
589 lines
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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Hugo Pereira Da Costa <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#ifndef breezestyle_h
#define breezestyle_h
#include "breeze.h"
#include "breezehelper.h"
#include "breezemetrics.h"
#include "config-breeze.h"
#include <KStyle>
#include <QAbstractItemView>
#include <QAbstractScrollArea>
#include <QCommandLinkButton>
#include <QCommonStyle>
#include <QDockWidget>
#include <QFocusFrame>
#include <QHash>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QMdiSubWindow>
#include <QStyleOption>
#include <QWidget>
#include <functional>
namespace BreezePrivate
class TabBarData;
namespace Breeze
class Animations;
class FrameShadowFactory;
class Helper;
class MdiWindowShadowFactory;
class Mnemonics;
class ShadowHelper;
class SplitterFactory;
class WidgetExplorer;
class WindowManager;
class BlurHelper;
class ToolsAreaManager;
//* convenience typedef for base class
using ParentStyleClass = QCommonStyle;
using ParentStyleClass = KStyle;
//* base class for breeze style
/** it is responsible to draw all the primitives to be displayed on screen, on request from Qt paint engine */
class Style : public ParentStyleClass
/* this tells kde applications that custom style elements are supported, using the kstyle mechanism */
Q_CLASSINFO("X-KDE-CustomElements", "true")
//* constructor
explicit Style();
//* destructor
~Style() override;
//* needed to avoid warnings at compilation time
using ParentStyleClass::polish;
using ParentStyleClass::unpolish;
//* widget polishing
void polish(QWidget *) override;
//* widget unpolishing
void unpolish(QWidget *) override;
//* application polishing
void polish(QApplication *) override;
//* polish scrollarea
void polishScrollArea(QAbstractScrollArea *);
//* pixel metrics
int pixelMetric(PixelMetric, const QStyleOption * = nullptr, const QWidget * = nullptr) const override;
//* style hints
int styleHint(StyleHint, const QStyleOption * = nullptr, const QWidget * = nullptr, QStyleHintReturn * = nullptr) const override;
//* returns rect corresponding to one widget's subelement
QRect subElementRect(SubElement, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const override;
//* returns rect corresponding to one widget's subcontrol
QRect subControlRect(ComplexControl, const QStyleOptionComplex *, SubControl, const QWidget *) const override;
//* returns size matching contents
QSize sizeFromContents(ContentsType, const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const override;
//* returns which subcontrol given QPoint corresponds to
SubControl hitTestComplexControl(ComplexControl, const QStyleOptionComplex *, const QPoint &, const QWidget *) const override;
//* primitives
void drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement, const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const override;
//* controls
void drawControl(ControlElement, const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const override;
//* complex controls
void drawComplexControl(ComplexControl, const QStyleOptionComplex *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const override;
//* generic text rendering
void drawItemText(QPainter *, const QRect &, int alignment, const QPalette &, bool enabled, const QString &, QPalette::ColorRole = QPalette::NoRole)
const override;
bool event(QEvent *) override;
//*@name event filters
bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *) override;
bool eventFilterScrollArea(QWidget *, QEvent *);
bool eventFilterComboBoxContainer(QWidget *, QEvent *);
bool eventFilterDockWidget(QDockWidget *, QEvent *);
bool eventFilterMdiSubWindow(QMdiSubWindow *, QEvent *);
bool eventFilterCommandLinkButton(QCommandLinkButton *, QEvent *);
//* install event filter to object, in a unique way
void addEventFilter(QObject *object)
protected Q_SLOTS:
//* update configuration
void configurationChanged();
//* global configuration changed
void globalConfigurationChanged(int type, int arg);
void loadGlobalAnimationSettings();
//* standard icons
QIcon standardIconImplementation(StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
//* standard icons
QIcon standardIcon(StandardPixmap pixmap, const QStyleOption *option = nullptr, const QWidget *widget = nullptr) const override
return standardIconImplementation(pixmap, option, widget);
//* load configuration
void loadConfiguration();
bool isTabletMode() const;
//*@name subelementRect specialized functions
QRect pushButtonContentsRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect checkBoxContentsRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect lineEditContentsRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect progressBarGrooveRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect progressBarContentsRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect progressBarLabelRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect frameContentsRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect headerArrowRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect headerLabelRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect tabBarTabLeftButtonRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect tabBarTabRightButtonRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect tabWidgetTabBarRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect tabWidgetTabContentsRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect tabWidgetTabPaneRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect tabWidgetCornerRect(SubElement, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *widget) const;
