/* * Janino - An embedded Java[TM] compiler * * Copyright (c) 2001-2010, Arno Unkrig * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the * following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.codehaus.janino; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringReader; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.codehaus.janino.Java.Annotation; import org.codehaus.janino.Java.Rvalue; import org.codehaus.janino.util.AutoIndentWriter; /** * A visitor that unparses (un-compiles) an AST to a {@link Writer}. See {@link #main(String[])} for a usage example. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public class UnparseVisitor implements Visitor.ComprehensiveVisitor { /** * Where the {@code visit...()} methods print their text. Noice that this {@link PrintWriter} does not print to * the output directly, but through an {@link AutoIndentWriter}. */ protected final PrintWriter pw; /** * Testing of parsing/unparsing. *

* Reads compilation units from the files named on the command line * and unparses them to {@link System#out}. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Writer w = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)); for (String fileName : args) { // Parse each compilation unit. FileReader r = new FileReader(fileName); Java.CompilationUnit cu; try { cu = new Parser(new Scanner(fileName, r)).parseCompilationUnit(); } finally { r.close(); } // Unparse each compilation unit. UnparseVisitor.unparse(cu, w); } w.flush(); } /** Unparses the given {@link Java.CompilationUnit} to the given {@link Writer}. */ public static void unparse(Java.CompilationUnit cu, Writer w) { UnparseVisitor uv = new UnparseVisitor(w); uv.unparseCompilationUnit(cu); uv.close(); } public UnparseVisitor(Writer w) { this.pw = new PrintWriter(new AutoIndentWriter(w), true); } /** Flushes all generated code. */ public void close() { this.pw.flush(); } /** @param cu The compilation unit to unparse */ public void unparseCompilationUnit(Java.CompilationUnit cu) { if (cu.optionalPackageDeclaration != null) { this.pw.println(); this.pw.println("package " + cu.optionalPackageDeclaration.packageName + ';'); } if (!cu.importDeclarations.isEmpty()) { this.pw.println(); for (Java.CompilationUnit.ImportDeclaration id : cu.importDeclarations) id.accept(this); } for (Java.PackageMemberTypeDeclaration pmtd : cu.packageMemberTypeDeclarations) { this.pw.println(); this.unparseTypeDeclaration(pmtd); this.pw.println(); } } @Override public void visitSingleTypeImportDeclaration(Java.CompilationUnit.SingleTypeImportDeclaration stid) { this.pw.println("import " + Java.join(stid.identifiers, ".") + ';'); } @Override public void visitTypeImportOnDemandDeclaration(Java.CompilationUnit.TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration tiodd) { this.pw.println("import " + Java.join(tiodd.identifiers, ".") + ".*;"); } @Override public void visitSingleStaticImportDeclaration(Java.CompilationUnit.SingleStaticImportDeclaration ssid) { this.pw.println("import static " + Java.join(ssid.identifiers, ".") + ';'); } @Override public void visitStaticImportOnDemandDeclaration(Java.CompilationUnit.StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration siodd) { this.pw.println("import static " + Java.join(siodd.identifiers, ".") + ".*;"); } @Override public void visitLocalClassDeclaration(Java.LocalClassDeclaration lcd) { this.unparseNamedClassDeclaration(lcd); } @Override public void visitMemberClassDeclaration(Java.MemberClassDeclaration mcd) { this.unparseNamedClassDeclaration(mcd); } @Override public void visitMemberInterfaceDeclaration(Java.MemberInterfaceDeclaration mid) { this.unparseInterfaceDeclaration(mid); } @Override public void visitPackageMemberClassDeclaration(Java.PackageMemberClassDeclaration pmcd) { this.unparseNamedClassDeclaration(pmcd); } @Override public void visitPackageMemberInterfaceDeclaration(Java.PackageMemberInterfaceDeclaration pmid) { this.unparseInterfaceDeclaration(pmid); } @Override