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Build a base, lead your army, eat your enemies!", "developers": [{"id": "521816531324370965", "name": "Pocketwatch Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "toothandtail.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "99240110486192128", "hook": true, "icon": "4df1e485e3e436321073b020f2632675", "id": "360541292578471937", "name": "Tooth and Tail", "overlay": true, "primary_sku_id": "491666405100617728", "publishers": [{"id": "521816531324370965", "name": "Pocketwatch Games"}], "slug": "tooth-and-tail", "splash": "f4cab3cf5d48c707782f4091f15bc4ac", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "286000", "sku": "286000"}, { "distributor": "discord", "id": "491666405100617728", "sku": "491666405100617728" }, {"distributor": "gog", "id": null, "sku": null} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a5cbd230af66eb5a54a68678fc907526d461dc996ec695317312d3765389850f" }, { "description": "Deep within the abandoned halls of Mount Massive Asylum, amateur journalist Miles Upshur sets out to find a good story, and instead finds an evil presence.", "developers": [{"id": "521816563972571136", "name": "Red Barrels"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "outlast.app", "os": "darwin"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "olgame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4a380b03f9cf59e42afe80e36f40cbba", "id": "363408634568376320", "name": "Outlast", "publishers": [{"id": "521816563972571136", "name": "Red Barrels"}], "splash": "25f174dbeec72035fd40f9673605ac6a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "238320", "sku": "238320"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "7767ba8fe5140ecab0c8157859e9b831b5845f130acf5619159b620046950df7" }, { "description": "Depth is a multiplayer game which blends heart pounding tension and visceral action in a dark aquatic world.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816801995390978", "name": "Digital Confectioners"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "depthgame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "791f19be2642d00e2b78b58f5436d3a5", "id": "363408709495291934", "name": "Depth", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816801995390978", "name": "Digital Confectioners"} ], "splash": "a7bf13ab1c64b409175ae9f445ff70a6", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "274940", "sku": "274940"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1f7be1e790156882ed2fd663788b8f28408441da51020190038fe488929bc27a" }, { "description": "A physics-based sandbox game that allows players to set up and play an endless variety of tabletop games. 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Or they could make a mess and flip the whole table.", "developers": [{"id": "521816651306631169", "name": "Berserk Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "tabletop simulator.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "342471570955960324", "hook": true, "icon": "8f6d26ef7c9aa8de296db5858d85223c", "id": "363408834095742976", "name": "Tabletop Simulator", "overlay": true, "publishers": [{"id": "521816651306631169", "name": "Berserk Games"}], "splash": "ed7fcaa9718d1e4c8b5e06483f7e8d0e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "286160", "sku": "286160"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f218f478d99dc30edd9d352ac267a1f82cfc0af5cafe09950e9c35211360f3ad" }, { "description": "A sci-fi grand strategy game set in a procedurally generated universe from the creators of Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816507676885007", "name": "Paradox Development Studio"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "stellaris.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "a7b347a29279465267bf10fb0f6b5b1b", "id": "363408909962182683", "name": "Stellaris", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816521249521702", "name": "Paradox Interactive AB"} ], "splash": "cad26f8069541be2863bc3ec479330a1", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "281990", "sku": "281990"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d9bbff8d1d99fcaff9f53f76cb706847d2b1a3119497548330d17a36dfdcf7c7" }, { "description": "Trove is a voxel based game from Trion Worlds, creators of Rift and Defiance.", "developers": [{"id": "521816577876951040", "name": "Trion Worlds"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "trove/glyphclientapp.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "trove.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "720ef95d4fb508aca22b006a3e369fd2", "id": "363409000399634432", "name": "Trove", "publishers": [{"id": "521816577876951040", "name": "Trion Worlds"}], "splash": "83d70644971d4c4a719ac34415f8d5fe", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "304050", "sku": "304050"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f693f2603c28986ab3929722f073766a50edb9b02e5e722011046eb2fcb083e0" }, { "description": "Two to eight players punch, kick, and throw each other to be the last one standing in this physics-based brawler.", "developers": [{"id": "521816745099395083", "name": "Boneloaf"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "gang beasts.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "25f58de774770f6d83e64e839cd69a0d", "id": "363409129643180032", "name": "Gang Beasts", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816745099395082", "name": "Double Fine Presents"} ], "splash": "6966d8e71e56bba9bd7832549f474aea", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "285900", "sku": "285900"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b2aa0319c42385c429dece884f780638d68d62edd1ea5e7c9b6798da9f077e82" }, { "aliases": ["The Forest"], "description": "Gather resources and build defenses in this first-person open-world survival horror game from indie studio Endnight Games.", "developers": [{"id": "521816538664402946", "name": "Endnight Games"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "the forest/theforestvr.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "theforest.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d757f03369c68943d76d6252f47a4813", "id": "363409179668512788", "name": "The Forest", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816538664402946", "name": "Endnight Games"}, {"id": "1080279445706903572", "name": "Endnight Games Ltd"} ], "splash": "dc5a7ac04c4863b3d67ba2b2f3ccd097", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "242760", "sku": "242760"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f6847aef38c2ff939a9023f53f3a593cc7dbbe490338858de1181517f9481f77" }, { "description": "Insurgency (originally Insurgency 2) is a multiplayer-focused first-person shooter with a focus on realism. 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"farmingsimulator2017game.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "61bed87d2da8e32dd8f24423a9e83323", "id": "363426921612181504", "name": "Farming Simulator 17", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816537192202247", "name": "Focus Home Interactive"} ], "splash": "c43aefe5587517cbdffc8212aff48a33", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "447020", "sku": "447020"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "98c6f07f98e1a4bca8ad3f733e8f5844d0b522ebf24b32394e745bc7b99783d6" }, { "aliases": ["100% Orange Juice"], "description": "A combination of board game and deck building that has players battling for stars and collecting cards.", "developers": [{"id": "521816753341333506", "name": "Orange_Juice"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "100orange.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d433683ac90381899745caba0834f19d", "id": "363427044333191169", "name": "100% Orange Juice", "publishers": [{"id": "521816581924192296", "name": "Fruitbat Factory"}], "splash": "85dc99a1287342a4afc219a001554499", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "282800", "sku": "282800"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d004607e98bcb1cdf8ad7fe95a461250f221f87428577477ce3b11450f658acb" }, { "cover_image": "15441a332f3df6156ef3dc9e081d346e", "description": "Enter the dungeons of dance and fight enemies to the beat of the music.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816661138079764", "name": "Brace Yourself Games"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "necrodancer.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "118c8e810263a44719bb030bc589d7cc", "id": "363427101346627584", "name": "Crypt of the NecroDancer", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816661138079764", "name": "Brace Yourself Games"} ], "splash": "0b06817f453c91c7ea4bdb46b3ec760c", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "247080", "sku": "247080"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": 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"Treyarch"} ], "splash": "b30778fa934ddc3c70c9afa7052cd624", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "202970", "sku": "202970"}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "202990", "sku": "202990"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "4892f1a6cb145b80a91759cc3f8449a228eb92e8e046c07de9664a6739d9a801" }, { "aliases": ["Sonic Adventure\u2122 2"], "description": "Sonic Adventure 2 is a 2001 sequel to Sonic Adventure. 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From the creators of best-selling Bloons TD 5, this all new Battles game is specially designed for multiplayer combat, featuring the ability to control Bloons directly and send them charging past your opponent's defenses.", "developers": [{"id": "521816733728768032", "name": "Ninja Kiwi"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "bloons td battles/battles-win.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "battles-win.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "cef0c4fce7b5fd37c59f847f17d7f78e", "id": "363427491995713536", "name": "Bloons TD Battles", "privacy_policy_url": "https://ninjakiwi.com/privacy", "publishers": [{"id": "521816733728768032", "name": "Ninja Kiwi"}], "splash": "9006d618e5cf97f6249be44e2941b3b8", "summary": "", "terms_of_service_url": "https://ninjakiwi.com/terms", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "444640", "sku": "444640"}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": null, "sku": null} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6e22266bba1b4ab5927f8424764508f65d823924a7613381fe9befbc842b2d6b" }, { "description": "After the Empress is killed, her most loyal bodyguard, Corvo, becomes the prime suspect, and must track down those who murdered his charge and betrayed him in order to enact his bloody revenge.", "developers": [{"id": "521816500974256128", "name": "Arkane Studios SA"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dishonored.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0a824ee9240367a5c30a707931b802cd", "id": "363427574707257354", "name": "Dishonored", "publishers": [{"id": "521816500508819469", "name": "Bethesda Softworks"}], "splash": "19617d00216b85cb88169c944047f541", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "205100", "sku": "205100"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1a94253faccfade56dd626bc0ff25862339092cf078cb648f816cdccb3dced73" }, { "description": "Sven Co-Op was originally a half-life mod allowing players to play through the Half-Life campaign and a selection of custom maps cooperatively. On July 16th, 2013 it was announced that it would be coming to Steam with Valve's blessing as a stand alone game.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "svencoop.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "170051548284583937", "hook": true, "icon": "8c3a3bcf6fdbbc99bf830fb934a1ac04", "id": "363427674309263360", "name": "Sven Co-op", "splash": "dfc813614965b0ce655851f0c2eecb9f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "225840", "sku": "225840"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "2a36b97579520407119c5814d46a78eb4c32f8eb30ea3d09102edb27543ccb40" }, { "description": "A unique take on an MMO that combines customization of a condo, character customization, several minigames, and a plaza that has many activities on its own.", "developers": [{"id": "521816750296137753", "name": "PixelTail Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "tower-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "93925271886897152", "hook": true, "icon": "acb798a7428c6daedbacae59df61f4dd", "id": "363427800088313856", "name": "Tower Unite", "splash": "e996826ff1b343ecaa9e2b1904ca13fd", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "394690", "sku": "394690"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "fb1a995a123425158c5b76c059a3b00c5f9f35c654115f113baadf67e305e77e" }, { "description": "Dying Light is a first-person, open world game set in a zombie apocalypse. The player character is able to free-run to get around the environment quickly.", "developers": [{"id": "521816637956161558", "name": "Techland Sp. z o.o."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dyinglightgame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "e9465677c4f03394da82e8107ab73d70", "id": "363427839137153024", "name": "Dying Light", "overlay": true, "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306690", "name": "WB Games"}], "splash": "d83e6e087f91f562c7c72f9730d753f2", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "239140", "sku": "239140"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "790861051bcc0404b88b93c44e40115a1580bb4024f86138e4fab1fd8213d890" }, { "aliases": ["Chivalry: Medieval"], "description": "Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a first-person, multiplayer-only, hack-and-slash sequel to the Age of Chivalry mod for Half-Life 2.", "developers": [{"id": "521816579797811201", "name": "Torn Banner Studios"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "cmw.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "02d679f3b1ea099e3f8d018ba5690586", "id": "363427969324023808", "name": "Chivalry: Medieval Warfare", "publishers": [{"id": "521816579797811201", "name": "Torn Banner Studios"}], "splash": "879ec52b22474f16a8ead754c57641b2", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "219640", "sku": "219640"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "bb94ecd55ae6c83ea149b942dc8f536c0bdd13c26e769c401f72ba6b0b04e3d5" }, { "description": "Squad is a modern military First Person Shooter for PC that focuses on teamwork oriented gameplay and large scale combined arms warfare, it is a spiritual sequel to the Project Reality modification for Battlefield 2.", "developers": [{"id": "524755167288098837", "name": "Offworld Industries"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "squad.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "91294111071469568", "hook": true, "icon": "76ca41d78c15257bb3caf98a8e8ed28b", "id": "363428011980357632", "name": "Squad", "overlay": true, "overlay_compatibility_hook": true, "splash": "f1d8df60cfe5894ebc0debf06cfad288", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "393380", "sku": "393380"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "0aaf8cf0d263d1276480f8652d6d3c9ce0178f148857a6b34fa0af124c11c37a" }, { "aliases": ["ASTRONEER Early Access", "Astroneer"], "description": "Build and survive on procedural planets in this space exploration game from indie developer System Era Softworks.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816613981388827", "name": "System Era Softworks"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "astro-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d6d51621df8d0a7ea07e0fea9d450560", "id": "363428060604792832", "name": "ASTRONEER", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816613981388827", "name": "System Era Softworks"} ], "splash": "94f0b4bf9fb462e3ec1222d71718d95a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "361420", "sku": "361420"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b82e530649b9d24e3f683a92aacd3328ab2013c9982b5b8fd6473f119dcbc7a3" }, { "description": "Creativerse is a sandbox voxel adventure game. It features an RPG crafting system, layered biomes and is persistently online.", "developers": [{"id": "521816506171129880", "name": "Playful Corp"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "creativerse.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "dd87838fb60ae8e22edc551134aa66e5", "id": "363428103919239168", "name": "Creativerse", "publishers": [{"id": "521816506171129880", "name": "Playful Corp"}], "splash": "b5a87069debd59fb399fc67df872a301", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "280790", "sku": "280790"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "47c5108604e62bd60d05717eec54180ae22f4da46859d1016d90e2442159a5de" }, { "description": "The first game in the Oddworld series. Players control an alien slave named Abe on a quest to free his fellow Mudokons from the clutches of Molluck, the ruthless boss of RuptureFarms.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816747477827596", "name": "Oddworld Inhabitants"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "oddworld abes oddysee/abewin.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "122036797795a60e825236d2c6a15a2e", "id": "363428220617621504", "name": "Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816543777128455", "name": "GT Interactive Software Corp."} ], "splash": "9990985dc8dfd5784e1f1b019dd4a9d2", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "15700", "sku": "15700"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "daeb6d60bedc2a054f89d6861ca6c12cba000e1e48537cb98835f8506b2b3f19" }, { "aliases": [ "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands", "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon? 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After the events of the previous game, Lara spends one year searching to explain what she saw. Her quest to explain immortality leads her to Siberia, home of a mythical city known as Kitezh.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816535753555988", "name": "Crystal Dynamics, Inc."} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "rottr.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "780a603fe5499627dec19339d2f8c280", "id": "363429423728427008", "name": "Rise of the Tomb Raider", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "splash": "af221d527613743e0eacc23ae7de4285", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "391220", "sku": "391220"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8987e2a113214572232bb5d97da4f74243a19a52f7a01f1df1d1ec7e542c91f4" }, { "description": "Grab three other knights and storm enemy forces in this downloadable beat-em-up for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, complete with smoothly-drawn graphics and action RPG elements.", "developers": [{"id": "521816647678558213", "name": "The Behemoth"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "castlecrashers/castle.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "195951483789901835", "hook": true, "icon": "46906f3362efc605b1235a0174b16a6d", "id": "363429462076817408", "name": "Castle Crashers", "publishers": [{"id": "521816647678558213", "name": "The Behemoth"}], "splash": "edf323e18302d944392a2baea2c76f19", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "204360", "sku": "204360"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6ecb4b579154782e581866c931ac03cab07c66afbaedafe22d70a57f4963a483" }, { "description": "Infestation: The New Z is an official reedition of Infestation: Survivor Stories, a zombie-apocalypse survival MMO PvP game. As its predecessor, it is set in Colorado and California with huge maps where players fight each other while trying to survive the zombie apocalypse.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "thenewz.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6f5c25ea059aa39cc6929c1c6f769dbc", "id": "363429491034554368", "name": "Infestation: The New Z", "publishers": [{"id": "521816717786218511", "name": "Fredaikis AB"}], "splash": "afc95d5871f1df438c2f9530038e0b16", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "555570", "sku": "555570"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "c5c4b3f4da7a5ec195cdda8ddba55bedcae219c312233e4bfb936b501689b07a" }, { "description": "From Torn Banner Studios, creators of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Mirage: Arcane Warfare is a magic and melee-focused multiplayer FPS. Expected to release in 2016", "developers": [{"id": "521816579797811201", "name": "Torn Banner Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "tbl-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "10062841145856ac4fc73e922820f98c", "id": "363429532377677824", "name": "Mirage: Arcane Warfare", "publishers": [{"id": "521816579797811201", "name": "Torn Banner Studios"}], "splash": "51befdf220f9df3c3abace8593b04d51", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "368420", "sku": "368420"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "385bf15e57cf2bd17a5561172e62de2d20b18de1e0f494f76028bfe8fc43a14a" }, { "description": "Fistful of Frags is a multiplayer wild-west themed modification for Half Life 2. The game features various guns from the time period. The game has gone through Steam Greenlight and as of May 9, 2014, has become a standalone product on Steam.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816702753701899", "name": "Fistful of Frags Team"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "fistful of frags/sdk/hl2.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "61e7b86e196a9028bda2490317093f88", "id": "363429654540845056", "name": "Fistful of Frags", "splash": "77bbcc8cbe17b4a0bb14106fe683c52d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "265630", "sku": "265630"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "62ea6859d69b46dd666daed68e72db50f69e262d9958ba30c353a65163ab0005" }, { "aliases": [ "STAR WARS Battlefront II", "STAR WARS\u2122 Battlefront\u2122 II", "Star Wars Battlefront II" ], "description": "EA's second Star Wars Battlefront features cross-era characters and locations from the original, prequel and sequel Star Wars movie trilogies. It also includes multiplayer character classes and a story-driven single-player campaign.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816575481872391", "name": "DICE"}, {"id": "521816761948045361", "name": "Criterion Games"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "starwarsbattlefrontii.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "980bbb4bf6cd9f7d2f087d9bc24a6f7b", "id": "363429717698936852", "name": "STAR WARS\u2122 Battlefront\u2122 II", "overlay": true, "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"}], "splash": "db08c8f9d50580b90cc879702824b6ab", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "6060", "sku": "6060"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "284ffd1c7e483e7fda172ce0246d6dfbb9b9bc79efdf5b4f79afe7dccdba3acb" }, { "description": "A 2D co-op shooter-platformer focused on boss battles. It is known for its unique art style, which imitates the more surreal cartoons of the 1930s.", "developers": [{"id": "521816621271220236", "name": "Studio MDHR"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "cuphead.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "e473174ecd2bf29d56541591ed2d8c31", "id": "363430002181668864", "name": "Cuphead", "publishers": [{"id": "521816621271220236", "name": "Studio MDHR"}], "splash": "a2e3cc78276e76c5b36d7187a93d5b1e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "268910", "sku": "268910"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "443f6529e1200e5b970a0e78a65130ab7660856fbc8573817109125e4a757e48" }, { "aliases": ["NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4"], "description": "The Naruto series jumps to eighth generation consoles with the fourth sequential installment of the Ultimate Ninja Storm series.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816579797811203", "name": "CyberConnect2 Co., Ltd."} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 4/x360ce_x64.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 4/x360ce.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "nsuns4.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "a2a5bf84a9fc4b4c88a9f1c0e043c5c0", "id": "363430045970071552", "name": "NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816537653444610", "name": "Bandai Namco Entertainment"}, {"id": "521816632801361929", "name": "CyberConnect2 Co. 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It was localized for English audiences by En Masse Entertainment of Seattle.", "developers": [{"id": "521816684407947267", "name": "Bluehole Studio"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "tera.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "52a86dba4ccc0581fbb35aab2eade6c1", "id": "363430088521547786", "name": "TERA", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816616028078094", "name": "En Masse Entertainment"} ], "splash": "0d8d58dd019739d7e901e8bbe5991f8c", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "323370", "sku": "323370"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "4c1b3b002e514e77745547dfc92fe3e90cf8243e250a3559753c46c94c085102" }, { "description": "", "developers": [ {"id": "521816541323329560", "name": "Deep Silver Volition, Inc."} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "saintsrowiv.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3d60d96bf3cfdd3c8c697ea87fb2224a", "id": "363430103306338304", "name": "Saints Row IV", "primary_sku_id": 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After creating a prototype called Wasteland Kings for Mojam 2, Vlambeer took the prototype and renamed it Nuclear Throne.", "developers": [{"id": "521816521249521688", "name": "Vlambeer"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "nuclearthrone.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b3253f21eccdf354cba8bc08c2447e38", "id": "363430560942653440", "name": "Nuclear Throne", "publishers": [{"id": "521816521249521688", "name": "Vlambeer"}], "splash": "7bdc3e8a1f66edb91711a0e636364604", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "242680", "sku": "242680"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "785d7825ba2d7aff3c15fa88b516d5762de277eb918b28bba65cbae873906fa2" }, { "description": "A free co-operative zombie survival experience which started out as a Half-Life 2 mod that eventually turned to its own stand-alone game.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816785197203457", "name": "No More Room in Hell Team"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "no more room in hell/sdk/hl2.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "307b48a4afd2b8274c3c9e49bdee2d91", "id": "363430673694064640", "name": "No More Room in Hell", "publishers": [{"id": "521816785197203456", "name": "Lever Games "}], "splash": "9e5b6ad751b8b6534d42896cfe9cfe0f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "224260", "sku": "224260"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "292fc2dfd5076b7fd6021b372964f0b52dadef5784602add39c718c751650e6a" }, { "aliases": ["The Sims(TM) 3"], "description": "Electronic Arts follows up to the hugely successful Sims 2 with an improved character creation system, an open neighborhood, and a greater focus on character development.", "developers": [{"id": "521816577876951044", "name": "Maxis Software"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ts3w.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ts3.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5c7304472b823a78aecef84f80c0e772", "id": "363430739456425994", "name": "The Sims 3", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816757548351498", "name": "The Sims Studio"}, {"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"} ], "splash": "52ca976e3e685088f20af52fac6ae14a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "47890", "sku": "47890"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3c91bb53a208c39b7b747a3e2b35e1a8881a88615f5348a080e3f1c99978ac6e" }, { "aliases": ["Divinity - Original Sin"], "description": "Divinity: Original Sin is a top-down turn-based RPG developed by Larian Studios. 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It started out as an experiment with ragdolls and AI, and will remain a slightly experimental, for-fun game project.", "developers": [{"id": "521816648278212629", "name": "SteelRaven7"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ravenfield.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "246612905762619393", "hook": true, "icon": "9f2335fcafc051439d2618d8f56c2e14", "id": "363430881811234816", "name": "Ravenfield", "publishers": [{"id": "521816648278212629", "name": "SteelRaven7"}], "splash": "a408689f86446963d5f650c18e6f54d8", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "636480", "sku": "636480"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d29b55c7a8c510923a56665671361051394a1ad9a222e2ac615036cc4de080d3" }, { "aliases": ["Life Is Strange", "Life is Strange\u2122"], "description": "An episodic adventure game based around time manipulation from Remember Me developers DONTNOD.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816549057626131", "name": "DONTNOD Entertainment"} ], 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"a2a790eb5754e91c9520b9a9780d3996", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ { "distributor": "discord", "id": "474762737331732495", "sku": "474762737331732495" }, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "367520", "sku": "367520"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "702c5dfba45a6749d4ced8a990c914a4e91c1c32fcc9e29bdc5659088ad8f534" }, { "aliases": ["Saints Row the Third"], "description": "", "developers": [ {"id": "521816541323329560", "name": "Deep Silver Volition, Inc."} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "saintsrowthethird.exe", "os": "win32"}, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "saintsrowthethird_dx11.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "fde7183e3ddd8e0ff9c5a9350d56846c", "id": "363431107527704576", "name": "Saints Row: The Third", "primary_sku_id": "471028853888909312", "publishers": [{"id": "521816550596935692", "name": "THQ"}], "slug": "saints-row-the-third", "splash": "b398528e79fece8fb8dfc2150919b81a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": 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Team chemistry means more than just skill synergy.", "developers": [{"id": "521816606901534720", "name": "Red Hook Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "_windows/darkest.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "darkest.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "430455493358649355", "hook": true, "icon": "5cc0dece8f3a151b90a9feb5b95613fa", "id": "376180518749995028", "name": "Darkest Dungeon", "overlay": true, "publishers": [ {"id": "521816606901534720", "name": "Red Hook Studios"}, {"id": "521816606901534720", "name": "Red Hook Studios"} ], "splash": "6ffd32f00bacaa079e8c461252db8b90", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "262060", "sku": "262060"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a663f934ef6cdbf8576f3708587d03df6374b98a04895ffccb472dcd2a8dcb74" }, { "description": "\"Bendy and the Ink Machine\" is a first person puzzle action horror game that begins in the far days past of animation and ends in a very dark future.", "developers": [{"id": "521816555584225282", "name": "TheMeatly Games"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "batim.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "bc3b317c8531e09e20038b7f0808b27e", "id": "376180724291731472", "name": "Bendy and the Ink Machine", "publishers": [{"id": "521816555584225282", "name": "TheMeatly Games"}], "splash": "139e3ae77dd4f2088556880f43769af4", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "622650", "sku": "622650"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3e7435028cbf7b31bb02919918b9eccbb5accee0bf2780a1d5471960df48ede5" }, { "aliases": ["A Hat in Time"], "description": "A third-person 3D platformer developed by Gears For Breakfast.", "developers": [{"id": "521816804323098627", "name": "Gears for Breakfast"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "binaries/modmanager.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "hatintimegame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "329729477930123265", "hook": true, "icon": "bc078584af9b1f3fa29b981d55ba30b7", "id": "376180889010307072", "name": "A Hat in Time", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816804323098627", "name": "Gears for Breakfast"}, {"id": "521816804323098627", "name": "Gears for Breakfast"} ], "splash": "d231b54266384dca60ddeaf529cb0be9", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "253230", "sku": "253230"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "ce0075f12f4ff89869c7f32ac64f62e33a6abb88a1aba778479deffaff8d4734" }, { "description": "Besiege is a physics based building game in which you construct medieval siege engines and lay waste to immense fortresses and peaceful hamlets.", "developers": [{"id": "521816660584169473", "name": "Spiderling Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "besiege.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "bdf508d4e0c809944dc6c29f4f82698f", "id": "376181155868966912", "name": "Besiege", "publishers": [{"id": "521816660584169473", "name": "Spiderling Studios"}], "splash": "4129ed095c9f7bbe59a26c35499f22f8", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "346010", "sku": "346010"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "ad72c5d4cd4d514654f0a9d386f67c639f5a1bfc07fcabd70aed7e507d5ee6cc" }, { "description": "A prequel to the initial Life is Strange game, focused on Chloe's life.", "developers": [{"id": "521816589570408448", "name": "Deck Nine Games"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "life is strange - 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First-person tower defense in space, now on consoles.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816595153158147", "name": "Coffee Stain Studios"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "sanctumgame-win32-shipping.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "7251bf5330014ca4eb46d3a5ced3a237", "id": "385537957806866432", "name": "Sanctum 2", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816595153158147", "name": "Coffee Stain Studios"} ], "splash": "653be3fc2bf2baee070d0a70094efe10", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "210770", "sku": "210770"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3f8bb0c9b204a50a2fe3941f86f0c725b050ca5a37490e0f3a662db7375d4ce1" }, { "description": "A third-person, physics-based puzzle game set within surreal dreamscapes.", "developers": [{"id": "521816552501411879", "name": "No Brakes Games"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "human.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "48823134f097206949116832d82dfb28", "id": "385538103831429120", "name": "Human: Fall Flat", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816552501411877", "name": "Curve Digital Entertainment"}, {"id": "521816552501411879", "name": "No Brakes Games"} ], "splash": "0b385438b7e10da626821749ce76c42d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "477160", "sku": "477160"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "dde32da12bcc94476637002204db9af48200c1a2bda35c1288d70402b13c0388" }, { "aliases": ["Watch_Dogs"], "description": "A third-person open-world game from Ubisoft, set in a dark alternate version of the US where corporations track and catalog all online behavior over a vast data network. 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It is currently in alpha, but is available as an Early Access game on Steam.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816510172233760", "name": "Bohemia Interactive Studio"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dayz.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dayz/dayzuninstaller.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dayz_x64.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "cff0c274f3a4cf2c1280dab58268ce9d", "id": "385538724592746496", "name": "DayZ", "overlay": true, "overlay_compatibility_hook": true, "publishers": [ {"id": "521816510172233760", "name": "Bohemia Interactive Studio"}, {"id": "521816659519078412", "name": "Bohemia Interactive"} ], "splash": "c94c6673d3bf8514f3f6a25b9e925c77", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "221100", "sku": "221100"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1e14bc1362f2655462c8fc120293a1a3576458a1864811332a4f5afc487074f2" }, { "aliases": ["Br\u00fctal Legend"], "description": "", "developers": [ {"id": "521816518871220235", "name": "Double Fine Productions, Inc."} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "brutallegend.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "8e046b53fec886afa586d92fc1538e70", "id": "385538840162467860", "name": "Brutal Legend", "primary_sku_id": "491308957164634116", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816518871220235", "name": "Double Fine Productions, Inc."} ], "slug": "brutal-legend", "splash": "6be9c4f3702b60646e93c217eece0104", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "225260", "sku": "225260"}, { "distributor": "discord", "id": "491308957164634116", "sku": "491308957164634116" } ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "169463577ec07fcdcb4f1cde9c4a2ceca34ea17094fe388531aa7b8f46c2306d" }, { "description": "Zombidle", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "zombidle.