
Bytecode Viewer (BCV) is an easy to use Java & Android Reverse Engineering Suite!
BCV is designed to be extremely user and beginner friendly, because of this almost everything is accessible through an interface, settings, tools, etc.

To start drag your Jar/APK/Class file into the resource list.

How To - Java Importing

Java resources have no special preprocessing before you open them.
Import your Jar/Class/WAR/EAR file via the File>Open menu in Bytecode Viewer. (CTRL + O)

How To - Android Importing

Android resources have three options for preprocessing:
    1). Decode Resources
    2). Enjarify
    3). Dex2Jar (d2j)
1). Decode Resources will run APKTool to decode any packed android-specific resources
2). Enjarify will convert the dalvik specific bytecode to java bytecode
3). Dex2Jar will convert the dalvik specific bytecode to java bytecode

Import your APK/WAPK/DEX file via the File>Open menu in Bytecode Viewer. (CTRL + O)

How To - File Navigation

Using the resource list (it should say "Files" on the title bar) you can select all of the resources added into BCV.
Any archive will opened, to select a resource click + button for each folder.
Using the search pane inside of the resource list you can search by file name and extension.
For case-sensitivity enable the checkbox labeled "Exact".


Command Line Interface (CLI)


View Panes



Code from various projects has been used, including but not limited to
