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2021-07-07 09:00:14 +00:00
2021-07-07 09:00:14 +00:00
Bytecode Viewer (BCV) was designed to be extremely user and beginner friendly, because of this almost everything
is accessible through an interface, settings, tools, etc.
<br><br>To start drag your Jar/APK/Class file into the resource list.
2021-07-07 09:01:53 +00:00
<li>Fat Jar: {fatJar}</li>
2021-07-07 09:00:14 +00:00
<li>Java: {java}</li>
<li>Javac: {javac}</li>
<li>BCV Dir: {bcvDir}</li>
<li>Python 2.7 (or PyPy): {python}</li>
<li>Python 3.X (or PyPy): {python3}</li>
<li>RT.jar: {rt}</li>
<li>Optional Lib: {lib}</li>
<li>BCV Krakatau: v{krakatauVersion}</li>
<li>Krakatau Dir: {krakatauDir}</li>
<li>BCV Enjarify: v{enjarifyVersion}</li>
<li>Enjarify Dir: {enjarifyDir}</li>
<h2>Command Line Interface (CLI)</h2>
2018-01-31 15:41:24 +00:00
<li> -help Displays the help menu</li>
<li> -list Displays the available decompilers</li>
<li> -decompiler [decompiler] Selects the decompiler, procyon by default</li>
<li> -i [input file] Selects the input file (Jar, Class, APK, ZIP, DEX all work automatically)</li>
<li> -o [output file] Selects the output file (Java or Java-Bytecode)</li>
<li> -t [target classname] Must either be the fully qualified classname or "all" to decompile all as zip</li>
<li> -nowait Doesn't wait for the user to read the CLI messages</li>
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2018-01-31 15:41:24 +00:00
<li>Add (Ctrl + O) - If you add a jar/zip BCV will unzip it, if you add an APK or DEX file, BCV will run dex2jar
then run the jar input process.
<li>Reopen Recent File (Ctrl + L) - Reopens your last recent opened file.</li>
2018-01-31 15:41:24 +00:00
<li>New Workspace (Ctrl + N) - It clears the opened jars/resources.</li>
<li>Run (Ctrl + R) - Runs the classfiles you've loaded into BCV in a secure sandboxed JVM instance that you can
fully debug.
<li>Compile (Ctrl + T) - Tries to compile all of the editable panes you've selected, if it's Java it'll compile with
Ranino. Krakatau and *Smali use their own assemblers.
<li>Save As Jar - Export the class files and loaded resources as a runnable Jar file.</li>
<li>Save As DEX - Run jar2dex and export the Classfiles as DEX.</li>
<li>Save Files As - Save all the Classfiles and resources as a zip.</li>
<li>Save Java File As - Save the currently opened decompiled Classfile.</li>
<li>Save Java Files As - Save all of the decompiled Classfiles as a zip.</li>
<li>Recent Files - Last 25 files/directories you've opened with BCV.</li>
<li>About - A small information window about BCV.</li>
<li>Exit - Closes BCV.</li>
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<h2>View Panes</h2>
2018-01-31 15:41:24 +00:00
<li>Editable - Defines if that viewing pane will be editable.</li>
<li>None - Nothing will be displayed.</li>
<li>Procyon - Decompiles with Procyon decompiler.</li>
<li>CFR - Decompilers with CFR decompiler.</li>
<li>FernFlower - Decompiles with FernFlower decompiler.</li>
<li>JD-GUI - Decompiles with JD-GUI decompiler.</li>
<li>Krakatau Java - Decompiles with Krakatau decompiler.</li>
<li>Krakatau Bytecode - Disassembles with Krakatau disassembler.</li>
<li>Smali - Disassembles with Smali.</li>
<li>Bytecode - Decompiles the Bytecode via CFIDE. Not Editable.</li>
<li>Hexcode - Shows the classfile in a hex viewer. Not Editable.</li>
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2018-01-31 15:41:24 +00:00
<li>Compile On Save - If selected whenever you do one of the File>Save * functions it will try to compile before it
<li>Compile On Refresh - If selected whenever you press refresh it compile before it reloads the resource/class.
<li>Update Check - If selected it queries https://github.com/Konloch/bytecode-viewer to ensure you've got the latest
<li>Refresh On View Change - If selected whenever you change an option in the View Panes it will refresh the
currently opened resources/class.
<li>Decode APK Resources - If selected whenever you add an APK, it will first run APKTool.jar to decode the
<li>Set Python 2.7 Executable - Set the Python 2.7 executable if you want Krakatau decompiler/disassembler/assembler
to work.
<li>Set JRE RT Library - Set the JRE RT library for Krakatau decompiler.</li>
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2018-01-31 15:41:24 +00:00
<li>Open Plugin - Open a .java plugin created for BCV.</li>
<li>Recent Plugins - Last 25 plugins you've opened with BCV.</li>
<li>Code Sequence Diagram - Builds a crude code sequence diagram for the classfile that's currently opened.</li>
<li>Malicious Code Scanner - Allows you to define what to search for, and outputs what it found.</li>
<li>Show Main Methods - Detects and outputs all of the public static void main(String[]) functions.</li>
<li>Show All Strings - Grabs then outputs all of the strings in every classfile.</li>
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<li>Replace Strings - Allows you to do a simple permanent .replace on the classfile strings, very useful for URL swapping.</li>
2018-01-31 15:41:24 +00:00
<li>Allatori String Decrypter - Decrypts the Allatori obfuscated/encrypted strings.</li>
<li>ZKM String Decrypter - Decrypts the ZKM obfuscated/encrypted strings.</li>
<li>ZStringArray String Decrypter - Decrypts the ZStringArray obfuscated/encrypted strings.</li>
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<h2>Code from various projects has been used, including but not limited to</h2>
<li>J-RET by WaterWolf</li>
<li>JHexPane by Sam Koivu</li>
<li>RSynaxPane by Robert Futrell</li>
<li>Commons IO by Apache</li>
<li>ASM by OW2</li>
<li>FernFlower by Stiver</li>
<li>Procyon by Mstrobel</li>
<li>CFR by Lee Benfield</li>
<li>CFIDE by Bibl</li>
<li>Smali by JesusFreke</li>
<li>Dex2Jar by pxb1988</li>
<li>Krakatau by Storyyeller</li>
<li>JD-GUI + JD-Core by The Java-Decompiler Team</li>
<li>Enjarify by Storyyeller</li>
2018-01-31 15:41:24 +00:00
<li>If BCV fails to boot simply append -clean as an argument to clean the lib directory.</li>
<li>Relax and take notes</li>
2018-01-31 15:41:24 +00:00
<li>BCV was created out of love for Java Reverse engineering.</li>
<li>You can join our Discord server at <a href="https://discord.gg/aexsYpfMEf">https://discord.gg/aexsYpfMEf</a>!</li>
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<li>Bytecode Viewer's Homepage is <a href="https://bytecodeviewer.com">https://bytecodeviewer.com</a></li>