removed redundant files (old doc and hgignore)

This commit is contained in:
joten 2014-03-09 00:31:47 +01:00
parent 08cce39ef6
commit da4e541b6d
6 changed files with 0 additions and 1108 deletions

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Tags software / Microsoft Windows / tiling window management / AutoHotkey
Title bug.n
Author Joshua Fuhs, joten
Version 8.3.0
Date 01.12.2012
Please see doc/help.txt for more information on installing and running,
customizing and using bug.n and doc/changes.txt for a list of changes made
with this version, in particular the changes in configuration variables and
bug.n is written by Joshua Fuhs and joten, but some source was copied from
the AutoHotkey forum ( These are
explicitly marked in the source code at the end of the appropriate section.
Additionally the following listing summarizes these sources (of ideas or
==Patch ideas==
- pitkali:
- Sync window arrays on fussy events and unknown window ids
- Dialog detection upon manage
- Regular expression support in rules
- Window information handling patches
- memory leaks
- flickering windows (patches/code outdated)
==Ideas or concepts==
- dwm
- jgpaiva: GridMove
- Lexikos: WindowPad - multi-monitor window-moving tool
==Code snippets==
- fures: System + Network monitor - with net history graph
- maestrith: Script Writer Writer/
- PhiLho: AC/Battery status
- Sean:
- CPU LoadTimes
- Network Download/Upload Meter
- Crazy Scripting : Quick Launcher for Portable Apps
- HDD Activity Monitoring LED
- How to Hook on to Shell to receive its messages?
- Unambiguous: Re-use WIN+L as a hotkey in bug.n
bug.n is licensed under the GPL version 3; please see doc/license.txt for
the explicit license text.
%%txt: (c) 2010-2012 Joshua Fuhs, joten. Last modified %%date(%d.%m.%Y).

View file

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(-) deleted
(~) changed
(+) added
(+) Session auto-save and restore. Layout and Window information is
stored periodically so that it may be recovered after a restart.
(+) A hotkey and corresponding function for toggling the overflow window
of the 'notify icons'.
(+) Manual tiling.
(~) Improved view arranging runtime.
(~) Fixed bug #18641: Freezing problem. In most cases, bug.n will no
longer hang when one of its managed windows hangs.
(~) Fixed bug: Sometimes cycling through the windows in a view would
get stuck on a particular window.
(~) Fixed bug: Activating a window on a non-active view on
a non-active monitor could cause both monitors to change views.
(~) Gap widths are now treated identically on both "tile" and "monocle"
(~) Fixed bug #18650: Unexpected monitor focus changes
(~) Fixed bug in 'Manager_setWindowMonitor(d)' and
(~) Fixed bug, which prevented bug.n from Main_reload, if the number of
monitors changed.
(~) Fixed bug: Closing Bar_cmdGui and activating the next to last window.
(~) Fixed bug: Vertical position of Bar_cmdGui, if
Config_verticalBarPos=tray and the task bar is at the top of the
(~) Fixed bug: On Main_reload() and Config_verticalBarPos=tray.
(~) Changed the command line argument from specifying 'the path to the
config.ini' to 'the path to the general data directory containing
the config.ini and log.txt'.
(+) Multi-dimensional tiling of the master area. The user may now specify
X and Y dimensions independently up to 9 x 9.
(+) Initially assign windows to the monitor on which they appear if
nothing is specified in the configuration.
(+) Created bug.n log to record major and debugging events and window
(+) 'View margins' allowing a layout to occupy a limited space of the
(+) 'Single window action', which allows to close or maximize windows
based on rules.
(+) 'Reload' hotkey, which reloads the whole script.
(+) Re-Setting the 'Reload' and 'ExitApp' hotkey in 'config.ini'-
(+) Added the configuration variable "Config_viewNames", with which views
can be named and the number of views can be set. The configuration
variable "Config_viewCount" therewith becomes obsolete.
(-) Removed the configuration variable "Config_viewCount".
(-) Removed the explicit listing of commands in the Bar_cmdGui.
(-) Removed the default rules for Gimp, since from version 2.8 onwards
Gimp can use a single application window instead of three and more.
(+) feature #005446: Reload function (reloading bug.n without changing
the current association of windows to views/tags)
(+) workaround bug #018364: (Evernote: new note) Introducing the
configuration variable "Config_onActiveHiddenWnds" to set the
behaviour of bug.n for already existing but hidden windows on redraw
(+) Update of the Manager_getWindow*-functions to allow copying of the
text to the clipboard.
