/* bug.n -- tiling window management Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Joshua Fuhs, joten This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. @license GNU General Public License version 3 ../LICENSE.md or @version 9.0.0 */ Tiler_addSubArea(m, v, i, areaX, areaY, areaW, areaH) { Global Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] Tiler_addSubArea: areaX = " areaX ", areaY = " areaY ", areaW = " areaW ", areaH = " areaH, 2) View_#%m%_#%v%_area_#0 += 1 View_#%m%_#%v%_area_#%i%_x := Round(areaX) View_#%m%_#%v%_area_#%i%_y := Round(areaY) View_#%m%_#%v%_area_#%i%_width := Round(areaW) View_#%m%_#%v%_area_#%i%_height := Round(areaH) } Tiler_getLayoutSymbol(m, v, n) { Local axis1, axis2, axis3, masterDim, masterDiv, mx, my, stackSym ;; Main axis ;; 1 - vertical divider, master left ;; 2 - horizontal divider, master top ;; -1 - vertical divider, master right ;; -2 - horizontal divider, master bottom axis1 := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#1 ;; Master axis ;; 1 - vertical divider ;; 2 - horizontal divider ;; 3 - monocle axis2 := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#2 ;; Stack axis ;; 1 - vertical divider ;; 2 - horizontal divider ;; 3 - monocle axis3 := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#3 mx := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMX my := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMY If (Abs(axis1) = 1) masterDiv := "|" Else masterDiv := "-" If (axis2 = 1) masterDim := mx . "x" . my Else If (axis2 = 2) masterDim := mx . "x" . my Else masterDim := "[" . (mx * my) . "]" If (axis3 = 1) stackSym := "|" Else If (axis3 = 2) stackSym := "=" Else stackSym := n - (mx * my) If (axis1 > 0) Return, masterDim . masterDiv . stackSym Else Return, stackSym . masterDiv . masterDim } Tiler_getMFactorD(m, v, d, dFact) { Local callD, minD Static lastCall, mFactD callD := A_TickCount - lastCall lastCall := A_TickCount ;; The minimum d, which is reached in 5 steps. maxD is d. If (dFact < 1) minD := d * dFact**5 Else minD := d / dFact**5 If (callD < Config_mFactCallInterval And d * mFactD > 0) { ;; Accelerate mFactD, if the last call is inside the time frame and went in the same direction. mFactD *= dFact ;; Reset mFactD, if it is out of bounds (d). If (dFact < 1 And Abs(mFactD) < Abs(minD)) mFactD := minD Else If (Abs(mFactD) > Abs(d)) mFactD := d Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] View_getMFactorD [on]: callD: " callD ", d: " d ", dFact: " dFact ", mFactD: " mFactD, 2) } Else { ;; Reset after a timeout or a change of direction. If (dFact > 1) mFactD := minD Else mFactD := d Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] View_getMFactorD [off]: callD: " callD ", d: " d ", dFact: " dFact ", mFactD: " mFactD, 2) } Return, mFactD } Tiler_isActive(m, v) { Local l l := View_#%m%_#%v%_layout_#1 Return, (Config_layoutFunction_#%l% = "tile") } Tiler_layoutTiles(m, v, x, y, w, h, type = "") { Local axis1, axis2, axis3, gapW, hasStackArea, mFact, mSplit, mXSet, mYSet, mYActual, n Local h1, h2, mWndCount, stackLen, subAreaCount, subAreaWndCount, subH1, subW1, subX1, subY1, w1, w2, x1, x2, y1, y2 axis1 := Abs(View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#1) axis2 := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#2 axis3 := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#3 gapW := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutGapWidth mFact := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMFact mXSet := (axis2 = 1) ? View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMX : View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMY mYSet := (axis2 = 1) ? View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMY : View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMX mSplit := mXSet * mYSet hasStackArea := (type = "blank") ? View_#%m%_#%v%_showStackArea : (View_tiledWndId0 > mSplit) n := (type = "blank") ? mSplit : View_tiledWndId0 Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] Tiler_layoutTiles: mX = " mXSet ", mY = " mYSet ", mSplit = " mSplit " / " View_tiledWndId0, 