public void visitConstructorDeclarator(Java.ConstructorDeclarator cd) { this.unparseDocComment(cd); this.unparseAnnotations(cd.modifiers.annotations); this.unparseModifiers(cd.modifiers.flags); Java.ClassDeclaration declaringClass = cd.getDeclaringClass(); this.pw.print( declaringClass instanceof Java.NamedClassDeclaration ? ((Java.NamedClassDeclaration) declaringClass).name : "UNNAMED" ); this.unparseFunctionDeclaratorRest(cd); this.pw.print(' '); if (cd.optionalConstructorInvocation != null) { this.pw.println('{'); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.INDENT); this.unparseBlockStatement(cd.optionalConstructorInvocation); this.pw.println(';'); if (!cd.optionalStatements.isEmpty()) { this.pw.println(); this.unparseStatements(cd.optionalStatements); } this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.UNINDENT + "}"); } else if (cd.optionalStatements.isEmpty()) { this.pw.print("{}"); } else { this.pw.println('{'); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.INDENT); this.unparseStatements(cd.optionalStatements); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.UNINDENT + "}"); } } @Override public void visitMethodDeclarator(Java.MethodDeclarator md) { this.unparseDocComment(md); this.unparseAnnotations(md.modifiers.annotations); this.unparseModifiers(md.modifiers.flags); this.unparseType(md.type); this.pw.print(' ' + md.name); this.unparseFunctionDeclaratorRest(md); if (md.optionalStatements == null) { this.pw.print(';'); } else if (md.optionalStatements.isEmpty()) { this.pw.print(" {}"); } else { this.pw.println(" {"); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.INDENT); this.unparseStatements(md.optionalStatements); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.UNINDENT); this.pw.print('}'); } } @Override public void visitFieldDeclaration(Java.FieldDeclaration fd) { this.unparseDocComment(fd); this.unparseAnnotations(fd.modifiers.annotations); this.unparseModifiers(fd.modifiers.flags); this.unparseType(fd.type); this.pw.print(' '); for (int i = 0; i < fd.variableDeclarators.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) this.pw.print(", "); this.unparseVariableDeclarator(fd.variableDeclarators[i]); } this.pw.print(';'); } @Override public void visitInitializer(Java.Initializer i) { if (i.statiC) this.pw.print("static "); this.unparseBlockStatement(i.block); } @Override public void visitBlock(Java.Block b) { if (b.statements.isEmpty()) { this.pw.print("{}"); return; } this.pw.println('{'); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.INDENT); this.unparseStatements(b.statements); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.UNINDENT + "}"); } private void unparseStatements(List statements) { int state = -1; for (Java.BlockStatement bs : statements) { int x = ( bs instanceof Java.Block ? 1 : bs instanceof Java.LocalClassDeclarationStatement ? 2 : bs instanceof Java.LocalVariableDeclarationStatement ? 3 : bs instanceof Java.SynchronizedStatement ? 4 : 99 ); if (state != -1 && state != x) this.pw.println(AutoIndentWriter.CLEAR_TABULATORS); state = x; this.unparseBlockStatement(bs); this.pw.println(); } } @Override public void visitBreakStatement(Java.BreakStatement bs) { this.pw.print("break"); if (bs.optionalLabel != null) this.pw.print(' ' + bs.optionalLabel); this.pw.print(';'); } @Override public void visitContinueStatement(Java.ContinueStatement cs) { this.pw.print("continue"); if (cs.optionalLabel != null) this.pw.print(' ' + cs.optionalLabel); this.pw.print(';'); } @Override public void visitAssertStatement(Java.AssertStatement as) { this.pw.print("assert "); this.unparse(as.expression1); if (as.optionalExpression2 != null) { this.pw.print(" : "); this.unparse(as.optionalExpression2); } this.pw.print(';'); } @Override public void visitDoStatement(Java.DoStatement ds) { this.pw.print("do "); this.unparseBlockStatement(ds.body); this.pw.print("while ("); this.unparse(ds.condition); this.pw.print(");"); } @Override public