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synced 2024-08-15 00:43:43 +00:00
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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Sebastian Kügler <sebas@kde.org>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Viranch Mehta <viranch.mehta@gmail.com>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2015 Kai Uwe Broulik <kde@privat.broulik.de>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 ivan tkachenko <me@ratijas.tk>
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Layouts
import org.kde.coreaddons as KCoreAddons
import org.kde.kcmutils // KCMLauncher
import org.kde.config // KAuthorized
import org.kde.notification
import org.kde.plasma.core as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.plasma.plasma5support as P5Support
import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid
import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
import org.kde.kitemmodels as KItemModels
import "logic.js" as Logic
PlasmoidItem {
id: batterymonitor
property QtObject pmSource: P5Support.DataSource {
id: pmSource
engine: "powermanagement"
connectedSources: sources
onSourceAdded: source => {
onSourceRemoved: source => {
onDataChanged: {
Logic.updateInhibitions(batterymonitor, pmSource);
property QtObject batteries: KItemModels.KSortFilterProxyModel {
id: batteries
filterRoleName: "Is Power Supply"
sortOrder: Qt.DescendingOrder
sourceModel: KItemModels.KSortFilterProxyModel {
sortRoleName: "Pretty Name"
sortOrder: Qt.AscendingOrder
sortCaseSensitivity: Qt.CaseInsensitive
sourceModel: P5Support.DataModel {
dataSource: pmSource
sourceFilter: "Battery[0-9]+"
property int batteryCapacity: batteries.sourceModel.sourceModel.dataSource.data["Battery0"] !== undefined ? batteries.sourceModel.sourceModel.dataSource.data["Battery0"].Capacity : 0
readonly property bool isBroken: batteryCapacity > 0 && batteryCapacity < 50
readonly property bool hasBatteries: batteries.count > 0 && pmSource.data["Battery"]["Has Cumulative"]
readonly property bool kcmAuthorized: KAuthorized.authorizeControlModule("powerdevilprofilesconfig")
readonly property bool kcmEnergyInformationAuthorized: KAuthorized.authorizeControlModule("kcm_energyinfo")
readonly property bool isPluggedIn: pmSource.data["AC Adapter"]["Plugged in"]
readonly property bool isSomehowFullyCharged: (pmSource.data["AC Adapter"]["Plugged in"] && pmSource.data["Battery"]["State"] === "FullyCharged") ||
// When we are using a charge threshold, the kernel
// may stop charging within a percentage point of the actual threshold
// and this is considered correct behavior, so we have to handle
// that. See https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215531.
(pmSource.data["AC Adapter"]["Plugged in"]
&& typeof pmSource.data["Battery"]["Charge Stop Threshold"] === "number"
&& (pmSource.data.Battery.Percent >= pmSource.data["Battery"]["Charge Stop Threshold"] - 1
&& pmSource.data.Battery.Percent <= pmSource.data["Battery"]["Charge Stop Threshold"] + 1)
// Also, Upower may give us a status of "Not charging" rather than
// "Fully charged", so we need to account for that as well. See
// https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/upower/upower/-/issues/142.
&& (pmSource.data["Battery"]["State"] === "NoCharge" || pmSource.data["Battery"]["State"] === "FullyCharged"))
readonly property int remainingTime: Number(pmSource.data["Battery"]["Smoothed Remaining msec"])
readonly property var profiles: pmSource.data["Power Profiles"] ? (pmSource.data["Power Profiles"]["Profiles"] || []) : []
property bool isManuallyInPerformanceMode: false // to be set on power profile requested through the applet
property bool isManuallyInPowerSaveMode: false // to be set on power profile requested through the applet
readonly property bool isSomehowInPerformanceMode: actuallyActiveProfile === "performance"// Don't care about whether it was manually one or due to holds
readonly property bool isSomehowInPowerSaveMode: actuallyActiveProfile === "power-saver" // Don't care about whether it was manually one or due to holds
readonly property bool isHeldOnPerformanceMode: isSomehowInPerformanceMode && activeProfileHolds.length > 0
readonly property bool isHeldOnPowerSaveMode: isSomehowInPowerSaveMode && activeProfileHolds.length > 0
readonly property bool inPanel: (Plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge
|| Plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge
|| Plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge
|| Plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge)
property bool powermanagementDisabled: false
// List of active power management inhibitions (applications that are
// blocking sleep and screen locking).
