
758 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
* bug.n - tiling window management
* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 joten
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @version 8.3.0
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Bar_init(m) {
Local appBarMsg, GuiN, h1, h2, i, text, titleWidth, trayWndId, w, wndId, wndTitle, wndWidth, x1, x2, y1, y2
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
If (SubStr(Config_barWidth, 0) = "%") {
StringTrimRight, wndWidth, Config_barWidth, 1
wndWidth := Round(Monitor_#%m%_width * wndWidth / 100)
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
} Else
wndWidth := Config_barWidth
Monitor_#%m%_barWidth := wndWidth
titleWidth := wndWidth
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
h1 := Bar_ctrlHeight
x1 := 0
x2 := wndWidth
y1 := 0
y2 := (Bar_ctrlHeight - Bar_textHeight) / 2
h2 := Bar_ctrlHeight - 2 * y2
; Create the GUI window
wndTitle := "bug.n_BAR_" m
GuiN := (m - 1) + 1
Log_dbg_msg(3, "Bar_init(): Gui, " . GuiN . ": Default")
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Gui, %GuiN%: Default
IfWinExist, %wndTitle%
Gui, Destroy
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +LabelBar_Gui +LastFound +ToolWindow
Gui, Color, %Config_normBgColor1%
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Gui, Font, c%Config_normFgColor1% s%Config_fontSize%, %Config_fontName%
; tags
Loop, % Config_viewCount {
i := A_Index
text := " " i " "
w := Bar_getTextWidth(text)
Gui, Add, Text, x%x1% y%y1% w%w% h%h1% BackgroundTrans vBar_#%m%_#%i%_view gBar_GuiClick,
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
If (w <= h1)
Gui, Add, Progress, x%x1% y%y1% w%w% h%h1% Background%Config_normBgColor1% Vertical vBar_#%m%_#%i%_tagged
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Gui, Add, Progress, x%x1% y%y1% w%w% h%h1% Background%Config_normBgColor1% vBar_#%m%_#%i%_tagged
Gui, Add, Text, x%x1% y%y2% w%w% h%h2% -Wrap Center BackgroundTrans vBar_#%m%_#%i%, %text%
titleWidth -= w
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
x1 += w
; layout
i := Config_viewCount + 1
2012-06-23 03:10:09 +00:00
text := " 1x9|=- "
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
w := Bar_getTextWidth(text)
Gui, Add, Text, x%x1% y%y1% w%w% h%h1% BackgroundTrans vBar_#%m%_#%i%_layout gBar_GuiClick,
Gui, Add, Progress, x%x1% y%y1% w%w% h%h1% Background%Config_normBgColor2%
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Gui, Font, c%Config_normFgColor2%
Gui, Add, Text, x%x1% y%y2% w%w% h%h2% -Wrap Center BackgroundTrans vBar_#%m%_#%i%, %text%
titleWidth -= w
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
x1 += w
; The x-position and width of the sub-windows right of the window title are set from the right.
Loop, 4 {
i := Config_viewCount + 7 - A_Index
w := 0
If (i = Config_viewCount + 6) { ; command gui
Gui, -Disabled
w := Bar_getTextWidth(" ?? ")
x2 -= w
titleWidth -= w
Gui, Add, Text, x%x2% y%y1% w%w% h%h1% BackgroundTrans vBar_#%m%_#%i% gBar_toggleCommandGui,
Gui, Add, Progress, x%x2% y%y1% w%w% h%h1% Background%Config_normBgColor2%
Gui, Add, Text, x%x2% y%y2% w%w% h%h2% Center BackgroundTrans, #!
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
} Else If (i = Config_viewCount + 5) And Config_readinTime { ; time
w := Bar_getTextWidth(" ??:?? ")
x2 -= w
titleWidth -= w
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
If Config_readinAny() Or Config_readinBat {
Gui, Font, c%Config_normFgColor1%
Gui, Add, Text, x%x2% y%y1% w%w% h%h1%,
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Gui, Add, Text, x%x2% y%y2% w%w% h%h2% BackgroundTrans Center vBar_#%m%_#%i%, ??:??
