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synced 2024-08-15 00:43:43 +00:00
185 lines
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185 lines
6 KiB
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Marco Martin <mart@kde.org>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 ivan tkachenko <me@ratijas.tk>
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQml 2.15
import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0
import org.kde.plasma.components 3.0 as PlasmaComponents3
AbstractItem {
id: plasmoidContainer
property Item applet: model.applet || null
text: applet ? applet.plasmoid.title : ""
itemId: applet ? applet.plasmoid.pluginName : ""
mainText: applet ? applet.toolTipMainText : ""
subText: applet ? applet.toolTipSubText : ""
mainItem: applet && applet.toolTipItem ? applet.toolTipItem : null
textFormat: applet ? applet.toolTipTextFormat : 0 /* Text.AutoText, the default value */
active: systemTrayState.activeApplet !== applet
// FIXME: Use an input type agnostic way to activate whatever the primary
// action of a plasmoid is supposed to be, even if it's just expanding the
// Plasmoid. Not all plasmoids are supposed to expand and not all plasmoids
// do anything with onActivated.
onActivated: {
if (applet) {
onClicked: mouse => {
if (!applet) {
//forward click event to the applet
var appletItem = applet.compactRepresentationItem ?? applet.fullRepresentationItem
const mouseArea = findMouseArea(appletItem)
if (mouseArea && mouse.button !== Qt.RightButton) {
var temp = applet.expanded;
if(mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton && inVisibleLayout && applet.expanded && temp) {
applet.expanded = false;
} else if (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton) {//fallback
onPressed: mouse => {
// Only Plasmoids can show context menu on the mouse pressed event.
// SNI has few problems, for example legacy applications that still use XEmbed require mouse to be released.
if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) {
} /*else {
const appletItem = applet.compactRepresentationItem ?? applet.fullRepresentationItem
const mouseArea = findMouseArea(appletItem)
onContextMenu: if (applet) {
effectivePressed = false;
Plasmoid.showPlasmoidMenu(applet, 0, inHiddenLayout ? applet.height : 0);
onWheel: (wheel) => {
if (!applet) {
//forward wheel event to the applet
var appletItem = applet.compactRepresentationItem ?? applet.fullRepresentationItem
const mouseArea = findMouseArea(appletItem)
if (mouseArea) {
//some heuristics to find MouseArea
function findMouseArea(item: Item): MouseArea {
if (!item) {
return null
if (item instanceof MouseArea) {
return item
for (var i = 0; i < item.children.length; i++) {
const child = item.children[i]
if (child instanceof MouseArea && child.enabled) {
//check if MouseArea covers the entire item
if (child.anchors.fill === item || (child.x === 0 && child.y === 0 && child.height === item.height && child.width === item.width)) {
return child
return null
//This is to make preloading effective, minimizes the scene changes
function preloadFullRepresentationItem(fullRepresentationItem) {
if (fullRepresentationItem && fullRepresentationItem.parent === null) {
fullRepresentationItem.width = expandedRepresentation.width
fullRepresentationItem.height = expandedRepresentation.height
fullRepresentationItem.parent = preloadedStorage;
onAppletChanged: {
if (applet) {
applet.parent = iconContainer
applet.anchors.fill = applet.parent
applet.visible = true
Connections {
enabled: plasmoidContainer.applet !== null
target: findMouseArea(
plasmoidContainer.applet?.compactRepresentationItem ??
plasmoidContainer.applet?.fullRepresentationItem ??
function onContainsPressChanged() {
plasmoidContainer.effectivePressed = target.containsPress;
// TODO For touch/stylus only, since the feature is not desired for mouse users
function onPressAndHold(mouse) {
if (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton) {
Connections {
target: plasmoidContainer.applet?.plasmoid ?? null
//activation using global keyboard shortcut
function onActivated() {
plasmoidContainer.effectivePressed = true;
Qt.callLater(() => {
plasmoidContainer.effectivePressed = false;
Connections {
target: plasmoidContainer.applet
function onFullRepresentationItemChanged(fullRepresentationItem) {
function onExpandedChanged(expanded) {
if (expanded) {
systemTrayState.setActiveApplet(plasmoidContainer.applet, model.row)
effectivePressed = false;
/*PlasmaComponents3.BusyIndicator {
anchors.fill: parent
z: 999
running: plasmoidContainer.applet?.plasmoid.busy ?? false
Binding {
property: "hideOnWindowDeactivate"
value: !Plasmoid.configuration.pin
target: plasmoidContainer.applet
when: plasmoidContainer.applet !== null
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBinding