/* bug.n -- tiling window management Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Joshua Fuhs, joten This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. @license GNU General Public License version 3 ../LICENSE.md or @version 9.1.0 */ Bar_init(m) { Local appBarMsg, anyText, color, color0, GuiN, h1, h2, i, id, id0, text, text0, titleWidth, trayWndId, w, wndId, wndTitle, wndWidth, x1, x2, y1, y2 If (SubStr(Config_barWidth, 0) = "%") { StringTrimRight, wndWidth, Config_barWidth, 1 wndWidth := Round(Monitor_#%m%_width * wndWidth / 100) } Else wndWidth := Config_barWidth wndWidth := Round(wndWidth / mmngr1.monitors[m].scaleX) If (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray" And Monitor_#%m%_taskBarClass) { Bar_ctrlHeight := Round(Bar_ctrlHeight / mmngr1.monitors[m].scaleY) Bar_height := Round(Bar_height / mmngr1.monitors[m].scaleY) } Monitor_#%m%_barWidth := wndWidth titleWidth := wndWidth h1 := Bar_ctrlHeight x1 := 0 x2 := wndWidth y1 := 0 y2 := (Bar_ctrlHeight - Bar_textHeight) / 2 h2 := Bar_textHeight ;; Create the GUI window wndTitle := "bug.n_BAR_" m GuiN := (m - 1) + 1 Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[6] Bar_init(): Gui, " . GuiN . ": Default", 6) Gui, %GuiN%: Default Gui, Destroy Gui, -Caption +LabelBar_Gui +LastFound +ToolWindow Gui, Color, %Config_backColor_#1_#3% Gui, Font, c%Config_fontColor_#1_#3% s%Config_fontSize%, %Config_fontName% ;; Views Loop, % Config_viewCount { w := Bar_getTextWidth(" " Config_viewNames_#%A_Index% " ") Bar_addElement(m, "view_#" A_Index, " " Config_viewNames_#%A_Index% " ", x1, y1, w, Config_backColor_#1_#1, Config_foreColor_#1_#1, Config_fontColor_#1_#1) titleWidth -= w x1 += w } ;; Layout w := Bar_getTextWidth(" ?????? ") Bar_addElement(m, "layout", " ?????? ", x1, y1, w, Config_backColor_#1_#2, Config_foreColor_#1_#2, Config_fontColor_#1_#2) titleWidth -= w x1 += w ;; The x-position and width of the sub-windows right of the window title are set from the right. ;; ;;;<shebang>;<time>;<date>;<anyText>;<battery>;<volumeLevel> ;color := "4" ;id := "shebang" ;text := " #! " color := "" id := "" text := "" If Config_readinTime { color .= "4" id .= "time" text .= "" . Config_readinTimeFormat } If (Config_readinDate And !Config_combineDateAndTime) { color .= ";5" id .= ";date" text .= ";" . Config_readinDateFormat } If Config_readinVolume { color .= ";9" id .= ";volume" text .= ";VOL: ???%" } If Config_readinRam { color .= ";6" id .= ";ram" text .= ";" . ResourceMonitor_getRamText() } If Config_readinCpu { color .= ";7" id .= ";cpu" text .= ";" . ResourceMonitor_getCpuText() } If Config_readinBat { color .= ";8" id .= ";battery" text .= ";BAT: ???%" } If Config_readinMusic { color .= ";10" id .= ";music" text .= ";" . MusicBee_GetNowPlaying() } StringSplit, color, color, `; StringSplit, id, id, `; StringSplit, text, text, `; Loop, % id0 { elemId := id%A_Index% If (elemId = "shebang") Gui, -Disabled w := Bar_getTextWidth(text%A_Index%) x2 -= w titleWidth -= w i := color%A_Index% iconIndex := i - 3 icon := Config_barIcon_#%iconIndex% iconId := % elemId "_icon" Bar_addElement(m, elemId, text%A_Index%, x2, y1, wndWidth, Config_backColor_#1_#%i%, Config_foreColor_#1_#%i%, Config_fontColor_#1_#%i%) Bar_addElement(m, iconId, icon, x2, y1, wndWidth, Config_backColor_#1_#%i%, Config_foreColor_#1_#%i%, Config_fontColor_#1_#%i%, Config_iconFontSize, Config_iconFontName) GuiControl, -Center, Bar_#%m%_%elemId% } ;; Window title (remaining space) If Not Config_singleRowBar { titleWidth := wndWidth x1 := 0 y1 += h1 y2 += h1 } Bar_addElement(m, "title", "", x1, y1, titleWidth, Config_backColor_#1_#3, Config_foreColor_#1_#3, Config_fontColor_#1_#3) If (Config_horizontalBarPos = "left") x1 := 0 Else If (Config_horizontalBarPos = "right") x1 := Monitor_#%m%_width - wndWidth * mmngr1.monitors[m].scaleX Else If (Config_horizontalBarPos = "center") x1 := (Monitor_#%m%_width - wndWidth * mmngr1.monitors[m].scaleX) / 2 Else If (Config_horizontalBarPos >= 0) x1 := Config_horizontalBarPos Else If (Config_horizontalBarPos < 0) x1 := Monitor_#%m%_width - wndWidth * mmngr1.monitors[m].scaleX + Config_horizontalBarPos If Not (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray" And Monitor_#%m%_taskBarClass) x1 += Monitor_#%m%_x x1 := Round(x1) Bar_#%m%_titleWidth := titleWidth Monitor_#%m%_barX := x1 y1 := Monitor_#%m%_barY If Monitor_#%m%_showBar Gui, Show, NoActivate x%x1% y%y1% w%wndWidth% h%Bar_height%, %wndTitle% Else Gui, Show, NoActivate Hide x%x1% y%y1% w%wndWidth% h%Bar_height%, %wndTitle% WinSet, Transparent, %Config_barTransparency%, %wndTitle% wndId := WinExist(wndTitle) Bar_appBarData := "" If (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray" And Monitor_#%m%_taskBarClass) { trayWndId := WinExist("ahk_class " Monitor_#%m%_taskBarClass) DllCall("SetParent", "UInt", wndId, "UInt", trayWndId) } Else { appBarMsg := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", Str, "AppBarMsg") ;; appBarData: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms538008.aspx VarSetCapacity(Bar_appBarData, 36, 0) offset := NumPut( 36, Bar_appBarData) offset := NumPut( wndId, offset+0) offset := NumPut( appBarMsg, offset+0) offset := NumPut( 1, offset+0) offset := NumPut( x1, offset+0) offset := NumPut( y1, offset+0) offset := NumPut( x1 + wndWidth, offset+0) offset := NumPut(y1 + Bar_height, offset+0) offset := NumPut( 1, offset+0) DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHAppBarMessage", "UInt", (ABM_NEW := 0x0) , "UInt", &Bar_appBarData) DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHAppBarMessage", "UInt", (ABM_QUERYPOS := 0x2), "UInt", &Bar_appBarData) DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHAppBarMessage", "UInt", (ABM_SETPOS := 0x3) , "UInt", &Bar_appBarData) ;; SKAN: Crazy Scripting : Quick Launcher for Portable Apps (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic22398.html) } Bar_BinaryClockChars := ["⠀","⠈","⠐","⠘","⠠","⠨","⠰","⠸","⢀","⢈","⠁","⠉","⠑","⠙","⠡","⠩","⠱","⠹","⢁","⢉","⠂","⠊","⠒","⠚","⠢","⠪","⠲","⠺","⢂","⢊","⠃","⠋","⠓","⠛","⠣","⠫","⠳","⠻","⢃","⢋","⠄","⠌","⠔","⠜","⠤","⠬","⠴","⠼","⢄","⢌","⠅","⠍","⠕","⠝","⠥","⠭","⠵","⠽","⢅","⢍"] Bar_TimeDateState := 0 } Bar_initCmdGui() { Global Bar_#0_#0, Bar_#0_#0H, Bar_#0_#0W, Bar_#0_#1, Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible, Config_barCommands, Config_fontName, Config_fontSize Global Config_backColor_#1_#3, Config_fontColor_#1_#3, Config_foreColor_#1_#3 Bar_#0_#0 := "" Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible := False wndTitle := "bug.n_BAR_0" Gui, 99: Default Gui, +LabelBar_cmdGui IfWinExist, %wndTitle% Gui, Destroy Gui, +LastFound -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop +Delimiter`; Gui, Color, Default Gui, Font, s%Config_fontSize%, %Config_fontName% StringSplit, cmd, Config_barCommands, `; Gui, Add, ComboBox, x10 y10 r%cmd0% w300 Background%Config_backColor_#1_#3% c%Config_fontColor_#1_#3% Simple vBar_#0_#0 gBar_cmdGuiEnter, % Config_barCommands Gui, Add, Edit, Y0 w300 Hidden vBar_#0_#1 gBar_cmdGuiEnter Gui, Add, Button, Y0 Hidden Default gBar_cmdGuiEnter, OK GuiControlGet, Bar_#0_#0, Pos Bar_#0_#0H += 20 Bar_#0_#0W += 20 Gui, Show, Hide w%Bar_#0_#0W% h%Bar_#0_#0H%, %wndTitle% } Bar_addElement(m, id, text, x, y1, width, backColor, foreColor, fontColor, fontSize="", fontName="") { Local y2 if (fontSize == "") { fontSize = %Config_fontSize% } if (fontName == "") { fontName = %Config_fontName% } y2 := y1 + (Bar_ctrlHeight - Bar_textHeight) / 2 Gui, Add, Text, x%x% y%y1% w%width% h%Bar_ctrlHeight% BackgroundTrans vBar_#%m%_%id%_event gBar_GuiClick, ;Gui, Add, Progress, x%x% y%y1% w%width% h%Bar_ctrlHeight% Background%backColor% c%foreColor% vBar_#%m%_%id%_highlighted ;GuiControl, , Bar_#%m%_%id%_highlighted, 100 Gui, Font, c%fontColor% s%fontSize%, %fontName% Gui, Add, Text, x%x% y%y2% w%width% h%Bar_textHeight% BackgroundTrans Center vBar_#%m%_%id% HwndBar_#%m%_%id%_hwnd, %text% } Bar_cmdGuiEnter: If (A_GuiControl = "OK") Or (A_GuiControl = "Bar_#0_#0" And A_GuiControlEvent = "DoubleClick") { Gui, Submit, NoHide Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible := False Gui, Cancel WinActivate, ahk_id %Bar_aWndId% Main_evalCommand(Bar_#0_#0) Bar_#0_#0 := "" } Else If (A_GuiControl = "Bar_#0_#1") { Gui, Submit, NoHide Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[6] Bar_cmdGuiEnter; command: " . Bar_#0_#1, 6) Loop, Parse, Bar_#0_#1, `n, `r Main_evalCommand(A_LoopField) } Return Bar_cmdGuiEscape: Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible := False Gui, Cancel WinActivate, ahk_id %Bar_aWndId% Return Bar_getHeight() { Global Bar_#0_#1, Bar_#0_#1H, Bar_#0_#2, Bar_#0_#2H, Bar_ctrlHeight, Bar_height, Bar_textHeight Global Config_fontName, Config_fontSize, Config_singleRowBar, Config_spaciousBar, Config_verticalBarPos wndTitle := "bug.n_BAR_0" Gui, 99: Default Gui, Font, s%Config_fontSize%, %Config_fontName% Gui, Add, Text, x0 y0 vBar_#0_#1, | GuiControlGet, Bar_#0_#1, Pos Bar_textHeight := Bar_#0_#1H If Config_spaciousBar { Gui, Add, ComboBox, r9 x0 y0 vBar_#0_#2, | GuiControlGet, Bar_#0_#2, Pos Bar_ctrlHeight := Bar_#0_#2H } Else Bar_ctrlHeight := Bar_textHeight Gui, Destroy Bar_height := Bar_ctrlHeight If Not Config_singleRowBar Bar_height *= 2 If (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray") { WinGetPos, , , , buttonH, Start ahk_class Button WinGetPos, , , , barH, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd If WinExist("Start ahk_class Button") And (buttonH < barH) Bar_height := buttonH Else Bar_height := barH Bar_ctrlHeight := Bar_height If Not Config_singleRowBar Bar_ctrlHeight := Bar_height / 2 } } Bar_getTextWidth(x, reverse=False) { Global Config_fontSize If reverse { ;; 'reverse' calculates the number of characters to a given width. w := x i := w / (Config_fontSize - 1) If (Config_fontSize = 7 Or (Config_fontSize > 8 And Config_fontSize < 13)) i := w / (Config_fontSize - 2) Else If (Config_fontSize > 12 And Config_fontSize < 18) i := w / (Config_fontSize - 3) Else If (Config_fontSize > 17) i := w / (Config_fontSize - 4) textWidth := i } Else { ;; 'else' calculates the width to a given string. textWidth := StrLen(x) * (Config_fontSize - 1) If (Config_fontSize = 7 Or (Config_fontSize > 8 And Config_fontSize < 13)) textWidth := StrLen(x) * (Config_fontSize - 2) Else If (Config_fontSize > 12 And Config_fontSize < 18) textWidth := StrLen(x) * (Config_fontSize - 3) Else If (Config_fontSize > 17) textWidth := StrLen(x) * (Config_fontSize - 4) } Return, textWidth } Bar_getTrueTextWidth(controlHwnd, newText) { dc := DllCall("GetDC", "Ptr", controlHwnd) ; 0x31 = WM_GETFONT SendMessage 0x31,,,, ahk_id %controlHwnd% hFont := ErrorLevel oldFont := 0 if (hFont != "FAIL") oldFont := DllCall("SelectObject", "Ptr", dc, "Ptr", hFont) VarSetCapacity(rect, 16, 0) ; 0x440 = DT_CALCRECT | DT_EXPANDTABS h := DllCall("DrawText", "Ptr", dc, "Ptr", &newText, "Int", -1, "Ptr", &rect, "UInt", 0x440) ; width = rect.right - rect.left w := NumGet(rect, 8, "Int") - NumGet(rect, 0, "Int") if oldFont DllCall("SelectObject", "Ptr", dc, "Ptr", oldFont) DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Ptr", controlHwnd, "Ptr", dc) return w } Bar_GuiClick: Manager_winActivate(Bar_aWndId) If (A_GuiEvent = "Normal") { ;If (SubStr(A_GuiControl, -13) = "_shebang_event") { ; If Not Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible ; If Not (SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_", False, 6) - 6) = Manager_aMonitor) ; Manager_activateMonitor(SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_", False, 6) - 6)) ; Bar_toggleCommandGui() ;} Else If (SubStr(A_GuiControl, -10) = "_time_event") { If (Config_combineDateAndTime) { If (Bar_TimeDateState == 0) { Bar_TimeDateState := 1 } Else { Bar_TimeDateState := 0 } } } Else { If Not (SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_", False, 6) - 6) = Manager_aMonitor) Manager_activateMonitor(SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_", False, 6) - 6)) If (SubStr(A_GuiControl, -12) = "_layout_event") View_setLayout(-1) Else If InStr(A_GuiControl, "_view_#") And (SubStr(A_GuiControl, -5) = "_event") Monitor_activateView(SubStr(A_GuiControl, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_view_#", False, 