2024-08-09 03:20:25 +02:00

423 lines
16 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Martin Gräßlin <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Kai Uwe Broulik <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Souris
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
import QtCore
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Window
import org.kde.kwin
import org.kde.ksvg 1.0 as KSvg
import org.kde.kirigami 2 as Kirigami
import Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects
import QtQuick.Controls //2.15
* Disable "Fading Popups" in Desktop Effects to fix the outline appearing on top of the window
* when fading out.
* outline.geometry is the geometry provided by the C++ code. It is independant of the QML.
* outline.visualParentGeometry is the geometry of the dragged window when it first creates the outline
* outline.unifiedGeometry is the union of outline.geometry and outline.visualParentGeometry.
id: window
* Duration of the frame animation.
readonly property int animationDuration: Kirigami.Units.longDuration
* Interpolation mode for the frame animation.
readonly property int animationInterp: Easing.Linear
* Whether the frame is animated.
property bool useAnimation: true
* Padding around the frame.
readonly property int framepadding: 8
* Controls whether the frame should animate if animation is enabled.
property bool shouldAnimate: false
property bool useConsistentVisualParent: true
* Show debugging info.
property bool enableDebugging: false
property real clampedVisualParentGeometryX: 0
property real clampedVisualParentGeometryY: 0
property real clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth: 0
property real clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight: 0
flags: Qt.BypassWindowManagerHint | Qt.FramelessWindowHint
color: "transparent"
x: 0
y: 0
width: Screen.width
height: Screen.height
title: "aerothemeplasma-windowframe-special"
if(!visible) console.log("AAAA");
if (visible)
if (outline.visualParentGeometry.width > 0 && outline.visualParentGeometry.height > 0)
if (window.useConsistentVisualParent)
if (outline.geometry.x == 0)
if (outline.geometry.height > Screen.height / 2)
if (outline.geometry.width == Screen.width)
// center
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX = (outline.geometry.x + (outline.geometry.width / 2)) - 20;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY = outline.geometry.x;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth = 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight = 40;
// left
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX = outline.geometry.x;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY = (outline.geometry.y + (outline.geometry.height / 2)) - 20;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth = 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight = 40;
else if (outline.geometry.y == Screen.height / 2)
// bottomleft
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX = outline.geometry.x;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY = (outline.geometry.y + outline.geometry.height) - 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth = 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight = 40;
// topleft
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX = outline.geometry.x;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY = outline.geometry.y;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth = 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight = 40;
if (outline.geometry.height > Screen.height / 2)
// right
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX = Screen.width - 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY = (outline.geometry.y + (outline.geometry.height / 2)) - 20;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth = 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight = 40;
else if (outline.geometry.y == Screen.height / 2)
// bottomright
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX = Screen.width - 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY = (outline.geometry.y + outline.geometry.height) - 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth = 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight = 40;
// topright
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX = Screen.width - 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY = outline.geometry.y;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth = 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight = 40;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX = outline.visualParentGeometry.x;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY = outline.visualParentGeometry.y;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth = outline.visualParentGeometry.width;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight = outline.visualParentGeometry.height;
if (window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX < 0)
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth += window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX = 0;
if (window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY < 0)
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight += window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY;
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY = 0;
if (window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX + window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth > Screen.width)
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth -= (window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX + window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth) - Screen.width;
if (window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY + window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight > Screen.height)
