows, you do not want to see, and showing those, you want to see, by pressing a simple hotkey. ### Installing and running bug.n #### Requirements * Microsoft Windows 2000 or higher * [AutoHotkey](http://ahkscript.org/download/) (if running bug.n from source as a script) You may either [download the stable version of bug.n](https://github.com/fuhsjr00/bug.n/releases/latest) from the repository, or [download the current development version](https://github.com/fuhsjr00/bug.n/archive/master.zip) as the repository itself. Either way, you will have a `zip` file including an executable (`bug.n.exe`), the source (`src\*`) and documentation (`doc\*`) files. There is no installation process for bug.n. Unpack the `zip` file, and you should be able to run either the executable as it is or the main script (`src\Main.ahk`) with [AutoHotkey](http://ahkscript.org/download/). By default bug.n stores the session data (configuration, layout, window states and log) to the user's APPDATA directory, e. g. `C:\Users\joten\AppData\Roaming\bug.n`. Please see the [documentation](./doc) or the [Wiki](https://github.com/fuhsjr00/bug.n/wiki) for more information on installing and running, customizing and using bug.n and for a list of changes made with the current version, in particular the changes in the user interface (configuration variables and hotkeys). ### License bug.n is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. Please see the [LICENSE file](./LICENSE.md) for the full license text. ### Credits Please see the [CREDITS file](./CREDITS.md) for a list of people and projects, which contributed to bug.n.