2023-08-25 00:32:11 +02:00

226 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable file

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
import org.kde.kirigami 2.3 as Kirigami
import ".."
import "../lib"
ConfigPage {
id: page
showAppletVersion: true
property string cfg_click_action: 'showdesktop'
property alias cfg_click_command: click_command.text
property string cfg_mousewheel_action: 'run_commands'
property alias cfg_mousewheel_up: mousewheel_up.text
property alias cfg_mousewheel_down: mousewheel_down.text
property bool showDebug: false
property int indentWidth: 24
AppletConfig {
id: config
function setClickCommand(command) {
cfg_click_action = 'run_command'
clickGroup_runcommand.checked = true
cfg_click_command = command
function setMouseWheelCommands(up, down) {
cfg_mousewheel_action = 'run_commands'
mousewheelGroup_runcommands.checked = true
cfg_mousewheel_up = up
cfg_mousewheel_down = down
ConfigSection {
title: i18n("Look")
Kirigami.FormLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
ConfigSpinBox {
Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Size:")
configKey: 'size'
suffix: i18n("px")
ConfigColor {
Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Edge Color:")
configKey: "edgeColor"
defaultColor: config.defaultEdgeColor
label: ""
ConfigColor {
Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Hovered Color:")
configKey: "hoveredColor"
defaultColor: config.defaultHoveredColor
label: ""
ConfigColor {
Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Pressed Color:")
configKey: "pressedColor"
defaultColor: config.defaultPressedColor
label: ""
ExclusiveGroup { id: clickGroup }
ConfigSection {
title: i18n("Click")
RadioButton {
exclusiveGroup: clickGroup
checked: cfg_click_action == 'showdesktop'
text: i18nd("plasma_applet_org.kde.plasma.showdesktop", "Show Desktop")
onClicked: {
cfg_click_action = 'showdesktop'
RadioButton {
exclusiveGroup: clickGroup
checked: cfg_click_action == 'minimizeall'
text: i18ndc("plasma_applet_org.kde.plasma.showdesktop", "@action", "Minimize All Windows")
onClicked: {
cfg_click_action = 'minimizeall'
RadioButton {
id: clickGroup_runcommand
exclusiveGroup: clickGroup
checked: cfg_click_action == 'run_command'
text: i18n("Run Command")
onClicked: {
cfg_click_action = 'run_command'
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Text { width: indentWidth } // indent
TextField {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: click_command
RadioButton {
exclusiveGroup: clickGroup
checked: false
text: i18nd("kwin_effects", "Toggle Present Windows (All desktops)")
property string command: 'qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kwin invokeShortcut "ExposeAll"'
onClicked: setClickCommand(command)
RadioButton {
exclusiveGroup: clickGroup
checked: false
text: i18nd("kwin_effects", "Toggle Present Windows (Current desktop)")
property string command: 'qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kwin invokeShortcut "Expose"'
onClicked: setClickCommand(command)
RadioButton {
exclusiveGroup: clickGroup
checked: false
text: i18nd("kwin_effects", "Toggle Present Windows (Window class)")
property string command: 'qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kwin invokeShortcut "ExposeClass"'
onClicked: setClickCommand(command)
ExclusiveGroup { id: mousewheelGroup }
ConfigSection {
title: i18n("Mouse Wheel")
RadioButton {
id: mousewheelGroup_runcommands
exclusiveGroup: mousewheelGroup
checked: cfg_mousewheel_action == 'run_commands'
text: i18n("Run Commands")
onClicked: {
cfg_mousewheel_action = 'run_commands'
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Text { width: indentWidth } // indent
Label {
text: i18n("Scroll Up:")
TextField {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: mousewheel_up
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Text { width: indentWidth } // indent
Label {
text: i18n("Scroll Down:")
TextField {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: mousewheel_down
RadioButton {
exclusiveGroup: mousewheelGroup
checked: false
text: i18n("Volume (No UI) (amixer)")
onClicked: setMouseWheelCommands('amixer -q sset Master 10%+', 'amixer -q sset Master 10%-')
RadioButton {
exclusiveGroup: mousewheelGroup
checked: false
text: i18n("Volume (UI) (qdbus)")
property string upCommand: 'qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kmix invokeShortcut "increase_volume"'
property string downCommand: 'qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kmix invokeShortcut "decrease_volume"'
onClicked: setMouseWheelCommands(upCommand, downCommand)
RadioButton {
exclusiveGroup: mousewheelGroup
checked: false
text: i18n("Switch Desktop (qdbus)")
property string upCommand: 'qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kwin invokeShortcut "Switch One Desktop to the Left"'
property string downCommand: 'qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kwin invokeShortcut "Switch One Desktop to the Right"'
onClicked: setMouseWheelCommands(upCommand, downCommand)
ConfigSection {
title: i18n("Peek")
Kirigami.FormLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
ConfigCheckBox {
Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Show desktop on hover:")
configKey: "peekingEnabled"
text: i18n("Enable")
ConfigSpinBox {
Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Peek threshold:")
configKey: 'peekingThreshold'
suffix: i18n("ms")
stepSize: 50
minimumValue: 0