} Else If (i = Config_viewCount + 4) And Config_readinAny() { ; any
text := Config_readinAny()
w := Bar_getTextWidth(text)
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
x2 -= w
titleWidth -= w
Gui, Add, Progress, x%x2% y%y1% w%w% h%h1% Background%Config_normBgColor2%
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Gui, Font, c%Config_normFgColor2%
Gui, Add, Text, x%x2% y%y2% w%w% h%h2% Center BackgroundTrans vBar_#%m%_#%i%, %text%
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
} Else If (i = Config_viewCount + 3) And Config_readinBat { ; battery level
w := Bar_getTextWidth(" BAT: ???% ")
x2 -= w
titleWidth -= w
Gui, Add, Progress, x%x2% y%y1% w%w% h%h1% Background%Config_normBgColor2% c%Config_normFgColor3% vBar_#%m%_#%i%_tagged
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Gui, Font, c%Config_normFgColor2%
Gui, Add, Text, x%x2% y%y2% w%w% h%h2% BackgroundTrans Center vBar_#%m%_#%i%, BAT: ???`%
; window title (remaining space)
Gui, Add, Text, x%x1% y%y1% w%titleWidth% h%h1%,
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
If Not Config_singleRowBar {
titleWidth := wndWidth
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
x1 := 0
y1 += h1
y2 += h1
i := Config_viewCount + 2
Gui, Font, c%Config_normFgColor1%
Gui, Add, Text, x%x1% y%y1% w%titleWidth% h%h1%,
Gui, Add, Text, x%x1% y%y2% w%titleWidth% h%h2% BackgroundTrans Center vBar_#%m%_#%i%,
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
If (Config_horizontalBarPos = "left")
x1 := 0
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Else If (Config_horizontalBarPos = "right")
x1 := Monitor_#%m%_width - wndWidth
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Else If (Config_horizontalBarPos = "center")
x1 := (Monitor_#%m%_width - wndWidth) / 2
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Else If (Config_horizontalBarPos => 0)
x1 := Config_horizontalBarPos
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Else If (Config_horizontalBarPos < 0)
x1 := Monitor_#%m%_width - wndWidth + Config_horizontalBarPos
If Not (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray" And m = Manager_taskBarMonitor)
x1 += Monitor_#%m%_x
Bar_#%m%_titleWidth := titleWidth
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Monitor_#%m%_barX := x1
y1 := Monitor_#%m%_barY
If Monitor_#%m%_showBar
Gui, Show, NoActivate x%x1% y%y1% w%wndWidth% h%Bar_height%, %wndTitle%
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Gui, Show, NoActivate Hide x%x1% y%y1% w%wndWidth% h%Bar_height%, %wndTitle%
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
wndId := WinExist(wndTitle)
If (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray" And m = Manager_taskBarMonitor) {
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
trayWndId := WinExist("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd")
DllCall("SetParent", "UInt", wndId, "UInt", trayWndId)
} Else {
appBarMsg := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", Str, "AppBarMsg")
; appBarData: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms538008.aspx
VarSetCapacity(Bar_appBarData, 36, 0)
offset := NumPut( 36, Bar_appBarData)
offset := NumPut( wndId, offset+0)
offset := NumPut( appBarMsg, offset+0)
offset := NumPut( 1, offset+0)
offset := NumPut( x1, offset+0)
offset := NumPut( y1, offset+0)
offset := NumPut( wndWidth, offset+0)
offset := NumPut(Bar_height, offset+0)
offset := NumPut( 1, offset+0)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHAppBarMessage", "UInt", (ABM_NEW := 0x0) , "UInt", &Bar_appBarData)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHAppBarMessage", "UInt", (ABM_QUERYPOS := 0x2), "UInt", &Bar_appBarData)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHAppBarMessage", "UInt", (ABM_SETPOS := 0x3) , "UInt", &Bar_appBarData)
; SKAN: Crazy Scripting : Quick Launcher for Portable Apps (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic22398.html)
Bar_hDrive := DllCall("CreateFile", "Str", "\\.\PhysicalDrive0", "UInt", 0, "UInt", 3, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 3, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Bar_initCmdGui() {
Global Bar_#0_#0, Bar_#0_#0H, Bar_#0_#0W, Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible, Config_fontName, Config_fontSize, Config_normBgColor1, Config_normFgColor1
Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible := False
wndTitle := "bug.n_BAR_0"
Gui, 99: Default
Gui, +LabelBar_cmdGui
IfWinExist, %wndTitle%
Gui, Destroy
Gui, +LastFound -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Color, Default
Gui, Font, s%Config_fontSize%, %Config_fontName%
Gui, Add, TreeView, x0 y0 r23 w300 Background%Config_normBgColor1% c%Config_normFgColor1% -ReadOnly vBar_#0_#0 gBar_cmdGuiEnter
GuiControl, -Redraw, Bar_#0_#0
itemId10 := TV_Add("Window")
itemId11 := TV_Add("set tag", itemId10)
TV_Add("all", itemId11)
TV_Add("Press <F2> to enter a number.", itemId11)
itemId12 := TV_Add("toggle tag", itemId10)
TV_Add("Press <F2> to enter a number.", itemId12)
TV_Add("move to top", itemId10)
TV_Add("move up", itemId10)
TV_Add("move down", itemId10)
TV_Add("toggle floating", itemId10)
TV_Add("toggle decor", itemId10)
TV_Add("close", itemId10)
TV_Add("maximize", itemId10)
TV_Add("move by key", itemId10)
TV_Add("resize by key", itemId10)
TV_Add("activate next", itemId10)
TV_Add("activate prev", itemId10)
TV_Add("move to next monitor", itemId10)
TV_Add("move to prev monitor", itemId10)
itemId20 := TV_Add("Layout")
TV_Add("set last", itemId20)
TV_Add("set 1st (tile)", itemId20)
TV_Add("set 2nd (monocle)", itemId20)
TV_Add("set 3rd (floating)", itemId20)
TV_Add("rotate layout axis", itemId20)
TV_Add("rotate master axis", itemId20)
TV_Add("rotate stack axis", itemId20)
TV_Add("mirror tile layout", itemId20)
TV_Add("increase master X", itemId20)
TV_Add("decrease master X", itemId20)
TV_Add("increase master Y", itemId20)
TV_Add("decrease master Y", itemId20)
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
TV_Add("increase master factor", itemId20)
TV_Add("decrease master factor", itemId20)
itemId30 := TV_Add("View")
itemId31 := TV_Add("activate", itemId30)
TV_Add("last", itemId31)
TV_Add("Press <F2> to enter a number.", itemId31)
TV_Add("move to next monitor", itemId30)
TV_Add("move to prev monitor", itemId30)
itemId40 := TV_Add("Monitor")
TV_Add("toggle bar", itemId40)
TV_Add("toggle task bar", itemId40)
TV_Add("activate next", itemId40)
TV_Add("activate prev", itemId40)
;itemId50 := TV_add("Log")
; TV_Add("increment debug level", itemId50)
; TV_Add("decrement debug level", itemId50)
; TV_Add("log help info", itemId50)
; TV_Add("log view window info", itemId50)
; TV_Add("log managed window info", itemId50)
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
GuiControl, +Redraw, Bar_#0_#0
Gui, Add, Button, Y0 Hidden Default gBar_cmdGuiEnter, OK
GuiControlGet, Bar_#0_#0, Pos
Gui, Show, Hide w%Bar_#0_#0W% h%Bar_#0_#0H%, %wndTitle%
Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible := False
Gui, Cancel
WinActivate, ahk_id %Bar_aWndId%
If (A_GuiControl = "OK") Or (A_GuiControl = "BAR_#0_#0" And A_GuiControlEvent = "DoubleClick") {
Bar_selItemId_#1 := TV_GetSelection()
If Not TV_GetChild(Bar_selItemId_#1) {
Bar_selItemId_#2 := TV_GetParent(Bar_selItemId_#1)
Bar_selItemId_#3 := TV_GetParent(Bar_selItemId_#2)
TV_GetText(Bar_command_#1, Bar_selItemId_#1)
TV_GetText(Bar_command_#2, Bar_selItemId_#2)
TV_GetText(Bar_command_#3, Bar_selItemId_#3)
} Else
Bar_command_#1 := ""
Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible := False
Gui, Cancel
WinActivate, ahk_id %Bar_aWndId%
Bar_evaluateCommand() {
Global Bar_command_#1, Bar_command_#2, Bar_command_#3, Config_viewCount
If (Bar_command_#1) {
If (Bar_command_#2 = "Run")
Run, %Bar_command_#1%
Else If (Bar_command_#3 = "Window") {
If (Bar_command_#2 = "set tag") {
If (Bar_command_#1 = "all")
Else If (RegExMatch(Bar_command_#1, "[0-9]+") And Bar_command_#1 <= Config_viewCount)
} Else If (Bar_command_#2 = "toggle tag")
If (RegExMatch(Bar_command_#1, "[0-9]+") And Bar_command_#1 <= Config_viewCount)
} Else If (Bar_command_#2 = "Window") {
If (Bar_command_#1 = "move to top")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "move up")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "move down")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "toggle floating")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "toggle decor")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "close")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "move by key")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "resize by key")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "maximize")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "activate next")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "activate prev")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "move to next monitor")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "move to prev monitor")
} Else If (Bar_command_#2 = "Layout") {
If (Bar_command_#1 = "set last")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "set 1st (tile)")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "set 2nd (monocle)")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "set 3rd (floating)")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "rotate layout axis")
View_rotateLayoutAxis(1, +1)
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "rotate master axis")
View_rotateLayoutAxis(2, +1)
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "rotate stack axis")
View_rotateLayoutAxis(3, +1)
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "mirror tile layout")
View_rotateLayoutAxis(1, +2)
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "increase master X")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "decrease master X")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "increase master Y")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "decrease master Y")
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "increase master factor")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "decrease master factor")
} Else If (Bar_command_#3 = "View") {
If (Bar_command_#2 = "activate") {
If (Bar_command_#1 = "last")
Else If (RegExMatch(Bar_command_#1, "[0-9]+") And Bar_command_#1 <= Config_viewCount)
} Else If (Bar_command_#2 = "View") {
If (Bar_command_#1 = "move to next monitor")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "move to prev monitor")
} Else If (Bar_command_#2 = "Monitor") {
If (Bar_command_#1 = "toggle bar")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "toggle task bar")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "activate next")
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "activate prev")
} Else If (Bar_command_#2 = "Log") {
If (Bar_command_#1 = "increment debug level")
If (Bar_command_#1 = "decrement debug level")
If (Bar_command_#1 = "log help info")
If (Bar_command_#1 = "log view window info")
If (Bar_command_#1 = "log managed window info")
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
} Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "Reload")
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Else If (Bar_command_#1 = "Quit")
Bar_command_#1 := ""
Bar_command_#2 := ""
Bar_command_#3 := ""
Bar_getBatteryStatus(ByRef batteryLifePercent, ByRef acLineStatus) {
VarSetCapacity(powerStatus, (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4))
success := DllCall("GetSystemPowerStatus", "UInt", &powerStatus)
If (ErrorLevel != 0 Or success = 0) {
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
MsgBox 16, Power Status, Can't get the power status...
acLineStatus := NumGet(powerStatus, 0, "Char")
batteryLifePercent := NumGet(powerStatus, 2, "Char")
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
If acLineStatus = 0
acLineStatus = off
Else If acLineStatus = 1
acLineStatus = on
Else If acLineStatus = 255
acLineStatus = ?
