Break down rendering of the layouts into distinct drawing components.

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Fuhs 2012-06-24 16:19:53 -04:00
parent ac727ad742
commit e4f2915c49

View file

@ -150,14 +150,13 @@ View_updateLayout_monocle(m, v)
View_arrange_monocle(m, v, wndIds) {
Local wndId0, gw
Local gw
gw := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutGapWidth
StringTrimRight, wndIds, wndIds, 1
StringSplit, wndId, wndIds, `;
Loop, % wndId0
Manager_winMove(wndId%A_Index%, Monitor_#%m%_x + gw, Monitor_#%m%_y + gw, Monitor_#%m%_width - 2*gw, Monitor_#%m%_height - 2*gw)
StringSplit, View_arrange_monocle_wndId, wndIds, `;
View_draw_stack("View_arrange_monocle_wndId", 1, View_arrange_monocle_wndId0, 0, Monitor_#%m%_x, Monitor_#%m%_y, Monitor_#%m%_width, Monitor_#%m%_height, gw/2)
View_rotateLayoutAxis(i, d) {
@ -333,38 +332,132 @@ View_updateLayout_tile(m, v) {
View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutSymbol := stack_sym . master_div . master_sym . master_dim
; Stack a bunch of windows on top of each other.
; arrName - Name of a globally stored array of windows:
; %arrName%1, %arrName%2, ...
; off - Offset into the array from which to start drawing.
; len - Number of windows from the array to draw.
; dir - Determines the direction through which we traverse arrName
; x - View x-position
; y - View y-position
; w - View width
; h - View height
; margin - Number of pixels to put between the windows.
View_draw_stack( arrName, off, len, dir, x, y, w, h, margin ) {
Local base, inc
If (dir = 0) {
base := off
inc := 1
Else {
base := off + len - 1
inc := -1
x += margin
y += margin
w -= 2 * margin
h -= 2 * margin
Loop, % len {
Manager_winMove(%arrName%%base%, x, y, w, h)
base += inc
; Draw a row of windows.
; arrName - Name of a globally stored array of windows:
; %arrName%1, %arrName%2, ...
; off - Offset into the array from which to start drawing.
; len - Number of windows from the array to draw.
; dir - Determines the direction through which we traverse arrName
; axis - X/Y <=> 0/1
; x - View x-position
; y - View y-position
; w - View width
; h - View height
; margin - Number of pixels to put between the windows.
View_draw_row( arrName, off, len, dir, axis, x, y, w, h, margin ) {
Local base, inc, x_inc, y_inc, wHeight, wWidth
Log_bare("View_draw_row(" . arrName . ", " . off . ", " . len . ", " . dir . ", " . axis . ", " . x . ", " . y . ", " . w . ", " . h . ", " . margin . ")")
If (dir = 0) {
; Left-to-right and top-to-bottom, depending on axis
base := off
inc := 1
Else {
; Right-to-left and bottom-to-top, depending on axis
base := off + len - 1
inc := -1
If (axis = 0) {
; Create row along X
x_inc := w / len
y_inc := 0
wWidth := x_inc - 2 * margin
wHeight := h - 2 * margin
Else {
; Create row along Y
x_inc := 0
y_inc := h / len
wWidth := w - 2 * margin
wHeight := y_inc - 2 * margin
; Set original positions with respect to the margins.
x += margin
y += margin
Loop, % len {
Manager_winMove(%arrName%%base%, x, y, wWidth, wHeight)
x += x_inc
y += y_inc
base += inc
View_arrange_tile_action(arrName, off, len, bugn_axis, x, y, w, h, m) {
; 161 is a magic number determined somewhere. Maybe make this configurable.
; Same with 2*Bar_height.
If (bugn_axis = 3 Or (bugn_axis = 1 And w/len < 161) Or (bugn_axis = 2 And h/len < (2*Bar_height)))
View_draw_stack(arrName, off, len, 0, x, y, w, h, m)
View_draw_row(arrName, off, len, 0, bugn_axis - 1, x, y, w, h, m)
View_arrange_tile(m, v, wndIds) {
Local axis1, axis2, axis3, gapW, gapW_2, h1, h2, i, mfact, msplit, n1, n2, w1, w2, wndId0, x1, x2, y1, y2, oriented
Local axis1, axis2, axis3, gapW_2, h1, h2, i, mfact, msplit, n1, n2, w1, w2, x1, x2, y1, y2, oriented, stack_len
StringTrimRight, wndIds, wndIds, 1
StringSplit, wndId, wndIds, `;
Log_dbg_msg(1, "View_arrange_tile: (" . wndId0 . ") " . wndIds)
If (wndId0 = 0)
StringSplit, View_arrange_tile_wndId, wndIds, `;
Log_dbg_msg(1, "View_arrange_tile: (" . View_arrange_tile_wndId0 . ") " . wndIds)
If (View_arrange_tile_wndId0 = 0)
axis1 := Abs(View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#1)
axis2 := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#2
axis3 := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#3
oriented := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutAxis_#1 > 0
gapW := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutGapWidth
gapW_2 := gapW/2
gapW_2 := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutGapWidth/2
mfact := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMFact
msplit := View_#%m%_#%v%_layoutMSplit
If (msplit > wndId0) {
msplit := wndId0
If (msplit > View_arrange_tile_wndId0) {
msplit := View_arrange_tile_wndId0
; master and stack area
h1 := Monitor_#%m%_height - gapW
h1 := Monitor_#%m%_height
h2 := h1
w1 := Monitor_#%m%_width - gapW
w1 := Monitor_#%m%_width
w2 := w1
x1 := Monitor_#%m%_x + gapW_2
x1 := Monitor_#%m%_x
x2 := x1
y1 := Monitor_#%m%_y + gapW_2
y1 := Monitor_#%m%_y
y2 := y1
If (wndId0 > msplit) {
If (View_arrange_tile_wndId0 > msplit) {
If (axis1 = 1) {
w1 *= mfact
w2 -= w1
@ -383,41 +476,14 @@ View_arrange_tile(m, v, wndIds) {
; master
If (axis2 != 1 Or w1 / msplit < 161)
n1 := w1
n1 := w1/msplit
If (axis2 != 2 Or h1 / msplit < Bar_height)
n2 := h1
n2 := h1/msplit
Loop, % msplit {
Manager_winMove(wndId%A_Index%, x1 + gapW_2, y1 + gapW_2, n1 - gapW, n2 - gapW)
If (n1 < w1)
x1 += n1
If (n2 < h1)
y1 += n2
View_arrange_tile_action("View_arrange_tile_wndId", 1, msplit, axis2, x1, y1, w1, h1, gapW_2)
; stack
If (wndId0 > msplit) {
If (axis3 != 1 Or w2 / (wndId0 - msplit) < 161)
n1 := w2
n1 := w2/(wndId0 - msplit)
If (axis3 != 2 Or h2 / (wndId0 - msplit) < Bar_height)
n2 := h2
n2 := h2/(wndId0 - msplit)
Loop, % wndId0 - msplit {
i := msplit + A_Index
Manager_winMove(wndId%i%, x2 + gapW_2, y2 + gapW_2, n1 - gapW, n2 - gapW)
If (n1 < w2)
x2 += n1
If (n2 < h2)
y2 += n2
If (View_arrange_tile_wndId0 <= msplit)
stack_len := View_arrange_tile_wndId0 - msplit
View_arrange_tile_action("View_arrange_tile_wndId", msplit + 1, stack_len, axis3, x2, y2, w2, h2, gapW_2)
View_toggleFloating() {