QRect toolBoxTabContentsRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
QRect genericLayoutItemRect(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
//*@name subcontrol Rect specialized functions
QRect groupBoxSubControlRect(const QStyleOptionComplex *, SubControl, const QWidget *) const;
QRect toolButtonSubControlRect(const QStyleOptionComplex *, SubControl, const QWidget *) const;
QRect comboBoxSubControlRect(const QStyleOptionComplex *, SubControl, const QWidget *) const;
QRect spinBoxSubControlRect(const QStyleOptionComplex *, SubControl, const QWidget *) const;
QRect scrollBarInternalSubControlRect(const QStyleOptionComplex *, SubControl) const;
QRect scrollBarSubControlRect(const QStyleOptionComplex *, SubControl, const QWidget *) const;
QRect dialSubControlRect(const QStyleOptionComplex *, SubControl, const QWidget *) const;
QRect sliderSubControlRect(const QStyleOptionComplex *, SubControl, const QWidget *) const;
//*@name sizeFromContents
QSize defaultSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &size, const QWidget *) const
return size;
QSize checkBoxSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize lineEditSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize comboBoxSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize spinBoxSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize sliderSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize pushButtonSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize toolButtonSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize menuBarItemSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize menuItemSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize progressBarSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize tabWidgetSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize tabBarTabSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize headerSectionSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
QSize itemViewItemSizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *, const QSize &, const QWidget *) const;
//*@name primitives specialized functions
bool emptyPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const
return true;
bool drawFramePrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawFrameLineEditPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawFrameFocusRectPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawFrameMenuPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawFrameGroupBoxPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawFrameTabWidgetPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawFrameTabBarBasePrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawFrameWindowPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawIndicatorArrowUpPrimitive(const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const
return drawIndicatorArrowPrimitive(ArrowUp, option, painter, widget);
bool drawIndicatorArrowDownPrimitive(const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const
return drawIndicatorArrowPrimitive(ArrowDown, option, painter, widget);
bool drawIndicatorArrowLeftPrimitive(const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const
return drawIndicatorArrowPrimitive(ArrowLeft, option, painter, widget);
bool drawIndicatorArrowRightPrimitive(const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const
return drawIndicatorArrowPrimitive(ArrowRight, option, painter, widget);
bool drawIndicatorArrowPrimitive(ArrowOrientation, const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawIndicatorHeaderArrowPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawPanelButtonCommandPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawPanelButtonToolPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawTabBarPanelButtonToolPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawPanelScrollAreaCornerPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawPanelMenuPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawPanelTipLabelPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawPanelItemViewItemPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawIndicatorCheckBoxPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawIndicatorRadioButtonPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawIndicatorButtonDropDownPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawIndicatorTabClosePrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const;
bool drawIndicatorTabTearPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawIndicatorToolBarHandlePrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawIndicatorToolBarSeparatorPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawIndicatorBranchPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawWidgetPrimitive(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
//*@name controls specialized functions
bool emptyControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const
return true;
