11/3/2014 - Settings/Temp file are now in a global directory.
11/3/2014 - The GUI setttings now save.
11/3/2014 - Removed the option to disable syntax highlighting (since
it's lightweight now).
11/3/2014 - About window now contains the version number and the BCV
11/3/2014 - Added an option to toggle to outdated status.
11/1/2014 - Updated and improved the search function, it now prints out
more useful information.
11/1/2014 - Fixed a UI issue with the Replace All Strings plugin.
11/2/2014 - Added search function to the Class Viewer.
11/2/2014 - Updated Procyon to procyon-decompiler-0.5.27.
11/1/2014 - Fixed FernFlower save Java files on Unix.
11/1/2014 - FernFlower now uses the settings for save Java files.
11/1/2014 - Added Procyon save Java files (It uses the settings).
11/1/2014 - Updated CFR to cfr_0_89.
11/1/2014 - Added CFR save Java files (It uses the settings), however it
relies on the file system, because of this if there is heavy name
obfuscation, it could mess up for windows.
10/29/2014 - Replaced JSyntaxPane with RSyntaxArea, this sadly removes
the search feature inside of source/bytecode files, I'll implement a
search function soon.
10/29/2014 - Added a new decompiler option to append brackets to labels.
10/31/2014 - Fixed an issue with the decompiler still running when the
source code pane isn't toggled.
This update removes JSyntaxPane and replaces it with RSyntaxAreaPane,
this change improves speed greatly for bigger class files, there is
literally zero delay for syntax highlighting now.
10/22/2014 - Imported Bibl's Bytecode Decompiler from CFIDE.
10/22/2014 - Did some changes to the Bytecode Decompiler.
10/23/2014 - Added CFR settings.
10/23/2014 - Updated FernFlower to Intellij's Open Sourced version of
10/24/2014 - Fixed FernFlower save Java files as zip.
10/29/2014 - Added version checker.
10/29/2014 - Added Procyon settings.
10/29/2014 - When saving as jars or zips, it'll automatically append the
file extension if it's not added.
10/29/2014 - All the built in plugins no longer set the cursor to busy.
10/29/2014 - Tried to fix the issue with JSyntaxPane by making it create
the object in a background thread, it still freezes the UI. Changes kept
for later implementation of another syntax highlighter.
10/29/2014 - Sped up start up time