1) View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutSymbol := Tiler_getLayoutSymbol(m, v, n) If (type = "blank") View_#%m%_#%v%_area_#0 := 0 Else { If (View_tiledWndId0 = 0) Return If (mSplit > View_tiledWndId0) mSplit := View_tiledWndId0 } ;; Areas (master and stack) x1 := x y1 := y w1 := w h1 := h If hasStackArea { If (View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#1 < 0) Tiler_splitArea(axis1 - 1, 1 - mFact, x1, y1, w1, h1, gapW, x2, y2, w2, h2, x1, y1, w1, h1) Else Tiler_splitArea(axis1 - 1, mFact, x1, y1, w1, h1, gapW, x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2) } ;; Master If (axis2 = 3) Tiler_stackTiles(m, v, 1, mSplit, +1, 3, x1, y1, w1, h1, 0, type) Else { mYActual := (type = "blank") ? mYSet : Ceil(mSplit / mXSet) subAreaCount := mYActual mWndCount := mSplit Loop, % mYActual { Tiler_splitArea(Not (axis2 - 1), 1 / subAreaCount, x1, y1, w1, h1, gapW, subX1, subY1, subW1, subH1, x1, y1, w1, h1) subAreaWndCount := mXSet If (mWndCount < subAreaWndCount) subAreaWndCount := mWndCount Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] Tiler_layoutTiles: Master subArea #" A_Index, 2) Tiler_stackTiles(m, v, mSplit - mWndCount + 1, subAreaWndCount, +1, axis2, subX1, subY1, subW1, subH1, gapW, type) mWndCount -= subAreaWndCount subAreaCount -= 1 } } ;; Stack If hasStackArea { If (type = "blank") { Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] Tiler_layoutTiles: Stack subArea #" A_Index, 2) Tiler_stackTiles(m, v, mSplit + 1, 1, +1, 3, x2, y2, w2, h2, 0, type) } Else { stackLen := View_tiledWndId0 - mSplit ;; 161 is the minimal width of an Windows-Explorer window, below which it cannot be resized. ;; The minimal height is 243, but this seems too high for being a limit here; ;; therefor '2 * Bar_height' is used for the minimal height of a window. If (axis3 = 3 Or (axis3 = 1 And (w2 - (stackLen - 1) * gapW) / stackLen < 161) Or (axis3 = 2 And (h2 - (stackLen - 1) * gapW) / stackLen < 2 * Bar_height)) Tiler_stackTiles(m, v, mSplit + 1, stackLen, +1, 3, x2, y2, w2, h2, 0, type) Else Tiler_stackTiles(m, v, mSplit + 1, stackLen, +1, axis3, x2, y2, w2, h2, gapW, type) } } } Tiler_setAxis(m, v, id, d) { Local f, n, tmp If (id = 1 Or id = 2 Or id = 3) { If (id = 1) { If (d = +2) View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#%id% *= -1 Else { f := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#%id% / Abs(View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#%id%) View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#%id% := f * Manager_loop(Abs(View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#%id%), d, 1, 2) } } Else { n := Manager_loop(View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#%id%, d, 1, 3) ;; When we rotate the axis, we may need to swap the X and Y dimensions. ;; We only need to check this when the master axis changes (id = 2) ;; If the original axis was 1 (X) or the new axis is 1 (X) (Y and Z are defined to be the same) If (id = 2) And Not (n = View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#%id%) And (n = 1 Or View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#%id% = 1) { tmp := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMX View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMX := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMY View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMY := tmp } View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#%id% := n } Return, 1 } Else Return, 0 } Tiler_setMFactor(m, v, i, d, dFact) { Local mFact If (i > 0) mFact := i Else mFact := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMFact mFact += Tiler_getMFactorD(m, v, d, dFact) If (mFact > 0 And mFact < 1) { View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMFact := mFact Return, 1 } Else Return, 0 } Tiler_setMX(m, v, d) { Local n n := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMX + d If (n >= 1) And (n <= 9) { View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMX := n Return, 1 } Else Return, 0 } Tiler_setMY(m, v, d) { Local n n := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMY + d If (n >= 1) And (n <= 9) { View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMY := n Return, 1 } Else Return, 0 } Tiler_splitArea(axis, splitRatio, x, y, w, h, gapW, ByRef x1, ByRef y1, ByRef w1, ByRef h1, ByRef x2, ByRef y2, ByRef w2, ByRef h2) { x1 := x y1 := y If (splitRatio = 1) { w1 := w w2 := 0 h1 := h h2 := 0 x2 := x + w1 y2 := y + h1 } Else If (axis = 0) { w1 := w * splitRatio - gapW / 2 w2 := w - w1 - gapW h1 := h h2 := h x2 := x + w1 + gapW y2 := y } Else { w1 := w w2 := w h1 := h * splitRatio - gapW / 2 h2 := h - h1 - gapW x2 := x y2 := y + h1 + gapW } } ;; ARRAY SPECIFICATION ;; arrayName - Name of a globally stored array of areas/windows: ;; %arrayName%1, %arrayName%2, ... ;; i - First entry of the array, which should be used. ;; len - Number of entries from the array, which should be used. ;; d - +1/-1: In-/Decrement (direction) for traversing through the array. ;; STACKING SPECIFICATION ;; axis - 1/2/3: Stacking axis (X/Y/Z) ;; AREA SPECIFICATION ;; x - X-position of the stacking area ;; y - Y-position of the stacking area ;; w - Width of the stacking area ;; h - Height of the stacking area ;; padding - Number of pixels to put between areas/windows. Tiler_stackTiles(m, v, i, len, d, axis, x, y, w, h, padding, type = "") { Local dx, dy, tileH, tileW, tileX, tileY ;; d = +1: Left-to-right and top-to-bottom, depending on axis ;; d = -1: Right-to-left and bottom-to-top, depending on axis If (d < 0) i += len - 1 tileX := x tileY := y tileW := w tileH := h dx := 0 dy := 0 If (axis = 1) { tileW := (w - (len - 1) * padding) / len dx := tileW + padding } Else If (axis = 2) { tileH := (h - (len - 1) * padding) / len dy := tileH + padding } ;; Else (axis = 3) and nothing to do Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] Tiler_stackTiles: start = " i ", length = " len, 2) Loop, % len { If (type = "blank") Tiler_addSubArea(m, v, i, tileX, tileY, tileW, tileH) Else Window_move(View_tiledWndId%i%, tileX, tileY, tileW, tileH) i += d tileX += dx tileY += dy } } Tiler_toggleStackArea(m ,v) { Global View_#%m%_#%v%_showStackArea := Not View_#%m%_#%v%_showStackArea If Not View_#%m%_#%v%_showStackArea View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#3 := 3 } Tiler_traceAreas(m, v, continuously) { Local h1, h2, n, w1, w2, wndTitle, x1, x2, y1, y2, y3 x1 := Monitor_#%m%_x + View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutGapWidth + View_#%m%_#%v%_margin4 y1 := Monitor_#%m%_y + View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutGapWidth + View_#%m%_#%v%_margin1 w1 := Monitor_#%m%_width - 2 * View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutGapWidth - View_#%m%_#%v%_margin4 - View_#%m%_#%v%_margin2 h1 := Monitor_#%m%_height - 2 * View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutGapWidth - View_#%m%_#%v%_margin1 - View_#%m%_#%v%_margin3 wndTitle := "bug.n_TRACE_" m "_" v Gui, 98: Default Gui, Destroy Gui, -Caption +Disabled +ToolWindow Gui, +AlwaysOnTop Gui, Color, %Config_foreColor_#2_#1% Gui, Font, c%Config_fontColor_#1_#3% s%Config_largeFontSize%, %Config_fontName% n := View_#%m%_#%v%_area_#0 Loop, % n { x2 := View_#%m%_#%v%_area_#%A_Index%_x - x1 + Config_borderWidth + Config_borderPadding y2 := View_#%m%_#%v%_area_#%A_Index%_y - y1 + Config_borderWidth + Config_borderPadding w2 := View_#%m%_#%v%_area_#%A_Index%_width - 2 * (Config_borderWidth + Config_borderPadding) h2 := View_#%m%_#%v%_area_#%A_Index%_height - 2 * (Config_borderWidth + Config_borderPadding) y3 := y2 + (h2 - Config_largeFontSize) / 2 Gui, Add, Progress, x%x2% y%y2% w%w2% h%h2% Background%Config_backColor_#1_#3% Gui, Add, Text, x%x2% y%y3% w%w2% BackgroundTrans Center, % A_Index Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] View_traceAreas: i = " A_Index " / " n ", x = " x2 ", y = " y2 ", w = " w2 ", h = " h2, 2) } Gui, Show, NoActivate x%x1% y%y1% w%w1% h%h1%, %wndTitle% WinSet, Transparent, 191, % wndTitle If Not continuously { Sleep, % Config_areaTraceTimeout If Not Config_continuouslyTraceAreas Gui, Destroy Else WinSet, Bottom,, % wndTitle } Else WinSet, Bottom,, % wndTitle }