# ct"wm" (Cyn's tiling "window manager") (working title) Personal fork of bug.n ## Changes ### Bar * Disabled shebang * Icon support * Time and date can be combined and clicked on to change between states * MusicBee integration via MusicBeeIPC plugin * Proper text resizing * Clicking items no longer repositions mouse cursor * Bar elements no longer have progress element * Time has optional binary clock mode * `Config_verticalBarPos` set to `tray` now attaches itself to first toolbar window * This needs to be reworked, and the rest of the bar needs to be split to a second toolbar * `Config_verticalBarPos` set to `tray` will set styles on the taskbar (temporary hybrid classic theme workaround) ### Config * Renamed `Config_readinMemoryUsage` to `Config_readinRam` * Added `Config_readinMusic`, only supports MusicBee currently * Added `Config_readinTimeBinary` for enabling binary clock * Removed `Config_readinDiskLoad` and `Config_readinNetworkLoad` * Added `Config_barItemSpacing`, `Config_barIconSpacing` and `Config_iconFontYOffset` * Added `Config_barIcons`: `