/** * This is an example of a string decrypter plugin */ var PluginConsole = Java.type("the.bytecode.club.bytecodeviewer.api.PluginConsole"); var MultipleChoiceDialogue = Java.type("the.bytecode.club.bytecodeviewer.gui.components.MultipleChoiceDialogue") var BytecodeViewer = Java.type("the.bytecode.club.bytecodeviewer.api.BytecodeViewer") var dialogue = new MultipleChoiceDialogue("Bytecode Viewer - WARNING", "WARNING: This will load the classes into the JVM and execute the initialize function" + "\nfor each class. IF THE FILE YOU'RE LOADING IS MALICIOUS, DO NOT CONTINUE.", ["Continue", "Cancel"]); var gui = new PluginConsole("Skeleton"); function execute(classNodeList) { if(dialogue.promptChoice() == 0) { var needsWarning = false; for (cnIndex = 0; cnIndex < classNodeList.length; cnIndex++) { try { var cn = classNodeList[cnIndex]; var fields = cn.fields.toArray(); //load the class node into the classloader BytecodeViewer.getClassNodeLoader().addClass(cn); for (fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fields.length; fieldIndex++) { var field = fields[fieldIndex]; //if the class contains the field z, get the class object from the class node //then print out the value of the fields inside the class //if the strings get decrypted on init, this allows you to dump the current values if(field.name.equals("z")) {// && f.desc.equals("([Ljava/lang/String;)V")) { try { var loadedClass = BytecodeViewer.getClassNodeLoader().nodeToClass(cn); var reflectedFields = loadedClass.getFields(); for (reflectedFieldIndex = 0; reflectedFieldIndex < reflectedFields.length; reflectedFieldIndex++) { var reflectedField = reflectedFields[fieldIndex]; var s = reflectedField.get(null); if(s != null && !s.empty()) gui.appendText(cn + "->" + s); } } catch(e) {} } } } catch(e) { gui.appendText("Failed loading class " + cn.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); needsWarning = true; } } if (needsWarning) { BytecodeViewer.showMessage("Some classes failed to decrypt, if you'd like to decrypt all of them" + nl + "makes sure you include ALL the libraries it requires."); } gui.setVisible(true); } }