// type: [{
// Icon: string,
// Name: string,
// Reason: string,
// }]
property var inhibitions: []
property bool manuallyInhibited: false
readonly property var activeProfileHolds: pmSource.data["Power Profiles"] ? (pmSource.data["Power Profiles"]["Profile Holds"] || []) : []
readonly property string actuallyActiveProfile: pmSource.data["Power Profiles"] ? (pmSource.data["Power Profiles"]["Current Profile"] || "") : ""
function symbolicizeIconName(iconName) {
const symbolicSuffix = "-symbolic";
if (iconName.endsWith(symbolicSuffix)) {
return iconName;
return iconName + symbolicSuffix;
switchWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 10
switchHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 10
Plasmoid.title: "More power options"//hasBatteries ? i18n("Power and Battery") : i18n("Power Management")
LayoutMirroring.enabled: Qt.application.layoutDirection == Qt.RightToLeft
LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true
Plasmoid.status: {
if (powermanagementDisabled) {
return PlasmaCore.Types.ActiveStatus;
if (pmSource.data.Battery["Has Cumulative"] && pmSource.data["Battery"]["State"] === "Discharging") {
return PlasmaCore.Types.ActiveStatus;
if (isManuallyInPerformanceMode || isManuallyInPowerSaveMode || isHeldOnPerformanceMode || isHeldOnPowerSaveMode) {
return PlasmaCore.Types.ActiveStatus;
return PlasmaCore.Types.PassiveStatus;
toolTipMainText: {
if (!hasBatteries) {
return Plasmoid.title
} else if (isSomehowFullyCharged) {
return i18n("Fully Charged");
const percent = pmSource.data.Battery.Percent;
if (pmSource.data["AC Adapter"] && pmSource.data["AC Adapter"]["Plugged in"]) {
const state = pmSource.data.Battery.State;
if (state === "NoCharge") {
return i18n("Battery at %1%, not Charging", percent);
} else if (state === "Discharging") {
return i18n("Battery at %1%, plugged in but still discharging", percent);
} else if (state === "Charging") {
return i18n("Battery at %1%, Charging", percent);
return i18n("Battery at %1%", percent);
toolTipSubText: {
const parts = [];
// Add special text for the "plugged in but still discharging" case
if (pmSource.data["AC Adapter"] && pmSource.data["AC Adapter"]["Plugged in"] && pmSource.data.Battery.State === "Discharging") {
parts.push(i18n("The power supply is not powerful enough to charge the battery"));
if (batteries.count === 0) {
parts.push(i18n("No Batteries Available"));
} else if (remainingTime > 0) {
const remainingTimeString = KCoreAddons.Format.formatDuration(remainingTime, KCoreAddons.FormatTypes.HideSeconds);
if (pmSource.data["Battery"]["State"] === "FullyCharged") {
// Don't add anything
} else if (pmSource.data["AC Adapter"] && pmSource.data["AC Adapter"]["Plugged in"] && pmSource.data.Battery.State === "Charging") {
parts.push(i18nc("time until fully charged - HH:MM","%1 until fully charged", remainingTimeString));
} else {
parts.push(i18nc("remaining time left of battery usage - HH:MM","%1 remaining", remainingTimeString));
} else if (pmSource.data.Battery.State === "NoCharge" && !isSomehowFullyCharged) {
parts.push(i18n("Not charging"));
} // otherwise, don't add anything
if (powermanagementDisabled) {
parts.push(i18n("Automatic sleep and screen locking are disabled"));
if (isSomehowInPerformanceMode) {
if (isHeldOnPerformanceMode) {
parts.push(i18np("An application has requested activating Performance mode",
"%1 applications have requested activating Performance mode",
} else {
parts.push(i18n("System is in Performance mode"));
} else if (isSomehowInPowerSaveMode) {
if (isHeldOnPowerSaveMode) {
parts.push(i18np("An application has requested activating Power Save mode",
"%1 applications have requested activating Power Save mode",
} else {
parts.push(i18n("System is in Power Save mode"));
return parts.join("\n");
Plasmoid.icon: {
let iconName;
if (hasBatteries) {
iconName = "battery-full";
} else {
iconName = "battery-profile-performance";
if (inPanel) {
return symbolicizeIconName(iconName);
return iconName;
compactRepresentation: CompactRepresentation {
hasBatteries: batterymonitor.hasBatteries
batteries: batterymonitor.batteries
isSetToPerformanceMode: batterymonitor.isHeldOnPerformanceMode || batterymonitor.isManuallyInPerformanceMode