0) + 7, 1)) } } Return Bar_GuiContextMenu: Manager_winActivate(Bar_aWndId) If (A_GuiEvent = "RightClick") { If (SubStr(A_GuiControl, -12) = "_layout_event") { If Not (SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_", False, 6) - 6) = Manager_aMonitor) Manager_activateMonitor(SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_", False, 6) - 6)) View_setLayout(0, +1) } Else If InStr(A_GuiControl, "_view_#") And (SubStr(A_GuiControl, -5) = "_event") { If Not (SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_", False, 6) - 6) = Manager_aMonitor) Manager_setWindowMonitor(SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_", False, 6) - 6)) Monitor_setWindowTag(SubStr(A_GuiControl, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_view_#", False, 0) + 7, 1)) } } Return Bar_loop: Bar_updateStatus() Return Bar_move(m) { Local wndTitle, x, y x := Monitor_#%m%_barX y := Monitor_#%m%_barY wndTitle := "bug.n_BAR_" m WinMove, %wndTitle%, , %x%, %y% } Bar_toggleCommandGui() { Local wndId, x, y Gui, 99: Default If Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible { Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible := False Gui, Cancel Manager_winActivate(Bar_aWndId) } Else { Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible := True If (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray") x := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_x + Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_barX + Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_barWidth - Bar_#0_#0W Else x := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_barX + Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_barWidth - Bar_#0_#0W ;; x := mX + (mBarX - mX) + mBarW - w If (Config_verticalBarPos = "top") Or (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray") And (Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_taskBarPos = "top" Or Not Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_taskBarClass) y := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_y Else y := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_y + Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_height - Bar_#0_#0H Gui, Show WinGet, wndId, ID, bug.n_BAR_0 WinMove, ahk_id %wndId%, , %x%, %y% Window_set(wndId, "AlwaysOnTop", "On") GuiControl, Focus, % Bar_#0_#0 } } Bar_toggleVisibility(m) { Local GuiN GuiN := (m - 1) + 1 If Monitor_#%m%_showBar { If Not (GuiN = 99) Or Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible Gui, %GuiN%: Show } Else Gui, %GuiN%: Cancel } Bar_updateLayout(m) { Local aView, GuiN aView := Monitor_#%m%_aView_#1 GuiN := (m - 1) + 1 GuiControl, %GuiN%: , Bar_#%m%_layout, % View_#%m%_#%aView%_layoutSymbol } Bar_updateStatic(m) { Local GuiN GuiN := (m - 1) + 1 GuiControl, %GuiN%: , Bar_#%m%_shebang, #! } Bar_updateStatus() { Local bat1, bat2, bat3, GuiN, m, mute, time, vol, hours, minutes, seconds, text, textWidth, statusWidth, iconWidth, iconY iconY := (Bar_ctrlHeight - Bar_textHeight) / 2 - %Config_iconFontYOffset% If Config_readinBat { ResourceMonitor_getBatteryStatus(bat1, bat2) bat3 := bat1 } If Config_readinVolume { SoundGet, vol, MASTER, VOLUME SoundGet, mute, MASTER, MUTE vol := Round(vol) } Loop, % Manager_monitorCount { m := A_Index GuiN := (m - 1) + 1 Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[6] Bar_updateStatus(): Gui, " . GuiN . ": Default", 6) Gui, %GuiN%: Default statusWidth := Monitor_#%m%_barWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barItemSpacing% If Config_readinTime { If Config_readinTimeBinary { FormatTime, hours,, H FormatTime, minutes,, m FormatTime, seconds,, s If (Config_combineDateAndTime) { If (Bar_TimeDateState == 0) { time := % Bar_BinaryClockChars[hours + 1] " " Bar_BinaryClockChars[minutes + 1] " " Bar_BinaryClockChars[seconds + 1] } Else { FormatTime, time, , % Config_readinDateFormat } } else { time := % Bar_BinaryClockChars[hours + 1] " " Bar_BinaryClockChars[minutes + 1] " " Bar_BinaryClockChars[seconds + 1] } } Else { If (Config_combineDateAndTime) { If (Bar_TimeDateState == 0) { FormatTime, time, , % Config_readinTimeFormat } Else { FormatTime, time, , % Config_readinDateFormat } } else { FormatTime, time, , % Config_readinTimeFormat } } textWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_time_hwnd, time) statusWidth -= textWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_time, % time GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_time, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_time_event, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_time_highlighted, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barIconSpacing% If (Config_combineDateAndTime) { If (Bar_TimeDateState == 0) { iconWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_time_icon_hwnd, Config_barIcon_#1) } Else { iconWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_time_icon_hwnd, Config_barIcon_#2) } } Else { iconWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_time_icon_hwnd, Config_barIcon_#1) } statusWidth -= iconWidth If (Config_combineDateAndTime) { If (Bar_TimeDateState == 0) { GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_time_icon, %Config_barIcon_#1% } Else { GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_time_icon, %Config_barIcon_#2% } } Else { GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_time_icon, %Config_barIcon_#1% } GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_time_icon, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth " h" Bar_ctrlHeight " y" iconY GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_time_icon_event, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_time_icon_highlighted, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barItemSpacing% } If Config_readinDate And !Config_combineDateAndTime { FormatTime, time, , % Config_readinDateFormat textWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_date_hwnd, time) statusWidth -= textWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_date, % time GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_date, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_date_event, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_date_highlighted, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barIconSpacing% iconWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_date_icon_hwnd, Config_barIcon_#2) statusWidth -= iconWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_date_icon, %Config_barIcon_#2% GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_date_icon, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth " h" Bar_ctrlHeight " y" iconY GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_date_icon_event, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_date_icon_highlighted, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barItemSpacing% } If Config_readinVolume { If (mute = "On") { ;; Change the color, if the mute is on ;GuiControl, +Background%Config_backColor_#1_#9% +c%Config_foreColor_#1_#9%, Bar_#%m%_volume_highlighted GuiControl, +c%Config_fontColor_#2_#9%, Bar_#%m%_volume GuiControl, +c%Config_fontColor_#2_#9%, Bar_#%m%_volume_icon } Else { ;GuiControl, +Background%Config_backColor_#2_#9% +c%Config_foreColor_#2_#9%, Bar_#%m%_volume_highlighted GuiControl, +c%Config_fontColor_#1_#9%, Bar_#%m%_volume GuiControl, +c%Config_fontColor_#1_#9%, Bar_#%m%_volume_icon } text := % vol "%" textWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_volume_hwnd, text) statusWidth -= textWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_volume, % text GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_volume, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_volume_event, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_volume_highlighted, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barIconSpacing% iconWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_volume_icon_hwnd, Config_barIcon_#6) statusWidth -= iconWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_volume_icon, %Config_barIcon_#6% GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_volume_icon, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth " h" Bar_ctrlHeight " y" iconY GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_volume_icon_event, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_volume_icon_highlighted, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barItemSpacing% } If Config_readinRam { text := ResourceMonitor_getRamText() textWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_ram_hwnd, text) statusWidth -= textWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_ram, % text GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_ram, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_ram_event, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_ram_highlighted, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barIconSpacing% iconWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_ram_icon_hwnd, Config_barIcon_#3) statusWidth -= iconWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_ram_icon, %Config_barIcon_#3% GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_ram_icon, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth " h" Bar_ctrlHeight " y" iconY GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_ram_icon_event, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_ram_icon_highlighted, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barItemSpacing% } If Config_readinCpu { text := ResourceMonitor_getCpuText() textWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_cpu_hwnd, text) statusWidth -= textWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_cpu, % text GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_cpu, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_cpu_event, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_cpu_highlighted, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barIconSpacing% iconWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_cpu_icon_hwnd, Config_barIcon_#4) statusWidth -= iconWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_cpu_icon, %Config_barIcon_#4% GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_cpu_icon, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth " h" Bar_ctrlHeight " y" iconY GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_cpu_icon_event, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_cpu_icon_highlighted, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barItemSpacing% } If Config_readinBat { If (bat1 < 10) And (bat2 = "off") { ;; Change the color, if the battery level is below 10% ;GuiControl, +Background%Config_backColor_#3_#8% +c%Config_foreColor_#3_#8%, Bar_#%m%_battery_highlighted GuiControl, +c%Config_fontColor_#3_#8%, Bar_#%m%_battery } Else If (bat2 = "off") { ;; Change the color, if the pc is not plugged in ;GuiControl, +Background%Config_backColor_#2_#8% +c%Config_foreColor_#2_#8%, Bar_#%m%_battery_highlighted GuiControl, +c%Config_fontColor_#2_#8%, Bar_#%m%_battery } Else { ;GuiControl, +Background%Config_backColor_#1_#8% +c%Config_foreColor_#1_#8%, Bar_#%m%_battery_highlighted GuiControl, +c%Config_fontColor_#1_#8%, Bar_#%m%_battery } text := % bat3 "%" textWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_battery_hwnd, text) statusWidth -= textWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_battery, % text GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_battery, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_battery_event, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_battery_highlighted, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barIconSpacing% iconWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_battery_icon_hwnd, Config_barIcon_#5) statusWidth -= iconWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_battery_icon, %Config_barIcon_#5% GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_battery_icon, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth " h" Bar_ctrlHeight " y" iconY GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_battery_icon_event, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_battery_icon_highlighted, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barItemSpacing% } If