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "88973394f9d689f5f3ab566f864779fb", "id": "387375748262002710", "name": "Zombidle", "splash": "950f308ab3b35f2e730c43060c0f4d9d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "612020", "sku": "612020"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "06d4aa9ce0f9e03e530a68f3433ce5518dbece8d89c0b10068345dc5ce20ce7b" }, { "description": "A new Shadowrun CRPG by Harebrained Schemes partially funded through Kickstarter.", "developers": [{"id": "521816521249521698", "name": "Harebrained Schemes"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "srhk.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ff9aa1bbc83effac4815483f3305e08a", "id": "387376045269057564", "name": "Shadowrun: Hong Kong", "publishers": [{"id": "521816521249521698", "name": "Harebrained Schemes"}], "splash": "4615e01a3b9b0c799207ddfd098eb00d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "346940", "sku": "346940"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "0a629527f631942a4e631a7bdcab4ed15d083c931fe7024644498ff27c370f62" }, { "description": "64-player multiplayer Vietnam War FPS developed by Antimatter Games and Tripwire Interactive.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816653646790671", "name": "Tripwire Interactive, LLC"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "vngame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "597ca0f397f33a1363eb8d5145a4b602", "id": "387402304158040074", "name": "Rising Storm 2: Vietnam", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816653646790671", "name": "Tripwire Interactive, LLC"}, {"id": "521816715248533524", "name": "Antimatter Games"} ], "splash": "1672622854c30fe554b982a621876320", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "418460", "sku": "418460"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "92bd83799274072d89996162f9824bc324aee6aa8fb8e9ab922b3da78ca32e1c" }, { "description": "A third-person, squad-based, tactical game that recounts humanity's first contact with aliens during the Cold War in the 1960s, and the subsequent founding of the XCOM organization.", "developers": [{"id": "521816696345067520", "name": "2K Marin"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "thebureau.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "891baf3ef733d816b4d3fd65d45084bf", "id": "387402716965634066", "name": "The Bureau: XCOM Declassified", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816696345067520", "name": "2K Marin"}, {"id": "521816504392482816", "name": "2K Games"} ], "splash": "e5fc9793b6ff96b97df6b0d7b0a3eed3", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "65930", "sku": "65930"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "64db33bc10e17dd7d6133d73be4fe0ccca2d4150db2129f3ed98757cca4bcccc" }, { "aliases": ["Elsword"], "description": "Elsword is a free-to-Play 2D action side-scrolling MMORPG. 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Will you write the way into her heart?", "developers": [{"id": "521816701319249950", "name": "Team Salvato"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "doki doki literature club.app", "os": "darwin" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ddlc.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "58293873b0378f8ee427d3015c514e43", "id": "421150694683312138", "name": "Doki Doki Literature Club", "publishers": [{"id": "521816701319249950", "name": "Team Salvato"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "698780", "sku": "698780"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "5be030585acf8d0e4a96d5fa88cd5b9e9c0c998d88faca859a48951d259c76ff" }, { "description": "", "developers": [ {"id": "521816607408914450", "name": "Gearbox Software LLC"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "borderlands2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "132671445376565248", "hook": true, "icon": "75aafe852575a5c988e346fadec162f0", "id": "421150698168909834", "name": "Borderlands 2", "overlay": true, "publishers": [ {"id": "521816503960600578", "name": "Gearbox Software"}, {"id": "521816504392482816", "name": "2K Games"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "49520", "sku": "49520"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "fde1d57b37ef6afd3f2fc22e28474789833ef2bc8ef36f9caea695d4393ada29" }, { "cover_image": "4a9c53a2eb2a4cd14f97ee3176f3e4d2", "description": "Forsaken is a 3D first-person shooter in which the player has complete 360-degree range of freedom. 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Chronicles: China"], "description": "A 2.5D downloadable title for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. The game follows Shao Jun, the last remaining Assassin of the Chinese Brotherhood.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "accgame-win32-shipping.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "7f6c71cc37df9de39f145f8f22c6e1a0", "id": "425433703041335346", "name": "Assassin's Creed Chronicles China", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "uplay", "id": "1651", "sku": "1651"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "2f8dca2fe515b0437842b8924b5817415b9a49f0388eb7ff6061eddc53a1a82e" }, { "aliases": ["Assassins Creed"], "description": "Assassin's Creed is a stealth action-adventure game developed by Ubisoft Montreal. In the year 2012, Desmond Miles is kidnapped and made to relive his ancestor's memory through a machine called the Animus. As the ancestor, Alta\u00efr, players unveil an assassin conspiracy set in the middle ages.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "assassinscreed_dx10.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "215838530889318401", "hook": true, "icon": "640aa8c23c41fcbec2648e0d965ee7a2", "id": "425434240784662551", "name": "Assassin's Creed", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "e37329406832667b96fc630aa560aa74", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "15100", "sku": "15100"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a5222cab6067eb089de6e103dc960d9c429a829d84fe0d716057e45883dd1f9e" }, { "aliases": ["Assassin's Creed 2"], "description": "The second installment in the Assassin's Creed franchise follows the life of Ezio Auditore da Firenze as he seeks revenge on those who betrayed his family.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "assassinscreediigame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "215838530889318401", "hook": true, "icon": "406816b22a78af9b22886bb7a9909503", "id": "425434695908458519", "name": "Assassin's Creed II", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "be5491e45569985a8f6dbe759a56f4b9", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "33230", "sku": "33230"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "da95486129b201b6033d20dc1a3b6b8ca263ae203063538137c128955542a666" }, { "description": "The fifth console entry in the Assassin's Creed franchise. It introduces the half-Native American, half-English Assassin Connor and is set in North America in the late eighteenth century amid the American Revolutionary War.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ac3mp.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ac3sp.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "215838530889318401", "hook": true, "icon": "6f10edc0dd66e2551f0ab9ecd545403a", "id": "425434783695503360", "name": "Assassin's Creed III", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "c24d449be43c9f9f153ead84a2df864a9b22efc65ad85e9c3fb170284e5f033f" }, { "description": "Assassin's Creed: Rogue takes place during the Seven Years' War in and around the American colonies. The protagonist, Shay Patrick Cormac, is an Assassin-turned-Templar who is hunting his former Brothers in the region.", "developers": [{"id": "521816515113385985", "name": "Ubisoft Bucharest"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "acc.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6785f0222990268a44c8beeb976905f9", "id": "425434983080001556", "name": "Assassin's Creed Rogue", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "311560", "sku": "311560"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f7ce3c6ee0533c6d39fca6a15c38b4f92e1b91a19c079f664e8ec8acc9edf84b" }, { "description": "The Assassin's Creed series heads to Paris, France, amid the French Revolution. The player controls Arno Dorian, an Assassin, as he attempts to disrupt and destroy the true powers behind the Revolution.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "assassin's creed unity/acu.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0cfdd56b520027c42170e6ec2ffc87b2", "id": "425435152634609664", "name": "Assassin's Creed Unity", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "a3c6d44cb823f12a9c06773eb2f65fa7", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "289650", "sku": "289650"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "2688702f43c3cf8e6d2f6e4b6fa838cc3924ec304413c4863f1e67c9b9d7dac3" }, { "aliases": ["Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"], "description": "The third installment in the Assassin's Creed franchise, this game's story picks up right after the events of Assassin's Creed II, showing Ezio Auditore traveling to Rome to recruit a new force of assassins. Brotherhood is the first game in the series to offer online multiplayer.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "acbmp.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "acbsp.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ba50472f858bbd79fcb1f24cb90079f3", "id": "425435232788021258", "name": "Assassin's Creed Brotherhood", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "48190", "sku": "48190"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "89e8922aadc83c96c133cf278b6f7ef43a68557cabb38024f7ad20c3828643c4" }, { "aliases": ["Assassin's Creed: Revelations"], "description": "Assassin's Creed: Revelations is the fourth installment in the Assassin's Creed franchise and the final entry in Ezio Auditore's main storyline. A few levels also put players back in control of the original Assassin's Creed's Altair, and depict his rise to the Mentorship of the Crusades-era Brotherhood of Assassins.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "acrsp.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "cba9e70f7d9925da919af3eb66f15a39", "id": "425436928041680931", "name": "Assassin's Creed Revelations", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "a01a28a9a21c4f11dd2eb0e1239b6c05", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "uplay", "id": "40", "sku": "40"}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "201870", "sku": "201870"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "25171c7a701e21736ce3fd8f0efceb22f1640f63b81ef01a2ca6615cdcacd30e" }, { "aliases": ["Batman Arkham Knight", "Batman\u2122: Arkham Knight"], "description": "Arkham Knight, developer Rocksteady's return to the Batman series, takes place one year after Arkham City. It promises to expand the open world from the previous game, allowing players to drive the Batmobile through Gotham City's streets.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816538664402945", "name": "Rocksteady Studios Ltd"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "batmanak.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "fa4ffa6c3b2d3a1d5955338c0b749473", "id": "425437076188561408", "name": "Batman: Arkham Knight", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816538664402944", "name": "Rocksteady Studios"}, {"id": "521816499464306690", "name": "WB Games"} ], "splash": "920a36188be4eef53469011b0dcf8071", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "208650", "sku": "208650"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "610742e8ca9746731414b2f61c40cd1898573587b88b15cb31a269c2323e083c" }, { "aliases": ["Batman\u2122: Arkham Origins"], "description": "Two years after beginning his crime-fighting career, Batman faces his toughest challenge ever when the crime lord known as Black Mask hires the eight deadliest assassins in the DC Universe to kill the vigilante who has been interfering in his operations.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816745686859780", "name": "WB Games Montr\u00e9al"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "batmanorigins.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d469e494f3be7c84352a61b03e00d6f0", "id": "425437243822571550", "name": "Batman: Arkham Origins", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306690", "name": "WB Games"}], "splash": "33100a4b567ba37f6d171a60ec8affa1", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "209000", "sku": "209000"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "56ea74499dd29512fcd9ea5fa5db2da5aca01d52e5b1b1e536d11bd76e620574" }, { "aliases": ["Batman\u2122: Arkham VR"], "description": "A VR short story within the Arkham universe.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816538664402945", "name": "Rocksteady Studios Ltd"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "arkhamvr.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "07e5f4d1295868b5fb632eb1340297bc", "id": "425437344758366216", "name": "Batman: Arkham VR", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306690", "name": "WB Games"}], "splash": "3d61a51df90e676b7142e41d911b29a1", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "502820", "sku": "502820"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "768f7dd73b4f3fead317b3dbc0aed406803cc6e5471339e54dc64ce33d12ccc5" }, { "aliases": ["Beyond Good & Evil"], "description": "The story of a young, curious, and green-loving photojournalist named Jade, out to unravel an alien conspiracy on her home planet of Hillys.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816592674193443", "name": "Ubisoft Montpellier Studios"} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "bge.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "eefa89c1b9b263bb24d2a7a15dece0d4", "id": "425437404854222858", "name": "Beyond Good and Evil", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "uplay", "id": "232", "sku": "232"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "cbe963248925167ac4f36a0cf72cc7c8d0c14d38df197c88ea32be18b50f508e" }, { "aliases": ["F.E.A.R."], "description": "A horror-themed FMV game for the PS2", "developers": [ {"id": "521816711532511248", "name": "Digital Frontier Inc."} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "fearxp2/fearxp2.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "fear.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "fearxp.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "af77eebc7437a63c53969dc197eed6b6", "id": "425437484735004682", "name": "F.E.A.R.", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816711532511245", "name": "Monolith Productions, Inc."}, {"id": "521816711532511245", "name": "Monolith Productions, Inc."} ], "splash": "0aa575c520d8291413777c9db73160f2", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "21090", "sku": "21090"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "60451199c4dee1ae561fc396a773d999fcaf42cd31505bb3d723a5a4b3d1a4a3" }, { "description": "Project Origin is the direct sequel to Monolith's spooky first-person shooter, F.E.A.R.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816711532511245", "name": "Monolith Productions, Inc."} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "fear2.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "49270d65bda8df8d132a683dbbc0b746", "id": "425437598836719616", "name": "F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306690", "name": "WB Games"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "16450", "sku": "16450"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1095ca556d11df4c0a9715bf700f323502a7c03aa54a28e32df940b4dc24fd88" }, { "description": "Developed by Day 1 Studios, F.3.A.R. (pronounced \"Fear Three\") is the final chapter in the F.E.A.R. franchise and continues the twisted story of Alma Wade and her two sons, Paxton Fettel and the Point Man.", "developers": [{"id": "521816499464306691", "name": "Wargaming West"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "f.e.a.r. 3.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "a22cc1c74c3ac7fb8ef7d40a06bafbdc", "id": "425437856169721856", "name": "F.E.A.R. 3", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306690", "name": "WB Games"}], "splash": "3c3bfd40f9e800fcee744a2475f66ce8", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "21100", "sku": "21100"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "619ff56fd9b19a392c96a6591b51d89b91620e68f922fcddc3be99b54237a3d0" }, { "description": "Far Cry is a first-person shooter PC game developed by Crytek Germany. Meet Jack Carver, who is having a rough day - they blew up his boat, they chased him into the jungle, and now they're shooting at him. Too bad they don't know Jack.", "developers": [{"id": "521816652262670336", "name": "Crytek GmbH"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "farcry.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4cb92e4aaa6b2a94c57b81a600f0eaae", "id": "425437906363219968", "name": "Far Cry", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "7e0f032b1ee992cea47c76db11c455cd", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "13520", "sku": "13520"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "20b9cdc173cc27e3793e6b265d0551fd5a5879895fb5689f797f0c9226ce204b" }, { "description": "The sequel to the original Far Cry dispenses with Jack Carver, and moves the action to a war-consumed Africa complete with an open-ended storyline involving civil war, several hours of missions, heated gunplay, and a slew of dynamic elements powered by a new engine.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "farcry2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ab895e7c1160b13f05056d44142a1c27", "id": "425437961669181477", "name": "Far Cry 2", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "146f03c2cf904500a86bff3b34e150f1", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "19900", "sku": "19900"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b543876ab1538a56b3cd883d716c922532d866e2d12d0f3a06e6aa03e2b8f68a" }, { "description": "Far Cry 4 puts the player in the role of Ajay Ghale and pits him against a deadly antagonist and an even deadlier environment. 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series back to its roots.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816592674193443", "name": "Ubisoft Montpellier Studios"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rayman origins.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "30d08727c0ce27098c125f18d4880877", "id": "425439593882714133", "name": "Rayman Origins", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "c2474f6caa7d5654ffac42858377258d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "207490", "sku": "207490"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3089e595ed57be6e1d0f46fe72890fc9b7cb09b3fbe87fbd9bbbdb9c19b146a5" }, { "aliases": ["Rocksmith2014"], "description": "The second edition of Rocksmith from Ubisoft features a new soundtrack, enhancements to the user interface, and a slew of new games and lessons aimed at helping learn how to play the guitar.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816683913150494", "name": "Ubisoft San Francisco"} ], "executables": [ 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His task will not be simple, as darkness lurks.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816507102003201", "name": "Daedalic Entertainment"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "satinav.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "62db70840229dc811a4267610a922ba5", "id": "425455537803755530", "name": "The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav", "publishers": [{"id": "521816524403638274", "name": "Deep Silver"}], "splash": "67d2c0c7848a4e7fa37ca1df8577d249", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "203830", "sku": "203830"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8005e6a7f019c4a9047dd46cc2ce1ff5cd9aa7700bf26117766c0ef32e4925b7" }, { "description": "The Long Journey Home is a procedurally generated space exploration game from Daedalic Entertainment.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816563972571138", "name": "Daedalic Entertainment West"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "tljh-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "184f36d320bd197481c474356b21b7db", "id": "425455571869761536", "name": "The Long Journey Home", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816507102003201", "name": "Daedalic Entertainment"} ], "splash": "b2c96b423b080dfbdcabbbd9ddfbc181", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "366910", "sku": "366910"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "7907b0174a24322ec242e7edc08e2b3626b78fe16d4e2064eaf6260bd0ab4498" }, { "description": "A puzzle adventure game about 12 year old Jeremiah Hazelnut, a budding magician with the help of Marquis de Hoto, a well dressed rabbit. Developed by Daedalic Entertainment, makers of the Deponia series.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816507102003201", "name": "Daedalic Entertainment"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "the night of the rabbit/rabbit.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0acc60ed0c9e0629bebc1bb5cd3b18e5", "id": "425455612508241920", "name": "The Night of the Rabbit", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816507102003201", "name": "Daedalic Entertainment"} ], "splash": "8dac142b0734ee07e0220b8b99e3bc6f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "230820", "sku": "230820"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b40b4262eed051877b69ba6e87dcab520a815594981877409a952ba5cac4df02" }, { "description": "An adventure game developed by Daedalic Entertainment that follows the adventures of Sadwick, a depressed 12-year-old clown, who is part of a traveling circus and has been having recurring nightmares about the end of the world.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816507102003201", "name": "Daedalic Entertainment"} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "twwse.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "eb01c390255483ca3a3b8c1d9f324b76", "id": "425455671052599296", "name": "The Whispered World Special Edition", "publishers": [{"id": "521816524403638274", "name": "Deep Silver"}], "splash": "3eb42180e35de1792feca8b0fa2093db", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "268540", "sku": "268540"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "75e72b1414f4971bdbacbe150bdcdda455f1f1ec27ccf4ce8aca58d08280ea3e" }, { "description": "", "developers": [{"id": "521816661138079766", "name": "Clifftop Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "kathyrain.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "853004cfe38a86899714af3c1f6d311d", "id": "425455715205906432", "name": "Kathy Rain", "primary_sku_id": "469319616481460235", "publishers": [{"id": "521816607941459969", "name": "Raw Fury"}], "slug": "kathy-rain", "splash": "1c596e3b615db44eee7ce5d477c2675a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ { "distributor": "discord", "id": "469319616481460235", "sku": "469319616481460235" }, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "370910", "sku": "370910"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "5fbe2c262a588a9d16c22c1630f7010f672d663bfd9bb5b0b2f0ce7480b5a341" }, { "description": "Platformer from the makers of Knytt about saving animals. 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1, "verify_key": "dd4d6ed4d968db41d8f537131efc4b07c923eaf53f65ae9a7dd5b9b8e53998f6" }, { "aliases": ["LEGO Batman: The Videogame"], "description": "LEGO Batman: The Video Game is an action adventure platformer focused on the combination of the popular Batman universe and the continued licensing of Lego-styled video games.", "developers": [{"id": "521816611506880523", "name": "TT Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "legobatman.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "e68883a8d4206a9dd5c5eb3e25006e13", "id": "425460379624144925", "name": "LEGO Batman", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306690", "name": "WB Games"}], "splash": "089428701b909d7bb1a079ac3b1292e7", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "21000", "sku": "21000"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "03edfb3ead25f1d0d2ca163382576f373b726f6728ce2f1429ece60ce3824ae1" }, { "aliases": ["Lego Harry Potter"], "description": "The popular LEGO franchise adds Harry Potter to its list of conquests in this action-adventure from Warner Bros and Traveller's Tales. The game covers the first four books/movies, and Hogwarts acts as a main hub, containing many secret areas and unlockables.", "developers": [{"id": "521816611506880523", "name": "TT Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "legoharrypotter.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3f78b31d6488fefdf3a6d64ef6efce82", "id": "425460457558769674", "name": "LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306690", "name": "WB Games"}], "splash": "2eb795534738314b1fe5443baf1d36ae", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "21130", "sku": "21130"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "279509caf673a66c352510c3fc04e119d90732ca1386a80d3a638d320c30fd87" }, { "aliases": ["Scribblenauts Unmasked"], "description": "A Scribblenauts game that features DC Comics characters. About 2,000 characters in total, supposedly all of them. Also included is a Hero Creator that lets players make their own Hero and a procedural puzzle generator that makes a new puzzle every time a map is loaded.", "developers": [{"id": "521816570029146112", "name": "5th Cell Media"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "scribblenauts unmasked/scribble.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6438ac4171c2ea04ce84a32fa1ff42ac", "id": "425460538110246912", "name": "Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306690", "name": "WB Games"}], "splash": "0c54b82e5ff825841fc4cc46440765d9", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "249870", "sku": "249870"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f09a44f4027443c188b7b0bb525ce867154b8892190c38d875d3d6dc975f94ea" }, { "aliases": ["Silent Hunter III"], "description": "Silent Hunter III puts players in the role of a German U-Boat captain during WWII. Their mission: To cut off enemy supply lanes in the Atlantic.", "developers": [{"id": "521816515113385985", "name": "Ubisoft Bucharest"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "sh3.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "cd7162f58778fd584a6bdc03788d0352", "id": "425460595718881280", "name": "Silent Hunter 3", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "8995baa2797c5839e9afd418ad0767f6", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "15210", "sku": "15210"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "0809f81082e4d4edd82324f43f3c17633a75e19f0d8726f5badcb1be762335c6" }, { "aliases": ["South Park The Fractured But Whole"], "description": "South Park takes on superheroes in this follow up to The Stick of Truth.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816683913150495", "name": "South Park Digital Studios"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "southpark_tfbw.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0ca50bb29465623cfafaac0db19f3397", "id": "425460666930036736", "name": "South Park Fractured But Whole", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"}, {"id": "521816683913150494", "name": "Ubisoft San Francisco"} ], "splash": "74e4fedb70e54a4f33d571cc3750dad7", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "488790", "sku": "488790"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "109b20dc79ecfbdf5c6b7adfc6f0b7dd9e0cf9b92325bd428164244cae1c0e09" }, { "aliases": ["The Lord of the Rings: War in the North"], "description": "A hack-and-slash action-RPG featuring cooperative multiplayer developed by Snowblind Studios under the Lord of the Rings license. The game draws on both literary and movie influences to tell the story of three warriors fighting in the North of Middle Earth concurrently with the events of the books/movies.", "developers": [{"id": "521816714791485460", "name": "Snowblind Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "war in the north/witn.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "94836360002bd2fc770d3ffe54877d42", "id": "425460776195719168", "name": "Lord of the Rings: War in the North", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306690", "name": "WB Games"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "32800", "sku": "32800"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "4d20d70553746e400af8bcd098ae2e7330fc892de608e69a0bbbe6df13186896" }, { "aliases": ["Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Gold Edition"], "description": "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow is the successful expansion to Rainbow Six 3. Multiplayer updates like \"Retrieval\" mode and split screen co-operative play help distinguish Black Arrow from its predecessors. ", "developers": [ {"id": "521816767484395520", "name": "Ubisoft Milan Studio"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ravenshield.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "01b7281338047f3e3eff9c7d46e3cafa", "id": "425460908345524224", "name": "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "1b20d61a2a3e1c3cb598b0a1806ef86e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "19830", "sku": "19830"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "4ff736ba2a2d153c948a975b06bb07eb3bd6032f55c3922e97271c5d2f731a30" }, { "aliases": ["Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas"], "description": "A reboot of sorts for the Rainbow Six series, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas drops the player into a fictional version of Las Vegas to stop a terrorist plot.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "r6vegas_game.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f0c656d272a9e2b9ea9e02522305b1cf", "id": "425460989602037770", "name": "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "7a373c007a3a6ad4f5d3feecce8b3ec2", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "15120", "sku": "15120"}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "13540", "sku": "13540"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8f4abcf11cea9e52812b2aefe82cd28f458e7323d0e78a94c83f586ba3dda207" }, { "aliases": ["Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2"], "description": "The sequel to Rainbow Six: Vegas returns with a brand new story of terrorist attacks and the Rainbow squad's attempt to stop them.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "r6vegas2_game.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "e4674af017a072559477c6f5d226d2da", "id": "425470018130673664", "name": "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas II", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "8cbe15d03f6d26975e6f7fcd52b71a5c", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "15120", "sku": "15120"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "22be44455b2151cab7a8373175c3cb9cec64d97aac8060f06c5e5bf8b5ba704c" }, { "aliases": ["Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory"], "description": "The third outing for Sam Fisher finds him battling against terrorists who want to take control of the world using a simple algorithmic code.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "splintercell3.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "7cc83516871cda6b871d65174fa3c93a", "id": "425470107368554504", "name": "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "45df80e5f91511bed5aaf6a2faa4e5e9", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "13570", "sku": "13570"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "12cad2b9ab1f2f3e9e6de87168b7abfdd4f742da8be14a7b4f6dfc88d30f9721" }, { "aliases": ["The Guild II: Renaissance"], "description": "The Guild 2 is a strategy game that takes places at the start of the Renaissance.", "developers": [{"id": "521816804323098635", "name": "4HEAD Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "guildii.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "07cf737ee7b19cac33b4176287028e97", "id": "425470196439056391", "name": "The Guild 2 Renaissance", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816751621668885", "name": "DreamCatcher Interactive Inc."} ], "splash": "aec02435a8b03e65dc5618ee623e2cd4", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "39680", "sku": "39680"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "44213e128df8aa9350db367eb9c12e3500c47168b9612590f95ef385b51b58ca" }, { "aliases": ["SOMA"], "cover_image": "33c0a029a3a34bf47721ef95ac0643a0", "description": "Miles below the ocean floor, a facility lies isolated. The inhabitants are losing their minds and its AI has begun to run amock. SOMA is an unsettling story about identity, consciousness, and what it means to be human.\n", "developers": [{"id": "521816498541428770", "name": "Frictional Games"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "soma.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "608260170660708352", "hook": true, "icon": "55a2360382f74dc79b9b423bc99495a2", "id": "425470408322449418", "name": "Soma", "primary_sku_id": "489230107093893120", "publishers": [{"id": "521816498541428770", "name": "Frictional Games"}], "slug": "soma", "splash": "ba15976ae2871dd092de1a9c4cb62d4b", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "282140", "sku": "282140"}, { "distributor": "discord", "id": "489230107093893120", "sku": "489230107093893120" } ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "9da89773f03a3844c3f73751c9e755923a794b91264cc382e4c38220f395b4c7" }, { "aliases": ["HellBlade", "Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice"], "description": "An action game from Ninja Theory.", "developers": [{"id": "521816785801052162", "name": "Ninja Theory"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "hellbladegame-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4d7d787898232f322054907463919314", "id": "425470569698557962", "name": "Hellblade", "publishers": [{"id": "521816785801052162", "name": "Ninja Theory"}], "splash": "eb176a5b215073390e2487252d8495a3", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "414340", "sku": "414340"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "04ea248000ebc446afd96fe9cd2796dc66d1b21fe64d2ae81b8522d4d88e8489" }, { "aliases": ["Dirt Rally"], "description": "A new rally focused entry in Codemasters' DiRT franchise.", "developers": [{"id": "521816499464306689", "name": "Codemasters Racing"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "drt.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "98b3c037fa546f9bc89aab2bdb7b7240", "id": "425471119068364819", "name": "DiRT Rally", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306688", "name": "Codemasters"}], "splash": "1bd41a480d748a0ad9e221d191d65939", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "310560", "sku": "310560"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "9756d87c86993ad627bd3f7eb76906f9c33cc186610ecc2a0926f477190c4650" }, { "aliases": ["Killer is Dead"], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "kidgame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "94c971e74771c42018527ace551d9d59", "id": "425471324073230336", "name": "Killer Is Dead - Nightmare Edition", "publishers": [ { "id": "521816777550725132", "name": "KADOKAWA GAMES / GRASSHOPPER MANUFACTURE" } ], "splash": "c8d8c291c4ec5d24da7e47ac83398957", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "261110", "sku": "261110"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "2f09c234c0d1971631bce71f76a0ef12dc93a0d511745d1b4d85461c59b26fc5" }, { "aliases": ["Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell"], "description": "When The Boss is captured by Satan, it's up to Third Street Saints lieutenants Johnny Gat and Kinzie Kensington to cause as much chaos as possible in Hell to rescue them.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816541323329560", "name": "Deep Silver Volition, Inc."} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "saintsrowgatoutofhell.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "056d52250c75e101c589c06dec24cb33", "id": "425471448782733331", "name": "Saints Row: Gat out of Hell", "publishers": [{"id": "521816524403638274", "name": "Deep Silver"}], "splash": "5f0dc8ee3d1f2bd5237b006dd446de43", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "301910", "sku": "301910"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1a553a5f6134e402842e8121bd8729334720711a53e8311f98a2df3d0099adc1" }, { "aliases": ["Banner Saga"], "description": "The Sun has stopped in the middle of the sky, the Gods have died and human settlements are being invaded by the Dredge, a race of stone beings. There can be no doubt about it, the world is coming to an end. In this turn-based tactics game, borrowing elements from Norse myth, your clan's continued survival is the only thing that truly matters. Will its banner be stomped into the the ground or fly high and bring back hope to those who have lost it in this desolate cold world?", "developers": [{"id": "521816799411568641", "name": "Stoic"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "the banner saga.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "306957465407324171", "hook": true, "icon": "58b942a62d5136e715921ede2f418ce4", "id": "425471698284970020", "name": "The Banner Saga", "publishers": [{"id": "521816799411568641", "name": "Stoic"}], "splash": "1dfb91b3b41a821342c13493184294f3", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "237990", "sku": "237990"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f4b497b7bd6273fc7e2078330c2848315881e142d00db6e94838b269654efd11" }, { "aliases": ["TrackMania United"], "description": "TrackMania United compiles much of the content and concepts found in the previous TrackMania games while maintaining the same crazy driving and huge online feel.", "developers": [{"id": "521816570029146113", "name": "Nadeo"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "tmforever.