If batteryLifePercent = 255
batteryLifePercent = ???
; PhiLho: AC/Battery status (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic7633.html)
Bar_getDiskLoad(ByRef readLoad, ByRef writeLoad) {
Global Bar_hDrive
Static oldReadCount, oldWriteCount
dpSize := 5 * 8 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 8 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1) + 12 ; 88?
VarSetCapacity(dp, dpSize)
DllCall("DeviceIoControl", "UInt", Bar_hDrive, "UInt", 0x00070020, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt", &dp, "UInt", dpSize, "UIntP", nReturn, "UInt", 0) ; IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE
newReadCount := NumGet(dp, 40)
newWriteCount := NumGet(dp, 44)
readLoad := SubStr(" " Round((1 - 1 / (1 + newReadCount - oldReadCount)) * 100), -2)
writeLoad := SubStr(" " Round((1 - 1 / (1 + newWriteCount - oldWriteCount)) * 100), -2)
oldReadCount := newReadCount
oldWriteCount := newWriteCount
; fures: System + Network monitor - with net history graph (http://www.autohotkey.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=260329)
; SKAN: HDD Activity Monitoring LED (http://www.autohotkey.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=113890&sid=64d9824fdf252697ff4d5026faba91f8#p113890)
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Bar_getHeight() {
Global Bar_#0_#1, Bar_#0_#1H, Bar_#0_#2, Bar_#0_#2H, Bar_ctrlHeight, Bar_height, Bar_textHeight
Global Config_fontName, Config_fontSize, Config_singleRowBar, Config_spaciousBar, Config_verticalBarPos
wndTitle := "bug.n_BAR_0"
Gui, 99: Default
Gui, Font, s%Config_fontSize%, %Config_fontName%
Gui, Add, Text, x0 y0 vBar_#0_#1, |
GuiControlGet, Bar_#0_#1, Pos
Bar_textHeight := Bar_#0_#1H
If Config_spaciousBar {
Gui, Add, ComboBox, r9 x0 y0 vBar_#0_#2, |
GuiControlGet, Bar_#0_#2, Pos
Bar_ctrlHeight := Bar_#0_#2H
} Else
Bar_ctrlHeight := Bar_textHeight
Gui, Destroy
Bar_height := Bar_ctrlHeight
If Not Config_singleRowBar
Bar_height *= 2
If (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray") {
WinGetPos, , , , buttonH, Start ahk_class Button
WinGetPos, , , , barH, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
If (buttonH < barH)
Bar_height := buttonH
Bar_height := barH
Bar_ctrlHeight := Bar_height
If Not Config_singleRowBar
Bar_ctrlHeight := Bar_height / 2
Bar_getMemoryUsage() {
VarSetCapacity(memoryStatus, 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4)
DllCall("kernel32.dll\GlobalMemoryStatus", "UInt", &memoryStatus)
Return, SubStr(" " Round(*(&memoryStatus + 4)), -2) ; LS byte is enough, 0..100
; fures: System + Network monitor - with net history graph (http://www.autohotkey.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=260329)
Bar_getNetworkInterface() {
Global Bar_networkInterface, Bar_networkInterfaceTable
DllCall("iphlpapi\GetNumberOfInterfaces", "UIntP", n)
nSize := 4 + 860 * n + 8
VarSetCapacity(Bar_networkInterfaceTable, nSize)