Config_readinMusic { text := MusicBee_GetNowPlaying() textWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_music_hwnd, text) statusWidth -= textWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_music, % text GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_music, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_music_event, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_music_highlighted, % "w" textWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barIconSpacing% if (text == "") { iconWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_music_icon_hwnd, "") } else { iconWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%m%_music_icon_hwnd, Config_barIcon_#7) } statusWidth -= iconWidth GuiControl,, Bar_#%m%_music_icon, %Config_barIcon_#7% GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_music_icon, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth " h" Bar_ctrlHeight " y" iconY GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_music_icon_event, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth ;GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%m%_music_icon_highlighted, % "w" iconWidth " x" statusWidth statusWidth -= %Config_barItemSpacing% } } } Bar_updateTitle() { Local aWndId, aWndTitle, content, GuiN, i, title, titleWidth, barWidth, titleX WinGet, aWndId, ID, A WinGetTitle, aWndTitle, ahk_id %aWndId% If InStr(Bar_hideTitleWndIds, aWndId ";") Or (aWndTitle = "bug.n_BAR_0") aWndTitle := "" If aWndId And InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, aWndId . ";") And Window_#%aWndId%_isFloating aWndTitle := "~ " aWndTitle If (Manager_monitorCount > 1) aWndTitle := "[" Manager_aMonitor "] " aWndTitle title := aWndTitle ;If (Bar_getTextWidth(title) > 768) { ; ;; Shorten the window title if its length exceeds the width of the bar ; i := Bar_getTextWidth(Bar_#%Manager_aMonitor%_titleWidth, True) - 6 ; StringLeft, title, aWndTitle, i ; title := " " . title . " ... " ;} StringReplace, title, title, &, &&, All ;; Special character '&', which would underline the next letter. Loop, % Manager_monitorCount { barWidth := Monitor_#%A_Index%_barWidth titleWidth := Bar_getTrueTextWidth(Bar_#%A_Index%_title_hwnd, title) titleX := barWidth / 2 - titleWidth / 2 GuiN := (A_Index - 1) + 1 Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[6] Bar_updateTitle(): Gui, " . GuiN . ": Default", 6) Gui, %GuiN%: Default GuiControlGet, content, , Bar_#%A_Index%_title If (A_Index = Manager_aMonitor) { If Not (content = title) GuiControl,, Bar_#%A_Index%_title, % title GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%A_Index%_title, % "w" titleWidth "x" titleX GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%A_Index%_title_event, % "w" titleWidth "x" titleX GuiControl, Move, Bar_#%A_Index%_title_highlighted, % "w" titleWidth "x" titleX } Else If Not (content = "") GuiControl, , Bar_#%A_Index%_title, } Bar_aWndId := aWndId } Bar_updateView(m, v) { Local managedWndId0, wndId0, wndIds GuiN := (m - 1) + 1 Gui, %GuiN%: Default Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[6] Bar_updateView(): m: " . m . "; Gui, " . GuiN . ": Default", 6) StringTrimRight, wndIds, Manager_managedWndIds, 1 StringSplit, managedWndId, wndIds, `; If (v = Monitor_#%m%_aView_#1) { ;; Set foreground/background colors if the view is the current view. ;GuiControl, +Background%Config_backColor_#2_#1% +c%Config_foreColor_#2_#1%, Bar_#%m%_view_#%v%_highlighted GuiControl, +c%Config_fontColor_#2_#1%, Bar_#%m%_view_#%v% } Else { ;; Set foreground/background colors. ;GuiControl, +Background%Config_backColor_#1_#1% +c%Config_foreColor_#1_#1%, Bar_#%m%_view_#%v%_highlighted GuiControl, +c%Config_fontColor_#1_#1%, Bar_#%m%_view_#%v% } Loop, % Config_viewCount { StringTrimRight, wndIds, View_#%m%_#%A_Index%_wndIds, 1 StringSplit, wndId, wndIds, `; ;GuiControl, , Bar_#%m%_view_#%A_Index%_highlighted, % wndId0 / managedWndId0 * 100 ;; Update the percentage fill for the view. GuiControl, , Bar_#%m%_view_#%A_Index%, % Config_viewNames_#%A_Index% ;; Refresh the number on the bar. } }