(~) fixed bug #18356: Missing bar elements on Windows XP. (calculation
of the element width depending on the font size)
(~) fixed bug: Support for saving another AutoHotkeyGUI as the active
window of a view.
(~) fixed bug #018431: Immediate run-time errors running bug.n built
from source with AutoHotkey_L version onwards
(~) debugging related to AutoHotkey_L and 32-/64-Bit-Windows
(-) 'Config_addRunCommands' (the 'Run' item in 'command GUI').
(-) 'Config_sessionFilePath'
(-) 'Config_topBar' (replaced by 'Config_verticalBarPos'.
(~) Brackets are no longer used for array names ('[i]' -> '_#i').
(~) The default values for the color and font size of the status bar
are now retrieved from the system settings.
- 'Config_normBgColor'
- 'Config_normFgColor'
- 'Config_selBgColor'
- 'Config_selFgColor'
- 'Config_fontSize'
(+) Default rules
(+) 'Config_hotkey' (setting hotkeys in 'Config.ini').
(+) 'Config_horizontalBarPos' (The horizontal position of the bar:
'center', 'left' or 'right' side of the monitor or an offset in
pixel (px) from the left (>= 0) or right (< 0).
(+) 'Config_verticalBarPos' (The vertical position of the bar: 'top'
or 'bottom' of the monitor, 'tray' = sub-window of the task bar.
(+) 'Config_barWidth' (The width of the bar in pixel (px) or with a
per cent sign (%) as a percentage.
(+) 'Config_singleRowBar' (If false, the bar will have to rows, one
for the window title and one for all other GUI controls.
(+) 'Config_spaciousBar' (If true, the height of the bar will be set
to a value equal to the height of an edit control, else it will
be set to the text height.
(+) 'Config_syncMonitorViews' (The number of monitors (2 or more),
for which views should be activated, when using the accordant
hotkey. If set to 1, the views are actiated for all monitors. If
set to 0, views are activated independently (only on the active
(~) Changed hotkeys
- #s -> #^s::Config_saveSession()
- #+r -> #^r::Reload
- #+q -> #^q::ExitApp
(+) #y::Bar_toggleCommandGui() (Open the command GUI for executing
programmes or bug.n functions.)
(+) #^e::Run, edit, %Config_sessionFilePath% (Open the session file
in the standard text editor.
(+) "<" and ">" as an argument for 'Monitor_activateView'.
(+) "<" and ">" as an argument for 'Monitor_setWindowTag'.
(~) 'tile' function: resetting msplit
(~) 'Manager_winActivate(wndId)' now does not activate 'Program
Manager', if there is no window on the view, but sets the mouse
pointer to the center of the active monitor.
(~) 'Bar_updateTitle()' now indicates the floating state of a window.
(~) A memory leak in 'Manager_managedWndIds' was removed.
(~) Now mouse-follows-focus does also work in 'View_shuffleWindow(d)'.
(~) The 'anyText' field in the status bar is now updated correctly.
(~) The positioning of the 'command GUI' has been corrected for the
case of a bar at the bottom of the screen.
(~) Empty cells (for not existing, but registered windows) in the
'tile' layout were removed.
(+) AutoHotkey_L compatibility
- (~) Brackets are no longer used for array names ('[i]' -> '_#i').
- (~) Getting system settings (ANSI vs. UTF-8)
(+) 'Manager_maximizeWindow()' to 'command GUI'
(+) 'View_shuffleWindow(d)' does now work in a loop (last <-> first
(+) 'Manager_taskBarMonitor' for allowing the task bar on another
than the first monitor
(+) If the status bar is not put in the task bar, the status bar is
registered as an AppBar and therewith changes the windows
(~) The number of windows on a view is not indicated by different
background colors anymore, but by a progress bar.
(~) The battery status is also indicated with a progress bar.
(~) All bar elements are now put in a single window.
(~) Session.ahk was merged into Config.ahk and Session.ini moved to
(+) Shell event: 32772
(+) A monitor with no windows on it can now be activated by cklicking
on the desktop and therewith changing the active window.
(-) 'Config_showTitleBars'
(~) 'Config_rules' have two more parameters (window style and if the
window is decorated; this replaces 'Config_showTitleBars').
(~) A bug is solved, which occurred when opening a web link from
another application than the web browser itself, e. g. a mail
(+) WIN+SHIFT+X maximizes a window to the bug.n workspace.