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "7591ce414a82e3453cc189137082a90a", "id": "425709280725958689", "name": "Trackmania United Forever", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816537192202247", "name": "Focus Home Interactive"} ], "splash": "e2e22fa881737d575fdf65aef2d9f560", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "7200", "sku": "7200"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "4aac12888ae46f51c2fef9ba5af62e5cd18f040c96d87039ce22c5100a0de41e" }, { "aliases": ["Trials Evolution Gold Edition"], "description": "The follow up to the best-selling hit Trials HD, Trials Evolution takes motorcycle platforming to a whole new level of ridiculousness.", "developers": [{"id": "521816618024828941", "name": "RedLynx Ltd"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "trialsfmx.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "de5b74c9460fd92edec1737d6410dbcf", "id": "425709676965920788", "name": "Trials Evolution", "publishers": [{"id": "521816504824758295", "name": "Microsoft Studios"}], "splash": "0961dc547897ccc0d52edd2b1f5a48ed", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "220160", "sku": "220160"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "7e31946366db64a9d76b66b0fc57ada63fd4f015efec37e94823df20dd10cfe0" }, { "aliases": ["Neighbours from Hell"], "description": "", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "neighbours from hell/bin/game.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "07c385afa1220cc512569dc3a4fa0360", "id": "425709808705077272", "name": "Neighbours From Hell Compilation", "publishers": [{"id": "521816710106447872", "name": "JoWooD Vienna"}], "splash": "56cef6034988751d8207a7fe9ce5da08", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "260750", "sku": "260750"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "83b0dea3bb3191feee82ddf00463c738606038100a4638436fead8e0ecf01986" }, { "aliases": ["The Guild 2"], "description": "Sequel to PSP game Fairy Tail: Portable Guild.", "developers": [{"id": "521816513074692111", "name": "Konami"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "guildii.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f25bb2b794092b07a922ee1ba82880c6", "id": "425710142252777508", "name": "The Guild II", "publishers": [{"id": "521816513074692111", "name": "Konami"}], "splash": "0fc83afe86c783d089492fbe68bd9c8a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "39650", "sku": "39650"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "36942a14b60d70a20d43c085badb99cd6d32d2067ee9f7c97c282667c4b35dac" }, { "description": "A roguelike adventure in a procedurally-generated post-societal America. 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It is point-and-click adventure game with a dry sense of humor and high-definition hand-drawn art.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816507102003201", "name": "Daedalic Entertainment"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "chaos on deponia/deponia2.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3b164a8faaf1b59c9b0ba315dadeca21", "id": "425714655726665788", "name": "Chaos on Deponia", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816507102003201", "name": "Daedalic Entertainment"} ], "splash": "a024fdbb810cef529d7085a44707f87f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "220740", "sku": "220740"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3ddb2aa5b5af45e16732700a315ccf75712fce3cbef8c338c642c82d2feb324b" }, { "aliases": ["Banner Saga 2"], "description": "The sequel to The Banner Saga features familiar hand-drawn art, full orchestral soundtrack, and similar gameplay to the initial entry.", "developers": [{"id": "521816799411568641", "name": "Stoic"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "the banner saga 2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "306957465407324171", "hook": true, "icon": "de181699a300eee33070097791dd1a8e", "id": "425722711180967946", "name": "The Banner Saga 2", "publishers": [{"id": "521816509111336966", "name": "Versus Evil"}], "splash": "b931a80cd6701ba74fb694886ccfc795", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "281640", "sku": "281640"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "cc4b7fe53667e623cc8959784f9064f722059bf9a3b97fcf347fbbe5c82908eb" }, { "aliases": ["Tormentor X Punisher"], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "tormentorxpunisher.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "tormentorxpunishergit.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "261683801372098560", "hook": true, "icon": "0be2e6b915950a1b523df0e9b753ff87", "id": "425723123187449856", "name": "Tormentor\u274cPunisher", "overlay": true, "primary_sku_id": "471029037003833355", "publishers": [{"id": "521816660152287233", "name": "E-Studio"}], "slug": "tormentorpunisher", "splash": "24822cfdd44f5a500feb28fa2ed3d8ce", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "500670", "sku": "500670"}, { "distributor": "discord", "id": "471029037003833355", "sku": "471029037003833355" } ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b5bf79351b06664e98c0b5ecb38f4795c82743a8ef80147742b64d83e2d4ffef" }, { "aliases": [ "Assassin's Creed Chronicles India", "Assassin?s Creed? 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Adopting a much darker tone, Warrior Within follows the Prince to the Island of Time as he attempts to change the past in order to end the Dahaka's relentless pursuit.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "prince of persia the warrior within/princeofpersia.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "90b06b39b88bd0c7794d32569a8dfb68", "id": "425728459600429056", "name": "Prince of Persia: Warrior Within", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "c3a025daa6532be7c1a23854eb0e56b3", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "13500", "sku": "13500"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d2ba21f9847a474caf7310ee8c1b9abda5573342f950ac96b59e2d4225d193db" }, { "description": "Silent hunter 5: Battle Of the Atlantic is the fifth installment of the Silent Hunter franchise.", "developers": [{"id": "521816515113385985", "name": "Ubisoft Bucharest"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "sh5.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "be7b5f7aa486ffdb9d575ef140fb137b", "id": "425728548586913812", "name": "Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "6bd16e094a49e5f336f5ea448e58a81e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "48110", "sku": "48110"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "ce11c71caea74c624b712e28372e7cb63c36286483a67561fc87e64b47eb3c13" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "silent hunters wolves of the pacific/sh4.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "017849fd4dfd616679e4723ddc9334cd", "id": "425728586192912384", "name": "Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific", "publishers": [{"id": "521816683233411082", "name": "Ubisoft Romania"}], "splash": "1c14e5183b8df57b6310e45adfa1cbac", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "15200", "sku": "15200"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f5aaf8a00ebe5a5142d0a7e60333548c38069866e9412de5715b27e106384055" }, { "description": "A hack-and-slash action-RPG featuring cooperative multiplayer developed by Snowblind Studios under the Lord of the Rings license. The game draws on both literary and movie influences to tell the story of three warriors fighting in the North of Middle Earth concurrently with the events of the books/movies.", "developers": [{"id": "521816714791485460", "name": "Snowblind Studios"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "witn.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "94836360002bd2fc770d3ffe54877d42", "id": "425728616450490368", "name": "The Lord of the Rings: War in the North", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306690", "name": "WB Games"}], "splash": "169f88f29c73038bb19d761cf735b7a5", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "32800", "sku": "32800"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "e9feda3875b6b068c7419560197ecedfee6315138cec220406de410b5abf32fa" }, { "description": "Delta Force: Black Hawk Down is a first-person shoooter developed and published by Novalogic, based on the same events portrayed in the novel and film \"Black Hawk Down\".", "developers": [{"id": "521816672248791067", "name": "NovaLogic, Inc."}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "delta force black hawk down/dfbhd.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c205bd3b6f9307c8bf2ad616cf8b5f8a", "id": "425731190570483757", "name": "Delta Force: Black Hawk Down", "publishers": [{"id": "521816672248791067", "name": "NovaLogic, Inc."}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "32670", "sku": "32670"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a455cdfd79ab68099a8d514d9bf3ac107bb76c67f804a32a1b798cbb0d78fd25" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "painkiller.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0836af6799a51683d69e23e9f9613d1e", "id": "425731299936960512", "name": "Painkiller: Black Edition", "publishers": [{"id": "521816615457783829", "name": "People Can Fly"}], "splash": "a3f8eda387e818d2dd697606bbb7c8fa", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "39530", "sku": "39530"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f5d15b8c0321f605fd6a072f03799d1bd62e9f81264d3288b5b2a00dcaceba12" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "spellforce.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "2cd19c130700b8a14747fa2b61095a98", "id": "425731382820470824", "name": "SpellForce: Platinum Edition", "publishers": [{"id": "521816619685773340", "name": "Phenomic"}], "splash": "b7337fcef84a734f88e475413f403a60", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "39540", "sku": "39540"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "e1438ddf4ce999d02e7c699370c18a8cdc19ae13ebd8718fc8a9945c81dcc6fc" }, { "description": "An expansion to the Guild 2", "developers": [{"id": "521816804323098635", "name": "4HEAD Studios"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "the guild ii - pirates of the european seas/guildii.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "223545dc35122b7bc16d7ceb21569917", "id": "425731435929010195", "name": "The Guild II - Pirates of the European Seas", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816528895737860", "name": "JoWooD Productions Software AG"} ], "splash": "5a860de1ae88b3bbd748d748a3d9cf9f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "39660", "sku": "39660"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "726dd68d4db247ffd89fd3db8dddc04de1557ec292f3c6915fb7bda2886a6e0e" }, { "description": "Codename CURE is a first person, co-operative zombie game by Hoobalugalar_X.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "codename cure/cure.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "db619a023d6d9bcca2b6284cdd52b965", "id": "425748063416483870", "name": "Codename CURE", "publishers": [{"id": "521816584071938058", "name": "Hoobalugalar_X"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "355180", "sku": "355180"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "142203c6bbdc48037de6da2b2a8ac0826cc574559b5ad222b2c097a763b6cfd7" }, { "aliases": ["Dungeon Defenders 2"], "description": "Defend the dungeon in Dungeon Defenders 2. There are several new game modes including a DotA type mode.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816518871220239", "name": "Trendy Entertainment"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "dungeon defenders 2/dundef2/binaries/win32/dundefgame.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "dungeon defenders 2/dundef2/binaries/win64/dundefgame.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "dungeon defenders 2/dundef2/binaries/win64/dungeondefenders.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "dungeon defenders 2/dundef2/binaries/win32/dungeondefenders.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "238dfd7cc5c0421b02565717cf5f19a0", "id": "425748090889175050", "name": "Dungeon Defenders II", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816518871220239", "name": "Trendy Entertainment"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "236110", "sku": "236110"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "845b0173a860b4d67cd69973637a3156ab565ef29995fd76b9e455eb1b38801f" }, { "description": "This survival-horror mod for the original Half-Life depicts a suburban town in Sweden that has been invaded by misshapen horrors and malevolent creatures of mysterious origin, and can be played singleplayer or in a separate co-op campaign.", "developers": [{"id": "521816795938684929", "name": "Team Psykskallar"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "cof.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b40d1c584857b908b6fd9f4a69603e7f", "id": "425748259408183306", "name": "Cry of Fear", "publishers": [{"id": "521816795938684929", "name": "Team Psykskallar"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "223710", "sku": "223710"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1eab90fcd36186b4bd3bf96afd73c0fd97eef2fedd769291176b09c256570ea2" }, { "description": "A team-based naval combat FPS set in the 1700s.", "developers": [{"id": "521816656633266209", "name": "Mastfire Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "blackwake.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "73a30ff2efb960fc900f27ce5f5f9c29", "id": "425748296854667264", "name": "Blackwake", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816656633266208", "name": "Mastfire Studios Pty Ltd"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "420290", "sku": "420290"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "74f4a4c45d53780def339e9e37ce5ca539332be13ce747c9ef16a9bc9b1dd2c9" }, { "aliases": ["Age of Empires III"], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "age3.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "age3y.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f04efd0f7f11469af7cc28cd3e956fde", "id": "425748312143167498", "name": "Age of Empires\u00ae III: Complete Collection", "publishers": [{"id": "521816567940513807", "name": "Ensemble Studios"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "105450", "sku": "105450"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "92a17d281049c3ab46555c8225b61485ce10d1d777414bcd8bacfd121f570fb6" }, { "aliases": ["Far Cry 3"], "description": "The third installment in the series sees a reluctant victim battling nature, pirates, and the island's insanity-inducing jungle to rescue his friends and family from an island paradise gone horribly wrong.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816502500982842", "name": "Ubisoft Montreal Studios"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "farcry3_d3d11.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "farcry3.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "80220e06769d9fcfc188e17898f0e609", "id": "425748544134053888", "name": "Far Cry\u00ae 3", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "220240", "sku": "220240"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8e2b7b6fee48e1f46e1d270ea02601e861da5dca9418a7e42701548e96892a47" }, { "description": "The 2017 release for the long running franchise. Manage clubs and/or countries from around the world.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816521731735570", "name": "Sports Interactive Limited"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "football manager 2018/fm.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "26a7377b3288dd9befcf4ab2e10ea068", "id": "425748782978826254", "name": "Football Manager 2018", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816507676885010", "name": "Sega"}, {"id": "521816521731735569", "name": "Sports Interactive"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "624090", "sku": "624090"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "5eeaa55b58d11dff8593aaba75ad7aa14bafd01af6fc333f7f8965fe9097999f" }, { "aliases": ["Total War: Attila"], "description": "The latest installment in the long running Total War series.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816720503996437", "name": "The Creative Assembly"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "attila.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "599331370e277b2f3c0c4d0063900f50", "id": "425748853132754945", "name": "Total War: ATTILA", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816568473059338", "name": "Creative Assembly"}, {"id": "521816507676885010", "name": "Sega"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "325610", "sku": "325610"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "0c1a756750835dce5be1ba7e35ea2b3d14e87c1838c4010587482334d28c6d49" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ffxv_s.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "75befa7ddf3a1bb05c85cd46fb69debb", "id": "425748942676819968", "name": "FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "637650", "sku": "637650"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "17c2e49544aa2fae76ed5fc9c6b18f0daf1fa0ebcb2d64fe6cb686d35140e0ce" }, { "description": "Evolve is a class-based cooperative-competitive game in which a team of four hunters chase after an evolving monster, also controlled by a player.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816522977574922", "name": "Turtle Rock Studios, Inc."} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "evolve.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ff060cff3e508ad5a48d1fa184cf79b8", "id": "425748985517703188", "name": "Evolve Stage 2", "publishers": [{"id": "521816504392482816", "name": "2K Games"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "273350", "sku": "273350"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "25338d1c65be565d9a10df0af3b1a08e4d3083c76d31ba303e6a4b6d0f07c912" }, { "aliases": ["Total War: SHOGUN 2", "Total War: Shogun 2"], "description": "Total War: Shogun 2 is the sequel to Shogun: Total War, the first game in the Total War series.\nShogun 2 is an epic strategy game, combining real-time 3D battles with turn based city and economic management.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816720503996437", "name": "The Creative Assembly"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "shogun2.exe", "os": "win32"}, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "redist/vcredist_x86-sp1.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "total war shogun 2/modmanager.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "benchmarks/benchmark_output.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "371433594f97fb3885861bf0d1c3cc21", "id": "425749196403114024", "name": "Total War: SHOGUN 2", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816507676885010", "name": "Sega"}, {"id": "521816720503996437", "name": "The Creative Assembly"}, {"id": "521816720503996437", "name": "The Creative Assembly"}, {"id": "521816720503996437", "name": "The Creative Assembly"}, {"id": "521816720503996437", "name": "The Creative Assembly"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "34330", "sku": "34330"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "e5e2418ef4edaf330c72d66bc9048eaef5024abf3f7fbdd550ee2493be211355" }, { "description": "", "developers": [{"id": "521816498017271829", "name": "Subset Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "breach.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "2cdc10bc4418d647680ca838dfb2ab8f", "id": "425749372332933120", "name": "Into the Breach", "primary_sku_id": "471376328319303681", "publishers": [{"id": "521816498017271829", "name": "Subset Games"}], "slug": "into-the-breach", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "590380", "sku": "590380"}, { "distributor": "discord", "id": "471376328319303681", "sku": "471376328319303681" } ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "13d6b1c9d59448a8cc6795c64e82f4581faec8314d5d352ed7580f4fd1732eef" }, { "description": "Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop was a mod for Alien Swarm, but is now a full game.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "reactivedrop.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b4f4a3c974afa2663c867ee1ceab4c7f", "id": "425749425168580608", "name": "Alien Swarm: 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It was released at the same time as Trackmania United Forever and uses the same physics engine.", "developers": [{"id": "521816570029146113", "name": "Nadeo"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "tmforever.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ecd3128d3352f68386cb1d648709fc98", "id": "425749438573707264", "name": "TrackMania Nations Forever", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816570029146113", "name": "Nadeo"}, {"id": "521816537192202247", "name": "Focus Home Interactive"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "11020", "sku": "11020"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "ec8fb2f6969864d99af8bd7ca2f48e76c90f77d8205d3dde100ca67da6aed023" }, { "description": "Left 4 Dead puts players in the role of one of four survivors during a zombie apocalypse. Survivors will depend on co-operation to get from one safe house to another, while facing hordes of \"Infected\", four of which can be controlled by human players in certain game modes.", "developers": [{"id": "521816530393104394", "name": "Valve Corporation"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "left4dead.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "79ff0e9e1da3212881310ba3f9640166", "id": "425749516583698432", "name": "Left 4 Dead", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816507102003200", "name": "Valve"}, {"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "500", "sku": "500"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "912a5af006c729fa4aa224d9cc7483592b1fbaac9efc723d754461ee4e75872a" }, { "cover_image": "e8453a470ecf7761ec1070a290bd8028", "description": "The last remaining memories fade away into darkness. Your mind is a mess and only a feeling of being hunted remains. Do you have what it takes to survive?", "developers": [{"id": "521816498541428770", "name": "Frictional Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "amnesia.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "608260170660708352", "hook": true, "icon": "e5106b6d5f12bbd36a79b1c1bcd8eb5e", "id": "425749626671595520", "name": "Amnesia: The Dark Descent", "primary_sku_id": "489229235509002261", "publishers": [{"id": "521816498541428770", "name": "Frictional Games"}], "slug": "amnesia-the-dark-descent", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "57300", "sku": "57300"}, { "distributor": "discord", "id": "489229235509002261", "sku": "489229235509002261" } ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "2d3fede30ac29d892d56f35d4513af186bf59cbb61d0961abace96a7b6436230" }, { "description": "A Game development tycoon game developed by Greenheart Games.", "developers": [{"id": "521816643970531340", "name": "Greenheart Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": 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Dynamic 2D pixel graphics coupled with an extremely detailed physics engine makes for replayable and emergent gameplay. 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The only means of attacking is by hitting an anti-gravity ball back and forth at exponentially faster speeds.", "developers": [{"id": "521816753341333507", "name": "Reptile"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "lethalleague.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "lethalleague.app", "os": "darwin"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "207785413329420288", "hook": true, "icon": "a9541d4ddab904acc295477c38006f51", "id": "426524717919240202", "name": "Lethal League", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816753341333507", "name": "Reptile"}, {"id": "521816753341333510", "name": "Team Reptile"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "261180", "sku": "261180"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "345933b0cfd817c4ac6c466c14088b197895333da0c9536971f591177854f2e1" }, { "description": "Join the Italian resistance and snipe the hell out of fascists in the latest Sniper Elite game.", "developers": [{"id": "521816698534494221", "name": "Rebellion"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "sniperelite4.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "231003172921933834", "hook": true, "icon": "8a41d5d909a55d49234d747d2410d693", "id": "426524936060928011", "name": "Sniper Elite 4", "publishers": [{"id": "521816698534494221", "name": "Rebellion"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "312660", "sku": "312660"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "9f714572307c511a26cc815aeda390702cbba20b9243714fed866640b7d0fcc2" }, { "description": "The sequel to Amplitude Studio's 4X Space Strategy game Endless Space, featuring new factions and in depth political system.", "developers": [{"id": "521816527343845459", "name": "Amplitude Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "endlessspace2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "227126593754103810", "hook": true, "icon": "8c5e5ef46b04c7302093151e203e8644", "id": "426524963583950868", "name": "Endless Space 2", "publishers": [{"id": "521816527343845450", "name": "AMPLITUDE Studios"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "392110", "sku": "392110"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "5ec31d4d382d794d6953101246e71de800f6eb64bd71024513b57428513505bd" }, { "description": "Dead Maze is a 2D MMO game set in a destroyed contemporary world, filled with zombies. Explore the world, scavenge and craft as many items as possible, to survive the hostile environment and upgrade gear and camp.", "developers": [{"id": "521816548537663509", "name": "Atelier 801"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "deadmaze.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "09392ab1ce233c90d6e7ad0f606c92b6", "id": "426524991379603458", "name": "Dead Maze", "publishers": [{"id": "521816548537663509", "name": "Atelier 801"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "667890", "sku": "667890"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d2ddb844ef2e5df8f38ee5152b1d879283173d49fa16a112a2fd87f3f6ec04ed" }, { "aliases": ["World of Warcraft PTR"], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "wowt-64.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b0e9431d8218443178bd7df3755487c2", "id": "426525131276550144", "name": "World of Warcraft Public Test", "overlay": true, "publishers": [ {"id": 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"521816538202767360", "name": "Grunge Games LTD"}, {"id": "521816538202767361", "name": "Big Corporation"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "434570", "sku": "434570"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "9b2d1770d3eeb610cb1ef5cdb283cb045c467af738b39e646994b2c30c437434" }, { "description": "The 3rd installment in the Car Mechanic Simulator franchise, and the 1st to be released on consoles.", "developers": [{"id": "521816512512786456", "name": "Red Dot Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "cms2018.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "e57fa905f4583c227540516e56bbd1d3", "id": "426526355564265479", "name": "Car Mechanic Simulator 2018", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816512512786456", "name": "Red Dot Games"}, {"id": "521816512516980736", "name": "PlayWay"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "645630", "sku": "645630"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a784c82184f339248b4a8ea05e573473c1eb35f14c1f6de9e5007a8414d134bd" }, { "description": "A re-release of Dragon's Dogma, Dark Arisen includes a new high level area with new monsters and quests from the original, as well as a handful of refinements to the original game.", "developers": [{"id": "521816574512857088", "name": "Capcom"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "ddda.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "e200008edccf3690f7aea48f37ebc09d", "id": "426526490042302464", "name": "Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen", "publishers": [{"id": "521816574512857088", "name": "Capcom"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "367500", "sku": "367500"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "69ddd55deb21477f6a4e9c3a4ed2ff8de2580052ac121826138fd57eda288ae0" }, { "description": "Isometric zombie survival, where death is inevitable and all you can hope for is to have a bullet left for your own head.", "developers": [{"id": "521816574047420419", "name": "The Indie Stone"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "projectzomboid64.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "projectzomboid32.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6030c94c33dab692201194047f5e1a51", "id": "426526722322726912", "name": "Project Zomboid", "publishers": [{"id": "521816574047420419", "name": "The Indie Stone"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "108600", "sku": "108600"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "87b51570c38b12dfd40396eca64fc715efc5fc3c234ea755821c3ed6ddf25bbc" }, { "description": "Twin stick arena Rogue-Like from independent developer Panic Arts. Standard rogue-like with mechanics such as random items, potions, and arena layouts are present. The game also features RPG style character progression through attribute and talent points with a skill tree. The game currently consists of 4 acts, 4 playable characters, and 3 unlockable difficulties with Hardcore (permanent death) mode.", "developers": [{"id": "521816730650017803", "name": "Panic Arts"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "hero_siege.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b276d99b37e11d3eb2b4e117dc040bac", "id": "426526773694431233", "name": "Hero Siege", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816730650017803", "name": "Panic Arts"}, {"id": "521816730650017804", "name": "Elias Viglione"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "269210", "sku": "269210"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3674d1f1ef10f4b44870eef92be9e4aebba9fbb81e1ab4febe0fb8fdb5aa2b95" }, { "aliases": ["POSTAL 2"], "description": "Reprise the role of The Postal Dude who is willing to accomplish his everyday goals by any means necessary.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816665168543755", "name": "Running With Scissors"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "postal2.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "system/paradiselost.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "64c1b27c267fe8bd32bf17711e8ac4bd", "id": "426527481122521098", "name": "POSTAL 2", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816665168543755", "name": "Running With Scissors"}, {"id": "521816665168543755", "name": "Running With Scissors"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "223470", "sku": "223470"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "dc75b782864c0a5fae6bffc83c24336e12332fe9d880a2bdcd18905a076e14e5" }, { "description": "A free-to-play, open world winter sports game.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816604175106051", "name": "Poppermost Productions"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "playsnow.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ad8016215d9f7910a1e1e4c541bbf428", "id": "426527534268809226", "name": "SNOW", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816604175106051", "name": "Poppermost Productions"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "244930", "sku": "244930"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "445dd0036eea3d9d5c0f0ff84552e6f1b862f969edc0227f069fe3a455ff995a" }, { "description": "Real Pool 3D - Poolians", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "poolians.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3891ac63a5c74ea0e739234e3d0f8201", "id": "426528563919978496", "name": "Real Pool 3D - Poolians", "publishers": [{"id": "521816754989694998", "name": "Poolians.com"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "670290", "sku": "670290"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "546409de6457dee09d77c9b13441cc6543e0d89bc30fda039fdcd7e0689383bd" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "btd5-win.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6ff27148b29e87f584e97196767b5813", "id": "426528712348139520", "name": "Bloons TD5", "publishers": [{"id": "521816733728768032", "name": "Ninja Kiwi"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "306020", "sku": "306020"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "c87ef6a19b57287510046a7b7111643d21c43dfde784c4178ab50caa90e6db11" }, { "description": "Following up two years after Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Mankind Divided sees Adam Jensen working to thwart a terrorist organization bent on promoting human augmentation. It serves as a prequel to Deus Ex, the first entry in the series.", "developers": [{"id": "521816520817639457", "name": "Eidos-Montr\u00e9al"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "dxmd.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "9e46dd60d47ae6d7e5f5f3b7d257e4ac", "id": "426529450910547968", "name": "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided\u2122", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}, {"id": "521816675516153861", "name": "Eidos Montreal"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "337000", "sku": "337000"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "15a6f94a328cadc7cdfa5507143c5abca10ba62f348e92fe30bc4767c5296938" }, { "description": "A game where one player can see the bomb, and must listen to their friends who have the instructions on how to defuse it.", "developers": [{"id": "521816581924192298", "name": "Steel Crate Games"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "ktane.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d7f56eba5073835b346ce534408ada38", "id": "426531471520563211", "name": "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes", "publishers": [{"id": "521816581924192298", "name": "Steel Crate Games"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "341800", "sku": "341800"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "104d6700696090341c4e08b3ebb0f8baeb504ff4fc40c6b01d2946cbc1dda2dc" }, { "aliases": ["Age of Mythology: Extended Edition"], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "aomx.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "age of mythology/aomx.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4b555e06487b3aa5a1e3669c87f6db14", "id": "427033332065370132", "name": "Age of Mythology: Extended Edition", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816624546709506", "name": "Skybox Labs"}, {"id": "521816624546709506", "name": "Skybox Labs"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "266840", "sku": "266840"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "698b24261d9330f1360e18b9b9f30233e51a615b14a55374cd43acf096314943" }, { "description": "This is the 2015 edition of the F1 racing game by Codemasters for current generation consoles and PC.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816503960600577", "name": "Codemasters Birmingham"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "f1_2015.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "8b0041947c866da175e244e82b42e0ac", "id": "427304691903365120", "name": "F1 2015", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306688", "name": "Codemasters"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "286570", "sku": "286570"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d3da47d37e6495fb72bfaa6d87ef1b6854ac5274152a5b1c722a975ef516b619" }, { "description": "A co-op cooking party game - work together or fight to be the best chef!", "developers": [{"id": "521816619115085825", "name": "Ghost Town Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "overcooked.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "16473a1c76fde9b7e776e5583386d622", "id": "428052640740540416", "name": "Overcooked", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816618586734595", "name": "Ghost Town Games Ltd."}, {"id": "521816571103019015", "name": "Team17 Software Limited"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "448510", "sku": "448510"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1445ac7955270e56d4a412f07760a778159fb3d21fe9fbdde51c83b4caeb0d37" }, { "aliases": ["The Witcher: Enhanced Edition"], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "witcher.exe", "os": "win32"}, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "the witcher enhanced edition/benioku.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ecc6f92c342df3015d72702eda249dcf", "id": "428052689641930752", "name": "The Witcher: Enhanced Edition", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816596172505088", "name": "CD PROJEKT RED"}, {"id": "521816596172505089", "name": "CD Projekt Red"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "20900", "sku": "20900"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "81d38e0ce9533f7c2b54d704aa1f13c1f97ede1234aff9e794a89c4977925fdf" }, { "description": "PickCrafter is a free-to-play hit mobile game where players tap or swing their pickaxe to break blocks and collect picks. As players progress they will open chests loaded with treasure and many collectibles. There are many unique biomes to explore with rare pickaxes to unlock.