bool drawPushButtonLabelControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawToolButtonLabelControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawCheckBoxLabelControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawComboBoxLabelControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawMenuBarItemControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawMenuItemControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawProgressBarControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawProgressBarContentsControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawProgressBarGrooveControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawProgressBarLabelControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawScrollBarSliderControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawScrollBarAddLineControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawScrollBarSubLineControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawShapedFrameControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawFocusFrame(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawRubberBandControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawHeaderSectionControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawHeaderEmptyAreaControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawTabBarTabLabelControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawTabBarTabShapeControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawToolBoxTabLabelControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawToolBoxTabShapeControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawDockWidgetTitleControl(const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
//*@name complex ontrols specialized functions
bool drawGroupBoxComplexControl(const QStyleOptionComplex *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawToolButtonComplexControl(const QStyleOptionComplex *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawComboBoxComplexControl(const QStyleOptionComplex *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawSpinBoxComplexControl(const QStyleOptionComplex *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawSliderComplexControl(const QStyleOptionComplex *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawDialComplexControl(const QStyleOptionComplex *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawScrollBarComplexControl(const QStyleOptionComplex *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
bool drawTitleBarComplexControl(const QStyleOptionComplex *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
//!*@name various utility functions
//* spinbox arrows
void renderSpinBoxArrow(const SubControl &, const QStyleOptionSpinBox *, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const;
//* return dial angle based on option and value
qreal dialAngle(const QStyleOptionSlider *, int) const;
//* returns relevant scrollbar parent
/** needed to detect parent focus */
const QWidget *scrollBarParent(const QWidget *) const;
//* returns true if given scrollbar arrow is animated
QColor scrollBarArrowColor(const QStyleOptionSlider *, const SubControl &, const QWidget *) const;
//* scrollbar buttons
enum ScrollBarButtonType {
//* returns height for scrollbar buttons depending of button types
int scrollBarButtonHeight(const ScrollBarButtonType &type) const
switch (type) {
case NoButton:
return Metrics::ScrollBar_NoButtonHeight;
case SingleButton:
return Metrics::ScrollBar_SingleButtonHeight;
case DoubleButton:
return Metrics::ScrollBar_DoubleButtonHeight;
return 0;
//* translucent background
void setTranslucentBackground(QWidget *) const;
//* create toolbar extension icon
QIcon toolBarExtensionIcon(StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
//* create title bar button icon
QIcon titleBarButtonIcon(StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
//* return true if option corresponds to QtQuick control
bool isQtQuickControl(const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const;
//* adjust rect based on provided margins
QRect insideMargin(const QRect &r, int margin) const
return insideMargin(r, margin, margin);
//* adjust rect based on provided margins
QRect insideMargin(const QRect &r, int marginWidth, int marginHeight) const
return r.adjusted(marginWidth, marginHeight, -marginWidth, -marginHeight);
//* expand size based on margins
QSize expandSize(const QSize &size, int margin) const
return expandSize(size, margin, margin);
//* expand size based on margins
QSize expandSize(const QSize &size, int marginWidth, int marginHeight) const
return size + 2 * QSize(marginWidth, marginHeight);
//* returns true for vertical tabs
bool isVerticalTab(const QStyleOptionTab *option) const
return isVerticalTab(option->shape);
bool isVerticalTab(const QTabBar::Shape &shape) const
return shape == QTabBar::RoundedEast || shape == QTabBar::RoundedWest || shape == QTabBar::TriangularEast || shape == QTabBar::TriangularWest;
//* right to left alignment handling
using ParentStyleClass::visualRect;
QRect visualRect(const QStyleOption *opt, const QRect &subRect) const
return ParentStyleClass::visualRect(opt->direction, opt->rect, subRect);
//* centering
QRect centerRect(const QRect &rect, const QSize &size) const
return centerRect(rect, size.width(), size.height());
QRect centerRect(const QRect &rect, int width, int height) const
return QRect(rect.left() + (rect.width() - width) / 2, + (rect.height() - height) / 2, width, height);
Checks whether the point is before the bound rect for bound of given orientation.