(+) You may now use 'Monitor_activateView(">")' for cycling through
the views and 'View_setLayout(">")' for cycling through the
%%txt: (c) 2010-2012 Joshua Fuhs, joten. Last modified %%date(%d.%m.%Y).

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%!postproc(html): '<HEAD>' '<HEAD>\n<META NAME="author" CONTENT="joten" />'
%!postproc(html): '<HEAD>' '<HEAD>\n<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="AutoHotkey, joten, bug.n, tiling, window management" />'
%!postproc(html): '<HEAD>' '<HEAD>\n<META NAME="description" CONTENT="bug.n - Tiling Window Manager" />'
%!postproc(html): '<TD><IMG ALIGN="middle" SRC="bugn.png"' '<TD ID="bugn"><IMG ALIGN="middle" SRC=""'
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=== bug.n GUI ===
: **Config_showBar**=1
If false (=0), the bar is hidden. It can be made visible or hidden by
hotkey (see below).
: **Config_horizontalBarPos**=left
The horizontal position of the bar: center, left or right side of the
monitor or an offset in pixel (px) from the left (>= 0) or right (< 0).
: **Config_verticalBarPos**=top
The vertical position of the bar: top or bottom of the monitor,
tray = sub-window of the task bar.
: **Config_barWidth**=100%
The width of the bar in pixel (px) or with a per cent sign (%) as a
: **Config_singleRowBar**=1
If false, the bar will have to rows, one for the window title and one
for all other GUI controls.
: **Config_spaciousBar**=0
If true, the height of the bar will be set to a value equal to the
height of an edit control, else it will be set to the text height.
: **Config_fontName**=Lucida Console
A monospace font is preferable for bug.n to calculate the correct width
of the bar and its elements (sub-windows).
: **Config_fontSize**=<fontsize_captiontext>
Font size in pixel. The default value is retrieved from the "Window
Color and Appearance" settings for the "Active Title Bar".
The normal background color of the following bar elements:
1. inactive views, title and time
2. the layout symbol, the any-text (i. a. date) and the button for the
command GUI (#!).
3. the progress bar indicating a charging or full battery
4. the progress bar indicating a discharging battery with a remaining
charge of less than ten percent
5. the progress bar indicating a charging battery
The default values are retrieved from the "Window Color and Appearance"
The normal foreground color of the following bar elements:
1. the text of inactive views, title and time
2. the text of the layout symbol, a full battery, the any-text (i. a.
date) and the button for the command GUI (#!)
3. the progress bar indicating a charging battery?
4. the text indicating a discharging battery
5. the progress bar indicating a discharging battery
6. the text indicating a discharging battery with a remaining charge of
less than ten percent?
7. the text indicating a charging battery?
8. the progress bar indicating an inactive view and a charging battery?
The default values are retrieved from the "Window Color and Appearance"
The background color of a progress bar indicating an active view.
The default values are retrieved from the "Window Color and Appearance"
1. The text color and
2. the foreground color of a progress bar indicating an active view.
The default values are retrieved from the "Window Color and Appearance"
: **Config_barCommands**=Run, explore doc;Monitor_toggleBar();Main_reload();Reload;ExitApp
The commands seperated by semicolon, which are listed in the command GUI
of the bar (#!) and therewith can be selected rather then typed; bug.n
functions (as used in the hotkey configuration), the "Run" and "Send"
command of AutoHotkey can be used here.
: **Config_readinBat**=0
If true (=1), the system battery status is read in and displayed in the
status bar. This only makes sense, if you have a system battery
: **Config_readinCpu**=0
If true (=1), the current CPU load is read in and displayed in the
status bar.
: **Config_readinDate**=1
If true (=1), the current date is read in (format: "WW, DD. MMM. YYYY")
and displayed in the status bar.
: **Config_readinDiskLoad**=0
If true (=1), the current disk load (read and write) is read in and
displayed in the status bar.
: **Config_readinMemoryUsage**=0
If true (=1), the system memory usage is read in and displayed in the
status bar.
: **Config_readinNetworkLoad**=0
If true (=1), the current network load (up and down) is read in and
displayed in the status bar.
: **Config_readinTime**=1
If true (=1), the current time is read in (format: "HH:MM") and
displayed in the status bar.
: **Config_readinInterval**=30000
Time in milliseconds after which the above status values are refreshed.