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "pickcrafter.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6980940884aaf8f67d9c251c87cf9fae", "id": "428052738140798976", "name": "PickCrafter", "publishers": [{"id": "521816695397023747", "name": "Fiveamp"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "734750", "sku": "734750"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "2185d7a7eb01ef34cfb2deba7cf84796c23ebc902c58a9bc78a87da58b7c4a3c" }, { "aliases": [ "Need for Speed: Most Wanted", "Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005)", "Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012)" ], "description": "Players cruise the streets of the city Fairhaven, evading the cops while working their way to the top of the most wanted street racers list in this open-street racing game from Criterion Games.", "developers": [{"id": "521816761948045361", "name": "Criterion Games"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "need for speed - most wanted/speed.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "nfs13.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "239f96838aa2bc6c6691975316536f8b", "id": "428052828242706433", "name": "Need for Speed\u2122 Most Wanted", "publishers": [{"id": "521816538202767363", "name": "EA Games"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "origin", "id": "", "sku": ""}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "06fac703350cff18d8f0fc54720e055580bb49d217d5f715a15550d62ec6710b" }, { "aliases": ["Just Survive LaunchPad", "Just Survive Launcher"], "description": "A post-apocalyptic MMO from the makers of EverQuest II and The Matrix Online. 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In short, the game is all about wizard duels with sumo-wrestling rules. Fast and responsive gameplay directed towards the MOBA crowds.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "spellsworn-win64-test.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "a5b749c7fe970b659c2f30dbaecf9766", "id": "451544008737423360", "name": "Spellsworn", "publishers": [{"id": "521816695887626240", "name": "Frogsong Studios AB"}], "splash": "650584cb50b9e790d76be5929802a07e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "360620", "sku": "360620"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "17fd4aa79f7441bdccab9d0c6f15fb97089e76046bf078d2a9cd01da180b42e5" }, { "aliases": ["Mass Effect 3"], "description": "When Earth begins to fall in an ancient cycle of destruction, Commander Shepard must unite the forces of the galaxy to stop the Reapers in the final chapter of the original Mass Effect trilogy.", "developers": [{"id": "521816589570408449", "name": "BioWare"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "masseffect3.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "9e11e337b239c8701179a71e37bca2af", "id": "451544148617592832", "name": "Mass Effect\u2122 3", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "origin", "id": "", "sku": ""}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "fcd027560a503e65b3737376c20ee94f2e29d3c9d2df86c9e0c09695103607a3" }, { "description": "A completely new game designed from the ground up for virtual reality.", "developers": [{"id": "521816517512265757", "name": "SUPERHOT Team"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "superhotvr.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "927dfd2d835ab6502c81a0684dd72a2b", "id": "451544150756556810", "name": "SUPERHOT VR", "publishers": [{"id": "521816517512265757", "name": "SUPERHOT Team"}], "splash": "e81ab4fca7b49e1f37347e4430ff865a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "617830", "sku": "617830"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "987f478c6d7438e53c5099fa954c4a8ad06544986d75a2959086effd83b5338d" }, { "aliases": ["Black Desert SA"], "description": "", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "blackdesertpatcher32.pae.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "black desert online sa/blackdesertpatcher32.pae", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "616add8dabc904f7b6b2fe3ca9ab232d", "id": "451544197632229376", "name": "Black Desert Online SA", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816521731735571", "name": "Pearl Abyss"}, {"id": "521816521731735571", "name": "Pearl Abyss"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "706220", "sku": "706220"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "96becdefa3bcd13992577eef59a3f7ca23aa4352acab3137e7db2fc472d1da1f" }, { "aliases": ["Grand Theft Auto: Vice City"], "description": "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is the second 3D game in the series and sixth original title. It features more of the same sand-box action-adventure gameplay with a new 1980s setting, new characters, new weapons and much more.", "developers": [{"id": "521816560537567261", "name": "Rockstar North"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "grand theft auto vice city/testapp.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "gta--vc.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "gta-vc.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "347ba4f041c6d997930c1585acde1067", "id": "451544294432702474", "name": "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816560537567257", "name": "Rockstar Games"}, {"id": "521816560537567257", "name": "Rockstar Games"} ], "splash": "361809ac06340c045963e0387c6b1e13", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "12110", "sku": "12110"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "80c9fe3657f46cca4807f46da093a7827ee994548d10695692833bf3c0cb18c6" }, { "aliases": ["Digimon Masters Online"], "description": "", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "digimon masters online - steam/gdmo.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "digimon masters online - steam/updatemanager.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dmlauncher.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f774d2f8c1eb8a0f721592fabefc47e4", "id": "451544305509859328", "name": "Digimon Masters Online", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816666489749524", "name": "Move Games Co., Ltd."}, {"id": "521816666489749524", "name": "Move Games Co., Ltd."}, {"id": "521816666489749524", "name": "Move Games Co., Ltd."} ], "splash": "32f338cf2149ff64e8c1bbd70fcf8a5e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "537180", "sku": "537180"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6e08a5ca4de135c2a0dda592bb747800b808f5b86500184af4f0fd176b2e4fc7" }, { "aliases": ["Mirror's Edge: Catalyst"], "description": "A reboot of the previously singleton franchise, this game features Faith using parkour in an open-world.", "developers": [{"id": "521816575481872391", "name": "DICE"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "mirrorsedgecatalyst.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "325da4cefeccde63f7cf179c6d3b1e7b", "id": "451544331287789568", "name": "Mirror's Edge\u2122 Catalyst", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "origin", "id": "", "sku": ""}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "cce56a29832c8b3cc7dc5a8b47a2c7ac3901587a196ae2c4952103f8c88c3684" }, { "aliases": ["Anno 2070"], "description": "Anno 2070, a part of Ubisoft's strategy franchise Anno, ditches historical settings for a futuristic one. The focus of the game stays true to the series formula of building up cities through exploration and resource management.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816672781336590", "name": "Blue Byte - studio Mainz"} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "anno5.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "bb8c974e8dc5c183ac6572f7327a94a1", "id": "451544339416481828", "name": "ANNO 2070", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "6efbc946d6375666ab9102e2b0fee050ef0b6f57b2f9e59cd27a265d042ceadc" }, { "aliases": ["Life is Feudal"], "description": "Life is Feudal: MMO is a open world survival crafting MMO, with an emphasis on simulation.", "developers": [{"id": "521816615457783813", "name": "Bitbox Ltd. 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The game board starts off blank as players first have to build lands, which serves as platforms to cast their creatures and move them.", "developers": [{"id": "521816578342387715", "name": "Abrakam"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "faeria.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "107041343619993600", "hook": true, "icon": "db075655b9d109df69f0ba050e4a9441", "id": "451544379908423680", "name": "Faeria", "publishers": [{"id": "521816578342387715", "name": "Abrakam"}], "splash": "351becf05663ab0b788c3cb50b871622", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "397060", "sku": "397060"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "431e071c6779edfc308f215b2237e239b295eea3bca5d5ca677ec8887bf7f4ad" }, { "description": "The game follows Semyon a ordinary young man, one day something completely unusual happens to him: he falls asleep in a bus in winter and wakes up... in the middle of a hot summer. In front of him is \"Sovionok\" - a pioneer camp.", "developers": [{"id": "521816629844377633", "name": "Soviet Games "}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "everlasting summer.app", "os": "darwin"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "everlasting summer.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5d665b11b32e280c18722f181eff36fb", "id": "451544422711033856", "name": "Everlasting Summer", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816629844377633", "name": "Soviet Games "}, {"id": "521816629844377636", "name": "Soviet Games"} ], "splash": "bb6e8586c1e6b3f96fc5aa80a58d47a2", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "331470", "sku": "331470"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6b2860c447673c7ab8150d7c4d8117e2edc606f05b52b849a9d56afd90055c57" }, { "description": "An MMORPG set in a fantasy world. The game has no in-game loading or instancing; the entire game world is a single map.", "developers": [{"id": "521816706268659715", "name": "Alchemic Dream Inc."}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "dnl.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "09b8d23fc7fd80ae810f432a4cc2e86e", "id": "451544430025900062", "name": "Dark and Light", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816706268659714", "name": "Farlan Entertainment Ltd."} ], "splash": "289f9a02504043d31bd65ef73c95210d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "529180", "sku": "529180"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6f7dfc509f2102487cb9c5a345c73e6e45f527d893bc2fe59e205726e83037f8" }, { "description": "A real-time strategy game from Eugen systems, players use historically accurate units while commanding real divisions from WW2. Battles take place in the Normandy theater, using maps faithfully recreated from wartime aerial photography.", "developers": [{"id": "521816690066194454", "name": "Eugen Systems"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "steeldivision.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "51b7758142315d04359f2bab652fc142", "id": "451544463941304350", "name": "Steel Division: Normandy 44", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816521249521702", "name": "Paradox Interactive AB"} ], "splash": "f50b1de1021a95955dca9588e6236cbb", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "572410", "sku": "572410"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "271ca31b821923f27b014ffb968b566c125b5766486acb77e798445fa75e5a5f" }, { "cover_image": "c7ef452295b98780dd996fd34622b2cc", "description": "This world is a Machine - A Machine for Pigs! Fit only for the slaughtering of Pigs! A first-person horror that will drag you to the depths of greed, power and madness.", "developers": [{"id": "521816681228664846", "name": "The Chinese Room"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "machine for pigs/aamfp.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "608260170660708352", "hook": true, "icon": "c7ef452295b98780dd996fd34622b2cc", "id": "451544639674253322", "name": "Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs", "primary_sku_id": "451544639674253322", "publishers": [{"id": "521816498541428770", "name": "Frictional Games"}], "slug": "amnesia-a-machine-for-pigs", "splash": "72faf4836b87bfabcf4f56bf1c870695", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "239200", "sku": "239200"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "86eec6e518557b4435cd83ab2bea482cdbe1130c30f631ec148b5792859a8e37" }, { "description": "A fan made game for Roosterteeth's RWBY animated internet series.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816545874149376", "name": "Rooster Teeth Productions"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rwby-ge.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "405aab06ed9d87690e3ca84c1ae0e737", "id": "451544645852332032", "name": "RWBY: Grimm Eclipse", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816545874149376", "name": "Rooster Teeth Productions"} ], "splash": "1a7371877b5811330b78ad139f7fdb5c", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "418340", "sku": "418340"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "e5a049459dd786176adfb40261e60bb1241b3755693527914529d61469d3619d" }, { "description": "Capcom's Devil May Cry series gets a stylish new reboot from developer Ninja Theory, featuring a redesigned Dante and a new take on the franchise's fiction.", "developers": [{"id": "521816785801052162", "name": "Ninja Theory"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dmc-devilmaycry.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "05277d7d80b357bf481a38e8dec1b234", "id": "451544650009018368", "name": "DmC Devil May Cry", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816574512857088", "name": "Capcom"}, {"id": "521816785801052162", "name": "Ninja Theory"} ], "splash": "e0fcd92e332505e64d7a92a1b2d30a1e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "220440", "sku": "220440"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "4fddb141520e5e1f5da2e8ce8b72730969fc64c5cd5110b8d4e9d9ea0c59a0aa" }, { "description": "Supreme Commander 2 is the sequel to the original Supreme Commander, a real-time strategy game with a focus on massive maps and large numbers of units.", "developers": [{"id": "521816566543810565", "name": "Gas Powered Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "supremecommander2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ef5502a8903f61c4852d9380a9468eb8", "id": "451544676458037258", "name": "Supreme Commander 2", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "splash": "13e6995af1876c6e2c47da9237231af7", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "40100", "sku": "40100"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "9eb39d53b993e3830e5d7bff575e717d7d44db481b8a254b19db077c2831b42f" }, { "aliases": ["Deus Ex: Human Revolution"], "description": "The Director's Cut of Deus Ex: Human Revolution features redone boss battles, improved graphics, A.I. and combat, and all DLC released for the original game. The Wii U version makes use of the controller's screen to allow new features like map notes.", "developers": [{"id": "521816675516153863", "name": "Straight Right"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dxhrdc.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dxhr.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "8c62436ae85bedc87d8b3aaf5f742b5d", "id": "451544688713793536", "name": "Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}, {"id": "521816675516153861", "name": "Eidos Montreal"} ], "splash": "fff3cc96a309a1df891fdfc49ba90d58", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "238010", "sku": "238010"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "c215a846bd1265a472ad73661e4b4136d35d22536d2bcab65cea9aed4b9d9465" }, { "aliases": [ "FreeStyle 2: Street Basketball", "Freestyle 2: Street Basketball" ], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "freestyle2/changebin.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "freestyle2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "a14ebdb4e3d5b20a0b997c1de7c93abd", "id": "451544694267183104", "name": "FreeStyle 2: Street Basketball", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816533270396928", "name": "Joycity"}, {"id": "521816533270396928", "name": "Joycity"} ], "splash": "d91bee82f82db0824c5c63fc40812dd0", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "339610", "sku": "339610"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f6e6086ca838fa8eb4be9271bd4d9f4f12170731a74556cdd27ac61bb657728c" }, { "cover_image": "03ddf51f1a270b2a545b426e6f66e21d", "description": "Furi is an ultra-responsive mix of fast-paced sword fighting and dual-stick shooting. Featuring character designs by Takashi Okazaki, creator of Afro Samurai and a explosive electro soundtrack.", "developers": [{"id": "521816539087896596", "name": "The Game Bakers"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "furi.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "468417598544019468", "hook": true, "icon": "03ddf51f1a270b2a545b426e6f66e21d", "id": "451544694598533120", "name": "Furi", "publishers": [{"id": "521816539087896596", "name": "The Game Bakers"}], "splash": "48a17f78fc469cc0763c91c8e7c48484", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "423230", "sku": "423230"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "2e2a4f4f9b1eddc5b14b8d171fdcca4de524e984709ab83310ac612c73527bf0" }, { "description": "The third major installment of the Street Fighter IV legacy adds characters and stages from Street Fighter X Tekken, a brand new fighter, new gameplay mechanics (including the ability to bring both Ultra Combos into the fight), and a variety of balance tweaks, training enhancements, and new modes.", "developers": [{"id": "521816600723324929", "name": "Dimps Corporation"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "ssfiv.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "a8a22b30abdb960eb80fefd5ce839466", "id": "451544694917169162", "name": "Ultra Street Fighter IV", "publishers": [{"id": "521816574512857088", "name": "Capcom"}], "splash": "21206c2f515cda2d00a641c5c5a21607", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "45760", "sku": "45760"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "dbc48d4851dc453e4d5b27c1e0d29b3990a069727ec10e54ee241f37fed41c9c" }, { "aliases": ["Rift"], "description": "RIFT is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG, developed by Trion Worlds.", "developers": [{"id": "521816577876951040", "name": "Trion Worlds"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rift/glyphclientapp.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rift_x64.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rift.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "fb77c8d9933c2259d20e4465c413384d", "id": "451544729763446784", "name": "RIFT", "publishers": [{"id": "521816577876951040", "name": "Trion Worlds"}], "splash": "5e822f4f5b05fe2c1c402deb31500b17", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "39120", "sku": "39120"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b70238b868b4c3fee4d9eb77716fcb0ab3c27baf11b9a3d056572cdbf0b43948" }, { "description": "OneShot is a 8-bit puzzle adventure game that breaks the fourth wall to bring the player into the game.", "developers": [{"id": "521816735280660496", "name": "Team OneShot"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "oneshot.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "73af69e1eac7d658dc40d5b25411630d", "id": "451544770876145664", "name": "OneShot", "publishers": [{"id": "521816735280660494", "name": "Degica Games"}], "splash": "41440f00c848502e361587cec3283567", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "420530", "sku": "420530"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "43dfb9181046b533c6bbd922137432a5605208087cb3971fe6731f898f1f19c4" }, { "description": "High Octane Drift", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "highoctanedrift.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "fa16a557d272cfafbc76ad996354bf9b", "id": "451544776895103006", "name": "High Octane Drift", "publishers": [{"id": "521816631354327041", "name": "Cruderocks"}], "splash": "ee19f6843421cca2b6d72feaf1a97773", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "457330", "sku": "457330"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "938b81ecb1772e07bd840d9f767f620645f084c56e182df116a70fca13c252c7" }, { "description": "Ruiner is a top down cyberpunk shooter from developer Reikon Games and publisher Devolver Digital", "developers": [{"id": "521816648278212633", "name": "Reikon Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ruiner-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3547985c6144e72365c5e83fdf99104d", "id": "451544819555237888", "name": "RUINER", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816648278212633", "name": "Reikon Games"}, {"id": "521816510730338331", "name": "Devolver Digital"} ], "splash": "2f5a26f4c0028d718b611e3333f4ca4d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "464060", "sku": "464060"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6b7c816ee0b644ecda6bf3756bd61ae5129e0a5b0fc95ba89620defc4251b0f2" }, { "aliases": ["Phantasy Star Online 2"], "description": "Phantasy Star Online 2 is a Japanese free-to-play online action-RPG which was released for PC in July 2012, and Vita in Feb 2013. The game has yet to be released in the West on any platform.", "developers": [{"id": "521816507676885013", "name": "Sonic Team"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "pso2.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "100f0e65e7bff083019294f7d36ded2a", "id": "451544889331679242", "name": "PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816507676885010", "name": "Sega"}, {"id": "521816673422934016", "name": "SEGA Games Co., Ltd."} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "e778be66d08a89987868bd62e7e41f289cb066ac4568ae6b895c8af4405863ea" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "swordwithsauce-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ab42bedca0d79c30aa979c0ca0669b5f", "id": "451544945984012288", "name": "Sword With Sauce: Alpha", "publishers": [{"id": "521816567030218762", "name": "Diatomic Games"}], "splash": "e823a9836863411a417df7111f4f2639", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "581630", "sku": "581630"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "241dbce078b747ba336ce2fdab5ae90ee6de072c083c653978b05a69ae12e1f7" }, { "aliases": ["Mass Effect"], "description": "Humanity is still a newcomer on the futuristic galactic stage, and it's up to the charismatic Commander Shepard to investigate the actions of a rogue agent while under threat from a dangerous synthetic race known as the Geth.", "developers": [{"id": "521816589570408449", "name": "BioWare"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "masseffect.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4c2c1b44392cc9910cada374ad3baa66", "id": "451544965542182942", "name": "Mass Effect\u2122", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816504824758295", "name": "Microsoft Studios"}, {"id": "521816589570408449", "name": "BioWare"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "17460", "sku": "17460"}, {"distributor": "origin", "id": "", "sku": ""} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "c6ded768799ef8925435074bc2f4e0fde876cfc69f8d61d10370f93206e04d24" }, { "description": "Turmoil is an oil drilling simulation game available on Steam.", "developers": [{"id": "521816641772847126", "name": "Gamious"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "turmoil_pc_full.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f0040d5a1305ee93f6f7263fa31c8a10", "id": "451545009938759710", "name": "Turmoil", "publishers": [{"id": "521816641772847126", "name": "Gamious"}], "splash": "b48958bbbdb653f55d911f7a0a963f81", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "361280", "sku": "361280"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "837566ba648887e41b553269ab5343426776b5c216321cd344c2a2bed099fadb" }, { "description": "Worms Armageddon is the third instalment in the turn-based war game from Team17. Players attack their foes with a vast array of weapons.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816571103019015", "name": "Team17 Software Limited"} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "wa.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3421456ffe816dda266c32464c204b11", "id": "451545039139766272", "name": "Worms Armageddon", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816661138079767", "name": "MicroProse Software, Inc."} ], "splash": "6f985021811fc4cb3d32658a0f6af865", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "217200", "sku": "217200"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d2be94cdf26a2f5e26aa6130cd35d673247117d25af687dec01e0742d4e09217" }, { "description": "Chase a rogue god over land and sea in this sequel to Pillars of Eternity. Captain your own ship on a dangerous voyage of discovery across the vast Deadfire Archipelago. Delve deeply into the story you create through the new character customization system, meaningful companion relationships, freedom of exploration, and a world that reacts to the complex, moral choices you\u2019ll have to make.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816588169510930", "name": "Obsidian Entertainment"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "pillarsofeternityii.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "306957465407324171", "hook": true, "icon": "7246c2af78599200fd201424780d0ed9", "id": "451545069326041099", "name": "Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire", "primary_sku_id": "466696214818193408", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816588169510930", "name": "Obsidian Entertainment"} ], "slug": "pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire", "splash": "8dde9ff2d96bce8fa894c8109cccbf53", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "560130", "sku": "560130"}, { "distributor": "discord", "id": "466696214818193408", "sku": "466696214818193408" } ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "aabcf988bd4ce911c15116af0b8b9ada9a3b7ef51384b3a28e3ec8a25dbdbe2e" }, { "cover_image": "d11f08ef71e97adc7f2a06ddc05e91eb", "description": "Build your very own PC empire, from simple diagnosis and repairs to bespoke, boutique creations that would be the envy of any enthusiast. With an ever-expanding marketplace full of real-world components you can finally stop dreaming of that ultimate PC and get out there, build it and see how it benchmarks in 3DMark!", "developers": [ {"id": "521816737310572546", "name": "The Irregular Corporation"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "pc building simulator/pcbs.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "479289346219048960", "hook": true, "icon": "d11f08ef71e97adc7f2a06ddc05e91eb", "id": "451545070739652608", "name": "PC Building Simulator", "primary_sku_id": "451545070739652608", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816737310572546", "name": "The Irregular Corporation"} ], "slug": "pc-building-simulator", "splash": "c83db0f4cae401bc38c7ea0f7429e8b4", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "621060", "sku": "621060"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "175f9ffdade879d4843e3ee18c2428ed2f7e4126b694c9923fed9a21768d7dd1" }, { "description": "Streets of Rogue is a top-down rogue-lite that combines shooting, stealth, and role-playing elements in a procedurally generated city.", "developers": [{"id": "521816776561131530", "name": "Matt Dabrowski"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "streetsofrogue.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "585d6e8b0f6826d4badc2ccaf706fcca", "id": "451545147361067008", "name": "Streets of Rogue", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816524952961034", "name": "tinyBuild"}, {"id": "521816776561131530", "name": "Matt Dabrowski"} ], "splash": "335b7dfe513c3ecc58975e27bf1cf43f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "512900", "sku": "512900"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "9a2e07435950924a7af021991c04d0f1c12859adef9315997ae38de4fb89adc0" }, { "cover_image": "375318aaa8730f2073b1f38bb6779b49", "description": "Hitman: Absolution follows the Original Assassin undertaking his most personal contract to date. Betrayed by the Agency and hunted by the police, Agent 47 finds himself pursuing redemption in a corrupt and twisted world.", "developers": [{"id": "591189272623710209", "name": "IO Interactive A/S"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "hma.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "451879555523805195", "hook": true, "icon": "ab893289d94235c9807b3d9ac0dff08b", "id": "451545240264769547", "name": "Hitman: Absolution", "overlay": true, "overlay_compatibility_hook": true, "primary_sku_id": "451545240264769547", "publishers": [{"id": "591189272623710209", "name": "IO Interactive A/S"}], "slug": "hitman-absolution", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "203140", "sku": "203140"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6af4ad2728b298a12e672e9b6df6f5801de300946140cf266648637cfcab4f2a" }, { "description": "Manage 2,500 football clubs and over 500,000 players in this updated simulation.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816521731735570", "name": "Sports Interactive Limited"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "football manager 2017/fm.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "9320a1b14eb42311cc56e34d2080c322", "id": "451545279154487306", "name": "Football Manager 2017", "publishers": [{"id": "521816507676885010", "name": "Sega"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "482730", "sku": "482730"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "046e0cae3421212ed436d0230630ec57d3b71aa9106bceffd0a847f5cdaff37e" }, { "description": "Atlas Reactor is a competitive team tactic, simultaneous turn-based multiplayer game. Two teams of four players choose heroes to battle in small arenas in death-match and objective based games.", "developers": [{"id": "521816577876951040", "name": "Trion Worlds"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "atlas reactor/glyphclientapp.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "e3dcd3c5b6edf66a238fe2803b140270", "id": "451545283784998934", "name": "Atlas Reactor", "publishers": [{"id": "521816577876951040", "name": "Trion Worlds"}], "splash": "966dfb22f6860bfdce7e54730abdb8c7", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "402570", "sku": "402570"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "085e49233bb65676b02f4904e31f89e37ee646a81ba989e9cae33a7c0eea45c2" }, { "description": "The long-awaited third Max Payne game finally arrived in May 2012, courtesy of Rockstar Vancouver. Eight years after the end of Max Payne 2, an aging, burnt-out Max finds one last chance to redeem himself while working as a bodyguard for a rich family in Brazil.", "developers": [{"id": "521816755988070412", "name": "Rockstar Vancouver"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "maxpayne3.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ff54bfd443df1da5317ddf35ceb69609", "id": "451545305201246208", "name": "Max Payne 3", "publishers": [{"id": "521816560537567257", "name": "Rockstar Games"}], "splash": "cfce10f8f854ac28b94e5c1f4ee6268f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "204100", "sku": "204100"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a933bc20e73a6d7ebe7ca7b9ad9e783c064d6019a27fecc1d421cda5188bf2af" }, { "description": "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl is a First-Person-Shooter with many Role Playing elements. It's set in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone after a second fictional explosion in the not too distant future. It is known for its atmosphere and relatively difficult gameplay.", "developers": [{"id": "521816551486259236", "name": "GSC Game World"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "stalker shadow of chernobyl/bin/xr_3da.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ec70c6b18061d07d52a7d8bcd97b0d94", "id": "451545336218124289", "name": "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816551486259236", "name": "GSC Game World"}, {"id": "521816550596935692", "name": "THQ"} ], "splash": "d337be244221c9e2d766ae9d4d4675fa", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "4500", "sku": "4500"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "dcbf527b06d63aa970e0c88664f49c38ac0ac0e66173a6fc0065fb18589eaa1d" }, { "aliases": ["Rec Room"], "description": "A collection of various competitive games built from the ground up for VR.", "developers": [{"id": "521816514106621964", "name": "Against Gravity"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "recroom/recroom.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "recroom_release.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "8192a2b51d6c9a223fb62722b140cbf5", "id": "451545342987468800", "name": "Rec Room", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816514106621964", "name": "Against Gravity"}, {"id": "1124352795303231559", "name": "Rec Room"} ], "splash": "6ef7389f18a8f6273b171d13b71ec791", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "471710", "sku": "471710"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "709cd0a581875b3c149e9be8ec24f523344dc82b8f07c1eb8ce9e76b3b32c18d" }, { "description": "My Time at Portia is an open-world simulation RPG set in a post apocalyptic setting.", "developers": [{"id": "521816571103019013", "name": "Pathea Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "portia.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "975720b4d5f8cf15dea37da31e42d972", "id": "451545373740367881", "name": "My Time At Portia", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816571103019013", "name": "Pathea Games"}, {"id": "521816571103019015", "name": "Team17 Software Limited"} ], "splash": "988063ac52b109982c391c3c5a1f8f3b", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "666140", "sku": "666140"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "42b11d31cb1f15ca657f7219905ec8d635e0ae596d4297dbf0cd6653c80e54aa" }, { "description": "Lost Castle is an action RPG beat'em up game with rogue-like elements and randomized dungeons.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "lost_castle.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4462920806def126bffe7be6876e22ca", "id": "451545409253408768", "name": "Lost Castle", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816559031812100", "name": "Another Indie"}, {"id": "521816559031812102", "name": "Hunter Studio"} ], "splash": "d727e256f7d18119caf988344f67bd2e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "434650", "sku": "434650"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6c5b8b02c7c4be96e6f35e7c94813290da08066c580b414fea345e442ff753f4" }, { "description": "RPG/dungeon-crawler with focus on team-building and looting. Upgrade your tavern with new sodas to attract new adventurers!", "developers": [ {"id": "521816551486259234", "name": "Afro-Ninja Productions"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "soda dungeon/dungeon.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b4b8c9d4da24c25aff5b259825099741", "id": "451545721036996619", "name": "Soda Dungeon", "publishers": [{"id": "521816551486259232", "name": "Armor Games"}], "splash": "0e4ddd3ea909751c305bfda0b082d9e9", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "564710", "sku": "564710"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "ff630f1c90e63dc67158a4c3373c560cbd2b13148f9c3ecf07529775dc12fe9a" }, { "aliases": [ "Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition", "Fallout 3 GOTY edition" ], "description": "", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "fallout 3 goty/fallout3 - garden of eden creation kit.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "fallout 3 goty/4gb_patch.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "fallout 3 goty/games for windows live disabler.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "fallout 3 goty/fose_loader.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "fallout3.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "04e90a72f1567b8f55165ae0cecf0c03", "id": "451545729253638144", "name": "Fallout 3", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816519768932355", "name": "Bethesda Game Studios"}, {"id": "521816519768932355", "name": "Bethesda Game Studios"}, {"id": "521816519768932355", "name": "Bethesda Game Studios"}, {"id": "521816519768932355", "name": "Bethesda Game Studios"}, {"id": "521816519768932355", "name": "Bethesda Game Studios"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "22300", "sku": "22300"}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "22370", "sku": "22370"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "e70d4ddd0f35a7c3f175191d97f3382c607afc0d21393a2ae4bea50679e2e7ab" }, { "aliases": ["RUNNING WITH RIFLES", "Running with Rifles"], "description": "A top-down, open-world shooter.", "developers": [{"id": "521816514630778880", "name": "Modulaatio Games"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "runningwithrifles/rwr_config.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rwr_game.