2021-07-10 06:46:25 -07:00

82 lines
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package the.bytecode.club.bytecodeviewer;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintStream;
* General program constants, to use this class include everything as a wildcard static import:
* import static the.bytecode.club.bytecodeviewer.Constants.*;
* @author Konloch
* @since 6/21/2021
public class Constants
/*per version*/
public static final String VERSION = "2.10.14"; //could be loaded from the pom
public static String krakatauVersion = "12";
public static String enjarifyVersion = "4";
public static final boolean BLOCK_TAB_MENU = true;
public static final boolean FAT_JAR = true; //could be automatic by checking if it's loaded a class named whatever for a library
public static final boolean OFFLINE_MODE = true; //disables the automatic updater
public static final String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
public static final String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
public static final File BCVDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + fs + ".Bytecode-Viewer");
public static final File RT_JAR = new File(System.getProperty("java.home") + fs + "lib" + fs + "rt.jar");
public static final File RT_JAR_DUMPED = new File(getBCVDirectory() + fs + "rt.jar");
public static final String filesName = getBCVDirectory() + fs + "recentfiles.json";
public static final String pluginsName = getBCVDirectory() + fs + "recentplugins.json";
public static final String settingsName = getBCVDirectory() + fs + "settings.bcv";
public static final String tempDirectory = getBCVDirectory() + fs + "bcv_temp" + fs;
public static final String libsDirectory = getBCVDirectory() + fs + "libs" + fs;
public static String krakatauWorkingDirectory = getBCVDirectory() + fs + "krakatau_" + krakatauVersion;
public static String enjarifyWorkingDirectory = getBCVDirectory() + fs + "enjarify_" + enjarifyVersion;
public static final String[] SUPPORTED_FILE_EXTENSIONS = new String[]{"jar", "zip", "class", "apk", "xapk", "dex", "war", "jsp"};
public static final PrintStream ERR = System.err;
public static final PrintStream OUT = System.out;
* Returns the BCV directory
* @return the static BCV directory
public static String getBCVDirectory()
while (!BCVDir.exists())
if (!BCVDir.isHidden() && isWindows())
return BCVDir.getAbsolutePath();
* Checks if the OS contains 'win'
* @return true if the os.name property contains 'win'
private static boolean isWindows()
return System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("win");
* Runs the windows command to hide files
* @param f file you want hidden
private static void hideFile(File f)
try {
// Hide file by running attrib system command (on Windows)
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("attrib +H " + f.getAbsolutePath());
} catch (Exception e) {