Revert "Revised "Manager_onShellMessage""

This reverts commit 058467de8a.
This commit is contained in:
joten 2015-02-27 21:59:54 +01:00
parent 8562e2f9df
commit 286fc287ce
2 changed files with 158 additions and 109 deletions

View file

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Manager_init()
If Not Config_showTaskBar
Manager_focus := False
Manager_hideShow := False
Bar_hideTitleWndIds := ""
Manager_allWndIds := ""
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ Manager_applyRules(wndId, ByRef isManaged, ByRef m, ByRef tags, ByRef isFloating
WinGetClass, wndClass, ahk_id %wndId%
WinGetTitle, wndTitle, ahk_id %wndId%
WinGetPos, wndX, wndY, wndWidth, wndHeight, ahk_id %wndId%
If (wndClass Or wndTitle) {
If (wndClass Or wndTitle) And Not (wndX < -4999) And Not (wndY < -4999) {
Loop, % Config_ruleCount {
;; The rules are traversed in reverse order.
i := Config_ruleCount - A_Index + 1
@ -126,12 +127,12 @@ Manager_applyRules(wndId, ByRef isManaged, ByRef m, ByRef tags, ByRef isFloating
Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[6] Manager_applyRules: class: " wndClass ", title: " wndTitle ", wndId: " wndId ", action: " action, 6)
} Else {
isManaged := False
If wndTitle
hideTitle := True
Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[3] Manager_applyRules(wndId: " wndId ", isManaged: " isManaged ", m: " m ", tags: " tags ", isFloating: " isFloating ", isDecorated: " isDecorated ", hideTitle: " hideTitle ", action: " action "); class: " wndClass ", title: " wndTitle ", x: " wndX ", y: " wndY, 3)
@ -294,8 +295,6 @@ Manager__setWinProperties(wndId, isManaged, m, tags, isDecorated, isFloating, hi
Local a
Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[3] Manager__setWinProperties(wndId: " wndId ", isManaged: " isManaged ", m: " m ", tags: " tags ", isDecorated: " isDecorated ", isFloating: " isFloating ", hideTitle: " hideTitle ", action: " action ")", 3)
If Not Instr(Manager_allWndIds, wndId ";")
Manager_allWndIds .= wndId ";"
@ -454,10 +453,9 @@ Manager_onDisplayChange(a, wParam, uMsg, lParam) {
Windows events can't always be caught.
Manager_onShellMessage(wParam, lParam) {
Local a, aWndHeight, aWndWidth, aWndX, aWndY, i, m, mouseX, mouseY, tags, updateTitleBar, updateView, v, wndClass, wndId, wndIsDesktop, wndIsHidden, wndTitle
Local a, isChanged, aWndClass, aWndHeight, aWndId, aWndTitle, aWndWidth, aWndX, aWndY, i, m, t, wndClass, wndId, wndId0, wndIds, wndTitle, x, y
;; HSHELL_* become global.
HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED := 1 ;; A window is shown (shown ID).
HSHELL_WINDOWDESTROYED := 2 ;; Seems to get sent sometimes when windows are deactivated. A window destroyed or hidden, same message for both (destroyed or hidden ID).
@ -477,113 +475,123 @@ Manager_onShellMessage(wParam, lParam) {
HSHELL_FLASH := 32774 ;; (HSHELL_REDRAW|HSHELL_HIGHBIT); when a window is signalling an application update. The window is flashing due to some event, one message for each flash.
HSHELL_RUDEAPPACTIVATED := 32772 ;; (HSHELL_WINDOWACTIVATED|HSHELL_HIGHBIT); full-screen app activated? Root-privileged window activated? The window activated via mouse, Alt+Tab or hotkey (sometimes 4, but always one of them).
SetFormat, Integer, hex
lParam := lParam + 0
lParam := lParam+0
SetFormat, Integer, d
wndIsHidden := Window_isHidden(lParam, wndClass, wndTitle)
wndIsDesktop := (lParam = 0)
If wndIsDesktop {
WinGetClass, wndClass, A
WinGetTitle, wndTitle, A
Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] Manager_onShellMessage( wParam: " . wParam . ", lParam: " . lParam . " )", 2)
WinGetClass, wndClass, ahk_id %lParam%
WinGetTitle, wndTitle, ahk_id %lParam%
If Not wndClass And Not wndTitle {
;; If there is no window class or title, it is assumed that the window is not identifiable.
;; The problem was, that i. a. claws-mail triggers Manager_sync, but the application window
;; would not be ready for being managed, i. e. class and title were not available. Therefore more
;; attempts were needed.
;; If there is no window class or title information, it is assumed that the window is not identifiable.
If Not wndClass And Not wndTitle And Not wndIsDesktop
;; Messages received under the following conditions may be misinterpreted.
;; E. g. _bug.n_ is hiding a window, not the process corresponding to the window is hiding or destroying it.
;; Do not act on the REDRAWing of hidden windows.
;; @TODO: There are two problems with the use of Manager_hideShow:
WinGet, aWndId, ID, A
WinGetClass, aWndClass, ahk_id %aWndId%
WinGetTitle, aWndTitle, ahk_id %aWndId%
If ((wParam = 4 Or wParam = 32772) And (aWndClass = "WorkerW" And aWndTitle = "" Or lParam = 0 And aWndClass = "Progman" And aWndTitle = "Program Manager"))