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f12a5b97a8e3c80b65506ea58b8dc875", "id": "451545786946289664", "name": "RUNNING WITH RIFLES", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816514630778880", "name": "Modulaatio Games"}, {"id": "1124356634290962442", "name": "Osumia Games"} ], "splash": "25dff1072208b223ae1ce6529660eb55", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "270150", "sku": "270150"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f41c40e19f546e31648b10cb3f51a9a4d1877318700ada57967751d1aafb83d9" }, { "description": "A text game simulating chat conversations during several years between the player and an old friend from high school. Written for the 21st Annual Interactive Fiction Competition by Kyle Seeley.", "developers": [{"id": "521816728213258250", "name": "Kyle Seeley"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "emily is away.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "387bb216b6a213283e9efbfa2b0ab979", "id": "451545806806319104", "name": "Emily is Away", "publishers": [{"id": "521816728213258250", "name": "Kyle Seeley"}], "splash": "e995ecf48500fa86092d6088c78841bd", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "417860", "sku": "417860"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "2abeb48ac1db5ed1cb9803dc4c6157a890d991b4d345cef468ca744eb7c384a4" }, { "description": "3-5 minute strategy battles in turn-based, hex grid tactics within a world comprised of monsters.", "developers": [{"id": "521816786832982050", "name": "Camex"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "tactical monsters.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "9a91b8ad0b44caff47757ef1609a2725", "id": "451545859830710272", "name": "Tactical Monsters Rumble Arena", "publishers": [{"id": "521816786832982050", "name": "Camex"}], "splash": "e3d0f450e4b57668fc42739925a5b5ba", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "705220", "sku": "705220"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "654ecf8aae0448a26b2a0d2785b8a7710d67a1626dbb5a29f186e96ce3034348" }, { "description": "The first game from Overkill Software (headed by the founders of former studio GRIN), Payday is a fast-paced crime-themed first-person shooter that lets teams of players conduct robberies and other criminal activities while fending off waves of cops.", "developers": [{"id": "521816586101850132", "name": "Overkill Software"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "payday_win32_release.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0b5a98a56a970a8c62e497bf2b9063c7", "id": "451546040382914567", "name": "PAYDAY: The Heist", "publishers": [{"id": "521816500974256130", "name": "Daybreak Games"}], "splash": "a520e39d14b484f504ac6fcc60498b7b", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "24240", "sku": "24240"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "578e5e9462b6cb2fd2892c3e6e5a9a589e7cd74776386c22a087feb873d83243" }, { "description": "Brick Rigs is a sandbox building and driving game with dynamic destruction physics.", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "brickrigs-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "bf1f71d8d78b8ed7257c53796d58f904", "id": "451546081243824131", "name": "Brick Rigs", "publishers": [{"id": "521816605827661843", "name": "Lukas Rustemeyer"}], "splash": "f4e8944243e86313e81943bc73903955", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "552100", "sku": "552100"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "2918f8afb1a4440cbb0a354aa6beadf39593b9974a71f3afb23b4af9dc7f8b62" }, { "description": "A space action MMO being developed by StarGem Inc for the PC and Mac. Currently in open beta, featuring multiple competitive multiplayer game modes.", "developers": [{"id": "521816766788272134", "name": "StarGem Inc"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "star conflict/game.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "23ae67efc739a9d057038233a2141c78", "id": "451546138999390208", "name": "Star Conflict", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816505688522752", "name": "Gaijin Entertainment"}, {"id": "521816766788272130", "name": "Star Gem Inc."} ], "splash": "e8d2367889ff26e504617e983f6f4ec8", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "212070", "sku": "212070"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "58059c9de1859d9ca494fc1a4d6f50a18fb99089623c1b7b311493f313d0fb39" }, { "description": "AdventureQuest 3D is a cross-platform MMO RPG made by Artix Entertainment. Players can play on their PC and carry on with the same character and progress on their mobile device.", "developers": [{"id": "521816574512857090", "name": "Artix Entertainment"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "aq3d.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "7d8ad1935175cba60b184e67c654895a", "id": "451546156024201217", "name": "AdventureQuest 3D", "publishers": [{"id": "521816574512857090", "name": "Artix Entertainment"}], "splash": "e473b93d04d49def0c28d48a9e8f8c3d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "429790", "sku": "429790"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "90efad9c229d2b27d97a6654f2b924f05f883df5b91c6e91276725667121be6f" }, { "description": "Bayonetta is a \"stylish action game\" from PlatinumGames. The titular character is a witch who can use hair-based magic, as well as firearms attached to her feet, to battle fallen angels and other foes.", "developers": [{"id": "521816725793275924", "name": "PlatinumGames"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "bayonetta.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "8d2cd7d231176a4fe1e3a38b203754cd", "id": "451546169685049344", "name": "Bayonetta", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816507676885010", "name": "Sega"}, {"id": "521816725793275924", "name": "PlatinumGames"} ], "splash": "51feb7f51015d5595ed80d0c939928c9", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "460790", "sku": "460790"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8f20780d6e137306801ce3a091de847c1ef521ea6b89b143c1772d79b2ebd352" }, { "description": "Battle other badly drawn 2D stickman online while jumping around like a lunatic and getting blown up into smithereens.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "boringmangame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "7316f6109142b0c77ffd5f3fcc76ca33", "id": "451546227696205844", "name": "Boring Man - Online Tactical Stickman Combat", "publishers": [{"id": "521816712778350613", "name": "Spasman Games"}], "splash": "1f4b2f4d8ac221060b7fde8b3fce0efd", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "346120", "sku": "346120"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "9831975f76102685cfe30b8e2c7893dcc49411f24fa89ba51d7dc86ace449af8" }, { "aliases": ["Mass Effect 2"], "description": "After a violent death by an unknown force and a timely reanimation by the human supremacist organization Cerberus, Commander Shepard must assemble a new squad in the seedier side of the galaxy for a suicide mission in the second installment of the \"Mass Effect\" trilogy.", "developers": [{"id": "521816589570408449", "name": "BioWare"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "mass effect 2/binaries/me2game.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "masseffect2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "910afd8d258e188b460c019205f57db7", "id": "451546229252554752", "name": "Mass Effect\u2122 2", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "origin", "id": "", "sku": ""}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "0e97f0691549236f80bd5787b24ab0c239b432e0fead0c642013d8bf6f7899c7" }, { "description": "Legendary swordsman and mercenary Lo Wang is back, and this time he brought friends.", "developers": [{"id": "521816530397298689", "name": "Flying Wild Hog"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "shadowwarrior2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d037fa7c6798fcd28e76e21e8ef954d4", "id": "451546331639709706", "name": "Shadow Warrior 2", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816510730338331", "name": "Devolver Digital"}, {"id": "521816530397298689", "name": "Flying Wild Hog"} ], "splash": "f48baae7c630c203e658f3bb01ce68e5", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "324800", "sku": "324800"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b16ae687fe1c70bf28688fca4d992970efd6e035431e53b13801093dab29e4e7" }, { "aliases": ["Dark Souls II"], "description": "Blood, souls, and tears are continually spent as players traverse the land of Drangleic in FromSoftware's third entry in the Souls series.", "developers": [{"id": "521816537653444611", "name": "FromSoftware, Inc."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "darksoulsii.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "1d29f353b2c59f353747b66d37ec0713", "id": "451546403764830218", "name": "DARK SOULS\u2122 II", "overlay": true, "publishers": [ {"id": "521816537653444609", "name": "FromSoftware, Inc"}, {"id": "521816537653444610", "name": "Bandai Namco Entertainment"} ], "splash": "95ac05d8e7fbf7c49f79cd011f46805f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "236430", "sku": "236430"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "64286fd99b941c13c2021579805ddba13707b55c6f56f8251fd2abb6aa7e3ff9" }, { "description": "The fifth installment in the Total War series from The Creative Assembly. Empire: Total War features the series' hallmark blend of real-time strategic battles, and turn-based empire building. Empire takes place during the 18th century \u2014 an age of imperial expansion, trade, rifles and cannons.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816720503996437", "name": "The Creative Assembly"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "empire.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f78df49783b7b25370b910b0b717b68d", "id": "451546468763959326", "name": "Empire: Total War", "publishers": [{"id": "521816507676885010", "name": "Sega"}], "splash": "3b0e124db545fe4ffec3f0f1b2300fbf", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "10500", "sku": "10500"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "07a3bb885da7fe5fbab4dd3125249c5c480a71629b44d2efd247a5c1e4bd42d1" }, { "description": "Burnout Paradise turns the Burnout series on its head by moving from closed set tracks to an open world full of events to experience both alone and in a group online.", "developers": [{"id": "521816761948045361", "name": "Criterion Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "burnoutparadise.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "1e91d437fef42becac7065c750a6cdbd", "id": "451546473801187348", "name": "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"}], "splash": "2c9532815b929948be6f0836e71087ed", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "24740", "sku": "24740"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "5532f292ea7b446ccd2f97c64e0a560ff1ef658c97d32760bc2e19ede345a01a" }, { "description": "A first person multiplayer sports game with rules similar to soccer.", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "supraball/binaries/win64/udk.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "supraball/binaries/win32/udk.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "265277423329738752", "hook": true, "icon": "7ba268107d821db4abe1291dc18d7613", "id": "451546491866316800", "name": "Supraball", "publishers": [{"id": "521816612626497539", "name": "Supra Games"}], "splash": "76b7bdb60e51d5481313c7b03c4bf80e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "321400", "sku": "321400"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b7ae5faf5350a95fb1060af53c6fa70e2d08dd87ca56997e1d11bfdfe9e03f52" }, { "description": "First person survival game with 4-player Online Co-Op.", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "desolate/binaries/win64/sh-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f184a5eabf0e0cb0cdb035939e6c13b2", "id": "451546514775474195", "name": "Desolate", "publishers": [{"id": "521816581924192300", "name": "Nearga"}], "splash": "7b876f993268cc148cc392b20c167e41", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "671510", "sku": "671510"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "cd8a319e377b928a3a84decb0b7c19b0a772c785d24650b5a693762403ea1c75" }, { "aliases": ["Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead"], "description": "Operation Arrowhead is the first stand-alone expansion pack to Bohemia Interactive's war simulator, ARMA II. Set soon after the events of ARMA 2.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816510172233760", "name": "Bohemia Interactive Studio"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "arma 2 operation arrowhead/arma2oa.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "baf/datacachepreprocessor.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "pmc/datacachepreprocessor.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "arma2oa_be.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3dacdae6900b5eb0890ca72b300265e1", "id": "451546514943377438", "name": "Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816623976415269", "name": "Meridian4"}, {"id": "521816659519078412", "name": "Bohemia Interactive"}, {"id": "521816659519078412", "name": "Bohemia Interactive"}, {"id": "521816659519078412", "name": "Bohemia Interactive"} ], "splash": "940029401fe36ff44106edddac1201cf", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "33930", "sku": "33930"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "e6e2cd26f0b70d3fcf53f33b620100d8197660732c961a875e16c2bd6bb42f89" }, { "aliases": ["MU LEGEND GLOBAL"], "description": "MU Legend is a top down MMORPG from Webzen and the sequel to 2003's MU Online.", "developers": [{"id": "521816587041505290", "name": "Webzen Games Inc."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "mulegend.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "282112491612405760", "hook": true, "icon": "cb694a5ef651fbbdd1f5f20383a7d8b8", "id": "451546558706614292", "name": "MU Legend", "publishers": [{"id": "521816642292809769", "name": "Webzen"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "ea05c1adcb24fa780d3e7e4693d25bb859ee736531636872da1722b2b1281d60" }, { "description": "House Party", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "houseparty.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "fb23e3fec6a49eafeac5f2ba43aee482", "id": "451546699177918464", "name": "House Party", "publishers": [{"id": "521816767941836802", "name": "Eek! 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With twenty-four expansion packs, this game is still enjoyed by thousands all over the world.", "developers": [{"id": "521816725247754269", "name": "Verant Interactive"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "eqgame.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "eqclient.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "228604818057330688", "hook": true, "icon": "6b8d8a7bc504e4680e3127c4a3b27c70", "id": "451546783668109322", "name": "EverQuest", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816682155737088", "name": "Sony Online Entertainment"}, {"id": "521816500974256130", "name": "Daybreak Games"} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "033a98c8d789820beccd972c6fab936825b1495a03052c77be2c7d79180f1803" }, { "description": "Developed by Carbine Studios and published by NCsoft, WildStar is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy MMORPG.", "developers": [{"id": "521816560537567253", "name": "Carbine Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "wildstar64.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "wildstar.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "950a98d272f31cfa64a584aed0e7af76", "id": "451546896167731220", "name": "WildStar", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816560051159044", "name": "NCsoft Corporation"}, {"id": "521816560537567249", "name": "NCSOFT"} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "c7d9b16ac704dc66b045b68a84f289355cb341e7db51eddf9c5172b93c3ea0c7" }, { "description": "Lag Studios' first-person adventure game where players traverse the 1000-room mansion of the cute ghost girl, Spooky; there they encounter disturbing specimens and various send-ups of classic video game horror and modern \"YouTube-bait\" horror tropes.", "developers": [{"id": "521816597074018304", "name": "Lag Studios"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "spooky's house of jump scares/spooky.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "2678f1df95ecc0fea83ed97b433aaaa1", "id": "451546955513069594", "name": "Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion", "publishers": [{"id": "521816597074018304", "name": "Lag Studios"}], "splash": "98c43e1e2b75e3750d6b04f81b305084", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "356670", "sku": "356670"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "5acb31dcfd425c8b1ad7be7fc1c1f5982252e21c60ff638605e684e0155bcbbf" }, { "description": "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:Call Of Pripyat (\u0417\u043e\u0432 \u041f\u0440\u0438\u043f\u044f\u0442\u0438) is the third game in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise, and picks up shortly after the events of the original game. Call of Pripyat takes elements from both the original game and the prequel, Clear Sky, and is generally considered the most polished and most accessible game in the series.", "developers": [{"id": "521816551486259236", "name": "GSC Game World"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "stalker call of pripyat/bin/xrengine.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "stalker call of pripyat/stalker-cop.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c050b49a4880717f1bdc5e9a408946c7", "id": "451547035104051200", "name": "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816551486259236", "name": "GSC Game World"}, {"id": "521816551486259238", "name": "bitComposer Games"} ], "splash": "1c10b79ad68a738470d7a5c387eb9cf6", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "41700", "sku": "41700"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "15f0b78da4ce61b4cb8192e2741789245746c51f84c86d733be4cedb0a1f3405" }, { "description": "Fort is a physics-based RTS game of building, battling and causing rubble.", "developers": [{"id": "521816707850043392", "name": "EarthWork Games"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "forts.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "54f5ce2af2cc942a3a108ab64242547e", "id": "451547094121971712", "name": "Forts", "publishers": [{"id": "521816707850043392", "name": "EarthWork Games"}], "splash": "dc5cf1f1b68eb0c5b4b05a0f477910f1", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "410900", "sku": "410900"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "ae229c8d0bbf1490bf8b3590c6994efc01acade4e4e75a52d3810103737d624d" }, { "description": "Heroes of Newerth is a free-to-play, stand alone MOBA-game developed by S2 Games.", "developers": [{"id": "521816592674193435", "name": "S2 Games, LLC"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "hon.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "fef7b4a27491e2e7c1cd3f5ef930d0c8", "id": "451547098916192284", "name": "Heroes of Newerth", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816592208756749", "name": "S2 Games"}, {"id": "521816592674193435", "name": "S2 Games, LLC"} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "6dbce3dc88ee6a5d11049d22d8f38d128c85efd04015590ec4be0f1077fe2325" }, { "description": "After crash-landing on a distant planet, you must build a colony with your friends, battle others and explore the system prospecting for riches. Discover, fight, and tame indigenous alien creatures or search for lost human expeditions.", "developers": [{"id": "521816784660070429", "name": "Fenix Fire"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "osirisnewdawn.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "332ceeb27804effd4884fdbbef40cc92", "id": "451547204340023296", "name": "Osiris: New Dawn", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816784660070425", "name": "Reverb Triple XP"}, {"id": "521816784660070427", "name": "Fenix Fire Entertainment"} ], "splash": "bb5fd14a2226a5a240829a2b7c5db365", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "402710", "sku": "402710"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8ba5ede7d092c09f29596f32fd17b745b140a8005f670701b3c6f7c8057f2977" }, { "description": "Legendary, quick-witted swordsman Lo Wang returns to fight demonic forces in this total re-imagining of 3D Realms' 1997 Asia-themed first-person shooter of the same name.", "developers": [{"id": "521816530397298689", "name": "Flying Wild Hog"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dx11/sw.x64.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "87809faaa4ac30842f4ba548407e1d25", "id": "451547262418419712", "name": "Shadow Warrior", "publishers": [{"id": "521816510730338331", "name": "Devolver Digital"}], "splash": "5288dc2a78bb439d9534ca863cc86650", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "233130", "sku": "233130"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "890e8b0141ae619956cb9ff08617b66959be792db23c556299721e22b74213e1" }, { "aliases": ["America's Army: Proving Grounds"], "description": "The fourth iteration of the U.S. Army's free first-person shooter.", "developers": [{"id": "521816781770457098", "name": "U.S. Army"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "aagame.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "binaries/pbsvc_pg.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "608670f76127fa2d3142334d5f703182", "id": "451547323596537866", "name": "America's Army: Proving Grounds", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816781770457098", "name": "U.S. Army"}, {"id": "521816781770457098", "name": "U.S. Army"} ], "splash": "868f1b02eb7ab321627b8e4eb82ac5e3", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "203290", "sku": "203290"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "31a80964676a333233cbec186e87dd53b8cbd1e4968f98cbc59a39a2f999f033" }, { "description": "", "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "aion.bin", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "39c56122a7cf7c3423202a3022fb0ff1", "id": "451547384975982602", "name": "AION Free-to-Play", "publishers": [{"id": "521816560537567249", "name": "NCSOFT"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "261430", "sku": "261430"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "31e37d7ccd59254bd4019c26a258715de8c54b9d531acd1af9e9d14b804cb255" }, { "description": "An upcoming castle builder / real-time strategy game. 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The task is to draw routes between the stations to connect them with subway lines.", "developers": [{"id": "521816608445038606", "name": "Dinosaur Polo Club"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "minimetro.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "53e5cdf9e8fbd2a1aa4dc543f26b0ced", "id": "451549165361823769", "name": "Mini Metro", "publishers": [{"id": "521816608445038606", "name": "Dinosaur Polo Club"}], "splash": "04b5db7997fffbb447f92449cf084728", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "287980", "sku": "287980"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "46a42d0aa5870fb93eafa95b24b8e84453e2db7f265d8dbad3e2c0b9ba981597" }, { "description": "The first game coming out of the newly created Spiral Game Studios. 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Now available on the PC.", "developers": [{"id": "521816698534494225", "name": "Jundroo"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "simpleplanes.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f75c55b3149a9f92d2c6890a961afa96", "id": "451549534993252362", "name": "SimplePlanes", "publishers": [{"id": "521816698534494225", "name": "Jundroo"}], "splash": "448e8d288a62a3e07fba55dc59823543", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "397340", "sku": "397340"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "dc22e41426f8283c56ac7107204e3911615c98d6a7ee52e62c17e3c6d021b1ff" }, { "description": "The RPG Maker series scores an entry on both PC and Mac, and for the first time allows porting to mobile platforms and Linux.", "developers": [{"id": "521816515989733376", "name": "Enterbrain, Inc."}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "rpgmv.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6c051c5a7df069f906cf0f7658ecebf5", "id": "451549964422873088", "name": "RPG Maker MV", "publishers": [{"id": "521816515989733376", "name": "Enterbrain, Inc."}], "splash": "d0bf1eadcc294d2b0ae5203527af434c", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "363890", "sku": "363890"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "dcb134cf9b3bd9683eb907f5c533117b7e7e45c83e10087f428c5196791ef4c4" }, { "description": "A puzzle platformer developed by Polytron that uses a 2D perspective shifting mechanic to solve puzzles and complete levels. 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It is available through Steam for PC and the PlayStation Store for PS4.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816658298404886", "name": "Edge of Reality, Ltd."} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "loadout.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "9d45d79c35e38a7d1aaea4afa35c9c15", "id": "451555691836997643", "name": "Loadout", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816658298404886", "name": "Edge of Reality, Ltd."} ], "splash": "999fd65c0485196ad85da6e820316f79", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "208090", "sku": "208090"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "62ebf2ee09e73c46a206fd2e9b7228226ddf5cbe485ba0772f778d045261c766" }, { "description": "A game in the Farming Simulator franchise, first released on PC on October 30, 2014. The game released on May 19, 2015 for Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, and Xbox One. The PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game feature the first online multiplayer on consoles. New to Farming Simulator 15 is the ability to transform the terrain with wood cutting tools and equipment.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816627767934979", "name": "GIANTS Software GmbH"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "farmingsimulator2015game.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "48cfba535d49560a086fe55de2e2743b", "id": "451556128992657418", "name": "Farming Simulator 15", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816537192202247", "name": "Focus Home Interactive"} ], "splash": "e55fdd02dce9174e9bf183a17ba6e24c", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "313160", "sku": "313160"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "0d3054316ad9109c7c984b7f9296ffc2b99d663712ca4d83df1a49b7f12c0b2b" }, { "description": "Take control of massive armies as you battle to conquer the known world. Be it on the battlefield or on the world map, besiege cities and route enemies. 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If you lose, your hero will be raped to death.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816642762833921", "name": "Toro Toro Resistance"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "monmusu/game.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b0b00556f4e804635050f0dc757d8416", "id": "455713051794997249", "name": "MONMUSU", "publishers": [{"id": "521816642762833920", "name": "Tentacle Games"}], "splash": "5bc8220047783bbfefda1b543c95ab7b", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "533540", "sku": "533540"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "91bd63e3af50d1f6d0b2b73f6fa405c631d7c034a3bcf331505307e0db96cb6e" }, { "description": "Platformer game for PS4, PC and Xbox One.", "developers": [{"id": "521816664199921691", "name": "Tarsier Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "littlenightmares.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "354a4d2dffd0e3c6cc99c58cea124eed", "id": "455788266860445696", "name": "Little Nightmares", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816537653444610", "name": "Bandai Namco Entertainment"} ], "splash": "53058c55702fead25adb3bc0ebf8b99d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "424840", "sku": "424840"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "497e63b550762a9e553e917af006b20b655f00cc1190cfa8d42db8e064c910e6" }, { "description": "", "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "rct.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "fc0cd65f17ae7a81dbece8716200d241", "id": "455864514185920523", "name": "RollerCoaster Tycoon: Deluxe", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816507102003203", "name": "Chris Sawyer Productions"} ], "splash": "e67c9587c284e1f261d2df3c64b5da36", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "285310", "sku": "285310"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b62e0fd909ff4bfdbb6b3306655f37aa799da4b469555de747ebfa7c25a3dd5c" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "halowarsde/xgamefinal.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "471722331820130324", "hook": true, "icon": "0d306a8245be56ae1a0268544f2ea825", "id": "456022848214138884", "name": "Halo Wars: Definitive Edition", "publishers": [{"id": "521816567940513807", "name": "Ensemble Studios"}], "splash": "8c67c7dfe6954fc505e5f4e672c89e01", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "459220", "sku": "459220"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6f8a70c9295d313a4ca2f16a5cc5d64c65c1fc2d57d98498c8e004c777567012" }, { "description": "A dinosaur park simulator.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816604175106063", "name": "Frontier Developments Ltd."} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "jwe.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3497531e38870a8c2c0e1e6645365e71", "id": "456144990930862086", "name": "Jurassic World Evolution", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816604175106059", "name": "Frontier Developments"}, {"id": "521816604175106063", "name": "Frontier Developments Ltd."} ], "splash": "0c83cb1f674be9287534d0462dc3904e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "648350", "sku": "648350"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8afbdcc95305948542428b44e86faabc40b8b3ca7ce2c9f7d1b5bae65a6bb615" }, { "description": "Defiance is a free-to-play MMO-shooter that coincides with events in a television series of the same name, depicting humans and aliens working together on a ravaged, mutated Earth. 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The story is set a few years after the original Natural Selection and is currently under development from Unknown Worlds Entertainment.", "developers": [{"id": "521816602728071191", "name": "Unknown Worlds"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "ns2.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "45e53f717009cb567b33d1b365449e9b", "id": "462817604202004480", "name": "Natural Selection 2", "publishers": [{"id": "521816602728071191", "name": "Unknown Worlds"}], "splash": "82357a9c194abcb9f2947f48bd24d4d3", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "4920", "sku": "4920"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "876f7ccc132ab2d86b5ed697e747b161a226afc5da6ec27be16a280a62bd7d13" }, { "description": "Like the title suggests, Moon takes place on the moon where explorers discover a hatch that leads them to a startling discovery.", "developers": [{"id": "521816527918333964", "name": "Renegade Kid"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "to the moon.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d03ba27c6d92f389d8959d7c5770358c", "id": "462829880615370762", "name": "To the Moon", "publishers": [{"id": "521816527918333963", "name": "Mastiff, LLC"}], "splash": "21f8ce23714e07fe6aaea060901c7f12", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "206440", "sku": "206440"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "04eb52d42990e1810adab69813ddc0db90e3b63be046a6689f6a26b05033a841" }, { "aliases": ["Devil May Cry 4"], "description": "A remastering of Capcom's fourth Devil May Cry game featuring 3 additional playable characters, enhanced graphics and balance tweaks.", "developers": [{"id": "521816574512857088", "name": "Capcom"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "devilmaycry4_dx9.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "devilmaycry4_dx10.exe", "os": "win32"}, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "devilmaycry4specialedition.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "devimaycry4.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ef81cef3c92f2ff20417ff64ed0ab6f2", "id": "463227448167890944", "name": "Devil May Cry\u00ae 4 Special Edition", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816514106621968", "name": "CAPCOM Co., Ltd."}, {"id": "521816574512857088", "name": "Capcom"} ], "splash": "630dc5965fe5f65a563730b08fa3919a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "329050", "sku": "329050"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f772a0ade657843e4f21ba1cfc403b2452ff6a97c414a98d9db7ad4b4ff1564e" }, { "description": "While investigating a mass murder, Detective Sebastian Castellanos descends into a gruesome, nightmarish world. 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The game itself is also available as a stand-alone game without needing the full game or the previous expansion.", "developers": [{"id": "521816593798397970", "name": "Relic Entertainment"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "dawn of war dark crusade/graphicsconfig.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "dawn of war dark crusade/darkcrusade.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c8dde95768fa90de4e17143d66a43dbe", "id": "465536900560584714", "name": "Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816550596935692", "name": "THQ"}, {"id": "521816593798397970", "name": "Relic Entertainment"} ], "splash": "6b7554f5ed242f97d7ae8235f8cea732", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "4580", "sku": "4580"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "86f6315187f9e72be8505d56b2fedc35f7fa09a8c8f251287a97711158937a73" }, { "aliases": ["Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster"], "description": "A collection for PS3, PS4, Vita and PC, containing Final Fantasy X International and Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission featuring HD visuals and a remastered soundtrack.", "developers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "ffx.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "7a95b41902d70a696a132b7564707c0b", "id": "465985864095367178", "name": "FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "splash": "73e11b058b07bc9c6429b4b5d28b75b3", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "359870", "sku": "359870"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1eff0f3faf9140d190be013570e5b04bf30c7997617c742629a769474b3e9e45" }, { "bot_public": true, "bot_require_code_grant": false, "description": "Longshot Discord Integration", "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": null, "id": "466240509682384896", "name": "Longshot [Dev]", "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "94e40df21a0b2b1464eb1e88e070183df9b6304a443241f305da552147d9776f" }, { "description": "Heavy Metal Machines is an action driving real time strategy game. 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It is in the same fashion as mount and blade but no instances of loading occurs but you do not directly influence combat except for the locations of flank.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "kenshi/kenshi_x64.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "9f159050ec5ee7d5893624645a36298e", "id": "474081029490081792", "name": "Kenshi", "publishers": [{"id": "521816510172233758", "name": "Lo-Fi Games"}], "splash": "e56e0b7891daff24c0274ced66eca2ec", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "233860", "sku": "233860"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "4fcfe264331cefad6d0e820e4774b3ee998aee48b1f32c373dae154999debf69" }, { "cover_image": "a542e1af53eb42e0f648ba43ec70378d", "description": "140 is a challenging minimalistic platformer with abstract colorful graphics. 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It was originally developed by the veteran simracing studio SimBin and is now handled by Sector3 Studios.", "developers": [{"id": "521816805396971520", "name": "Sector3 Studios AB"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rrre64.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c9335f64e32134204c61c531f746e8cd", "id": "474431535291039754", "name": "RaceRoom Racing Experience", "publishers": [{"id": "521816804910170115", "name": "Sector3 Studios"}], "splash": "c7da9aa70c192e6adb722f86e2ab0ca6", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "211500", "sku": "211500"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "66bb8b5df2eaa4137f346592c728cd09927fe201cdc0dfb9a44794e1faccfe57" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "stronghold crusader.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "23adf071518ea4e0b0b16e186f12eab2", "id": "474975575409295380", "name": "Stronghold Crusader HD", "publishers": [{"id": "521816602132611105", "name": "Firefly Studios"}], "splash": "0d0fabb636f8db44a2b9373cc5cc916e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "40970", "sku": "40970"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3fda872d368af9465fdf41830285c8b211b54db411c1d11cdcf5774e17f4dcb5" }, { "description": "Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 is a first person shooter that mainly focuses on sniping like its predecessors. It is more open world this time around with different ways of going about missions.", "developers": [{"id": "521816677101600814", "name": "CI Games"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "sgw3.