If Not DllCall("iphlpapi\GetIfTable", "UInt", &Bar_networkInterfaceTable, "UIntP", nSize, "Int", False) {
Loop, 2 {
i := 0
j := A_Index
Loop, % NumGet(Bar_networkInterfaceTable) {
If NumGet(Bar_networkInterfaceTable, 4 + 860 * (A_Index - 1) + 544) < 4
|| NumGet(Bar_networkInterfaceTable, 4 + 860 * (A_Index - 1) + 516) = 24
i += 1
dn_#%i%_#%j% := NumGet(Bar_networkInterfaceTable, 4 + 860 * (A_Index - 1) + 552)
up_#%i%_#%j% := NumGet(Bar_networkInterfaceTable, 4 + 860 * (A_Index - 1) + 576)
If (A_Index < 2)
RunWait, %Comspec% /c ping -n 1, , hide
Loop, % i
If (dn_#%i%_#2 > dn_#%i%_1) {
Bar_networkInterface := i
; fures: System + Network monitor - with net history graph (http://www.autohotkey.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=260329)
Bar_getNetworkLoad(ByRef upLoad, ByRef dnLoad) {
Global Bar_networkInterface, Bar_networkInterfaceTable
Static dn_#0, t_#0, up_#0
DllCall("iphlpapi\GetIfEntry", "UInt", &Bar_networkInterfaceTable + 4 + 860 * (Bar_networkInterface - 1))
dn_#1 := NumGet(Bar_networkInterfaceTable, 4 + 860 * (Bar_networkInterface - 1) + 552) ; Total Incoming Bytes
up_#1 := NumGet(Bar_networkInterfaceTable, 4 + 860 * (Bar_networkInterface - 1) + 576) ; Total Outgoing Bytes
tDiff := (A_TickCount - t_#0) / 1000
t_#0 := A_TickCount
dnLoad := SubStr(" " Round((dn_#1 - dn_#0) / 1024 / tDiff), -3)
upLoad := SubStr(" " Round((up_#1 - up_#0) / 1024 / tDiff), -3)
dn_#0 := dn_#1
up_#0 := up_#1
; fures: System + Network monitor - with net history graph (http://www.autohotkey.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=260329)
; Sean: Network Download/Upload Meter (http://www.autohotkey.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=18033)
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Bar_getSystemTimes() { ; Total CPU Load
Static oldIdleTime, oldKrnlTime, oldUserTime
Static newIdleTime, newKrnlTime, newUserTime
oldIdleTime := newIdleTime
oldKrnlTime := newKrnlTime
oldUserTime := newUserTime
DllCall("GetSystemTimes", "Int64P", newIdleTime, "Int64P", newKrnlTime, "Int64P", newUserTime)
sysTime := SubStr(" " . Round((1 - (newIdleTime - oldIdleTime) / (newKrnlTime - oldKrnlTime+newUserTime - oldUserTime)) * 100), -2)
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Return, sysTime ; system time in percent
; Sean: CPU LoadTimes (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic18913.html)
Bar_getTextWidth(x, reverse=False) {
Global Config_fontSize
If reverse { ; "reverse" calculates the number of characters to a given width.
w := x
i := w / (Config_fontSize - 1)
If (Config_fontSize = 7 Or (Config_fontSize > 8 And Config_fontSize < 13))
i := w / (Config_fontSize - 2)
Else If (Config_fontSize > 12 And Config_fontSize < 18)
i := w / (Config_fontSize - 3)
Else If (Config_fontSize > 17)
i := w / (Config_fontSize - 4)
textWidth := i
} Else { ; "else" calculates the width to a given string.