=== Windows UI ===
: **Config_bbCompatibility**=0
If true (=1), bug.n looks for BlackBox components (bbLeanBar, bbSlit
and SystemBarEx) when calculating the work area. It is assumed that the
virtual desktop functionality of BlackBox and NOT bug.n is used
(=> Hiding and showing windows is detected and acted upon).
: **Config_borderWidth**=0
If > 0, the window border width is set to the integer value
: **Config_borderPadding**=-1
If >= 0, the window border padding is set to the integer value
Config_borderPadding (only for Windows >= Vista).
: **Config_showTaskBar**=0
If false (=0), the task bar is hidden. It can be made visible or hidden
by hotkey (see below).
: **Config_showBorder**=1
If false (=0), the window borders are hidden; therefor windows cannot
be resized manually by dragging the border, even if using the according
: **Config_selBorderColor**=
Border colour of the active window; format: 0x00BBGGRR (e. g.
"0x006A240A", if = "", the system's window border colour is not
Config_borderWidth, Config_borderPadding and Config_selBorderColor are
especially usefull, if you are not allowed to set the design in the system
=== View / Layout ===
: **Config_viewNames**=1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9
The names of the views separated by a semicolon. This variable sets the
names of the views shown in the status bar and determines the nummber of
views (Config_viewCount); the total number of names given, i. e. views,
should not be exceeded by the configured hotkeys.
: **Config_layout_#1**=[]=;tile
The layout symbol and arrange function (the first entry is set as the
default layout, no layout function means floating behavior)
: **Config_layout_#2**=[M];monocle
: **Config_layout_#3**=><>;
: **Config_layoutCount**=3
Total number of layouts defined above.
: **Config_layoutAxis_#1**=1
The layout axis: 1 = x, 2 = y; negative values mirror the layout,
setting the master area to the right / bottom instead of left / top.
: **Config_layoutAxis_#2**=2
The master axis: 1 = x (from left to right), 2 = y (from top to
bottom), 3 = z (monocle).
: **Config_layoutAxis_#3**=2
The stack axis: 1 = x (from left to right), 2 = y (from top to
bottom), 3 = z (monocle).
: **Config_layoutGapWidth=0
The default gap width in px (only even numbers) of the "tile" layout,
i. e. the space between windows and around the layout.
: **Config_layoutMFactor**=0.6
The factor for the size of the master area, which is multiplied by the
monitor size.
: **Config_viewMargins**=0;0;0;0
The margin of a view (around the layout, "monocle" and "tile") as a
semicolon separated list of values in px (top;right;bottom;left), which
by default can be activated per view with the hotkey Win+Shift+N
With view margins you may create an empty area on the monitor, which is
not occupied by the layout, therewith making a desktop widget visible.
=== Runtime ===
: **Config_ghostWndSubString**= (Not Responding)
The text string, which identifies a hung window in its title bar; the
german Windows version uses " (Keine Rückmeldung)".
: **Config_mouseFollowsFocus**=1
If true (=1), the mouse pointer is set over the focused window, if a
window is activated by bug.n.
: **Config_newWndPosition=top
The position of a new window in a view; "top": at the beginning of the
window list and the master area (default), "masterBottom": at the end
of the master area, "stackTop": on top of the stack area, "bottom": at
the end of the window list and the stack area.
: **Config_onActiveHiddenWnds**=view
The action, which will be taken, if a window e. g. should be
activated, but is not visible; "view": show the view accordng to the
first tag of the window in question, "tag": add the window in question
to the current visible view, "hide": hide the window again ignoring the
: **Config_shellMsgDelay**=350
The time bug.n waits after a shell message (a window is opened, closed
or the focus has been changed); if there are any problems recognizing,
when windows are opened or closed, try to increase this number.
: **Config_syncMonitorViews**=0
The number of monitors (2 or more), for which views should be
activated, when using the accordant hotkey. If set to 1, the views are
activated for all monitors. If set to 0, views are activated
independently (only on the active monitor).
: **Config_viewFollowsTagged**=0
If true (=1) and a window is tagged with a single tag, the view is
correspondingly set to the tag.
=== Rules ===
: **Config_rule_#1**=.*;.*;;1;0;0;0;0;0;
If you want to replace a default rule, you will have to use the
correct variable name, e. g. you may set a rule (.*;.*;) for a default
monitor, view and / or showing window title bars by setting the first
rule "Config_rule_#1=..." and therewith replacing the value.