MouseGetPos, x, y
m := Monitor_get(x, y)
;; The current position of the mouse cursor defines the active monitor, if the desktop has been activated.
If m
Manager_aMonitor := m
{ ;; This shouldn't need a redraw because the window was supposedly replaced.
; If (wParam = 14)
; { ;; Window recovered from being hung. Maybe force a redraw.
; }
;; @todo: There are two problems with the use of Manager_hideShow:
;; 1) If Manager_hideShow is set when we hit this block, we won't take some actions that should eventually be taken.
;; This _may_ explain why some windows never get picked up when spamming Win+E.
;; -> The problem is, that closing a window or hiding it, or opening a window or showing it cannot be differentiated.
;; Therefor setting Manager_hideShow ensures, that the messages from hiding or showing windows are not misinterpreted
;; as closing or opening new windows.
;; This _may_ explain why some windows never get picked up when spamming Win+e
;; 2) There is a race condition between the time that Manager_hideShow is checked and any other action which we are
;; trying to protect against. If another process (hotkey) enters a hideShow block after Manager_hideShow has
;; been checked here, bad things could happen. I've personally observed that windows may be permanently hidden.
;; Look into the use of AHK synchronization primitives.
If (wParam = HSHELL_REDRAW) And wndIsHidden
If (wParam = 1 Or wParam = 2 Or wParam = 4 Or wParam = 6 Or wParam = 32772) And lParam And Not Manager_hideShow And Not Manager_focus
isChanged := Manager_sync(wndIds)
If wndIds
isChanged := False
tags := (InStr(Manager_allWndIds, lParam ";") ? "exists" : (HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED = 1 ? "created" : "")) . (wndIsHidden ? "|hidden" : "")
Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[2] Manager_onShellMessage(wParam: " . wParam . ", lParam: " . lParam . "); [" tags "] class: " wndClass ", title: " wndTitle, 2)
If isChanged
If Config_dynamicTiling
View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1)
Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1)
If InStr(Manager_allWndIds, lParam ";") {
;; If a window has been created, which already exists, ...
If (Config_onActiveHiddenWnds = "view") {
;; ... activate (show) the view, to which the window is associated,
Loop, % Config_viewCount {
If (Window_#%lParam%_tags & 1 << A_Index - 1) {
Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[3] Switching view, because " . lParam . " is considered hidden but active", 3)
If (Manager_monitorCount > 1)
WinGet, aWndId, ID, A
WinGetPos, aWndX, aWndY, aWndWidth, aWndHeight, ahk_id %aWndId%
m := Monitor_get(aWndX + aWndWidth / 2, aWndY + aWndHeight / 2)
Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] Manager_onShellMessage: Manager_monitorCount: " Manager_monitorCount ", Manager_aMonitor: " Manager_aMonitor ", m: " m ", aWndId: " aWndId, 1)
;; The currently active window defines the active monitor.
If m
Manager_aMonitor := m
If wndIds
{ ;; If there are new (unrecognized) windows, which are hidden ...
If (Config_onActiveHiddenWnds = "view")
{ ;; ... change the view to show the first hidden window
wndId := SubStr(wndIds, 1, InStr(wndIds, ";") - 1)
Loop, % Config_viewCount
If (Window_#%wndId%_tags & 1 << A_Index - 1)
Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[3] Switching views because " . wndId . " is considered hidden and active", 3)
;; A newly created window defines the active monitor, if it is visible.
Manager_aMonitor := Window_#%lParam%_monitor
Manager_aMonitor := Window_#%wndId%_monitor
} Else If (Config_onActiveHiddenWnds = "hide") {
;; ... re-hide the window,
} Else If (Config_onActiveHiddenWnds = "tag") {
;; ... or additionally tag the window for the current view.
v := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1
View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%v%_wndIds := lParam ";" View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%v%_wndIds
View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%v%_aWndId := lParam
Window_#%lParam%_tags += 1 << v - 1
Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, v)
If Config_dynamicTiling
View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, v)
} Else
updateView := Manager_manage(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1, lParam)
} Else If (wParam = HSHELL_WINDOWDESTROYED) And (Window_#%lParam%_tags & 1 << Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1 - 1) {
updateView := Manager_unmanage(lParam)
If wndIsDesktop {
;; The current position of the mouse cursor defines the active monitor, if the desktop has been activated.
MouseGetPos, mouseX, mouseY
m := Monitor_get(mouseX, mouseY)
} Else If (Manager_monitorCount > 1) {
;; The currently active window defines the active monitor.
WinGetPos, aWndX, aWndY, aWndWidth, aWndHeight, A
m := Monitor_get(aWndX + aWndWidth / 2, aWndY + aWndHeight / 2)
{ ;; ... re-hide them
StringTrimRight, wndIds, wndIds, 1
StringSplit, wndId, wndIds, `;
If (Config_onActiveHiddenWnds = "hide")
Loop, % wndId0
Else If (Config_onActiveHiddenWnds = "tag")
;; ... or tag all of them for the current view.
t := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1
Loop, % wndId0
wndId := wndId%A_Index%
View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_wndIds := wndId ";" View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_wndIds
View_#%Manager_aMonitor%_#%t%_aWndId := wndId
Window_#%wndId%_tags += 1 << t - 1
Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, t)
If Config_dynamicTiling
View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, t)
Debug_logMessage("DEBUG[1] Manager_onShellMessage: Manager_monitorCount: " Manager_monitorCount ", Manager_aMonitor: " Manager_aMonitor ", m: " m, 1)
If m
Manager_aMonitor := m
updateTitleBar := True
updateView := Manager_unmanage(lParam)
;; A window recovered from being hung; maybe force a redraw?
WinGet, wndId, List, , ,
Loop, % wndId {
If Not InStr(Manager_allWndIds, wndId%A_Index% ";") {
a := Manager_manage(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1, wndId%A_Index%)
If a
updateView := a
If updateView {
If Config_dynamicTiling
View_arrange(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1)
Bar_updateView(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1)
updateTitleBar := True
If updateTitleBar {
;; This is a workaround for a redrawing problem of the bug.n bar, which seems to get lost, when windows are created or destroyed under the following conditions.
;; This is a workaround for a redrawing problem of the bug.n bar, which
;; seems to get lost, when windows are created or destroyed under the
;; following conditions.
If (Manager_monitorCount > 1) And (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray") {
Loop, % (Manager_monitorCount - 1) {
i := A_Index + 1
@ -1036,6 +1044,60 @@ Manager_initial_sync(doRestore) {
;; @todo: This constantly tries to re-add windows that are never going to be manageable.
;; Manager_manage should probably ignore all windows that are already in Manager_allWndIds.
;; The problem was, that i. a. claws-mail triggers Manager_sync, but the application window
;; would not be ready for being managed, i. e. class and title were not available. Therefore more
;; attempts were needed.
;; Perhaps this method can be refined by not adding any window to Manager_allWndIds, but only
;; those, which have at least a title or class.
Manager_sync(ByRef wndIds = "")
Local a, flag, shownWndIds, v, visibleWndIds, wndId
Loop, % Manager_monitorCount
v := Monitor_#%A_Index%_aView_#1
shownWndIds .= View_#%A_Index%_#%v%_wndIds
;; Check all visible windows against the known windows
WinGet, wndId, List, , ,
Loop, % wndId
If Not InStr(shownWndIds, wndId%A_Index% ";")
If Not InStr(Manager_managedWndIds, wndId%A_Index% ";")
flag := Manager_manage(Manager_aMonitor, Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_aView_#1, wndId%A_Index%)
If flag
a := flag
Else If Not Window_isHung(wndId%A_Index%)
;; This is a window that is already managed but was brought into focus by something.
;; Maybe it would be useful to do something with it.
wndIds .= wndId%A_Index% ";"
visibleWndIds := visibleWndIds wndId%A_Index% ";"
;; @todo-future: Find out why this unmanage code exists and if it's still needed.
;; check, if a window, that is known to be visible, is actually not visible
StringTrimRight, shownWndIds, shownWndIds, 1
Loop, PARSE, shownWndIds, `;
If Not InStr(visibleWndIds, A_LoopField)
flag := Manager_unmanage(A_LoopField)
If flag
a := flag
Return, a
Manager_unmanage(wndId) {
Local a, aView, wndId0, wndIds
@ -1049,6 +1111,8 @@ Manager_unmanage(wndId) {
;; Do our best to make sure that any unmanaged windows are left visible.
a := Window_#%wndId%_tags & 1 << aView - 1
Loop, % Config_viewCount {
If (Window_#%wndId%_tags & 1 << A_Index - 1) {

View file

@ -92,21 +92,6 @@ Window_isGhost(wndId) {
Return, 0
Window_isHidden(wndId, ByRef wndClass, ByRef wndTitle) {
WinGetClass, wndClass, ahk_id %wndId%
WinGetTitle, wndTitle, ahk_id %wndId%
If Not wndClass And Not wndTitle {
detectHiddenWnds := A_DetectHiddenWindows
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGetClass, wndClass, ahk_id %wndId%
WinGetTitle, wndTitle, ahk_id %wndId%
DetectHiddenWindows, %detectHiddenWnds%
;; If now wndClass Or wndTitle, but Not wndClass And Not wndTitle before, wnd is hidden.
Return, (wndClass Or wndTitle)
} Else
Return, False
;; 0 - Not hung
;; 1 - Hung
Window_isHung(wndId) {