textWidth := StrLen(x) * (Config_fontSize - 1)
If (Config_fontSize = 7 Or (Config_fontSize > 8 And Config_fontSize < 13))
textWidth := StrLen(x) * (Config_fontSize - 2)
Else If (Config_fontSize > 12 And Config_fontSize < 18)
textWidth := StrLen(x) * (Config_fontSize - 3)
Else If (Config_fontSize > 17)
textWidth := StrLen(x) * (Config_fontSize - 4)
Return, textWidth
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
If (A_GuiEvent = "Normal") {
If Not (SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_#", False, 0) - 6) = Manager_aMonitor)
Manager_activateMonitor(SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_#", False, 0) - 6) - Manager_aMonitor)
If (SubStr(A_GuiControl, -6) = "_layout")
Else If (SubStr(A_GuiControl, -4) = "_view")
Monitor_activateView(SubStr(A_GuiControl, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_#", False, 0) + 2, 1))
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
If (A_GuiEvent = "RightClick") {
If (SubStr(A_GuiControl, -6) = "_layout") {
If Not (SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_#", False, 0) - 6) = Manager_aMonitor)
Manager_activateMonitor(SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_#", False, 0) - 6) - Manager_aMonitor)
} Else If (SubStr(A_GuiControl, -4) = "_view") {
If Not (SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_#", False, 0) - 6) = Manager_aMonitor)
Manager_setWindowMonitor(SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_#", False, 0) - 6) - Manager_aMonitor)
Monitor_setWindowTag(SubStr(A_GuiControl, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_#", False, 0) + 2, 1))
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Bar_move(m) {
Local wndTitle, x, y
x := Monitor_#%m%_barX
y := Monitor_#%m%_barY
wndTitle := "bug.n_BAR_" m
WinMove, %wndTitle%, , %x%, %y%
If Not Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible
If Not (SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_#", False, 0) - 6) = Manager_aMonitor)
Manager_activateMonitor(SubStr(A_GuiControl, 6, InStr(A_GuiControl, "_#", False, 0) - 6) - Manager_aMonitor)
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Bar_toggleCommandGui() {
Local wndId, x, y
Gui, 99: Default
If Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible {
Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible := False
Gui, Cancel
} Else {
Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible := True
x := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_barX + Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_barWidth - Bar_#0_#0W
If (Config_verticalBarPos = "top") Or (Config_verticalBarPos = "tray" And Not Manager_aMonitor = Manager_taskBarMonitor)
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
y := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_y
y := Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_y + Monitor_#%Manager_aMonitor%_height - Bar_#0_#0H
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Gui, Show
WinMove, bug.n_BAR_0, , %x%, %y%
WinGet, wndId, ID, bug.n_BAR_0
GuiControl, Focus, % Bar_#0_#0
Bar_toggleVisibility(m) {
Local GuiN
GuiN := (m - 1) + 1
If Monitor_#%m%_showBar {
If Not (GuiN = 99) Or Bar_cmdGuiIsVisible
Gui, %GuiN%: Show
} Else
Gui, %GuiN%: Cancel
Bar_updateLayout(m) {
Local aView, GuiN, i
aView := Monitor_#%m%_aView_#1
i := Config_viewCount + 1
GuiN := (m - 1) + 1
GuiControl, %GuiN%: , Bar_#%m%_#%i%, % View_#%m%_#%aView%_layoutSymbol
Bar_updateStatus() {
Local anyContent, anyText, b1, b2, b3, GuiN, i, m
Loop, % Manager_monitorCount {
m := A_Index
GuiN := (m - 1) + 1
Log_dbg_msg(3, "Bar_updateStatus(): Gui, " . GuiN . ": Default")
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Gui, %GuiN%: Default
If Config_readinBat {
Bar_getBatteryStatus(b1, b2)
b3 := SubStr(" " b1, -2)
i := Config_viewCount + 3
If (b1 < 10) And (b2 = "off") { ; change the color, if the battery level is below 10%
GuiControl, +Background%Config_normBgColor4% +c%Config_normBgColor2%, Bar_#%m%_#%i%_tagged