If you want to add a rule you do not have to use a numbered variable,
but "Config_rule=..." (the numbering will be done automatically in the
order given in the configuration file). General format:
Config_rule_#<i>=<class (regular expression string)>;<title (regular
expression string)>;<window style (hexadecimal number or blank)>;
<is managed (1 = True or 0 = False)>;<monitor (0 <= integer <= total
number of monitors, 0 means the currently active monitor)>;<tags
(binary mask as integer >= 0, e. g. 17 for 1 and 5, 0 means the
currently active tag)>;<is floating (1 = True or 0 = False)>;
<is decorated (1 = True or 0 = False)>;<hide title (1 = True or
0 = False)>;<action on single windows (Close or Maximize)>
(all in one line, ";" is not allowed as a character)
: **Config_rule_#2**=.*;.*;0x80000000;0;0;0;1;1;1;
Pop-up windows (style WS_POPUP=0x80000000) will not be managed, are
floating and the titles are hidden.
: **Config_rule_#3**=SWT_Window0;.*;;1;0;0;0;0;0;
Windows created by Java (SWT) e. g. Eclipse have the style WS_POPUP,
but should be excluded from the second rule.
: **Config_rule_#4**=QWidget;.*;;1;0;0;0;0;0;
Also windows created by QT (QWidget) should be excluded from the second
rule for the same reason as above.
: **Config_rule_#5**=Xming;.*;;1;0;0;0;0;0;
Also Xming windows should be excluded from the second rule for the same
reason as above.
: **Config_rule_#6**=MsiDialog(No)?CloseClass;.*;;1;0;0;1;1;0;
: **Config_rule_#7**=AdobeFlashPlayerInstaller;.*;;1;0;0;1;0;1;
: **Config_rule_#8**=CalcFrame;.*;;1;0;0;1;1;0;
: **Config_rule_#9**=MozillaDialogClass;.*;;1;0;0;1;1;0;
: **Config_rule_#10**=_sp;_sp;;1;0;0;1;0;1;
: **Config_rule_#11**=MozillaWindowClass;.* - Mozilla Firefox;;1;0;0;0;1;0;Maximize
: **Config_rule_#12**=Chrome_WidgetWin_1;.*;;1;0;0;0;1;0;Maximize
=== Session management ===
: **Config_autoSaveSession**=0
Automatically save the current state of monitors, views, layouts (active
view, layout, axes, mfact and msplit) to the configuration file when
quitting bug.n.
=== Hotkeys ===
: **Config_hotkey**=<key name>::<command or function name>
You may overwrite default or add new hotkeys by using the above
format. "<key name>::<command or function name>" is the original
syntax from AutoHotkey as described in
- To deacivate a default hotkey as listed in %%LINK_hotkeys, add a new
line in the format "Config_hotkey=<key name>::" (without a
function name).
- To assign an internal function of bug.n to a new hotkey, add a line
as documented in %%LINK_hotkeys, but with the new key name.
- To assign an external program to a new hotkey, add a line in the
general format using the "Run" command of AutoHotkey as described in ("Run, Target [,
WorkingDir, Max|Min|Hide]").
- You may also use the "Send" command of AutoHotkey as described in
%%html: ''' <DIV CLASS="footer">
%%txt: (c) 2010-2012 Joshua Fuhs, joten. Last modified %%date(%d.%m.%Y).
%%html: | (c) 2010-2012 Joshua Fuhs, joten. Last modified %%date(%d.%m.%Y). | [jn.png]
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%!postproc(html): '<HEAD>' '<HEAD>\n<META NAME="description" CONTENT="bug.n - Tiling Window Manager" />'
%!postproc(html): '<TD><IMG ALIGN="middle" SRC="bugn.png"' '<TD ID="bugn"><IMG ALIGN="middle" SRC=""'
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''' <DIV ID="frame">
%%html: ''' <DIV CLASS="header">
%%html: | [bugn.png] | bug.n -- Help | [help.png]
%%txt: =bug.n -- Help=
%%html: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%html: ''' </DIV>
bug.n is a tiling window manager for Microsoft Windows.''<BR>''
The advantages of tiling window management over the standard stacking
window management of Microsoft Windows are as follows:
- You do not have to move and resize windows manually by mouse.
- Windows are positioned and sized applying a layout, which utilizes all
available screen estate.
Additionally bug.n can increase the available screen estate by freeing
up the space occupied by
- the Microsoft Windows Taskbar and
- the title bar for every single window
by hiding and replacing all with a single slim status bar (but bug.n is
not a shell replacement).
This status bar shows the following:
- active window title
- layout, e. g.
- 1x1|= (tile)
- [0] (monocle)
- ><> (floating)
- up to nine views indicating
- the active view
- how many windows are tagged with and shown on the view with the same
Additionally it can show the following system information:
- time
- date
- CPU usage
- memory usage
- disk load
- network load
- battery level
=== Layouts ===
There are three layouts.
+ **tile**''<BR>''
A master area for the main window(s) and a stacking area for the rest,
all windows are shown at any time. This layout can be further changed
in the following respects:
- the dimensions of the master area (1x1 ... 2x3 ... 9x9)
- the stacking direction of the master and stacking area (from left to
right, from top to bottom or monocle)
- the position of the master area (left, top, right or bottom) and
accordingly the position of the stacking area
- the witdh or height of the master area (depending on its position)
+ **monocle**''<BR>''
All windows are maximized and only one is shown at any time.
+ **floating**''<BR>''
Do not tile any window.
=== Tagging ===
bug.n features an extended implementation of virtual desktops:
Windows are tagged with one or more numbers, which determine on which
views they are shown. Selecting a view shows the windows tagged with the
same number and hides all other windows.
=== Session Management ===
bug.n features a session management, which is used for saving
configuration variables of bug.n, but not for restoring applications.
The configuration variables may include those listed
in %%LINK_configuration, hotkeys as listed in %%LINK_hotkeys and
internal variables for the current state of bug.n, e. g. the active view
(saved for each monitor) and layout (saved for each view).
== Installing and running bug.n ==
There is no installation wizard for bug.n. If you downloaded this
package and unpacked it, it should be in a directory, where you have
read and write access. This is the only requirement for using bug.n (at
least for saving the bug.n configuration file). Apart from that you may
copy bug.n to any directory.
If you want to save it to a directory, to which you do not have write
access and do not want to use the default directory for application data
(APPDATA, e. g. C:\Users\joten\AppData\Roaming\bug.n), you will have to
run bug.n with a parameter indicating the file path to that application
data directory, which i. a. contains the configuration file (config.ini)
(<file path to the bug.n executable> <file path to the data directory>),
e. g.
"C:\Program Files\bugn\bugn.exe D:\projects\bugn".
=== Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 and UAC ===
If you are using bug.n on Microsoft Windows Vista or 7 you may use
applications, which run with administrator privileges e. g.
administrative tools and therefor are not managed by bug.n, if it is
run with an account, which is //not// the administrator. If you want
those applications to be managed, you need to run bug.n with
administrator privileges, too.
You can set the option "Run this program as an administrator" on the
"Compatiblity" tab, section "Privilege level" of the bug.n executable
file properties.
== Customization ==
Customization can be done
- with configuration variables for
- the appearance of the bug.n status bar (position, size, font,
colour and content)
- controlling Windows UI elements (border width and colour, hiding
- default values (number of tags, layouts, runtime and session
- rules controlling specific windows (i. a. excluding windows from
tiling window management)
- for hotkeys (the key bindings for the bug.n functions)
The available configuration variables are listed in
To change these, first create a configuration file by using the hotkey
"WIN+CTRL+S". The file is either saved in the directory you specified
with the parameter to the executable, or in the same directory where the
executable is saved. You may then edit the file with a text editor
("WIN+CTRL+E" opens the file for editing) and add a new line for each
configuration variable with its value (format: <variable>=<value>, use
no quotation marks, 1 for true and 0 for false), e. g.
"Config_showBar=0". You will have to reload bug.n for the changes to
take effect.''<BR>''
You may find a sample configuration file (config_example.ini) in the
main directory of bug.n.
== Usage ==
bug.n is mostly controlled with hotkeys. The available hotkeys are
listed in %%LINK_hotkeys. For a quick help there are the following
- WIN+Y: Show the command GUI.
- WIN+Space: Show / Hide the Windows Taskbar.
- WIN+CTRL+Q: Quit bug.n and restore all windows and Windows UI
The following functions can also be controlled with the mouse:
- With a click on a tag (a number on the left end of the status bar) you
can change the view and show only the windows associated with that tag.
- With a right-click on a tag you can tag the active window with that
- With a click on the layout symbol in the status bar you can toggle the
layout to the last used.
- With a right-click on the layout symbol you can set the layout to the
next in the list.