This is needed to implement custom number of buttons in scrollbars,
as well as proper mouse-hover
inline bool preceeds(const QPoint &, const QRect &, const QStyleOption *) const;
//* return which arrow button is hit by point for scrollbar double buttons
inline QStyle::SubControl scrollBarHitTest(const QRect &, const QPoint &, const QStyleOption *) const;
//! return true if one of the widget's parent inherits requested type
inline bool hasParent(const QWidget *, const char *) const;
//* return true if icons should be shown in menus
bool showIconsInMenuItems() const;
//* return true if icons should be shown on buttons
bool showIconsOnPushButtons() const;
//* return true if passed widget is a menu title (KMenu::addTitle)
bool hasAlteredBackground(const QWidget *) const;
* return true if the widget should be highlighted with neutral color
* if widget is null, check for the styleObject in option
* return false if the widget has the mouse hover or is focused.
bool hasHighlightNeutral(const QObject *widget, const QStyleOption *option, bool mouseOver = false, bool focus = false) const;
//*@name scrollbar button types (for addLine and subLine )
ScrollBarButtonType _addLineButtons = SingleButton;
ScrollBarButtonType _subLineButtons = SingleButton;
//* focus frame
QPointer<QFocusFrame> _focusFrame = nullptr;
//* helper
Helper *_helper = nullptr;
//* shadow helper
ShadowHelper *_shadowHelper = nullptr;
//* animations
Animations *_animations = nullptr;
//* keyboard accelerators
Mnemonics *_mnemonics = nullptr;
//* blur helper
BlurHelper *_blurHelper = nullptr;
//* window manager
WindowManager *_windowManager = nullptr;
//* frame shadows
FrameShadowFactory *_frameShadowFactory = nullptr;
//* mdi window shadows
MdiWindowShadowFactory *_mdiWindowShadowFactory = nullptr;
//* splitter Factory, to extend splitters hit area
SplitterFactory *_splitterFactory = nullptr;
//* signal manager for the tools area
ToolsAreaManager *_toolsAreaManager = nullptr;
//* widget explorer
WidgetExplorer *_widgetExplorer = nullptr;
//* tabbar data
BreezePrivate::TabBarData *_tabBarData = nullptr;
//* icon hash
using IconCache = QHash<StandardPixmap, QIcon>;
IconCache _iconCache;
//* pointer to primitive specialized function
using StylePrimitive = std::function<bool(const Style &, const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *)>;
StylePrimitive _frameFocusPrimitive;
//* pointer to control specialized function
using StyleControl = std::function<bool(const Style &, const QStyleOption *, QPainter *, const QWidget *)>;
//* pointer to control specialized function
using StyleComplexControl = std::function<bool(const Style &, const QStyleOptionComplex *, QPainter *, const QWidget *)>;
//*@name custom elements
//* use Argb Drag and Drop Window
QStyle::StyleHint SH_ArgbDndWindow;
//! styled painting for KCapacityBar
QStyle::ControlElement CE_CapacityBar;
bool Style::preceeds(const QPoint &point, const QRect &bound, const QStyleOption *option) const
if (option->state & QStyle::State_Horizontal) {
if (option->direction == Qt::LeftToRight) {
return point.x() < bound.right();
} else {
return point.x() > bound.x();
} else {
return point.y() < bound.y();
QStyle::SubControl Style::scrollBarHitTest(const QRect &rect, const QPoint &point, const QStyleOption *option) const
if (option->state & QStyle::State_Horizontal) {
if (option->direction == Qt::LeftToRight) {
return point.x() < ? QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine : QStyle::SC_ScrollBarAddLine;
} else {
return point.x() > ? QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine : QStyle::SC_ScrollBarAddLine;
} else {
return point.y() < ? QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine : QStyle::SC_ScrollBarAddLine;
bool Style::hasParent(const QWidget *widget, const char *className) const
if (!widget) {
return false;
while ((widget = widget->parentWidget())) {
if (widget->inherits(className)) {
return true;
return false;