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "7130085161bf0bb20e172f6c1dd70da0", "id": "475006595814785024", "name": "Sniper Ghost Warrior 3", "publishers": [{"id": "521816677101600814", "name": "CI Games"}], "splash": "3d3b808e65d15f99317c60d667cd83f9", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "368070", "sku": "368070"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "00722c8b0c612f5395327b7b2bf0b1183698adeb04feea0654fcd4f22f3d0323" }, { "description": "Motorsport Manager is a single seater racing management game.", "developers": [{"id": "521816580389077012", "name": "Playsport Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "motorsport manager/mm.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "844562068a54fd7768e1f388c3594d96", "id": "475034058066493441", "name": "Motorsport Manager", "publishers": [{"id": "521816507676885010", "name": "Sega"}], "splash": "0f86ba646a4c1faccbe73e734917e4c4", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "415200", "sku": "415200"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "53736d191612eeb46bfb71b2cef43e9763b73992fc2df02d97365681374bc2c4" }, { "description": "Beholder is a totalitarian themed spying game.", "developers": [{"id": "521816702321819667", "name": "Warm Lamp Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "beholder.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5110534a50f32df766ed5e4ff29a0de0", "id": "475039384358617098", "name": "Beholder", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816702321819663", "name": "Alawar Entertainment, Inc."} ], "splash": "44de6d27407885d887411b8e56be1130", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "475550", "sku": "475550"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "7a2b2e565e58141aca25190e15e4082640cca7d1814a73bc94befcb39d58f1b4" }, { "description": "A BlazBlue tag battle game with multiple guest characters from other properties.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816536743149599", "name": "Arc System Works Co., Ltd."} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "bbtag.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0194ac5e1a43b115de0567193d3e0cab", "id": "475495343182577675", "name": "BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816536743149599", "name": "Arc System Works Co., Ltd."} ], "splash": "287e0394f6b0e004893495917e579246", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "702890", "sku": "702890"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "491905991de1f8679ba08c18f3493be98dbcfb8fd99d75827d64d999084fa220" }, { "aliases": ["Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - 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It allows players from Japan and western countries to play together for the first time in the series.", "developers": [{"id": "521816574512857088", "name": "Capcom"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "monsterhunterworld.exe", "os": "win32"}, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "monster hunter world/mhw_modmanager.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "120889695658967041", "hook": true, "icon": "8fd08a2e0440f80334ea403d2300a828", "id": "477152881196269569", "name": "MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816514106621968", "name": "CAPCOM Co., Ltd."}, {"id": "521816574512857088", "name": "Capcom"}, {"id": "521816514106621968", "name": "CAPCOM Co., Ltd."} ], "splash": "fdd5d30ff7a802d7ec38f2dff0e63046", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "582010", "sku": "582010"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "12c77166a2b2359e0eb61eff5124144b6adee43765c990486dd23447de7613de" }, { "aliases": ["Among Us"], "cover_image": "6b05f8bebdb9740a1d56569916f8c56a", "deeplink_uri": "https://innersloth.com", "description": "Play with 4-15 player online or via local WiFi as you attempt to prepare your spaceship for departure, but beware as one or more random players among the Crew are Impostors bent on killing everyone!", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "among us - kopie/among us.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "among us - copy/among us.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "among us/among us.exe", "os": "win32"}, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "among us - tou/among us.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5f0b1e7a94dc2018538256165bc8b059", "id": "477175586805252107", "name": "Among Us", "overlay": true, "publishers": [ {"id": "524353263890595861", "name": "Innersloth"}, {"id": "524353263890595861", "name": "Innersloth"}, {"id": "524353263890595861", "name": "Innersloth"}, {"id": "524353263890595861", "name": "Innersloth"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "945360", "sku": "945360"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8fd675e78dd5ce2c5c0177299b6ddf11014ffe65c4d8334c4d5c3691b6918d5c" }, { "description": "Viridi is a succulent growing and nurturing simulation. Spritz your potted inhabitants a few times a week then witness their growth and perhaps flowering in real-time.", "developers": [{"id": "521816526920351763", "name": "Ice Water Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "viridi.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "177a4d4313bb5747c0e056885b8c1309", "id": "477520549833211915", "name": "Viridi", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351763", "name": "Ice Water Games"}], "splash": "7c5c9e6dba640685da8fe05983b084fd", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "375950", "sku": "375950"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "dbc4a0c80bea486937e143afd7d0df38e4cbde71502ab9f12fe1dc87101d1b84" }, { "description": "A purely economic RTS game from Civ4 designer Soren Johnson.", "developers": [{"id": "521816804910170113", "name": "Mohawk Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "offworld.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "022c334126d69b99e9156de4973c7df7", "id": "477657966095630346", "name": "Offworld Trading Company", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816676157751316", "name": "Stardock Corporation"} ], "splash": "7584a2013d9e592b0ccbf7ce615eaa0a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "271240", "sku": "271240"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "09de9e8bf8f9d6acf821c532c0a4eca33fe8e28998c08f4462541446cc8f1e8d" }, { "description": "West of Loathing is a black & white, stick figure, slapstick Western from Asymmetric.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816748744245262", "name": "Asymmetric Publications"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "west of loathing.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "84df3edcc9cd0b694e3d0e7da8375c65", "id": "478014121065840650", "name": "West of Loathing", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816748744245262", "name": "Asymmetric Publications"} ], "splash": "4617779b223fb267ac8648115a3eae64", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "597220", "sku": "597220"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3b02be4701719ff6c8b388b539ced0287172855b014102e7a1e6f8f7d6b5ca5e" }, { "description": "Released in 1995, The Ultimate Doom refined elements of deathmatch, and added a completely new episode of content to the original game.", "developers": [{"id": "521816563024920606", "name": "id Software"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "ultimate doom/base/dosbox.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5c22325395acdcb8efba445d1848b334", "id": "478613204323270666", "name": "The Ultimate DOOM", "publishers": [{"id": "521816563024920606", "name": "id Software"}], "splash": "517c763c570f3fbe9063581a2898bc1c", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "2280", "sku": "2280"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "38e4bf66e374df23f57a251c80eea7657c8f7fd197d92c05d9bf0191e5766e33" }, { "bot_public": false, "bot_require_code_grant": true, "cover_image": "2d9e11d27028a681e8894ef03f7fbe24", "description": "Last Year is a 5 vs 1 multiplayer asymmetrical action game where 5 players play as a group of teenagers, such as the Jock, the Nerd, or the Popular Girl, and must survive against the one player that is playing as the Killer. Sound familiar? Not so fast. Every time the Killer dies they come back as a new Killer, with different abilities, and the Survivors must adapt and work together if they want to escape with their lives. ", "developers": [{"id": "521816650304061470", "name": "Elastic Games"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "lastyear-win64-shippinggame.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "425383353739509771", "hook": true, "icon": "2d9e11d27028a681e8894ef03f7fbe24", "id": "478637764565401630", "name": "Last Year: The Nightmare", "overlay": true, "primary_sku_id": "489576163438624769", "publishers": [{"id": "521816650304061470", "name": "Elastic Games"}], "slug": "last-year-the-nightmare", "splash": "7bfeb08ba4e841a992f804ebdd86a376", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ { "distributor": "discord", "id": "489576163438624769", "sku": "489576163438624769" } ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "ca1bf24bb85f30e6e283e006c5d413ffc8b9edd534207eaf1eac4103c13a5d6b" }, { "description": "Co-op beat'm up game with random dungeons.", "developers": [{"id": "521816583585136662", "name": "Rake in Grass"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rampage_knights.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b1bb76ac42a6014fd9200ac01a398c24", "id": "478646014841061416", "name": "Rampage Knights", "publishers": [{"id": "521816583585136662", "name": "Rake in Grass"}], "splash": "28e27d196f3a88db2003a9948c19ae93", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "314410", "sku": "314410"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "30189fe6c1d2f59019f3fad1e7a1446312f83f34158aa964968180f6358ac8d2" }, { "description": "A prequel to the original Yakuza set in 1988, featuring a young Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima as dual playable protagonists.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816684957270028", "name": "Ryu ga Gotoku Studio"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "yakuza0.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b512d5d1538d4b392dfc907d4addaa7b", "id": "478764846951825418", "name": "Yakuza 0", "publishers": [{"id": "521816507676885010", "name": "Sega"}], "splash": "4ad8063aae3a4da98c55f1e1dcdab5e8", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "638970", "sku": "638970"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "459c5b0492ddc4f41f0f17b2db02ea3f11a3d12d9d1b2947adb8a1a95ed9d5e8" }, { "description": "Rend is a faction based survival game. Pitting factions against each other to survive the waves of lost ones and to collect souls in a race to ascension.", "developers": [{"id": "521816664715690010", "name": "Frostkeep Studios"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "otherlandsclient-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b360252176de2b25cf28483bc0efb686", "id": "478866361544605698", "name": "Rend", "publishers": [{"id": "521816664715690010", "name": "Frostkeep Studios"}], "splash": "85b918cad903a8906469925faf978482", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "547860", "sku": "547860"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8e984c6043d88a52105e1bed6d5048343e8bb56359d7f994c5dc791955416dd9" }, { "description": "Overcooked! returns in this multiplatform sequel now with online play.", "developers": [{"id": "521816619115085825", "name": "Ghost Town Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "overcooked2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "28fbee56b0c9d001f863772236f9753a", "id": "479169486583496704", "name": "Overcooked! 2", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816571103019015", "name": "Team17 Software Limited"} ], "splash": "67e2cef23492f41592581e3e7ac4ed6e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "728880", "sku": "728880"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "57df64f8c4b0718a488e2e808dd0632fd923ac10a7358f1f3546e9bd5b2ea4ce" }, { "description": "Fallout 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed post-apocalyptic RPG.", "developers": [{"id": "521816563456802817", "name": "Black Isle Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "fallout2.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "fallout2hr.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "55e58458e5eb4250cc6a1c59634d4d02", "id": "479334869462417409", "name": "Fallout 2", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816563024920612", "name": "Interplay Entertainment Corp."} ], "splash": "591c5e12f01b7ea0c7b36c04adb802c4", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "38410", "sku": "38410"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "206e58461b97571cad30cb9eecf5242f898e07c9cff822a7b24cbaf0c90ef677" }, { "aliases": ["Deathgarden: BLOODHARVEST"], "description": "In Deathgarden, a team of \"Runners\" attempt to escape or take down a single \"Hunter\".", "developers": [ {"id": "521816611036856323", "name": "Behaviour Interactive"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "theexit-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "win64/theexit_be.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3f57e10f981b9dd58eb0ed855eea4b29", "id": "479694330441891840", "name": "DEATHGARDEN", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816611036856323", "name": "Behaviour Interactive"}, {"id": "521816611036856324", "name": "Behaviour Digital Inc."}, {"id": "521816611036856324", "name": "Behaviour Digital Inc."} ], "splash": "d10816e6817de6f6f7f815ace0506cd2", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "555440", "sku": "555440"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d1d7ee8516290bbd5ede306a6d2435c46e8c048e06accf1727ad7667065296f7" }, { "description": "id Software's Rage combines first-person shooting, vehicular action, and \"open but directed\" exploration to tell the story of Earth's wretched civilization after a cataclysmic meteor strike. 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Its beta just released on Steam.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "artofwar/game/u1game.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c1bc1c9be1aa1bb8fb5dacb44d786221", "id": "495889089703444481", "name": "Art of War: Red Tides", "publishers": [{"id": "521816673422934017", "name": "Game Science"}], "splash": "336270c8bb9f447c9b7e73317dcbe9d2", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "558100", "sku": "558100"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f879de65336c5d50872dce237a7f912e12c41574b1b87785615b0b21a55a7d2e" }, { "description": "Experience the battle royale thrill from above in this top-down, skillshot-based action game. 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But that's OK, because no one is perfect, and you don't have to be to succeed.", "developers": [{"id": "521816517071994890", "name": "Cellar Door Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "roguelegacy.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "403607175638941706", "hook": true, "icon": "ad04c4f7ec687a536f574ead59935440", "id": "495979053371752481", "name": "Rogue Legacy", "primary_sku_id": "499249990728810496", "publishers": [{"id": "521816517071994890", "name": "Cellar Door Games"}], "slug": "rogue-legacy", "splash": "99aa74b9fec6a57eee56508f182e6784", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ { "distributor": "discord", "id": "499249990728810496", "sku": "499249990728810496" }, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "241600", "sku": "241600"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "408a6021a459fcc4efdcf779ec0fbbeb1e7f8bd492663a9259b3aa439ddb1265" }, { "description": "Mist Survival", "developers": [ {"id": "521816669211983873", "name": " Rati Wattanakornprasit"} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "mistsurv-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0c232cfe45483d82f4fa114d460808fb", "id": "496035345981243395", "name": "Mist Survival", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816669211983872", "name": "Rati Wattanakornprasit"} ], "splash": "607ef709ac562e17cd41f4fad6603f18", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "914620", "sku": "914620"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "518769d3a6935568dd8a40126f2bd60619b9983514af9745c492d5f5e86dec5e" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rememberinghowwemet.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "47832feb5e0fee06d7de865160394661", "id": "496521775161671734", "name": "A Kiss For The Petals - Remembering How We Met", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816733200416779", "name": "St. Michael's Girls School"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "397270", "sku": "397270"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "5e805ca0d86595c7eb5961819ead2a7e2c7c8d71c1fa72033499f156f65b9f1e" }, { "aliases": ["A Sky Full Of Stars"], "description": "A Sky Full of Stars", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "a sky full of stars/advhd.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c3946397f5736e7dbe2057bee4c1411f", "id": "496523213778583553", "name": "A Sky Full of Stars", "publishers": [{"id": "521816612626497537", "name": "MoeNovel"}], "splash": "95210737581aacf69d078312c0e4f84a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "745960", "sku": "745960"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "7e2b127712ee8d8bf2dcdc259a5e3ae71ac165eaa79608ceb16cc9866d9d1e65" }, { "aliases": ["A Study In Steampunk: Choice By Gaslight"], "description": "Set in an alternate steampunk London, players take the role of a once army medic who now accompanies a Sherlockian freelance investigator. 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It has had continual development and refinement since its release in 2009.", "developers": [{"id": "521816506607206430", "name": "Arcen Games"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "aiwar.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "00b72933a814dc6878ca8d17aea038b4", "id": "496525786468319232", "name": "AI War: Fleet Command", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816506607206430", "name": "Arcen Games"}, {"id": "521816506607206435", "name": "Arcen Games, LLC"} ], "splash": "be068af55dccd72a8e7c1aec94942ca1", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "40400", "sku": "40400"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f89650ccde63e0f76cc70cc72103d99998e461ac2fd78a8a52445a511167f8f8" }, { "description": "When Alan Wake's twisted doppelganger, Mr. Scratch, unleashes his forces of darkness throughout the rural Arizona town of Night Springs, it's up to Alan to rewrite reality and foil his plans (unaware that he has a twisted trick up his sleeve) in this crazy spin-off of the original 2010 horror game Alan Wake.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816609518518282", "name": "Remedy Entertainment Ltd."} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "alan_wakes_american_nightmare.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c0a7831c1cbc1807cc7b81d4f81f3f21", "id": "496526142673649724", "name": "Alan Wake's American Nightmare", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816504824758295", "name": "Microsoft Studios"}, {"id": "521816635749695508", "name": "Remedy Entertainment"}, {"id": "521816519768932352", "name": "R.G. 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It's credited as the first to introduce staple gameplay mechanics such as nearby grenade indicators and automatically-regenerating health.", "developers": [{"id": "521816501544550406", "name": "Infinity Ward"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "cod2mp_s.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "cod2sp_s.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6582389fcf3ce280ce3d698add76a78c", "id": "496546499346432010", "name": "Call of Duty 2", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816501544550404", "name": "Activision"}, {"id": "521816501544550406", "name": "Infinity Ward"} ], "splash": "80fcf593f9997e7a1c8a236a990a7bce", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "2630", "sku": "2630"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3c02b677e2535a1f2adfb3d70dba64b91a3b8fb22351d4321dee40824755db7d" }, { "description": "Call of Juarez is a Western-themed first person shooter from Polish developer Techland and published by Ubisoft.", "developers": [{"id": "521816637956161558", "name": "Techland Sp. z o.o."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "coj_dx10.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "coj.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3f1d38ede6b8edfc7194f7481d146fcf", "id": "496547399599390730", "name": "Call of Juarez", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"}, {"id": "521816510730338325", "name": "Ubisoft"}, {"id": "521816514106621962", "name": "Techland"} ], "splash": "cf3ced0e310b30fc85b86da02f63f3ce", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "3020", "sku": "3020"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "e10a128e19c85a3d33cabb294c17d38b3a6990872d8a3e67bf3124cbfe7cd7f2" }, { "description": "A 2D sidescroller \"action platform\" roguelike game from small Netherlands developer Serious Brew, in which players jump and drill through cubic cargo containers in space as the eponymous Cargo Commander.", "developers": [{"id": "521816685502791734", "name": "Serious Brew"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "cargocommander.app", "os": "darwin"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "cargocommander.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ebe961e1ea44c7e894f17292f1757460", "id": "496547754680647690", "name": "Cargo Commander", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816685502791732", "name": "Digital Tribe"}, {"id": "521816685502791734", "name": "Serious Brew"} ], "splash": "b09a18e087e933db1110af4555797e4c", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "220460", "sku": "220460"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "140f164687bdc6d8f78de81a68e9fc67a90dea9d30141fc99b07c80a907ccb69" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "chronicon.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "65809f3ddec0077667f7229a4edfd6cd", "id": "496548575061213184", "name": "Chronicon", "publishers": [{"id": "521816606901534724", "name": "Subworld"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "375480", "sku": "375480"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "51df67481d5a353af43ec210c1dad577596c0f3fd7f88ae024ef957cda1b61ea" }, { "description": "Clannad is a visual novel developed by Key and released on April 2004 in Japan, first on the PC and later on the PS2 in 2006 and the PSP and Xbox 360 in 2008. 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The games attempts to implement themes popularized by mainstream franchises such as Call of Duty, Battlefield and Counter-Strike. ", "developers": [{"id": "521816511610880011", "name": "Nexon Corporation"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "combat arms/engine.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "combatarms.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f7910f863d11b3f5aede3d7645bda857", "id": "496553014220554270", "name": "Combat Arms", "publishers": [{"id": "521816511610880011", "name": "Nexon Corporation"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "f96f4f7f866060ebf360f54efc8febc55a137ea4b6346f0154f993e8b93e3a51" }, { "aliases": ["Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath"], "description": "Kane's Wrath expands on the events before, during and after the events of Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars with a new campaign, as well as the all-new Global Domination mode and a range of sub-factions and new units to fight with or against.", "developers": [{"id": "521816605223813131", "name": "EA Los Angeles"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "cnc3ep1.exe", "os": 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It's about Time, Destruction and Power.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816673855209495", "name": "ArtCraft Entertainment"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "crowfallclient.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c74a6ccdc63b6ceb15c389db17848341", "id": "496561718668034078", "name": "Crowfall", "publishers": [{"id": "521816673855209494", "name": "Innova Co. SARL"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "0e88003fae72fe2394bccc25ddcff8ec93ef9217a0326861d6b32ad2af6970e5" }, { "description": "Cryptark is a 2D sci-fi roguelike shooter from Alientrap. 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Crysis is well known for its high system requirements and top of the line graphics.", "developers": [{"id": "521816652262670336", "name": "Crytek GmbH"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "crysis.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "crysis64.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "2b2cdc642b62a3a23dbdc33a9ab58fc9", "id": "496562734889041930", "name": "Crysis", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816601691947041", "name": "Crytek"}, {"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"} ], "splash": "855af9b7afb132d5c43f7858c7e4e530", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "17300", "sku": "17300"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "31ea355ab5a5bfe97b13752343a26c1bcf8f9a37f988b742143e878fe483aaa5" }, { "description": "Set three years after the original Crysis, an ambushed Marine named Alcatraz dons the famous Nanosuit and fights his way through an obliterated New York City to stop the alien invasion.", "developers": [{"id": "521816652262670336", "name": "Crytek GmbH"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "crysis2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "1dd123bcbdb7f464dac000de1ec2f4eb", "id": "496564403345424431", "name": "Crysis 2", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816786321014819", "name": "Crytek Studios"}, {"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "99830", "sku": "99830"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8b8116377006f6a8cd6f10d9a28e9de28c4ec0e170c08f9277095734bdca17e5" }, { "description": "A mysteriously resurrected Prophet fights his way through the now literal jungles of the fallen New York City, continuing the fight against the malevolent Ceph alien invaders.", "developers": [{"id": "521816652262670336", "name": "Crytek GmbH"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "crysis3.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "2c99bd38db8860639ecacb981f3b9ede", "id": "496565168528949249", "name": "Crysis 3", "publishers": [{"id": "521816538202767363", "name": "EA Games"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "3dd2a7b39857dcb632beb10a06384428f9141ae89be6f413251bc2b0f5566e23" }, { "description": "A Massively Multiplayer Action Online Battle Arena game created by Neople Entertainment.", "developers": [{"id": "521816517512265759", "name": "Neople"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "cyphers.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "334909178b0fbe89b921e763afc589f6", "id": "496565866721443840", "name": "Cyphers", "overlay": true, "publishers": [{"id": "521816511610880011", "name": "Nexon Corporation"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "49bf322547c9ffd9725aff7e223a5e7779e02376ce669cefe441bb49bcff20f4" }, { "aliases": ["Darkstar One"], "description": "Darkstar One is a space action-adventure with role-playing elements and an epic story.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816742134284298", "name": "ASCARON Entertainment GmbH"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "darkstarone.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "9a59fc7cb0d42da14266dccb9feafb35", "id": "496566320213655552", "name": "DarkStar One", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816601691947038", "name": "Akella"}, {"id": "521816742134284295", "name": "Ascaron Entertainment ltd."} ], "splash": "58e7172f22a20412e96479de5cf854ae", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "12330", "sku": "12330"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "9b2df1d0dd41883ffeae44815230915b37e4b1dd5430fdb486f77a5e87853eeb" }, { "description": "DCS World is a free-to-play military aircraft simulator.", "developers": [{"id": "521816631782014993", "name": "Eagle Dynamics"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "dcs.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6ea8f740edf619e4b38423963915b86c", "id": "496568071713062928", "name": "DCS World", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816631782014993", "name": "Eagle Dynamics"}, {"id": "521816632285200384", "name": "The Fighter Collection"}, {"id": "521816632285200385", "name": "Eagle Dynamics SA"} ], "splash": "3bbb1812e110e3e12ebe8a837ffcd4e2", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "223750", "sku": "223750"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "c13421b19ead0a80d904a9d5cab698cc610c124ec31cb36de2e72662936baa0b" }, { "aliases": ["Dead Space\u2122 2"], "description": "Dead Space 2 is the sequel to the 2008 surprise hit Dead Space. The no-longer-silent Isaac Clarke finds himself trapped on a city-sized space station called the Sprawl, which has been overtaken by another Necromorph infestation.", "developers": [{"id": "521816624546709507", "name": "Visceral Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "deadspace2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "82689558aeff0f9119d5ce0f7c0f3832", "id": "496568659276201984", "name": "Dead Space 2", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816624546709507", "name": "Visceral Games"}, {"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"} ], "splash": "f262015ea3a73054ea26e9a8fe206dea", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "47780", "sku": "47780"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "2569ce5957270b8ee3bbdca1d3fb9ba0fac46ec1aacf1d15af557ce9bfe38274" }, { "description": "DeadCore is a first-person platforming game with an emphasis on movement. Players attempt to reach the top of a futuristic tower using their abilities and weapons to traverse environmental hazards and robotic enemies.", "developers": [{"id": "521816769078231040", "name": "5 Bits Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "deadcore.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ef296867ebe535a633bd6140e484a7d8", "id": "496569001405841439", "name": "DeadCore", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816537653444610", "name": "Bandai Namco Entertainment"}, {"id": "521816769078231040", "name": "5 Bits Games"} ], "splash": "f0f0c2bce81cdda8aa17623859dd5d21", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "284460", "sku": "284460"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "15e051dde46fb40e294f40ceeebaf77bdd24ea864e72a279304bcd3c0b0390eb" }, { "description": "A 'Bullet Hell' Shoot 'Em Up game.", "developers": [{"id": "521816666489749522", "name": "CAVE Co., Ltd."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "deathsmiles/default.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "778e3e4bed169588c7a2a467ad384cf1", "id": "496569185237860359", "name": "Deathsmiles", "publishers": [{"id": "521816666489749521", "name": "Aksys Games"}], "splash": "8277124c3b67cca405c5d6b57b5b7f4b", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "314180", "sku": "314180"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "693c99afbafb0e1b4a56128b112eb95d1510b29e4e1dca4879cb17e3329f995c" }, { "aliases": ["Debugger 3.16: Hack'n'Run "], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "debugger 316/debugger.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f2f629d04f88b4798e971c292b40f551", "id": "496569333665759232", "name": "Debugger 3.16: Hack'n'Run", "publishers": [{"id": "521816529948639235", "name": "Spiderwork Games"}], "splash": "913c4bbb9d2899518d09557c7035d476", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "339720", "sku": "339720"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "14f23fba53cbbe6b708bbd6b5769dc0c011b14f14ead208f772138459b53d4ea" }, { "description": "Sequel to the first Defense Grid game, released following a successful Kickstarter campaign.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816567466688525", "name": "Hidden Path Entertainment"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "defensegrid2_release.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ef97d82a0f7508bd155586432393753e", "id": "496569474670133258", "name": "Defense Grid 2", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816567466688525", "name": "Hidden Path Entertainment"} ], "splash": "b5664296e3d128b534dc3b81dc2ae57f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "221540", "sku": "221540"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "765749daeae96a0f5dab1b9f3854d1d4182bc6876eadd3c28cd3b4048c9358db" }, { "description": "Depression Quest is an interactive fiction, choose-your-own-adventure style visual novel, dealing with depression in a realistic way.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "depressionquest.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3618a9ce86f15e3fc9961d02f0d52907", "id": "496569655679385603", "name": "Depression Quest", "publishers": [{"id": "521816797717069838", "name": "The Quinnspiracy"}], "splash": "4a0b6506c0838487a6303372aa5a270e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "270170", "sku": "270170"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "427b1f43f4bfc13827868c51246d03a96c0ec963f4a1ba2cf07a57a75351a42a" }, { "description": "A wave-based survival FPS with a '90s fever dream' aesthetic.", "developers": [{"id": "521816659519078410", "name": "Sorath"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "devildaggers/dd.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d30b9c2d0f30e9c9f5aa272b5b02cb25", "id": "496571420579463168", "name": "Devil Daggers", "publishers": [{"id": "521816659519078410", "name": "Sorath"}], "splash": "c795426d9f573af960fd4928aab7929d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "422970", "sku": "422970"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f90dc8fbce95d78b90958afedbd6ad55076e539abbbdedc2b669d36f8048bef5" }, { "description": "A Korean hack & slash multiplayer RPG.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816680276426753", "name": "Bluehole Ginno Games"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "devilian.exe", "os": "win32"}, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "devilian/glyphclientapp.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5cb467a2737d6f82a9de520d1348877a", "id": "496571728089317437", "name": "Devilian", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816680276426753", "name": "Bluehole Ginno Games"}, {"id": "521816577876951040", "name": "Trion Worlds"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "407510", "sku": "407510"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "cb96f8cef2523ef94ef478c8054f27211acf81a629f26a82351da79a8eeac85d" }, { "description": "An isometric strategy RPG that takes place in and below the town of Tristram. 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Even moreso than its predecessor, Diablo II would provide a blueprint followed by many later RPGs and action games.", "developers": [{"id": "521816523430428674", "name": "Blizzard North"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "diablo ii/game.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "diablo ii.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "38a7fa1313f656cfc7d300813934448e", "id": "496572658255790080", "name": "Diablo II", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816523430428673", "name": "Blizzard Entertainment"} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "ce8a7b1af19196c3e87cb5e22e36eefb68373426f897ecf36f53bbbee18f1c17" }, { "description": "Diadra Empty is a free-roaming shoot-'em-up.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "diadraempty.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "diadraempty154plus.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "diadraempty154lw.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b212d99478b938b9d8b64eb90513fbc5", "id": "496573404002910227", "name": "Diadra Empty", "publishers": [{"id": "521816720046948394", "name": "Frozen Orb"}], "splash": "658469265f1e213d0db820740decbebd", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "284220", "sku": "284220"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b2f78c8c69c18c273430a81e168089471d04178d067b2d5b6c2a3445a2f063b7" }, { "description": "Dirt 3 is the latest installment in Codemasters' long-running Colin McRae Rally franchise. The game returns to the series' rally roots with dynamic weather, a career focusing on team-based racing, as well as introducing the freestyle event: Gymkhana.", "developers": [{"id": "521816499464306689", "name": "Codemasters Racing"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dirt3_game.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4d9475147716080f034063bd62400589", "id": "496574120436432915", "name": "DiRT 3", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816592208756748", "name": "Codemasters Racing Studio"}, {"id": "521816499464306688", "name": "Codemasters"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "44320", "sku": "44320"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8a31272e380e069a2c63e1bc28cb55ace266610de83474dd6d548c2b6a29dbe9" }, { "description": "Distance is a survival racing game that is the spiritual successor to Nitronic Rush. Players control a unique car that can boost, jump, rotate, and even fly.", "developers": [{"id": "521816642762833923", "name": "Refract Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "distance.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "03b2e3a9cf9c130b70430761a9545daa", "id": "496575580070871040", "name": "Distance", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816642762833923", "name": "Refract Studios"}, {"id": "521816643245047838", "name": "Refract"} ], "splash": "479cbb31fa7fb2ed79d4cb3e86fba450", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "233610", "sku": "233610"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1c3b684b0b2583cd4287cb1da4f0c98172babd28c5fa2c4fd7639f74554ca8ce" }, { "description": "Dominions 4 is a turn-based strategy war game. It is set in a fantasy world that draws inspiration from historical nations, cultures, and myths.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816654091649035", "name": "Illwinter Game Design"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dominions4.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "fc2f9b27e76fe0dbe49b4be9e7ffd8c0", "id": "496575805413916683", "name": "Dominions 4", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816654091649035", "name": "Illwinter Game Design"} ], "splash": "f1045956a9a49bd67141f2c1ab9ccf94", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "259060", "sku": "259060"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "95b755db4cda9673dc0c2c035ec80e8a7fe321ebfc40a22e5f3de309f6597fc4" }, { "aliases": ["Doom 3"], "description": "Doom 3, a more story-focused remake of the original Doom, is a sci-fi first-person-shooter that was widely considered the most graphically advanced game available for its time.", "developers": [{"id": "521816563024920606", "name": "id Software"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "doom3.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "doom.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ca4a9e564217f19d041da4c63c77608d", "id": "496575943431946250", "name": "DOOM 3", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816563024920606", "name": "id Software"}, {"id": "521816501544550404", "name": "Activision"} ], "splash": "266fdc9619bb928b26eb2ae718e3c1b6", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "9050", "sku": "9050"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3a6099cd48af01b7042ac3db496c9ae904932f663e1090190420c8c5926d83d9" }, { "description": "Journey back to the bodacious 80s in this long-awaited reboot of the Double Dragon beat 'em up series.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816699574419457", "name": "WayForward Technologies"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "doubledragon.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b2626e4fe72bb412d8a92d730a91e450", "id": "496576235934187539", "name": "Double Dragon Neon", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816607408914447", "name": "Majesco Entertainment"}, {"id": "521816607408914448", "name": "WayForward"} ], "splash": "5a83c1bfcb6fbeb47272ab4bfcac85ca", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "252350", "sku": "252350"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "0191d00e57187c0d493bb468deca768d95ecc56be7cc34c77be950e6cdab9a57" }, { "description": "A vertical-scrolling action roguelike that is heavily inspired by Spelunky.", "developers": [{"id": "521816765680844831", "name": "Moppin"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "downwell.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "146b8b583fb8cb50f1c505b98d67431a", "id": "496576457082929152", "name": "Downwell", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816510730338331", "name": "Devolver Digital"}, {"id": "521816765680844831", "name": "Moppin"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "360740", "sku": "360740"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d35b854385572309634e2cec8bd68109653e3462160a318e872f80f4e6e0c70e" }, { "description": "This sequel to Dragon Age: Origins features faster combat, a new art style, and a brand new, fully voiced main character named Hawke.", "developers": [{"id": "521816589570408449", "name": "BioWare"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dragonage2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "8a584b9df9affb2251de9dc3d5e190fd", "id": "496576882540806154", "name": "Dragon Age II", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816589570408449", "name": "BioWare"}, {"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "47900", "sku": "47900"}, {"distributor": "origin", "id": "", "sku": ""} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "31220b47420dcbe06751ece8d5e435b5ca787985dffc1037f6bd14d8274cb73f" }, { "description": "Dragon Fin Soup is an action RPG set in a twisted fairy tale world. It is the first game from Grimm Bros.", "developers": [{"id": "521816781770457100", "name": "Grimm Bros"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dragonfinsoup.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "25094b00032518bd07401debac8aeb8a", "id": "496577154683895827", "name": "Dragon Fin Soup", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816781770457099", "name": "Grimm Bros, LLC"}, {"id": "521816781770457100", "name": "Grimm Bros"} ], "splash": "fce11ea3c476b8a7026a750aac37e2d8", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "299600", "sku": "299600"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a92f1c138de98b21d037532d1fcbcaf6b07350a3866d1607f4c77115a9ba9cc4" }, { "description": "A free-to-play action MMORPG for PC, developed in South Korea. It is popular in East Asia, and has been adapted into several other media, including a Japanese manga and two Chinese films.", "developers": [{"id": "521816511610880014", "name": "Eyedentity Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dragonnest.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "9e8cf718b1d577e63460e37811c1516c", "id": "496577285466357760", "name": "Dragon Nest", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816511610880008", "name": "Eyedentity Games Inc."}, {"id": "521816511610880011", "name": "Nexon Corporation"} ], "splash": "333287f5e3115c5a8d417d02505734e1", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "11610", "sku": "11610"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "c6c67749262887bd565ea49840df064f308264dfd239a00bcce7ed1fa2a3ce8d" }, { "description": "A Free 2 Play online full open world game for the PS3, PS4 and PC.", "developers": [{"id": "521816574512857088", "name": "Capcom"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "ddo.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c30d98f61d9a02a24b7b2cae0f03ca67", "id": "496578773647622187", "name": "Dragon's Dogma Online", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816514106621968", "name": "CAPCOM Co., Ltd."}, {"id": "521816574512857088", "name": "Capcom"} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "d72b0d5f1dbff91f8b536d2356cf067aab8dcf56f6be2714105a4827a7913851" }, { "description": "RTS/MOBA. Control 3 rigs/pilots on a hunt for energy cores on the Jupiter moon Europa. Fast paced, intense gameplay. Fixed round duration of 15 minutes per round. 1v1 fast paced action.", "developers": [{"id": "521816595606011944", "name": "Sparkypants"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "dropzone/bin/juggernautclient_x32_rel.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "dropzonesteamclient_x32_rel.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "a60772e8e2fa95ae49225d87c8bc64d1", "id": "496578915263971358", "name": "Dropzone", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816595153158151", "name": "Sparkypants Studios LLC"}, {"id": "521816498541428766", "name": "GameForge"} ], "splash": "3608d1a07a2fd88e671cd9844fd4e61f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "572520", "sku": "572520"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "062b83e529baaea3bcfeb879c7180a677e13712363b2e7da44435e449803d9b6" }, { "description": "After approximately fourteen years of development, the heavily infamous sequel to Duke Nukem 3D was finally released, in which the macho Duke must damper yet another alien invasion.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816512085098539", "name": "3D Realms Entertainment"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dukeforever.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "133b70d0f7100d2263a68701e070f1d5", "id": "496579092418658363", "name": "Duke Nukem Forever", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816503960600578", "name": "Gearbox Software"}, {"id": "521816504392482816", "name": "2K Games"} ], "splash": "7a3376bf1c5a3737e600be1b523fd5a6", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "57900", "sku": "57900"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "9d4d65753859b2f4bf1d197c2a548e921a6f9b2508fb86a0ae097a275412414b" }, { "description": "Get ready for the ultimate brawl! Dungeon Fighter Online is a classic beat'em up 2D action game with an epic storyline and RPG elements! Join today for free! ", "developers": [{"id": "521816517512265759", "name": "Neople"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "dfo.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "563256280521768962", "hook": true, "icon": "cc272cdb29d37411344592ff13833de6", "id": "496579303631486976", "name": "Dungeon Fighter Online", "primary_sku_id": "496579303631486976", "publishers": [{"id": "521816517512265759", "name": "Neople"}], "slug": "dungeon-fighter-online", "splash": "85e24d3013fdc7cfeffcf7f9c93be1e3", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "495910", "sku": "495910"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "41ccceee7b184c8411f984322d9be5bf9cbd6ae611a19bebe162dcd288f4e015" }, { "description": "Dungeonland is a multiplayer action RPG in which a team of players attempt to navigate their adventurer characters through an amusement park full of monsters and deathtraps set by another player who operates as the evil dungeonmaestro.", "developers": [{"id": "521816625507336196", "name": "Critical Studio"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dungeonland.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "1edfac6beca49f2ca0bd624298a7d9de", "id": "496579621693816832", "name": "Dungeonland", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816625507336196", "name": "Critical Studio"}, {"id": "521816521249521702", "name": "Paradox Interactive AB"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "218130", "sku": "218130"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "7745ddd9d55fd6d2201b0ed78a45ecdabb95692bc9e037c92970c6b4df0bc3c0" }, { "aliases": ["Dungeons & Dragons Online"], "description": "Play as Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, and more in this 2006 MMO based on the beloved pen-and-paper RPG, and developed by Turbine, Inc.", "developers": [{"id": "521816685502791730", "name": "Turbine, Inc."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dndclient64.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dndclient.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "912cd5d13f5198da6c7dad065f11e373", "id": "496579889063919616", "name": "Dungeons & Dragons Online\u00ae", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816753920016388", "name": "Atari SA"}, {"id": "521816754356486154", "name": "Standing Stone Games, LLC"}, {"id": "521816754356486155", "name": "Turbine, Inc"} ], "splash": "c08ef95a1da02edeab71fdc9d2aea424", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "206480", "sku": "206480"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a8c0079c6023af07b814a16134095257976826cb6b63a99472a0581cb2dc6d80" }, { "description": "In the fantasy world of Falana, a mysterious swordsman named Dust, armed with a living sword called Ahrah and a quirky companion named Fidget, seeks to free a village from oppression while uncovering the truth behind his past.", "developers": [{"id": "521816762472202251", "name": "Humble Hearts"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dustaet.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "202e4097bbdd52a7c61564ffacde0268", "id": "496580906916511764", "name": "Dust: An Elysian Tail", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816504824758295", "name": "Microsoft Studios"}, {"id": "521816762472202250", "name": "Humble Hearts LLC"} ], "splash": "e3019e9e9c65fa34214b3add97cc377b", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "236090", "sku": "236090"}, {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "7c857317559478ef573690e5945ea5a71e4cbc66862865223ff096ab8f51dd2e" }, { "description": "Dustforce is a platformer by indie developer Hitbox Team in which ninja janitors dust and sweep their way through the environment.", "developers": [{"id": "521816590673641482", "name": "Hitbox Team"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dustforce.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dustforce.app", "os": "darwin"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0764a770ffd78e161f177a64a7a04574", "id": "496581169639587850", "name": 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to the MMORPG that defined the genre. Set 500 years after the original game, a cataclysmic event has changed the face of Norrath forever.", "developers": [{"id": "521816500974256130", "name": "Daybreak Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "everquest2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "2f703f71d4d67c46234fc0587ec9bde6", "id": "496582384863412249", "name": "EverQuest II", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816682155737088", "name": "Sony Online Entertainment"}, {"id": "521816717291421726", "name": "Daybreak Game Company"}, {"id": "521816500974256130", "name": "Daybreak Games"} ], "splash": "089320b5af16f0695bce941552f04ad5", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "201230", "sku": "201230"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a1675f0746af3a6e3b3fa227ced04dead95d4d621c7ac65ff411ed28301f616f" }, { "description": "A spiritual sequel to the art-style changing game Evoland, Evoland II sends players through 2D, 3D and all the various bit-eras across turn-based and action RPGs fighting game, platformer and shoot 'em up genres.", "developers": [{"id": "521816589570408450", "name": "Shiro Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "evoland2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d04cf6143a32e8d10b9e469227a301ed", "id": "496583339986387004", "name": "Evoland 2", "publishers": [{"id": "521816589570408450", "name": "Shiro Games"}], "splash": "08274c11dcad6fc1fa9710b2160b1b86", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "359310", "sku": "359310"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "c500ea68cf532e67d2fad1813df181cc5be34fe65e47b14ef7950fa5b0bcb991" }, { "description": "Evolve is a class-based cooperative-competitive game in which a team of four hunters chase after an evolving monster, also controlled by a player.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816522977574922", "name": "Turtle Rock Studios, Inc."} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "evolve.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "1f6fbcafcfaa2771ffebac7a09b37459", "id": "496739105481293869", "name": "Evolve", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816779509465098", "name": "Turtle Rock Studios"}, {"id": "521816504392482816", "name": "2K Games"} ], "splash": "60b3131fd2d9db4244e81d1685c5e032", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "273350", "sku": "273350"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "fb70fea706c5040b2e8a33b5aa7db2e9c9900fcba3e10e08ff6cf059b50a63df" }, { "description": "Debut RPG for Compile Heart's Galapagos RPG brand.", "developers": [{"id": "521816535304503320", "name": "Compile Heart, Inc."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "fairyfencer.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d6ea58b434701cec7775c52710e0e82d", "id": "496739512446091284", "name": "Fairy Fencer F", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816535304503320", "name": "Compile Heart, Inc."}, {"id": "521816626203459620", "name": "Idea Factory"} ], "splash": "ded2d1547d68235c2b38362dc2f0cf86", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "347830", "sku": "347830"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "bdf46761c18ae39afb00ce569ddfb086ceffd77bbf5f1d8bdcd61742f0f11078" }, { "description": "EA's annual soccer release is back for the year 2014.", "developers": [{"id": "521816499950714880", "name": "EA Canada"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "fifa15.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "edcddaf8887c9afb5deb3b11a945cff3", "id": "496740139633213490", "name": "FIFA 15", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "origin", "id": "", "sku": ""}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3fb96e4109a5acc1067be855fcbd4b8bca2526902f40075643c265875f3231e7" }, { "aliases": ["FINAL FANTASY III"], "description": "Unreleased outside of Japan for 16 years, this remake of Final Fantasy III features newly designed characters, a more robust Job system, new abilities, and Nintendo Wi-Fi support.", "developers": [{"id": "521816539746271243", "name": "Matrix Software"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ff3_win32.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ff8591507140cf497755c4fc9054459d", "id": "496740365072728064", "name": "Final Fantasy III", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "239120", "sku": "239120"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "0c70db0785c8354b1e085da2bb23dd5e5b6deaa41b8f85fdcf287308b3cde99d" }, { "aliases": ["Final Fantasy V"], "description": "Join Bartz and his friends on an epic journey spanning the globe in an attempt to stop four mystical crystals from shattering, with a character-customizing Job system that some consider to be the \"father\" of similar RPGs to come.", "developers": [{"id": "521816676157751326", "name": "Squaresoft"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ffv_game.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "549fc501ce55fc47a8d6e937103eb40d", "id": "496740745085059112", "name": "FINAL FANTASY V", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "splash": "7d60b2199d8dde4322596581be27d515", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "382890", "sku": "382890"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1b9f0fb9c437d21b87474f67cd09cf4715dd3feb8d205d13391d3cb3e2882a5f" }, { "description": "Formerly known as Final Fantasy III in North America, Final Fantasy VI follows a diverse group of heroes as they fight to defeat Kefka, a megalomaniac intent on using a combination of long-lost magic and technology to take over the world.", "developers": [{"id": "521816626904170510", "name": "TOSE Co., Ltd."}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "ff6.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "78b96c1e5e8fb977f44413028ac4b48d", "id": "496742764344639488", "name": "FINAL FANTASY VI", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "splash": "85d3395ecc1f6110193aaf04d6edef98", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "382900", "sku": "382900"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b39255a81991bb69f07e507ff1bfdda645779e46fc4daf8909397fc574a06c9a" }, { "aliases": ["Final Fantasy VIII"], "description": "Squall and his band of mercenaries fight to save their world from conquest and destruction in the eighth numbered Final Fantasy title. It introduced several new concepts to the franchise, including a subplot with an alternate main character, level-scaling enemies and the Junction system.", "developers": [{"id": "521816676157751326", "name": "Squaresoft"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ff8_es.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ff8_fr.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ff8_en.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3cbb617add029b412b36bbe0245f2c4e", "id": "496757203596869652", "name": "FINAL FANTASY VIII", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}, {"id": "521816676157751326", "name": "Squaresoft"} ], "splash": "9e770ef9befbd851bdd7533429f7e4c3", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "39150", "sku": "39150"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d5296d90f921642468b6cf6abb54827eb81ba0e5e7f03ff2f86479765ad74da3" }, { "aliases": ["Final Fantasy XIII"], "description": "This entry into the Final Fantasy universe is set in the worlds of Pulse and Cocoon. Players take control of multiple characters who are caught in a war between these worlds.", "developers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ffxiiiimg.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "8ef268f05a47e8fafc7f02a07bba480b", "id": "496757542479724554", "name": "FINAL FANTASY XIII", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "splash": "d943ebf23a6a9595d0957938b74dc124", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "292120", "sku": "292120"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a587ade8c98596e2b5e302457d256c73a2fb832aa71836943ecf30d458918b88" }, { "aliases": ["Final Fantasy XIII-2"], "description": "Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a direct sequel to Final Fantasy XIII released by Square Enix in early 2012.", "developers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ffxiii2img.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ffxiii2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c28c5ad15e5ba30bbdf95feffdf2f272", "id": "496757852069822504", "name": "FINAL FANTASY XIII-2", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "splash": "fa826b8fab639eb197fb860fb8220e8f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "292140", "sku": "292140"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "923b5452069ec197ea584b78c6e73e8d6588461ccdb3271389c68adb47353523" }, { "description": "Firefall is a massively multiplayer online role-player game with action-based combat that can be played from a third- or a first-person perspective. It's a free-to-play game with a sci-fi theme that pits mechanized humans in battle armor against alien invaders.", "developers": [{"id": "521816543261360128", "name": "Red 5 Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "firefallclient.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6cde8ff017f4b23244fa6d3911540fb4", "id": "496758262797172736", "name": "Firefall", "publishers": [{"id": "521816543261360128", "name": "Red 5 Studios"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "227700", "sku": "227700"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "979ce1db50d7299421bdf1f9d643c580cee6fd40912d992ee7ee88242f2fcdcf" }, { "description": "A fantasy action roguelike where each run features a generated hero's quest to restore Pyrion, God of Fire, atop the pantheon. Blends arena action with FTL inspired overworld mechanics and quick but deep character progression and build options.", "developers": [{"id": "521816672781336576", "name": "Nimbly Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "flamebreak.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4d42e1deb4cbd33150434396397a7d03", "id": "496758379583242291", "name": "Flamebreak", "publishers": [{"id": "521816672781336576", "name": "Nimbly Games"}], "splash": "52963573f8fdf1a13629f85d319cedf0", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "399640", "sku": "399640"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "4ba9a6e6270c5808cee861a88318d8dd534febdd0e8a142bcb32cc4285748f47" }, { "description": "Flyff is a Free MMO developed by AeonSoft and released in 2004.", "developers": [ { "id": "521816663214129154", "name": "Aeon Electronic Entertainment, Inc." } ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "flyff/neuz.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, 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"splash": "8c5b0cce14212e8c6443e70966c9adc5", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "245550", "sku": "245550"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "e0a7d988505c2ede8b1c2b70258cf61d3b1b0f844b610819e3fe2530c44402b1" }, { "description": "An independently developed 2D platformer that shares many similarities to the early Sonic games, as well as Ristar and Gunstar Heroes.", "developers": [{"id": "521816576446693399", "name": "GalaxyTrail Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "freedom planet/fp.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "1e8dcee503f4041768699abdd432e31b", "id": "496761999708127232", "name": "Freedom Planet", "publishers": [{"id": "521816576446693399", "name": "GalaxyTrail Games"}], "splash": "0b5a99b981601118e152e952d544511a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "248310", "sku": "248310"}, {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a0062f3bba67a8028cea515343bc73ce252490ccb934ca1a0133344b7e3b0817" }, { "description": "Create your own story amidst the dusty wastelands of the Wild West. Found cities, become a master hunter, or create your own mansion... experience the Frontier how it was supposed to be,,,", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "frontier/client.jar", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "frontier.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5a9287a8c4391c8386bb8550f330b2fa", "id": "496762504291155998", "name": "Frontier", "publishers": [{"id": "521816775977861120", "name": "Lacuna Corporation"}], "splash": "5dff5cc19569d5cb0f2da6c9ccba37b2", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "439950", "sku": "439950"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "45a6eb9b287a467cd9f7a34503bb2b10ff5847d8c0db66c8f5e4fe8e77c081ce" }, { "description": "Furcadia is a fantasy world of magic and creation, alive with adorable animals and mythical creatures. Choose your favorite customizable avatar and start exploring this friendly, user-empowering Online Social Game with rich player-driven content.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "furcadia.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "60449bee3e86458ef449b457e3b25505", "id": "496763066889797674", "name": "Furcadia", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816640195788800", "name": "Dragon's Eye Productions, Inc."} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "f3cbf8a77c7a25d22ad3f80043c13d354d662ff923705c2c713eaaed0d70a6fb" }, { "description": "Twenty five years have passed since the decimation of the Locust & Lambent threats on the planet Sera. However a new race of monsters have taken their place and JD Fenix, son of series protagonist Marcus Fenix, has taken up the mantle in helping to protect humanity.", "developers": [{"id": "521816666053672985", "name": "The Coalition"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "geargame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6d8af3e4fe66b8ca65178ae12b6da856", "id": "496763396558159892", "name": "Gears of War 4", "publishers": [{"id": "521816504824758295", "name": "Microsoft Studios"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "640f2ee1e4af1246ed8f0bddfa530473643619d1be816bab0be6281158b41453" }, { "description": "Granado Espada", "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "ge.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5cf5c47e861765001d8171385dafec4e", "id": "496771607386259456", "name": "Granado Espada", "publishers": [{"id": "521816551955890206", "name": "HANBITSOFT, INC."}], "splash": "f952855ccbd5d8088a8306d6d3d3c058", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "319730", "sku": "319730"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "40c57b55608625c41690ac0606f26e35d0f972abb53f707cb44a7c573d3fc2a3" }, { "aliases": ["Grav"], "description": "GRAV is an early access game released on Steam on January 8th 2015. GRAV is an open world survival game in space featuring harvesting, looting caves and dungeons, and building bases. Developed and Published by BitMonster games.", "developers": [{"id": "521816565096775691", "name": "BitMonster Games"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "caggame-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "caggameserver.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "cf7f3b8eb445c590cdc9c933a0352491", "id": "496771913280913424", "name": "GRAV", "publishers": [{"id": "521816565096775690", "name": "BitMonster, Inc."}], "splash": "2ff452dc1194aacf7beffafb8040623e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "332500", "sku": "332500"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "29bfc3b27303923323359c412edb93e856ae26f64accde0e53b7a536ebd22dc6" }, { "description": "A real-time strategy game by Petroglyph, an indie developer founded by ex-employees of Westwood Studios. It aims to emphasize broad \"macro\" strategy over micromanagement, emulating the design of early RTS games like the Command & Conquer series.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816672248791061", "name": "Petroglyph Games Inc."} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "goog.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "14bcad78be8d53180efcdd51871cd11f", "id": "496772084379418637", "name": "Grey Goo", "publishers": [{"id": "521816628980219917", "name": "Grey Box"}], "splash": "8f43c8a2284fe6b9d7447552113f80ce", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "290790", "sku": "290790"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6b065e4a6064349ff8039ad4656f3e91d7097a0e3743ea3f7c9a54734fdccfbc" }, { "description": "Chris Crawford-designed simulation of a nuclear reactor. The basis of this model was the nuclear reactor at 3-Mile Island, which had recently suffered a near-meltdown and was probably a direct inspiration for the creation of this simulation.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816526362247173", "name": "Chris Crawford Games"} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "scram.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "40dcacf888a9d3281d12858d2dbfa65a", "id": "496772185864667146", "name": "scram", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526362247171", "name": "Atari"}], "splash": "02a317a547a5c49a61053a78df394747", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "773920", "sku": "773920"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6e55c8b3bde722d51933744a7fc7cfeee89e7d7160d8265e82d3b9f299e32fc5" }, { "description": "A rhythm game developed by the Taito team behind Space Invaders Infinity Gene.", "developers": [{"id": "521816661788065792", "name": "Taito Corporation"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "gcst.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "028f814bcecaadd048518c21958eaf78", "id": "496772271088730112", "name": "Groove Coaster", "publishers": [{"id": "521816661788065792", "name": "Taito Corporation"}], "splash": "cdc72ff1fe450dfc57ff79c6ca56d051", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "744060", "sku": "744060"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "7e86e4d48e1a4a9cf5daac3da5880845bc9baeee32ec67286081e0da47b19851" }, { "description": "Grow Home is a climbing game starring B.U.D. (a Botanical Utility Droid) who is researching the elusive Star plant & helping it bloom.", "developers": [{"id": "521816510172233759", "name": "Ubisoft Reflections"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "growhome.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c2a657ac64a26a8bc494c33f14542b3e", "id": "496772402219319316", "name": "Grow Home", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"} ], "splash": "d281d2c9f1dcd5ffbc16b35e4bc97a92", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "323320", "sku": "323320"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "79a8319c7d9f0b110cc59671131caccee7769beb1f9d082a719435cb511e4cf2" }, { "description": "Guardians of Ember", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "guardians of ember/client_x86.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "28da82f4074972f72ddcdff0e148fe45", "id": "496772734744002580", "name": "Guardians of Ember", "publishers": [{"id": "521816563024920610", "name": "Runewaker"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "463680", "sku": "463680"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "96ca2f5fecd92fb43b2f253077977e538b56f490e8d81e056b4d009765ced59a" }, { "aliases": ["Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R"], "description": "Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R is the final installment of the cult favorite Guilty Gear XX series of fighting games. It rebalances two console bonus characters to be tournament-legal, adding them to the arcade release, and refines all of the existing characters , in an effort to create the best feeling version of the game to date.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816536743149599", "name": "Arc System Works Co., Ltd."} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ggxxacpr_win.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "a77a7cd3230f33a31cbc6a9d033c8cde", "id": "496773998517026816", "name": "GUILTY GEAR XX ACCENT CORE PLUS R", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816536743149599", "name": "Arc System Works Co., Ltd."} ], "splash": "8a8f4bbc946c5476edaf3ff14173b70a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "348550", "sku": "348550"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "4fc30d5fb0e928db90dda38b864196f103f0425afba6ed358e7e22423e1f0551" }, { "description": "The fourth game in the Guitar Hero series adds drums and vocals to the mix, along with a music studio that you can use to create new tracks and share them online.", "developers": [{"id": "521816783670476800", "name": "Budcat Creations"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "ghwt.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6e105ce199cee19855176ba2b333a263", "id": "496774309042192384", "name": "Guitar Hero World Tour", "publishers": [{"id": "521816501544550404", "name": "Activision"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "5335b5234490c2eb5deb2230bc0579b6f7c59c0c40e2166fa1047c33139ec741" }, { "description": "The first game in the Halo series of sci-fi first-person shooters. Halo: Combat Evolved is considered largely responsible for pioneering console shooters.", "developers": [{"id": "521816529453449247", "name": "Bungie"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "haloce.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "33bcd098a7df21c40aafe4ee563a665b", "id": "496775885249314885", "name": "Halo Custom Edition", "publishers": [{"id": "521816504824758295", "name": "Microsoft Studios"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "ddaacb4ce7141cf7fa5504fca1224e42caafdb5aaca4600b13ec6eb322e4b37a" }, { "description": "The first game in the Halo series of sci-fi first-person shooters. Halo: Combat Evolved is considered largely responsible for pioneering console shooters.", "developers": [{"id": "521816529453449247", "name": "Bungie"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "halo.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "33bcd098a7df21c40aafe4ee563a665b", "id": "496776262136758277", "name": "Halo: Combat Evolved", "publishers": [{"id": "521816504824758295", "name": "Microsoft Studios"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "980b8f79760225c877c259b765c753e20f290e32d8e3bb9a455d92f14289c9c7" }, { "description": "A tarot card driven roguelike action role playing game, by Defiant Development from Brisbane, Australia.", "developers": [{"id": "521816763839545354", "name": "Defiant Development"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "hand of fate.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "e3d489da9547f1414ebd29c3612b1c8e", "id": "496776430110113843", "name": "Hand of Fate", "publishers": [{"id": "521816763839545354", "name": "Defiant Development"}], "splash": "e03666d0eac093e0edab632e7a304c13", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "266510", "sku": "266510"}, {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3d5d874f715e4157ff5c925778d389612df09722f110c2d385ef393fb4dafa59" }, { "description": "A turn-based tactics game with RPG elements set in the \"Weird West\".", "developers": [{"id": "521816530866929706", "name": "CreativeForge Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "hardwest.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "80119ce387d1408823602fdcb020c1a0", "id": "496776675351330846", "name": "Hard West", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816530866929705", "name": "Good Shepherd Entertainment"} ], "splash": "482fc6268d828664d5c05b893a506d77", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "307670", "sku": "307670"}, {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b6156356717f3941161c278f1a5d7da147c068ae6060d793a65b1fdbe1658f44" }, { "description": "Hate Plus is a direct sequel to Analogue: A Hate Story that explores the backstory of the character *Mute. It will take players' save data from the previous game and continue the story from there.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816654611611665", "name": "Love Conquers All Games"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "hate plus.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "hate plus.app", "os": "darwin"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "03982da463cf6a4b8389d4dd75374e70", "id": "496776818855116811", "name": "Hate Plus", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816654611611665", "name": "Love Conquers All Games"} ], "splash": "69a1cc0591ae1653ddfc92440e916652", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "239700", "sku": "239700"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "293d4ff3939242523e6f458d5c68f51fa1a3c84c1e37df9e92dcd6ca395034e2" }, { "description": "A visual novel dating sim where players control a human girl attending a high school for pigeons.", "developers": [{"id": "521816729849036802", "name": "PigeoNation Inc."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "hatoful.