- A function can be selected from a list or entered in the command GUI,
which is accessible by cklickig on "#!" on the right end of the status
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View file

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%!postproc(html): '<HEAD>' '<HEAD>\n<META NAME="author" CONTENT="joten" />'
%!postproc(html): '<HEAD>' '<HEAD>\n<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="AutoHotkey, joten, bug.n, tiling, window management" />'
%!postproc(html): '<HEAD>' '<HEAD>\n<META NAME="description" CONTENT="berliOS project: bug.n - Tiling Window Manager" />'
%!postproc(html): '<TD><IMG ALIGN="middle" SRC="bugn.png"' '<TD ID="bugn"><IMG ALIGN="middle" SRC=""'
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''' <DIV ID="frame">
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%%html: | [bugn.png] | bug.n -- Hotkeys | [hotkeys.png]
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%%html: ''' </DIV>
=== General description ===
**format**: <modifier><key>::<function>(<argument>)''<BR>''
- ! = Alt (Mod1Mask)
- ^ = Ctrl (ControlMask)
- + = Shift (ShiftMask)
- # = LWin (Mod4Mask)
You will have to press all keys of a hotkey at the same time beginning
with the modifier for calling the associated function, e. g. "#^q" means
pressing the left Windows key and the shift key and the q key
(WIN+CTRL+Q) for quitting bug.n.
=== Window related hotkeys ===
: #Down::**View_activateWindow(+1)**
Activate the next window in the active view.
: #Up::**View_activateWindow(-1)**
Activate the previous window in the active view.
: #+Down::**View_shuffleWindow(+1)**
Move the active window to the next position in the window list of the
: #+Up::**View_shuffleWindow(-1)**
Move the active window to the previous position in the window list of
the view.
: #+Enter::**View_shuffleWindow(0)**
Move the active window to the first position in the window list of
the view.
: #c::**Manager_closeWindow()**
Close the active window.
: #+d::**Manager_toggleDecor()**
Show / Hide the title bar of the active window.
: #+f::**View_toggleFloating()**
Toggle the floating status of the active window (i. e. dis- / regard
it when tiling).
: #+m::**Manager_moveWindow()**
Move the active window by key (only floating windows).
: #+s::**Manager_sizeWindow()**
Resize the active window by key (only floating windows).
: #+x::**Manager_maximizeWindow()**
Move and resize the active window to the size of the work area (only
floating windows).
: #i::**Manager_getWindowInfo()**
Get information for the active window (id, title, class, process
name, style, geometry, tags and floating state).
: #+i::**Manager_getWindowList()**
Get a window list for the active view (id, title and class).
=== Layout related hotkeys ===
: #Tab::**View_setLayout(-1)**
Set the previously set layout. You may also use View_setLayout(">")
for setting the next layout in the layout array.
: #f::**View_setLayout(3)**
Set the 3rd defined layout (i. e. floating layout in the default
: #m::**View_setLayout(2)**
Set the 2nd defined layout (i. e. monocle layout in the default
: #t::**View_setLayout(1)**
Set the 1st defined layout (i. e. tile layout in the default
: #Left::**View_setMFactor(-0.05)**
Reduce the size of the master area in the active view (only for the
"tile" layout).
: #Right::**View_setMFactor(+0.05)**
Enlarge the size of the master area in the active view (only for the
"tile" layout).
: #^t::**View_rotateLayoutAxis(1, +1)**
Rotate the layout axis (i. e. 2 -> 1 = vertical layout,
1 -> 2 = horizontal layout, only for the "tile" layout).
: #^Enter::**View_rotateLayoutAxis(1, +2)**
Mirror the layout axis (i. e. -1 -> 1 / 1 -> -1 = master on the left
/ right side, -2 -> 2 / 2 -> -2 = master at top / bottom, only for
the "tile" layout).
: #^Tab::**View_rotateLayoutAxis(2, +1)**
Rotate the master axis (i. e. 3 -> 1 = x-axis = horizontal stack,
1 -> 2 = y-axis = vertical stack, 2 -> 3 = z-axis = monocle, only for
the "tile" layout).
: #^+Tab::**View_rotateLayoutAxis(3, +1)**
Rotate the stack axis (i. e. 3 -> 1 = x-axis = horizontal stack,
1 -> 2 = y-axis = vertical stack, 2 -> 3 = z-axis = monocle, only for
the "tile" layout).