void visitEmptyStatement(Java.EmptyStatement es) { this.pw.print(';'); } @Override public void visitExpressionStatement(Java.ExpressionStatement es) { this.unparse(es.rvalue); this.pw.print(';'); } @Override public void visitForStatement(Java.ForStatement fs) { this.pw.print("for ("); if (fs.optionalInit != null) { this.unparseBlockStatement(fs.optionalInit); } else { this.pw.print(';'); } if (fs.optionalCondition != null) { this.pw.print(' '); this.unparse(fs.optionalCondition); } this.pw.print(';'); if (fs.optionalUpdate != null) { this.pw.print(' '); for (int i = 0; i < fs.optionalUpdate.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) this.pw.print(", "); this.unparse(fs.optionalUpdate[i]); } } this.pw.print(") "); this.unparseBlockStatement(fs.body); } @Override public void visitForEachStatement(Java.ForEachStatement fes) { this.pw.print("for ("); this.unparseFormalParameter(fes.currentElement, false); this.pw.print(" : "); this.unparse(fes.expression); this.pw.print(") "); this.unparseBlockStatement(fes.body); } @Override public void visitIfStatement(Java.IfStatement is) { this.pw.print("if ("); this.unparse(is.condition); this.pw.print(") "); this.unparseBlockStatement(is.thenStatement); if (is.optionalElseStatement != null) { this.pw.println(" else"); this.unparseBlockStatement(is.optionalElseStatement); } } @Override public void visitLabeledStatement(Java.LabeledStatement ls) { this.pw.println(ls.label + ':'); this.unparseBlockStatement(ls.body); } @Override public void visitLocalClassDeclarationStatement(Java.LocalClassDeclarationStatement lcds) { this.unparseTypeDeclaration(lcds.lcd); } @Override public void visitLocalVariableDeclarationStatement(Java.LocalVariableDeclarationStatement lvds) { this.unparseAnnotations(lvds.modifiers.annotations); this.unparseModifiers(lvds.modifiers.flags); this.unparseType(lvds.type); this.pw.print(' '); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.TABULATOR); this.unparseVariableDeclarator(lvds.variableDeclarators[0]); for (int i = 1; i < lvds.variableDeclarators.length; ++i) { this.pw.print(", "); this.unparseVariableDeclarator(lvds.variableDeclarators[i]); } this.pw.print(';'); } @Override public void visitReturnStatement(Java.ReturnStatement rs) { this.pw.print("return"); if (rs.optionalReturnValue != null) { this.pw.print(' '); this.unparse(rs.optionalReturnValue); } this.pw.print(';'); } @Override public void visitSwitchStatement(Java.SwitchStatement ss) { this.pw.print("switch ("); this.unparse(ss.condition); this.pw.println(") {"); for (Java.SwitchStatement.SwitchBlockStatementGroup sbsg : ss.sbsgs) { this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.UNINDENT); try { for (Java.Rvalue rv : sbsg.caseLabels) { this.pw.print("case "); this.unparse(rv); this.pw.println(':'); } if (sbsg.hasDefaultLabel) this.pw.println("default:"); } finally { this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.INDENT); } for (Java.BlockStatement bs : sbsg.blockStatements) { this.unparseBlockStatement(bs); this.pw.println(); } } this.pw.print('}'); } @Override public void visitSynchronizedStatement(Java.SynchronizedStatement ss) { this.pw.print("synchronized ("); this.unparse(ss.expression); this.pw.print(") "); this.unparseBlockStatement(ss.body); } @Override public void visitThrowStatement(Java.ThrowStatement ts) { this.pw.print("throw "); this.unparse(ts.expression); this.pw.print(';'); } @Override public void visitTryStatement(Java.TryStatement ts) { this.pw.print("try "); this.unparseBlockStatement(ts.body); for (Java.CatchClause cc : ts.catchClauses) { this.pw.print(" catch ("); this.unparseFormalParameter(cc.caughtException, false); this.pw.print(") "); this.unparseBlockStatement(cc.body); } if (ts.optionalFinally != null) { this.pw.print(" finally "); this.unparseBlockStatement(ts.optionalFinally); } } @Override public void visitWhileStatement(Java.WhileStatement ws) { this.pw.print("while ("); this.unparse(ws.condition); this.pw.print(") "); this.unparseBlockStatement(ws.body); } private