window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight -= (window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY + window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight) - Screen.height;
window.shouldAnimate = false
// move our frame to the visual parent geometry
frame.setGeometryXYWH(window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX, window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY, window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth, window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight);
if (window.useAnimation) window.shouldAnimate = true
// and then animate it nicely to its destination
// no visual parent? just move it to its destination right away
//window.shouldAnimate = false
if (window.useAnimation) window.shouldAnimate = true
target: outline
// when unified geometry changes, this means our window position changed and any
// animation will potentially be offset and/or cut off, skip the animation in this case
function onUnifiedGeometryChanged()
if (window.visible)
//window.shouldAnimate = false
if (window.useAnimation) window.shouldAnimate = true
id: reflection
anchors.fill: parent
source: StandardPaths.writableLocation(StandardPaths.GenericDataLocation) + "/smod/reflections.png" //"~/.local/share/smod/reflections.png"
sourceSize: Qt.size(Screen.width, Screen.height)
smooth: true
visible: false
id: reflectionmask
anchors.fill: reflection
color: "transparent"
visible: false
color: "black"
x: frame.x
y: frame.y
width: frame.width
height: frame.height
radius: 7
anchors.fill: reflection
source: reflection
maskSource: reflectionmask
id: frameshadow
property real actualMarginLeft: frameshadow.margins.left - 16
property real actualMarginRight: frameshadow.margins.right - 9
property real actualMarginTop: - 17
property real actualMarginBottom: frameshadow.margins.bottom - 17
imagePath: Qt.resolvedUrl("./res/outline-frame.svgz")
prefix: "shadow"
enabledBorders: KSvg.FrameSvgItem.AllBorders
x: frame.x - frameshadow.actualMarginLeft
y: frame.y - frameshadow.actualMarginTop
width: frame.width + frameshadow.actualMarginLeft + frameshadow.actualMarginRight
height: frame.height + frameshadow.actualMarginTop + frameshadow.actualMarginBottom
id: frame
function setGeometry(geometry)
frame.intx = geometry.x + window.framepadding;
frame.inty = geometry.y + window.framepadding;
frame.intwidth = geometry.width - window.framepadding * 2;
frame.intheight = geometry.height - window.framepadding * 2;
/*x = geometry.x + window.framepadding
y = geometry.y + window.framepadding
width = geometry.width - window.framepadding * 2
height = geometry.height - window.framepadding * 2*/
function setGeometryXYWH(gx, gy, gw, gh)
frame.intx = gx + window.framepadding
frame.inty = gy + window.framepadding
frame.intwidth = gw - window.framepadding * 2
frame.intheight = gh - window.framepadding * 2
imagePath: Qt.resolvedUrl("./res/outline-frame.svgz")
enabledBorders: KSvg.FrameSvgItem.AllBorders
x: frame.intx
y: frame.inty
width: frame.intwidth
height: frame.intheight
property int intx: 0
property int inty: 0
property int intwidth: 0
property int intheight: 0
Behavior on intx
NumberAnimation { duration: window.animationDuration; easing.type: window.animationInterp; }
enabled: window.shouldAnimate
Behavior on inty
NumberAnimation { duration: window.animationDuration; easing.type: window.animationInterp; }
enabled: window.shouldAnimate
Behavior on intwidth
NumberAnimation { duration: window.animationDuration; easing.type: window.animationInterp; }
enabled: window.shouldAnimate
Behavior on intheight
NumberAnimation { duration: window.animationDuration; easing.type: window.animationInterp; }
enabled: window.shouldAnimate
* Debugging
id: "debuginfo"
color: "#eeffffff"
x: outline.geometry.x + window.framepadding + frame.margins.left
y: outline.geometry.y + window.framepadding +
width: 400
height: 400
radius: 4
enabled: enableDebugging
visible: enableDebugging
x: 25
y: 15 "Monospace"
font.pointSize: 10
color: "black"
"Screen.width: <b>" + Screen.width + "</b> <br>" +
"Screen.height: <b>" + Screen.height + "</b> <br><br>" +
"outline.geometry.x: <b>" + outline.geometry.x + "</b> <br>" +
"outline.geometry.y: <b>" + outline.geometry.y + "</b> <br>" +
"outline.geometry.width: <b>" + outline.geometry.width + "</b> <br>" +
"outline.geometry.height: <b>" + outline.geometry.height + "</b> <br><br>" +
"outline.unifiedGeometry.x: <b>" + outline.unifiedGeometry.x + "</b> <br>" +
"outline.unifiedGeometry.y: <b>" + outline.unifiedGeometry.y + "</b> <br>" +
"outline.unifiedGeometry.width: <b>" + outline.unifiedGeometry.width + "</b> <br>" +
"outline.unifiedGeometry.height: <b>" + outline.unifiedGeometry.height + "</b> <br><br>" +
"outline.visualParentGeometry.x: <b>" + outline.visualParentGeometry.x + "</b> <br>" +
"outline.visualParentGeometry.y: <b>" + outline.visualParentGeometry.y + "</b> <br>" +
"outline.visualParentGeometry.width: <b>" + outline.visualParentGeometry.width + "</b> <br>" +
"outline.visualParentGeometry.height: <b>" + outline.visualParentGeometry.height + "</b> <br><br>" +
"frame.x: <b>" + frame.x + "</b> <br>" +
"frame.y: <b>" + frame.y + "</b> <br>" +
"frame.width: <b>" + frame.width + "</b> <br>" +
"frame.height: <b>" + frame.height + "</b>"
id: "visualparent"
color: "red"
radius: 20
opacity: 0.5
x: outline.visualParentGeometry.x
y: outline.visualParentGeometry.y
width: outline.visualParentGeometry.width
height: outline.visualParentGeometry.height
enabled: enableDebugging
visible: enableDebugging
id: "clampedvisualparent"
color: "transparent"
radius: 20
// opacity: 0.5
border.color: "white"
border.width: 5
x: window.clampedVisualParentGeometryX
y: window.clampedVisualParentGeometryY
width: window.clampedVisualParentGeometryWidth
height: window.clampedVisualParentGeometryHeight
enabled: enableDebugging
visible: enableDebugging