: #^Left::**View_setMX(-1)**
Decrease the master X dimension by 1, i. e. decrease the number of
windows in the master area by Y. Minimum of 1 (only for the "tile"
: #^Right::**View_setMX(+1)
Increase the master X dimension by 1, i. e. increase the number of
windows in the master area by Y. Maximum of 9 (only for the "tile"
: #^Down::**View_setMY(-1)**
Decrease the master Y dimension by 1, i.e. decrease the number of
windows in the master area by X. Minimum of 1 (only for the "tile"
: #^Up::**View_setMY(+1)**
Increase the master Y dimension by 1, i.e. increase the number of
windows in the master area by X. Maximum of 9 (only for the "tile"
: #+n::**View_toggleMargins()**
Toggle the view margins, which are set by the configuration variable
=== Tag / View related hotkeys ===
: #BackSpace::**Monitor_activateView(-1)**
Activate the previously activated view. You may also use
Monitor_activateView("<") or Monitor_activateView(">") for activating
the previous or next adjacent view.
: #+0::**Monitor_setWindowTag(0)**
Tag the active window with all tags (1 ... Config_viewCount). You may
also use Monitor_setWindowTag("<") or Monitor_setWindowTag(">") for
setting the tag of the previous or next adjacent to the current view.
: #<tag>::**Monitor_activateView(<tag>)**
Activate the view (choose one out of 1 ... Config_viewCount).
: #+<tag>::**Monitor_setWindowTag(<tag>)**
Tag the active window (choose one tag out of 1 ... Config_viewCount).
: #^<tag>::**Monitor_toggleWindowTag(<tag>)**
Add / Remove the tag (1 ... Config_viewCount) for the active window,
if it is not / is already set.
=== Monitor related hotkeys ===
: #.::**Manager_activateMonitor(+1)**
Activate the next monitor in a multi-monitor environment.
: #,::**Manager_activateMonitor(-1)**
Activate the previous monitor in a multi-monitor environment.
: #+.::**Manager_setWindowMonitor(+1)**
Set the active window to the active view on the next monitor in a
multi-monitor environment.
: #+,::**Manager_setWindowMonitor(-1)**
Set the active window to the active view on the previous monitor in a
multi-monitor environment.
: #^+.::**Manager_setViewMonitor(+1)**
Set all windows of the active view on the active view of the next
monitor in a multi-monitor environment.
: #^+,::**Manager_setViewMonitor(-1)**
Set all windows of the active view on the active view of the previous
monitor in a multi-monitor environment.
: #+Space::**Monitor_toggleBar()**
Hide / Show the bar (bug.n status bar) on the active monitor.
: #Space::**Monitor_toggleTaskBar()**
Hide / Show the task bar.
: #+y::**Monitor_toggleNotifyIconOverflowWindow()**
Toggle the overflow window of the 'notify icons'.
=== Logging/Debugging related hotkeys ===
: #^i::**Debug_logViewWindowList()**
Dump window information on the windows of the active view to the log.
: #+^i::**Debug_logManagedWindowList()**
Dump window information on the contents of the managed window list
(floating and tiled windows of all views) to the log.
: #^h::**Debug_logHelp()**
Print a description of the formatting (column headings) used in the
previous two log messages (Manager_logViewWindowList and
Manager_logManagedWindowList) to the log.
: #^d::**Debug_setLogLevel(-1)**
Decrement the debug log level. Show fewer debug messages.
: #^+d::**Debug_setLogLevel(+1)**
Increment the debug log level. Show more debug messages.
=== Application related hotkeys ===
: #y::**Bar_toggleCommandGui()**
Open the command GUI for executing programmes or bug.n functions.
: #^e::**Run, edit %Config_filePath%
Open the configuration file in the standard text editor.
: #^s::**Config_saveSession()**
Save the current state of monitors, views, layouts to the
configuration file.
: #^r::**Main_reload()**
Reload bug.n (i. e. the configuration and its dependent settings)
without deleting the window lists of bug.n and restoring windows.
! It does not reset internal configuration variables, the tray icon or
menu, hotkeys (unless defined in Config.ini), individual window
settings like Config_showBorder (since windows might be hidden) or
hiding the title bar, the monitor count or views.
! It does not reload the monitor configuration and therefor does not
recognize any changes in the number of monitors.
! It does not reload functions.
! Changed rules are only applied to new windows.
: #^+r::**Reload**
Reload bug.n (i. e. the whole script), which resets the configuration,
the bar, the monitor configuration and window lists of bug.n. It is
like Quitting and restarting bug.n.
: #^q::**ExitApp
Quit bug.n, restore the default Windows UI and show all windows.
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%%txt: (c) 2010-2012 Joshua Fuhs, joten. Last modified %%date(%d.%m.%Y).
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