void unparseVariableDeclarator(Java.VariableDeclarator vd) { this.pw.print(vd.name); for (int i = 0; i < vd.brackets; ++i) this.pw.print("[]"); if (vd.optionalInitializer != null) { this.pw.print(" = "); this.unparseArrayInitializerOrRvalue(vd.optionalInitializer); } } private void unparseFormalParameter(Java.FunctionDeclarator.FormalParameter fp, boolean hasEllipsis) { if (fp.finaL) this.pw.print("final "); this.unparseType(fp.type); if (hasEllipsis) this.pw.write("..."); this.pw.print(" " + AutoIndentWriter.TABULATOR + fp.name); } @Override public void visitMethodInvocation(Java.MethodInvocation mi) { if (mi.optionalTarget != null) { this.unparseLhs(mi.optionalTarget, "."); this.pw.print('.'); } this.pw.print(mi.methodName); this.unparseFunctionInvocationArguments(mi.arguments); } @Override public void visitAlternateConstructorInvocation(Java.AlternateConstructorInvocation aci) { this.pw.print("this"); this.unparseFunctionInvocationArguments(aci.arguments); } @Override public void visitSuperConstructorInvocation(Java.SuperConstructorInvocation sci) { if (sci.optionalQualification != null) { this.unparseLhs(sci.optionalQualification, "."); this.pw.print('.'); } this.pw.print("super"); this.unparseFunctionInvocationArguments(sci.arguments); } @Override public void visitNewClassInstance(Java.NewClassInstance nci) { if (nci.optionalQualification != null) { this.unparseLhs(nci.optionalQualification, "."); this.pw.print('.'); } this.pw.print("new " + nci.type.toString()); this.unparseFunctionInvocationArguments(nci.arguments); } @Override public void visitAssignment(Java.Assignment a) { this.unparseLhs(a.lhs, a.operator); this.pw.print(' ' + a.operator + ' '); this.unparseRhs(a.rhs, a.operator); } @Override public void visitAmbiguousName(Java.AmbiguousName an) { this.pw.print(an.toString()); } @Override public void visitArrayAccessExpression(Java.ArrayAccessExpression aae) { this.unparseLhs(aae.lhs, "[ ]"); this.pw.print('['); this.unparse(aae.index); this.pw.print(']'); } @Override public void visitArrayLength(Java.ArrayLength al) { this.unparseLhs(al.lhs, "."); this.pw.print(".length"); } @Override public void visitArrayType(Java.ArrayType at) { this.unparseType(at.componentType); this.pw.print("[]"); } @Override public void visitBasicType(Java.BasicType bt) { this.pw.print(bt.toString()); } @Override public void visitBinaryOperation(Java.BinaryOperation bo) { this.unparseLhs(bo.lhs, bo.op); this.pw.print(' ' + bo.op + ' '); this.unparseRhs(bo.rhs, bo.op); } @Override public void visitCast(Java.Cast c) { this.pw.print('('); this.unparseType(c.targetType); this.pw.print(") "); this.unparseRhs(c.value, "cast"); } @Override public void visitClassLiteral(Java.ClassLiteral cl) { this.unparseType(cl.type); this.pw.print(".class"); } @Override public void visitConditionalExpression(Java.ConditionalExpression ce) { this.unparseLhs(ce.lhs, "?:"); this.pw.print(" ? "); this.unparseLhs(ce.mhs, "?:"); this.pw.print(" : "); this.unparseRhs(ce.rhs, "?:"); } @Override public void visitCrement(Java.Crement c) { if (c.pre) { this.pw.print(c.operator); this.unparseUnaryOperation(c.operand, c.operator + "x"); } else { this.unparseUnaryOperation(c.operand, "x" + c.operator); this.pw.print(c.operator); } } @Override public void visitFieldAccess(Java.FieldAccess fa) { this.unparseLhs(fa.lhs, "."); this.pw.print('.' + fa.field.getName()); } @Override public void visitFieldAccessExpression(Java.FieldAccessExpression fae) { this.unparseLhs(fae.lhs, "."); this.pw.print('.' + fae.fieldName); } @Override public void visitSuperclassFieldAccessExpression(Java.SuperclassFieldAccessExpression scfae) { if (scfae.optionalQualification != null) { this.unparseType(scfae.optionalQualification); this.pw.print(".super." + scfae.fieldName); } else { this.pw.print("super." + scfae.fieldName); } } @Override public void visitInstanceof(Java.Instanceof io) { this.unparseLhs(io.lhs, "instanceof"); this.pw.print(" instanceof "); this.unparseType(io.rhs); } @Override public void visitIntegerLiteral(Java.IntegerLiteral il) { this.pw.print(il.value); } @Override public void visitFloatingPointLiteral(Java.FloatingPointLiteral fpl) { this.pw.print(fpl.value); } @Override public void visitBooleanLiteral(Java.BooleanLiteral bl) { this.pw.print(bl.value); } @Override public void visitCharacterLiteral(Java.CharacterLiteral cl) { this.pw.print(cl.value); } @Override public void visitStringLiteral(Java.StringLiteral sl) { this.pw.print(sl.value); } @Override public void visitNullLiteral(Java.NullLiteral nl) { this.pw.print(nl.value); } @Override public void visitSimpleConstant(Java.SimpleConstant sl) { this.pw.print("[" + sl.value + ']'); } // SUPPRESS CHECKSTYLE LineLength @Override public void visitLocalVariableAccess(Java.LocalVariableAccess lva) { this.pw.print(lva.toString()); } @Override public void visitNewArray(Java.NewArray na) { this.pw.print("new "); this.unparseType(na.type); for (Rvalue dimExpr : na.dimExprs) { this.pw.print('['); this.unparse(dimExpr); this.pw.print(']'); } for (int i = 0; i < na.dims; ++i) { this.pw.print("[]"); } } @Override public void visitNewInitializedArray(Java.NewInitializedArray nai) { this.pw.print("new "); this.unparseType(nai.arrayType); this.pw.print(" "); this.unparseArrayInitializerOrRvalue(nai.arrayInitializer); } @Override public void visitPackage(Java.Package p) { this.pw.print(p.toString()); } @Override public void visitParameterAccess(Java.ParameterAccess pa) { this.pw.print(pa.toString()); } @Override public void visitQualifiedThisReference(Java.QualifiedThisReference qtr) { this.unparseType(qtr.qualification); this.pw.print(".this"); } @Override public void visitReferenceType(Java.ReferenceType rt) { this.pw.print(rt.toString()); } @Override public void visitRvalueMemberType(Java.RvalueMemberType rmt) { this.pw.print(rmt.toString()); } @Override public void visitSimpleType(Java.SimpleType st) { this.pw.print(st.toString()); } @Override public void visitSuperclassMethodInvocation(Java.SuperclassMethodInvocation smi) { this.pw.print("super." + smi.methodName); this.unparseFunctionInvocationArguments(smi.arguments); } @Override public void visitThisReference(Java.ThisReference tr) { this.pw.print("this"); } @Override public void visitUnaryOperation(Java.UnaryOperation uo) { this.pw.print(uo.operator); this.unparseUnaryOperation(uo.operand, uo.operator + "x"); } @Override public void visitParenthesizedExpression(Java.ParenthesizedExpression pe) { this.pw.print('('); this.unparse(pe.value); this.pw.print(')'); } // Helpers private void unparseBlockStatement(Java.BlockStatement blockStatement) { blockStatement.accept(this); } private void unparseTypeDeclaration(Java.TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration) { typeDeclaration.accept(this); } private void unparseType(Java.Type type) { ((Java.Atom) type).accept(this); } private void unparse(Java.Atom operand) { operand.accept(this); } /** * Iff the operand is unnatural for the unaryOperator, enclose the * operand in parentheses. Example: "a+b" is an unnatural operand for unary "!x". * * @param unaryOperator ++x --x +x -x ~x !x x++ x-- */ private void unparseUnaryOperation(Java.Rvalue operand, String unaryOperator) { int cmp = UnparseVisitor.comparePrecedence(unaryOperator, operand); this.unparse(operand, cmp < 0); } /** * Iff the lhs is unnatural for the binaryOperator, enclose the * lhs in parentheses. Example: "a+b" is an unnatural lhs for operator "*". * * @param binaryOperator = +=... ?: || && | ^ & == != < > <= >= instanceof << >> >>> + - * / % cast */ private void unparseLhs(Java.Atom lhs, String binaryOperator) { int cmp = UnparseVisitor.comparePrecedence(binaryOperator, lhs); this.unparse(lhs, cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && UnparseVisitor.isLeftAssociate(binaryOperator))); } /** * Iff the rhs is unnatural for the binaryOperator, enclose the * rhs in parentheses. Example: "a+b" is an unnatural rhs for operator "*". */ private void unparseRhs(Java.Rvalue rhs, String binaryOperator) { int cmp = UnparseVisitor.comparePrecedence(binaryOperator, rhs); this.unparse(rhs, cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && UnparseVisitor.isRightAssociate(binaryOperator))); } private void unparse(Java.Atom operand, boolean natural) { if (!natural) this.pw.print("((( "); this.unparse(operand); if (!natural) this.pw.print(" )))"); } /** * Return true iff operator is right associative e.g. a = b = c evaluates as * a = (b = c). * * @return Return true iff operator is right associative */ private static boolean isRightAssociate(String op) { return UnparseVisitor.RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS.contains(op); } /** * Return true iff operator is left associative e.g. a - b - c evaluates as * (a - b) - c. * * @return Return true iff operator is left associative */ private static boolean isLeftAssociate(String op) { return UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS.contains(op); } /** * Returns a value *

*/ private static int comparePrecedence(String operator, Java.Atom operand) { if (operand instanceof Java.BinaryOperation) { return ( UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence(operator) - UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence(((Java.BinaryOperation) operand).op) ); } else if (operand instanceof Java.UnaryOperation) { return ( UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence(operator) - UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence(((Java.UnaryOperation) operand).operator + "x") ); } else if (operand instanceof Java.ConditionalExpression) { return UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence(operator) - UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence("?:"); } else if (operand instanceof Java.Instanceof) { return UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence(operator) - UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence("instanceof"); } else if (operand instanceof Java.Cast) { return UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence(operator) - UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence("cast"); } else if (operand instanceof Java.MethodInvocation || operand instanceof Java.FieldAccess) { return UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence(operator) - UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence("."); } else if (operand instanceof Java.NewArray) { return UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence(operator) - UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence("new"); } else if (operand instanceof Java.Crement) { Java.Crement c = (Java.Crement) operand; return ( UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence(operator) - UnparseVisitor.getOperatorPrecedence(c.pre ? c.operator + "x" : "x" + c.operator) ); } else { // All other rvalues (e.g. literal) have higher precedence than any operator. return -1; } } private static int getOperatorPrecedence(String operator) { return ((Integer) UnparseVisitor.OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE.get(operator)).intValue(); } private static final Set LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS = new HashSet(); private static final Set RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS = new HashSet(); private static final Set UNARY_OPERATORS = new HashSet(); private static final Map OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = new HashMap(); static { Object[] ops = { UnparseVisitor.RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "+=", "-=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "&=", "^=", "|=", // SUPPRESS CHECKSTYLE WrapAndIndent UnparseVisitor.RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "?:", UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "||", UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "&&", UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "|", UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "^", UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "&", UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "==", "!=", UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "instanceof", UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "<<", ">>", ">>>", UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "+", "-", UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "*", "/", "%", UnparseVisitor.RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "cast", UnparseVisitor.UNARY_OPERATORS, "++x", "--x", "+x", "-x", "~x", "!x", UnparseVisitor.UNARY_OPERATORS, "x++", "x--", UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, "new", UnparseVisitor.LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATORS, ".", "[ ]", }; int precedence = 0; LOOP1: for (int i = 0;;) { final Set s = (Set) ops[i++]; final Integer pi = new Integer(++precedence); for (;;) { if (i == ops.length) break LOOP1; if (!(ops[i] instanceof String)) break; String op = (String) ops[i++]; s.add(op); UnparseVisitor.OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE.put(op, pi); } } } private void unparseNamedClassDeclaration(Java.NamedClassDeclaration ncd) { this.unparseDocComment(ncd); this.unparseAnnotations(ncd.getAnnotations()); this.unparseModifiers(ncd.getModifierFlags()); this.pw.print("class " + ncd.name); if (ncd.optionalExtendedType != null) { this.pw.print(" extends "); this.unparseType(ncd.optionalExtendedType); } if (ncd.implementedTypes.length > 0) this.pw.print(" implements " + Java.join(ncd.implementedTypes, ", ")); this.pw.println(" {"); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.INDENT); this.unparseClassDeclarationBody(ncd); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.UNINDENT + "}"); } private void unparseArrayInitializerOrRvalue(Java.ArrayInitializerOrRvalue aiorv) { if (aiorv instanceof Java.Rvalue) { this.unparse((Java.Rvalue) aiorv); } else if (aiorv instanceof Java.ArrayInitializer) { Java.ArrayInitializer ai = (Java.ArrayInitializer) aiorv; if (ai.values.length == 0) { this.pw.print("{}"); } else { this.pw.print("{ "); this.unparseArrayInitializerOrRvalue(ai.values[0]); for (int i = 1; i < ai.values.length; ++i) { this.pw.print(", "); this.unparseArrayInitializerOrRvalue(ai.values[i]); } this.pw.print(" }"); } } else { throw new JaninoRuntimeException( "Unexpected array initializer or rvalue class " + aiorv.getClass().getName() ); } } @Override public void visitAnonymousClassDeclaration(Java.AnonymousClassDeclaration acd) { this.unparseType(acd.baseType); this.pw.println(" {"); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.INDENT); this.unparseClassDeclarationBody(acd); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.UNINDENT + "}"); } @Override public void visitNewAnonymousClassInstance(Java.NewAnonymousClassInstance naci) { if (naci.optionalQualification != null) { this.unparseLhs(naci.optionalQualification, "."); this.pw.print('.'); } this.pw.print("new " + naci.anonymousClassDeclaration.baseType.toString() + '('); for (int i = 0; i < naci.arguments.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) this.pw.print(", "); this.unparse(naci.arguments[i]); } this.pw.println(") {"); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.INDENT); this.unparseClassDeclarationBody(naci.anonymousClassDeclaration); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.UNINDENT + "}"); } // Multi-line! private void unparseClassDeclarationBody(Java.ClassDeclaration cd) { for (Java.ConstructorDeclarator ctord : cd.constructors) { this.pw.println(); ctord.accept(this); this.pw.println(); } this.unparseAbstractTypeDeclarationBody(cd); for (Java.BlockStatement vdoi : cd.variableDeclaratorsAndInitializers) { this.pw.println(); vdoi.accept(this); this.pw.println(); } } private void unparseInterfaceDeclaration(Java.InterfaceDeclaration id) { this.unparseDocComment(id); this.unparseAnnotations(id.getAnnotations()); this.unparseModifiers(id.getModifierFlags()); //make sure we print "interface", even if it wasn't in the modifiers if (!Mod.isInterface(id.getModifierFlags())) this.pw.print("interface "); this.pw.print(id.name); if (id.extendedTypes.length > 0) this.pw.print(" extends " + Java.join(id.extendedTypes, ", ")); this.pw.println(" {"); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.INDENT); this.unparseAbstractTypeDeclarationBody(id); for (Java.TypeBodyDeclaration cnstd : id.constantDeclarations) { cnstd.accept(this); this.pw.println(); } this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.UNINDENT + "}"); } // Multi-line! private void unparseAbstractTypeDeclarationBody(Java.AbstractTypeDeclaration atd) { for (Java.MethodDeclarator md : atd.getMethodDeclarations()) { this.pw.println(); md.accept(this); this.pw.println(); } for (Java.MemberTypeDeclaration mtd : atd.getMemberTypeDeclarations()) { this.pw.println(); ((Java.TypeBodyDeclaration) mtd).accept(this); this.pw.println(); } } private void unparseFunctionDeclaratorRest(Java.FunctionDeclarator fd) { boolean big = fd.formalParameters.parameters.length >= 4; this.pw.print('('); if (big) { this.pw.println(); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.INDENT); } for (int i = 0; i < fd.formalParameters.parameters.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { if (big) { this.pw.println(','); } else { this.pw.print(", "); } } this.unparseFormalParameter( fd.formalParameters.parameters[i], i == fd.formalParameters.parameters.length - 1 && fd.formalParameters.variableArity ); } if (big) { this.pw.println(); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.UNINDENT); } this.pw.print(')'); if (fd.thrownExceptions.length > 0) this.pw.print(" throws " + Java.join(fd.thrownExceptions, ", ")); } private void unparseDocComment(Java.DocCommentable dc) { String optionalDocComment = dc.getDocComment(); if (optionalDocComment != null) { this.pw.print("/**"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(optionalDocComment)); for (;;) { String line; try { line = br.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JaninoRuntimeException(null, e); } if (line == null) break; this.pw.println(line); this.pw.print(" *"); } this.pw.println("/"); } } private void unparseAnnotations(Java.Annotation[] annotations) { for (Annotation a : annotations) a.accept(this); } private void unparseModifiers(short modifiers) { if (modifiers != 0) { this.pw.print(Mod.shortToString(modifiers) + ' '); } } private void unparseFunctionInvocationArguments(Java.Rvalue[] arguments) { boolean big = arguments.length >= 5; this.pw.print('('); if (big) { this.pw.println(); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.INDENT); } for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { if (big) { this.pw.println(','); } else { this.pw.print(", "); } } this.unparse(arguments[i]); } if (big) { this.pw.println(); this.pw.print(AutoIndentWriter.UNINDENT); } this.pw.print(')'); } @Override public void visitMarkerAnnotation(Java.MarkerAnnotation ma) { this.pw.append('@').append(ma.type.toString()).append(' '); } @Override public void visitNormalAnnotation(Java.NormalAnnotation na) { this.pw.append('@').append(na.type.toString()).append('('); for (Java.ElementValuePair evp : na.elementValuePairs) { this.pw.append(evp.identifier).append(" = "); evp.elementValue.accept(this); } this.pw.append(") "); } @Override public void visitSingleElementAnnotation(Java.SingleElementAnnotation sea) { this.pw.append('@').append(sea.type.toString()).append('('); sea.elementValue.accept(this); this.pw.append(") "); } @Override public void visitElementValueArrayInitializer(Java.ElementValueArrayInitializer evai) { if (evai.elementValues.length == 0) { this.pw.append("{}"); return; } this.pw.append("{ "); evai.elementValues[0].accept(this); for (int i = 1; i < evai.elementValues.length; i++) { this.pw.append(", "); evai.elementValues[i].accept(this); } this.pw.append(" }"); } }