isSetToPowerSaveMode: batterymonitor.isHeldOnPowerSaveMode || batterymonitor.isManuallyInPowerSaveMode
isSomehowFullyCharged: batterymonitor.isSomehowFullyCharged
fullRepresentation: PopupDialog {
id: dialogItem
readonly property var appletInterface: batterymonitor
readonly property int flyoutIntendedWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 15
Layout.minimumWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 10
Layout.maximumWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 80
Layout.preferredWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 20
Layout.minimumHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 10
Layout.maximumHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 40
Layout.preferredHeight: implicitHeight
model: batteries
pluggedIn: pmSource.data["AC Adapter"] !== undefined && pmSource.data["AC Adapter"]["Plugged in"]
remainingTime: batterymonitor.remainingTime
activeProfile: batterymonitor.actuallyActiveProfile
inhibitions: batterymonitor.inhibitions
manuallyInhibited: batterymonitor.manuallyInhibited
inhibitsLidAction: pmSource.data["PowerDevil"] && pmSource.data["PowerDevil"]["Is Lid Present"] && !pmSource.data["PowerDevil"]["Triggers Lid Action"] ? true : false
profilesInstalled: pmSource.data["Power Profiles"] ? pmSource.data["Power Profiles"]["Installed"] : false
profiles: pmSource.data["Power Profiles"] ? (pmSource.data["Power Profiles"]["Profiles"] || []) : []
inhibitionReason: pmSource.data["Power Profiles"] ? (pmSource.data["Power Profiles"]["Performance Inhibited Reason"] || "") : ""
degradationReason: pmSource.data["Power Profiles"] ? (pmSource.data["Power Profiles"]["Performance Degraded Reason"] || "") : ""
profileHolds: batterymonitor.activeProfileHolds
onInhibitionChangeRequested: inhibit => {
const service = pmSource.serviceForSource("PowerDevil");
if (inhibit) {
const reason = i18n("The battery applet has enabled system-wide inhibition");
const op1 = service.operationDescription("beginSuppressingSleep");
op1.reason = reason;
const op2 = service.operationDescription("beginSuppressingScreenPowerManagement");
op2.reason = reason;
const job1 = service.startOperationCall(op1);
const job2 = service.startOperationCall(op2);
} else {
const op1 = service.operationDescription("stopSuppressingSleep");
const op2 = service.operationDescription("stopSuppressingScreenPowerManagement");
const job1 = service.startOperationCall(op1);
const job2 = service.startOperationCall(op2);
Logic.updateInhibitions(batterymonitor, pmSource);
onPowerManagementChanged: disabled => {
batterymonitor.powermanagementDisabled = disabled
Notification {
id: powerProfileError
componentName: "plasma_workspace"
eventId: "warning"
iconName: "speedometer"
title: i18n("Power Management")
onActivateProfileRequested: profile => {
dialogItem.activeProfile = profile;
const service = pmSource.serviceForSource("PowerDevil");
const op = service.operationDescription("setPowerProfile");
op.profile = profile;
const job = service.startOperationCall(op);
job.finished.connect(job => {
dialogItem.activeProfile = Qt.binding(() => actuallyActiveProfile);
if (!job.result) {
powerProfileError.text = i18n("Failed to activate %1 mode", profile);
batterymonitor.isManuallyInPerformanceMode = profile == "performance";
batterymonitor.isManuallyInPowerSaveMode = profile == "power-saver";
Plasmoid.contextualActions: [
PlasmaCore.Action {
text: i18n("&Show Energy Information…")
icon.name: "documentinfo"
visible: batterymonitor.kcmEnergyInformationAuthorized
onTriggered: KCMLauncher.openInfoCenter("kcm_energyinfo")
PlasmaCore.Action {
text: i18n("Show Battery Percentage on Icon When Not Fully Charged")
icon.name: "format-number-percent"
visible: batterymonitor.hasBatteries
checkable: true
checked: Plasmoid.configuration.showPercentage
onTriggered: checked => {
Plasmoid.configuration.showPercentage = checked
PlasmaCore.Action {
id: configureAction
text: i18n("&Configure Energy Saving…")
icon.name: "configure"
shortcut: "alt+d, s"
onTriggered: {
Component.onCompleted: {
Logic.updateInhibitions(batterymonitor, pmSource)
Plasmoid.setInternalAction("configure", configureAction);