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
GuiControl, +c%Config_selFgColor6%, Bar_#%m%_#%i%
} Else If (b2 = "off") { ; change the color, if the pc is not plugged in
GuiControl, +Background%Config_normBgColor2% +c%Config_normFgColor5%, Bar_#%m%_#%i%_tagged
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
GuiControl, +c%Config_normFgColor4%, Bar_#%m%_#%i%
} Else {
GuiControl, +Background%Config_normBgColor3% +c%Config_normFgColor3%, Bar_#%m%_#%i%_tagged
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
GuiControl, +c%Config_normFgColor2%, Bar_#%m%_#%i%
GuiControl, , Bar_#%m%_#%i%_tagged, %b3%
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
GuiControl, , Bar_#%m%_#%i%, % " BAT: " b3 "% "
anyText := Config_readinAny()
If anyText {
i := Config_viewCount + 4
GuiControlGet, anyContent, , Bar_#%m%_#%i%
If Not (anyText = anyContent)
GuiControl, , Bar_#%m%_#%i%, % anyText
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
If Config_readinTime {
i := Config_viewCount + 5
GuiControl, , Bar_#%m%_#%i%, % " " A_Hour ":" A_Min " "
Bar_updateTitle(debugMsg = "") {
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Local aWndId, aWndTitle, content, GuiN, i, title
If debugMsg
aWndTitle := debugMsg
Else {
WinGet, aWndId, ID, A
WinGetTitle, aWndTitle, ahk_id %aWndId%
If InStr(Bar_hideTitleWndIds, aWndId ";") Or (aWndTitle = "bug.n_BAR_0")
aWndTitle := ""
If Manager_#%aWndId%_isFloating
aWndTitle := "~ " aWndTitle
If (Manager_monitorCount > 1)
aWndTitle := "[" Manager_aMonitor "] " aWndTitle
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
title := " " . aWndTitle . " "
If (Bar_getTextWidth(title) > Bar_#%Manager_aMonitor%_titleWidth) { ; shorten the window title if its length exceeds the width of the bar
i := Bar_getTextWidth(Bar_#%Manager_aMonitor%_titleWidth, True) - 6
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
StringLeft, title, aWndTitle, i
title := " " . title . " ... "
i := Config_viewCount + 2
Loop, % Manager_monitorCount {
GuiN := (A_Index - 1) + 1
Log_dbg_msg(3, "Bar_updateTitle(): Gui, " . GuiN . ": Default")
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Gui, %GuiN%: Default
GuiControlGet, content, , Bar_#%A_Index%_#%i%
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
If (A_Index = Manager_aMonitor) {
If Not (content = title)
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
GuiControl, , Bar_#%A_Index%_#%i%, % title
} Else If Not (content = "")
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
GuiControl, , Bar_#%A_Index%_#%i%,
Bar_aWndId := aWndId
; Update the view portion of the status bar.
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Bar_updateView(m, v) {
Local IdsLen, ViewIdsLen
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
GuiN := (m - 1) + 1
Log_dbg_msg(3, "Bar_updateView(): Gui, " . GuiN . ": Default")
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Gui, %GuiN%: Default
IdsLen := StrLen(Manager_managedWndIds)
If (v = Monitor_#%m%_aView_#1) {
; Set foreground/background colors if the view is the current view.
GuiControl, +Background%Config_selBgColor1% +c%Config_selFgColor2%, Bar_#%m%_#%v%_tagged
GuiControl, +c%Config_selFgColor1%, Bar_#%m%_#%v%
} Else If StrLen(View_#%m%_#%v%_wndIds) > 0 {
; Set foreground/background colors if the view contains windows.
GuiControl, +Background%Config_normBgColor5% +c%Config_normFgColor8%, Bar_#%m%_#%v%_tagged
GuiControl, +c%Config_normFgColor7%, Bar_#%m%_#%v%
} Else {
; Set foreground/background colors if the view is empty.
GuiControl, +Background%Config_normBgColor1% +c%Config_normFgColor8%, Bar_#%m%_#%v%_tagged
GuiControl, +c%Config_normFgColor1%, Bar_#%m%_#%v%
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
Loop, %Config_viewCount% {
ViewIdsLen := StrLen( View_#%m%_#%A_Index%_wndIds )
; Update the percentage fill for the view.
GuiControl, , Bar_#%m%_#%A_Index%_tagged, % ViewIdsLen / IdsLen * 100
; Refresh the number on the bar.
2011-07-27 17:43:34 +00:00
GuiControl, , Bar_#%m%_#%A_Index%, %A_Index%