2021-09-16 13:54:34 +02:00
org Update APKTool 2021-09-16 13:54:34 +02:00
README.md Update APKTool 2021-09-16 13:54:34 +02:00

Welcome! You have reached the libs folder!

Adding new dependencies

Run the following command (replacing the placeholders first of course!):

mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=[GROUP-ID] -DartifactId=[ARTIFACT-ID] -Dversion=[VERSION] -Durl=file:./libs -DrepositoryId=local-maven-repo -DupdateReleaseInfo=true -Dfile=[THE-JAR-FILE]

Updating dependencies

Just do the same procedure as in "Adding new dependencies", but with a new version number!

You can also safely delete the old version of the dependency, as nothing will depend on it anymore.

Why the suffix bcv?

Some dependencies may have been modified or could be released by their author in the future. To avoid confusion and dependency clashes in the local repository, the suffix is a nice way to ensure, the right dependency is used in every project (bcv = ByteCode Viewer btw).


  • ByteAnalysis: Compiled from source with the newest dependency versions
  • APKTool: Added the apktool-cli subproject, compiled without changes from source
  • JD-GUI: Removed ASM, RSyntaxTextArea, ANTLR, and TreeLayout