revised the network monitor in ResourceMonitor.ahk

This commit is contained in:
joten 2014-03-04 20:53:33 +01:00
parent e38e9dedbb
commit c74b67e443

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@ -18,15 +18,20 @@
@version 8.4.0
ResourceMonitor_init() {
Global Config_readinDiskLoad, Config_readinNetworkLoad, ResourceMonitor_hDrive
If Config_readinDiskLoad
ResourceMonitor_hDrive := DllCall("CreateFile", "Str", "\\.\PhysicalDrive0", "UInt", 0, "UInt", 3, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 3, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
;; Disabled due to bug 019005. This call may lead to bug.n hanging.
;; This call may lead to bug.n hanging (bug 019005).
If Config_readinNetworkLoad
ResourceMonitor_cleanup() {
Global Config_readinDiskLoad, ResourceMonitor_hDrive
If Config_readinDiskLoad
DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", ResourceMonitor_hDrive) ;; used in ResourceMonitor_getDiskLoad
@ -90,63 +95,24 @@ ResourceMonitor_getMemoryUsage()
;; fures: System + Network monitor - with net history graph (
Global ResourceMonitor_networkInterface, ResourceMonitor_networkInterfaceTable
ResourceMonitor_getNetworkInterface() {
Global Config_readinNetworkLoad, ResourceMonitor_networkInterface
DllCall("iphlpapi\GetNumberOfInterfaces", "UIntP", n)
nSize := 4 + 860 * n + 8
VarSetCapacity(ResourceMonitor_networkInterfaceTable, nSize)
If Not DllCall("iphlpapi\GetIfTable", "UInt", &ResourceMonitor_networkInterfaceTable, "UIntP", nSize, "Int", False)
Loop, 2
i := 0
j := A_Index
Loop, % NumGet(ResourceMonitor_networkInterfaceTable)
If NumGet(ResourceMonitor_networkInterfaceTable, 4 + 860 * (A_Index - 1) + 544) < 4
|| NumGet(ResourceMonitor_networkInterfaceTable, 4 + 860 * (A_Index - 1) + 516) = 24
i += 1
dn_#%i%_#%j% := NumGet(ResourceMonitor_networkInterfaceTable, 4 + 860 * (A_Index - 1) + 552)
up_#%i%_#%j% := NumGet(ResourceMonitor_networkInterfaceTable, 4 + 860 * (A_Index - 1) + 576)
objWMIService := ComObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" . A_ComputerName . "\root\cimv2")
WQLQuery := "SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface WHERE Name LIKE '%" . Config_readinNetworkLoad . "%'"
ResourceMonitor_networkInterface := objWMIService.ExecQuery(WQLQuery).ItemIndex(0)
If (A_Index < 2)
RunWait, %Comspec% /c ping -n 1, , hide
Loop, % i
If (dn_#%i%_#2 > dn_#%i%_1)
ResourceMonitor_networkInterface := i
;; fures: System + Network monitor - with net history graph (
;; Pillus: System monitor (HDD/Wired/Wireless) using keyboard LEDs (
ResourceMonitor_getNetworkLoad(ByRef upLoad, ByRef dnLoad)
Global ResourceMonitor_networkInterface, ResourceMonitor_networkInterfaceTable
Static dn_#0, t_#0, up_#0
Global ResourceMonitor_networkInterface
DllCall("iphlpapi\GetIfEntry", "UInt", &ResourceMonitor_networkInterfaceTable + 4 + 860 * (ResourceMonitor_networkInterface - 1))
dn_#1 := NumGet(ResourceMonitor_networkInterfaceTable, 4 + 860 * (ResourceMonitor_networkInterface - 1) + 552) ;; Total Incoming Bytes
up_#1 := NumGet(ResourceMonitor_networkInterfaceTable, 4 + 860 * (ResourceMonitor_networkInterface - 1) + 576) ;; Total Outgoing Bytes
tDiff := (A_TickCount - t_#0) / 1000
t_#0 := A_TickCount
dnLoad := SubStr(" " Round((dn_#1 - dn_#0) / 1024 / tDiff), -3)
upLoad := SubStr(" " Round((up_#1 - up_#0) / 1024 / tDiff), -3)
dn_#0 := dn_#1
up_#0 := up_#1
dnLoad := SubStr(" " Round(ResourceMonitor_networkInterface.BytesReceivedPerSec / 1024), -3)
upLoad := SubStr(" " Round(ResourceMonitor_networkInterface.BytesSentPerSec / 1024), -3)
;; fures: System + Network monitor - with net history graph (
;; Sean: Network Download/Upload Meter (
;; Pillus: System monitor (HDD/Wired/Wireless) using keyboard LEDs (
{ ;; Total CPU Load