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "76dde0c1218b205bb1304117192e3d1a", "id": "496777244090302490", "name": "Hatoful Boyfriend", "publishers": [{"id": "521816729849036802", "name": "PigeoNation Inc."}], "splash": "703a136fc6eec0cd52489bbd2a11b8ef", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "310080", "sku": "310080"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6ec8b8d52ecd1af6f402bd49b331f789f2fe2ba45d54b23b7fa14c1acf425813" }, { "aliases": ["Hawken"], "description": "Hawken is a free to play, multiplayer-only first-person shooter featuring enormous mechs and micro-transactions from independent studio Adhesive Games.", "developers": [{"id": "521816540186935348", "name": "Adhesive Games"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "hawkengame-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32" }, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "hawkengame-win32-shipping.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "e19eeb6a612d5f68fdd19eeb1b77a925", "id": "496778224433627156", "name": "HAWKEN", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816540186935346", "name": "Reloaded Games"}, {"id": "521816540186935347", "name": "Meteor Entertainment"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "271290", "sku": "271290"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d5411249fb1ebd58d70c4242865d3713cffb7d951e849343f2e61725f7fb437a" }, { "aliases": ["Hex: Shards of Fate"], "description": "Cryptozoic Entertainment, makers of the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game, have entered the world of video games with their upcoming free-to-play MMOTCG, HEX: Shards of Fate.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816645774082051", "name": "Cryptozoic Entertainment"} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "hex.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4cd9dcac5dac5133172827abc157dbd7", "id": "496778870104653824", "name": "HEX: Shards of Fate", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816645774082051", "name": "Cryptozoic Entertainment"} ], "splash": "e699624be3dc8d4e5abdc5fd473fb37c", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "410380", "sku": "410380"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f14586507cd1ff994cd5b74a4d7caf8d0830cfeae1cf059f573d24d6cc1acb9e" }, { "cover_image": "d8901128fddf64b1de502c94f64344dc", "description": "Hitman: Blood Money is a 3rd person action-adventure game released by Eidos in 2006. The game is a continuation of the popular Hitman franchise in which the player takes control of the mysterious assassin, Agent 47.", "developers": [{"id": "521816647678558211", "name": "IO Interactive"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "hitmanbloodmoney.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "451879555523805195", "hook": true, "icon": "d8901128fddf64b1de502c94f64344dc", "id": "496779049524265010", "name": "Hitman: Blood Money", "overlay": true, "overlay_compatibility_hook": true, "primary_sku_id": "496779049524265010", "publishers": [{"id": "521816647678558211", "name": "IO Interactive"}], "slug": "hitman-blood-money", "splash": "3a8f5c995657aadeb865cddb32fb99d3", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "6860", "sku": "6860"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "dc3366def5587d23d3bb21d2e6ae5de7999e28f59c8ed4af7b5f2c133ccd63e4" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "memoria.exe", "os": "win32"}, 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The game started as an EverQuest side project with some user-created content intended to carry over to EverQuest Next. But EQ Next was canceled.", "developers": [{"id": "521816500974256130", "name": "Daybreak Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "landmark64.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "landmark/launchpad.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3629e6a5f8ec545a679be15d2fb5f4a6", "id": "496846777023070218", "name": "Landmark", "publishers": [{"id": "521816500974256130", "name": "Daybreak Games"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "297810", "sku": "297810"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "e41c9a169b9dfc7bdad5050f5a9cb02dce19c9976cd799ba217e3931a877b67f" }, { "description": "A departure from the usual gameplay of the Tomb Raider franchise, this download-only game features a fixed, isometric camera angle and concentrates on co-op combat, platforming, and puzzle solving.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816535753555988", "name": "Crystal Dynamics, Inc."} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "lcgol.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4092303c9c31130a31d6bd46be5bd646", "id": "496846884787191834", "name": "Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "splash": "79c17885f9213289051844127b630bab", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "35130", "sku": "35130"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6b920738cd2ed12422a40aca5b153f5e1406cdf50e0a90a701bb950f5a06eb57" }, { "description": "Legend of Dungeon is a roguelike beat 'em up with dynamic lighting. It also has up to 4 player local Co-Op.", "developers": [{"id": "521816718956560417", "name": "RobotLovesKitty"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "legendofdungeon.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "cc00c451d4b08609fbeaedc9bcb99a3a", "id": "496847055793422336", "name": "Legend of Dungeon", "publishers": [{"id": "521816718956560416", "name": "Robot Loves Kitty"}], "splash": "fe1fcbb37857d7fdd222db3e3e1f4ec1", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "238280", "sku": "238280"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "0f521f66f0ccf01e0e6fa0b770c0712c253a61874af9443e465940ef621a0441" }, { "aliases": ["Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII"], "description": "The final game in Lightning's story arc in the Final Fantasy XIII universe.", "developers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "lrff13.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "441e41a1a6448b06343aafba37d2396a", "id": "496847425680572455", "name": "LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "splash": "2963a899a24bad3b8cf2cd3fd40dda3b", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "345350", "sku": "345350"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8e1b0d8fc062a75ff25a8885e7d511989e0d9ee9b006bd81bc42ee19ae61a4a4" }, { "description": "", "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "lro.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "05a0225ccae7d4ae2e7f8325d1898d33", "id": "496847615456051220", "name": "Limit Ragnarok Online", "publishers": [{"id": "521816600723324930", "name": "Lite Games"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "0ed2499c065fe81808b0cafa084c092d493ab10b1e4cf2b89ba9ce25bbed4904" }, { "description": "A Lineage II game for mobile devices.", "developers": [{"id": "521816684957270026", "name": "Netmarble"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "lineage.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "7fdbd1c198c301359ca38901a1b338aa", "id": "496848201773482004", "name": "Lineage", "publishers": [{"id": "521816684957270026", "name": "Netmarble"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "9004738c30bfed40e5a4e988182b9b666ce0a055608ae89eafb7221629335d69" }, { "aliases": ["Locomotion"], "description": "A business sim all about building and expanding a Transport Company.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816507102003203", "name": "Chris Sawyer Productions"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "atari/locomotion/loco.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c3b34c17fd60280d7317c8757b396870", "id": "496848465301733376", "name": "Chris Sawyer's Locomotion", "publishers": [{"id": "521816601691947038", "name": "Akella"}], "splash": "1d11e70e1e189ae1db3b642389ddb71e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "356430", "sku": "356430"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "bcb0636af2ecb9961e5675f3c05429d1f322ea5bb62195d369b15577bd40ba74" }, { "aliases": ["Long Live the Queen"], "description": "As the princess, the player must contend with political intrigue, assassination attempts, and decide how to best run or ruin her kingdom while avoiding other dangers in this Princess Maker inspired game.", "developers": [{"id": "521816615025901570", "name": "Hanako Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "longlivethequeen.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6dc4ed78bf63893e7e7697ae455fce55", "id": "496848705027178496", "name": "Long Live The Queen", "publishers": [{"id": "521816615025901570", "name": "Hanako Games"}], "splash": "62e97e7c500871b32074964631602f8f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "251990", "sku": "251990"}, {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "b96658315aa3f97e6212b83a45d8cf38d305c6b24523d538289732f8d5d31851" }, { "description": "Lovely Planet is a first-person shooter set in a cutesy, colorful world. 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It is a first-person survival game set in a drug-fuelled, retro-futuristic city in an alternative 1960s England.", "developers": [{"id": "521816801537949718", "name": "Compulsion Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "glimpsegame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "80d3684358dcc4fbf3124fd166b041cf", "id": "498728807881113620", "name": "We Happy Few", "publishers": [{"id": "521816801537949718", "name": "Compulsion Games"}], "splash": "1c6e66ed31343b98c8cddb19b0bdea80", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "320240", "sku": "320240"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "c380bca303b8fbae22b9d790f3d91929499ce8af1c652029728029adad3acdf0" }, { "aliases": ["Lost Saga"], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "lostsaga.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "251fceb97a6404394521384b0de9ab86", "id": "498938615934615552", "name": "Lost Saga North America", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816791249322004", "name": "G4Box"}, {"id": "521816791249322005", "name": "IO Entertainment"} ], "splash": "0f58b6ab747db5e5b99876f41697a18f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "266150", "sku": "266150"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "974bc4ff058a1178a3254b9e2cdcbb2ea19347072bbefa065b0f33ca492780bf" }, { "aliases": ["Men Of War: Assault Squad"], "description": "A stand-alone expansion for Men of War, which places heavier emphasis upon co-operative skirmishes and introduces the Imperial Japanese.", "developers": [{"id": "521816663679565844", "name": "Digitalmindsoft"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "mow_assualt_squad.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "mow_assault_squad_ed.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "mow_assault_squad.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3f86d034c2e6e746f8d2af7356541493", "id": "498941421814939648", "name": "Men of War: Assault Squad", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816663679565844", "name": "Digitalmindsoft"}, {"id": "521816548059643905", "name": "1C Company"} ], "splash": "7032901558ba9736b20291d768442a6e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "64000", "sku": "64000"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a0b4ec6e9a1c10cf6223e1528f1c256608f078eab250a040f020a127580840fe" }, { "description": "Might & Magic Heroes VI is the sixth installment in the long running spin-off of the Might & Magic saga. 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The game was cancelled by Square Enix on 8 April 2016.", "developers": [{"id": "521816547430236211", "name": "Psyonix Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "nosgoth.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f0e984eb76d841c9c0b1a34454212f5c", "id": "498972985403899960", "name": "Nosgoth", "publishers": [{"id": "521816526920351761", "name": "Square Enix"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "200110", "sku": "200110"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "0f10e9a1f3e35cb4de33a4348e673eafe77c08b2f1e1164537248b173ed78114" }, { "aliases": ["One Piece Pirate Warriors 3"], "description": "Koei-Tecmo's One Piece action-brawler series reaches its third installment and marks the series' debut on PlayStation 4 and PC.", "developers": [{"id": "521816634562969633", "name": "Omega Force"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "oppw3.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0c542cb3bafbb7dd5accb2b8e72c4566", "id": "498973375595675688", "name": "ONE PIECE PIRATE WARRIORS 3", "publishers": [{"id": "521816634562969632", "name": "Koei Tecmo"}], "splash": "c3c768cae85ce67f3331f5fcbbe1a990", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "331600", "sku": "331600"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "39266c8e49e1cc2ea466f5350eaf4d306dcc879b4fe0f6cd5e71c57d049c2111" }, { "aliases": ["Oni"], "description": "A heavily anime-inspired third person action game, Oni attempts to blend gun play and traditional brawler gameplay together.", "developers": [{"id": "521816529453449247", "name": "Bungie"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "oni.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "a92fddb2f2b4649fed931fe98d9eb7cc", "id": "498979842277113857", "name": "ONI", "publishers": [ { "id": "521816529453449246", "name": "Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc." } ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "ddd38a86961963977093e409d83e19fa58f4ddf61b6d155288502dff019505b2" }, { "description": "A game by PopCap Games, similar to Breakout and Pachinko machines.", "developers": [{"id": "521816596633747478", "name": "PopCap Games, Inc."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "peggle deluxe/peggle.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "peggle/popcapgame1.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "574b1222a17532e12bb460fe1dd92124", "id": "498980232938651648", "name": "Peggle Deluxe", "publishers": [{"id": "521816714317660197", "name": "Pop Software"}], "splash": "38be236f007343f524acfb838a256b24", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "3480", "sku": "3480"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a2b434ee8aa5308baa598a0801bff74f638bee279d6a3b8a3d0485fe4ca314fb" }, { "description": "Peggle Extreme is the shorter version of Peggle which was created specially for the Orange Box's release. Players must aim to get the highest score they can and clear a level of \"pegs\" in the hopes of advancing to the next stage.", "developers": [{"id": "521816596633747478", "name": "PopCap Games, Inc."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "peggleextreme.exe", "os": "win32"}, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "peggleextreme/popcapgame1.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "574b1222a17532e12bb460fe1dd92124", "id": "498980339470041123", "name": "Peggle Extreme", "publishers": [{"id": "521816596633747478", "name": "PopCap Games, Inc."}], "splash": "49cfc4382df2609fdafe5fdc62a00a19", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "3483", "sku": "3483"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "892332a55e7cc68c74995d18d7ea182131528934a1c4d9815f9aff82ead1b9f1" }, { "description": "Official virtual recreations of numerous pinball tables from some of the largest manufacturers of pinball machines in history.", "developers": [{"id": "521816502983196705", "name": "FarSight Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "pinballarcade.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "pinaball arcade.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "52c310b649dcff2f94ccbf1065a3786b", "id": "498980583096057905", "name": "Pinball Arcade", "publishers": [{"id": "521816502983196704", "name": "Crave Entertainment"}], "splash": "32cda4fa7767187c438fc2f4c4ba17d3", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "238260", "sku": "238260"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1981fdcc2c6b1eba7a223b88d1d57ffdbe3b00f54365e1b23d1e4fd0393f3390" }, { "description": "Pixel Dungeon is a traditional roguelike for Android developed by Watabou, it draws inspiration from Brogue. A beta version of the game was released on October 12th 2012.", "developers": [{"id": "521816540186935350", "name": "Watabou"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "pixel dungeon/pd.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "pixel_dungeons.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "fdb60c01988f05c39dc42a7c6c77f127", "id": "498981118410752020", "name": "Pixel Dungeon", "publishers": [{"id": "521816540186935349", "name": "Retronic Games"}], "splash": "1eb2ba93cf8d3d62511d4fcb8a531a49", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "365900", "sku": "365900"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "ad94b81c232687db5dcc291b349f6c8ac777881b3df3a7ab2fb9e4342d555bf5" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "shooterultimate.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": null, "id": "498981476050927653", "name": "PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate", "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "a74e5b33a85ce1da95696c77e5be56aff0edda6d362db97b51db540501e78a7c" }, { "description": "An upgraded compilation release of PixelJunk Shooter and its sequel developed by Double Eleven for the PS4 and Vita.", "developers": [{"id": "521816743182598175", "name": "Double Eleven"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "shooterultimate.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "2471cfbca12dfb165897ede28048fda0", "id": "498981634339635253", "name": "PixelJunk\u2122 Shooter Ultimate", "publishers": [{"id": "521816743182598175", "name": "Double Eleven"}], "splash": "06668b12866f919bebe16bc5bbe87bfe", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "332330", "sku": "332330"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "96ae3a173a2c790849cdb7b84744e76470d020eb4cba0cfde30b74a60106b234" }, { "description": "MechWarrior: Living Legends (MWLL) is a total conversion multiplayer mod for Crysis, using CryEngine 2 as its engine and set in the Battletech universe. It is one of the few mods to have been sanctioned by Microsoft.", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "crysis wars/bin64/crysis.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "mwlllauncher.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "542a74fe683878550d65019d55992d91", "id": "498984088418516992", "name": "MechWarrior: Living Legends", "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "7746ef4a7c960f61e32991e56731a0edbe4691df3a50798082906337cbd25d30" }, { "aliases": ["Plants vs. Zombies"], "description": "", "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "plants vs. zombies/popcapgame1.exe", "os": "win32" }, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "plantsvszombies.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "dd45a5fece060f28d321caadebfb6fba", "id": "498985095378632704", "name": "Plants vs. Zombies: Game of the Year", "publishers": [{"id": "521816596633747478", "name": "PopCap Games, Inc."}], "splash": "e4984b2cd3f38d52753286d4a3efacc6", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "3590", "sku": "3590"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "e52ed06a31126137ea53eed30f8b4b330b6756ec6565ba23d6740f50d9420df6" }, { "description": "Poi is a 3D adventure platformer throwback to the 90s era of classic platforming games. Explore big worlds, compete in challenge levels, meet quirky characters and pull off classic platforming feats on a journey to become a Master Explorer.", "developers": [{"id": "521816502001991691", "name": "PolyKid"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "poi.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4d8e9f18c55b3e54ce41db7d61ab3dca", "id": "498985543586021376", "name": "Poi", "publishers": [{"id": "521816502001991691", "name": "PolyKid"}], "splash": "364763c6bc329669ea860809b91b325e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "401810", "sku": "401810"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "37d1a102b59030958b2715f0487e080aad056afc63a4a91d032afabb5bd5581f" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "pokemmo.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4aa302a6f9c094b1750c9f6cbc1d17a9", "id": "498985820221603840", "name": "PokeMMO", "publishers": [{"id": "521816649264005125", "name": "PokeMMO"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "5d5feb2c141851bd28359dd05c38d8a9fad1acdfd3c72eb31289c2ff78b9a63f" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "pokerstars.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "99da081f26fafa7e9a12196e3ed37d29", "id": "498986175512576058", "name": "PokerStars", "publishers": [{"id": "521816715760500737", "name": "PokerStars"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "de4f6ba13a1adfc8893d07229b85c7d0a7602500fd46345ab24b2e3835b18a6a" }, { "description": "Lockheed Martin: Prepar3D is a simulation software game.", "developers": [{"id": "521816670969397269", "name": "Lockheed Martin"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "prepar3d.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "918cc9f4e77d0f7dc3e6d64d4a19c35a", "id": "498986525757800468", "name": "Prepar3D", "publishers": [{"id": "521816670969397269", "name": "Lockheed Martin"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "502070f007e3e5216a688ac7533acabf1ab97679be58dbd7e197effbe90f6c87" }, { "description": "Primal Carnage is a class-based online multiplayer game that places players as either humans or dinosaurs and pits them against each other.", "developers": [{"id": "521816600031002636", "name": "Lukewarm Media"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "primalcarnagegame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f912ec00fe6b76f4149a41ee6ad6081b", "id": "498986661104058378", "name": "Primal Carnage", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816600031002635", "name": "Reverb Communications Inc."} ], "splash": "14e1e98e7917bf4d3fa1b6a36efe3d90", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "215470", "sku": "215470"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a496e82b3bc70920f44a4e378d40007205052b44a49652bdca0daa146b6c6eb0" }, { "description": "Join the war between technology and magic in Prime World, the new online action strategy game from the creators of Heroes of Might & Magic V, Blitzkrieg, and Etherlords. Choose from dozens of characters and fight your friends in a battle for victory, glory, and priceless Prime!", "developers": [{"id": "521816529948639232", "name": "Nival Entertainment"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "pw_game.exe", "os": "win32"}, { "is_launcher": false, "name": "prime world/castle/castle.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "84d77178bff3e8c2f12f6d151ec7bcf5", "id": "498986815227822080", "name": "Prime World", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816529948639232", "name": "Nival Entertainment"}, {"id": "521816529948639233", "name": "Nival"} ], "splash": "9732e5aa5f5cddfb06006623a54130f2", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "235340", "sku": "235340"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a7c04f2f63541c6927638e7ddb1abb7c4c450fbd03a4095b2b176249768fd8ab" }, { "description": "A purely movement-oriented trickjumping game featuring aspects from Quake/defrag, Counter-Strike Surf, Warsow, and a whole lot more.", "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "rik.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "9d664c3d8c50cc72419c417a9057210a", "id": "498987268048945162", "name": "ProjectRIK", "publishers": [{"id": "521816757044772877", "name": "RIK Dev Team"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "4b9ac3543e266134136bf184d16d747214f4a0b3809c177f83dda625134c053c" }, { "description": "In Proteus, the player awakens in the sea off the shore of a peaceful island, and simply explores the island in different seasons, enjoying the procedurally-generated sights, the way their surroundings shape the low-key soundtrack, and the simple graphical style.", "developers": [{"id": "521816692511211520", "name": "Ed Key"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "proteus.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ab9810888368c63a917442c3b609a148", "id": "498987388891299859", "name": "Proteus", "publishers": [{"id": "521816692079329283", "name": "Curve Digital"}], "splash": "9ca320692de9d926d5a5ed268efc3fc8", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "219680", "sku": "219680"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "c3dfb5c52ecb666dd548fae19ab3c7b482acbeb5af9176b8e2e8a3ec749e581f" }, { "description": "Pyrite Heart is a free ren'ai adventure game that is available with or without voice acting.", "developers": [{"id": "521816532288798741", "name": "Winged Cloud"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "pyrite heart.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "9eacf6e5665ecd8a1905c74d1f039f33", "id": "498987613416456220", "name": "Pyrite Heart", "publishers": [{"id": "521816532288798739", "name": "Sekai Project"}], "splash": "08914ba4fb1585796358f4c244df0de0", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "324170", "sku": "324170"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "156ba991370ba5d7dbe137cc34b130abb691f9e1564c12b0712de2358aa41332" }, { "description": "The second game in id Software's Quake series. Not actually a direct sequel to Quake, Quake II tells a story of an alien invasion. It casts the player as a lone space marine named Bitterman who must fight the villainous alien Strogg on their home planet of Stroggos.", "developers": [{"id": "521816563024920606", "name": "id Software"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "quake2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "694027f4545195a485bec39770fd8e64", "id": "498987709629464586", "name": "Quake II", "publishers": [{"id": "521816501544550404", "name": "Activision"}], "splash": "df239bf24e9f572dfee83aee750f7a34", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "2320", "sku": "2320"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8d8a1468d72f5ceed0d1b36b451e365daf9a7c8c2a64f6d150a7842f75a42d09" }, { "description": "An improvisational party game for up to eight players (each using their own device, such as smartphones and computers) from the creators of the Jackbox Party Pack.", "developers": [{"id": "521816532737851443", "name": "Jackbox Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "quiplash.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "28ca2238d900521019b41e86458c0b06", "id": "498988229798920242", "name": "Quiplash", "publishers": [{"id": "521816532737851443", "name": "Jackbox Games"}], "splash": "ca3f606888c084e082a5b0bc06c1863e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "351510", "sku": "351510"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d2106cece5d6361948619bf78f01af1ad65507a2256bb5fe96f10bbaf1901666" }, { "description": "Race the Sun puts players in a solar-powered aircraft that must avoid obstacles at increasing speeds in an attempt to stay airborne as long as possible in a race against the setting sun. Supports the Oculus Rift for PC.", "developers": [{"id": "521816572088811556", "name": "Flippfly"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "racethesun.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "75dbef70aca52c9a1949b78b5c64502a", "id": "498988774169116711", "name": "Race The Sun", "publishers": [{"id": "521816572088811556", "name": "Flippfly"}], "splash": "3506e7b342e352bbcb92325489da9e23", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "253030", "sku": "253030"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "eae674f04eb91e3c150c7b1e527a8ce8cddfff80f47ff6aa92093e803cb9dcde" }, { "aliases": ["Ragnarok Online Classic"], "description": "Ragnarok Online is a Korean MMORPG based around the Norse Mythology but with influences from Christianity and Asian Cultures too. It is based off the Korean Manwha \"Ragnarok\".", "developers": [{"id": "521816611036856322", "name": "Gravity Co., Ltd."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "clragexe.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "ragexe.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "244ecef6723f14a7cb6ca7611d8aab20", "id": "498990766643740692", "name": "Ragnarok Online", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816610600779778", "name": "Gravity Interactive, Inc."}, {"id": "521816611036856320", "name": "Innova Systems"}, {"id": "521816611036856321", "name": "Gravity CIS, Inc."} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "48be0a8911eaaa3a0d4758f28aca55a39ed9088389145ba850613f541ee2db92" }, { "description": "A free to play MMO developed by Gpotato. Features a cash shop allowing players to buy items to use in-game.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rappelz/sframe.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ad3ed30e33f6f95e993bd8545d62cbb8", "id": "498991137214955531", "name": "Rappelz", "publishers": [{"id": "521816562542313483", "name": "gPotato"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "c127ea5236a4a78c43f09ea67c0c3525606f65261e753332c3b2d117e9c61ee0" }, { "aliases": ["Rayman 2: The Great Escape"], "description": "Help to repair the damage done to the world and repel an evil pirate invasion in this critically acclaimed platforming adventure.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816592674193443", "name": "Ubisoft Montpellier Studios"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rayman2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4e6de5789e873e519cd8a9fbbce5a983", "id": "498991556724916225", "name": "Rayman 2 - The Great Escape", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816502500982841", "name": "Ubisoft Entertainment"}, {"id": "521816510730338325", "name": "Ubisoft"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "15060", "sku": "15060"}, {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "0c1e0a866c3d2fe6d828eec511db0f17a0e3a0464f98f27a112be2205762603c" }, { "description": "Since its release in 1999, Re-Volt steadily shows its strength with fast & addictive gameplay. 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The Insult Simulator is a remake of the original Game Jam game, Oh...Sir!.", "developers": [{"id": "521816649264005127", "name": "Vile Monarch"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "oh...sir! the insult simulator/ohsir.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "bd5e16f66ee69d8dcf4116dbd6dadaad", "id": "503362822957432832", "name": "Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816530866929705", "name": "Good Shepherd Entertainment"} ], "splash": "4ab8ed722bd922a1601e84d76d1744db", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "512250", "sku": "512250"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "c352f67d77b84e9623780fbf6f2e68fa579698824e5d412e15774a22b11a926a" }, { "description": "A group of students trapped on the island of Jabberwock must murder their classmates in order to win a cruel game run by the diabolical Monokuma. An action-adventure visual novel game developed by Spike for the PSP.", "developers": [{"id": "521816739286351887", "name": "Spike Chunsoft"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dr2_us.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d2465e13aba43cbfca81da001c38ad9f", "id": "503578473227354112", "name": "Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair", "publishers": [{"id": "521816739286351887", "name": "Spike Chunsoft"}], "splash": "11cbe7322d5ceaa077701063ab19f36f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "413420", "sku": "413420"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "ffe025c2e425544c3b3fa6ec340327d9bfe74f8b3d77c5d872aed1377446abf5" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "otwd-win64-shipping.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "e63b7fdf632ca20da778a7e9cf6ffc45", "id": "503632655137374219", "name": "OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - BETA", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "952440", "sku": "952440"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "ffb55b777a5c28573c37936bc61a2c60e4c0368bd61c82ac8c03b33de94ddfc3" }, { "description": "", "developers": [{"id": "521816537653444608", "name": "Cyanide Studio"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "callofcthulhu.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "309974409135915009", "hook": true, "icon": "c79d71a5f7d01e2abcf56e5b22b59945", "id": "503982482664849408", "name": "Call of Cthulhu", "primary_sku_id": "503982482664849408", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816537192202247", "name": "Focus Home Interactive"} ], "slug": "call-of-cthulhu", "splash": "53dea89aaf60b3c924afc1406957ded5", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ { "distributor": "discord", "id": "503982482664849408", "sku": "503982482664849408" }, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "399810", "sku": "399810"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "55920cf8750cd31dc2b310d28c9d48f02d7779a20d3077f16c3813017547d525" }, { "description": "A notable early MMORPG and the chief rival to EverQuest prior to the release of World of Warcraft.", "developers": [{"id": "521816685502791730", "name": "Turbine, Inc."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "acclient.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b5cfe70a63954ab5a1e6bd9baabfc7cd", "id": "504021888805240914", "name": "Asheron's Call", "publishers": [{"id": "521816504824758295", "name": "Microsoft Studios"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "cdb2d53de27e0c3eb75c0853fe1e00300d32ee0c1ab4ff6567cd9063904332a7" }, { "aliases": ["REFLEX", "Reflex"], "description": "Reflex Arena is a competitive Arena FPS that wants to bring back the feel of old-school shooters, along with modern features and tech.", "developers": [{"id": "521816548537663503", "name": "Turbo Pixel Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "reflex.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5176ab0f6f7f2f37fc6406e50c329fe8", "id": "504024478100095016", "name": "Reflex Arena", "publishers": [{"id": "521816548537663503", "name": "Turbo Pixel Studios"}], "splash": "b5767f33ecbec48c081f7427323fd536", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "328070", "sku": "328070"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "92f6ad2412313a3a2cc5600b323fdd42e90c2fb119bf2e6986549a0fcbff1455" }, { "aliases": ["Retro City Rampage"], "description": "An action-packed, deliberately-retro parody of video games and pop culture from the era of 8-bit game consoles, Retro City Rampage is a nostalgic twist on the mass-mayhem open-world action of Grand Theft Auto.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816576446693397", "name": "Vblank Entertainment"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "retrocityrampage.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5d325326ed886ca4a371a176671ec094", "id": "504026620068233235", "name": "Retro City Rampage\u2122 DX", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816576446693397", "name": "Vblank Entertainment"} ], "splash": "710b88000f5ee02595e7d4bcc39cbf5e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "204630", "sku": "204630"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "2dded86c1341199337b88304daa52f6db7cbda4758e00b20774a1c314d4d157b" }, { "description": "A 2D god game for PC and Mac. 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The Physics engine is based on 15 degrees of freedom, complex aerodynamics, and advanced tire modelling.", "developers": [{"id": "521816675008380948", "name": "Image Space Inc."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rfactor.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "52d2443d1bdd7f3480731b440648d9e3", "id": "504028685322551296", "name": "rFactor", "publishers": [{"id": "521816675008380948", "name": "Image Space Inc."}], "splash": "3f86487cf377046f88d605e5baaf3a2e", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "339790", "sku": "339790"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "51ce38bab3d5030b80a7ddeb82b2790b9af6f0d5bc0f50e4ac01d8559aae5722" }, { "description": "rFactor 2 is the sequel to ISI's racing simulator rFactor.", "developers": [{"id": "521816675008380948", "name": "Image Space Inc."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "rfactor2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "2d6296f730892e4d4e9f30d24cc493f8", "id": "504029217650901040", "name": "rFactor 2", "publishers": [{"id": "521816675008380948", "name": "Image Space Inc."}], "splash": "909e5e37846b2ed350d97cd8bec95ed7", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "365960", "sku": "365960"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "ecdf4e3508c0a2335ad0b1f5c68ff097a6d092d792f9245c6c839efb9bb03736" }, { "description": "Rogue System is an upcoming space combat simulator with an emphasis on hard science fiction.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816675008380949", "name": "Digits Crossed Interactive"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "roguesystemsim.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "fcdb8d3868df061898e0088d9a881a75", "id": "504029616151986198", "name": "Rogue System", "publishers": [{"id": "521816675008380948", "name": "Image Space Inc."}], "splash": "a2ec66fd8ae22d42fa39e68c42cd6e13", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "366000", "sku": "366000"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "138048fe2f4d499d92437d67cfa9d946faae981ea809225799a734d9fdcb7751" }, { "description": "A romantic and comedic visual novel from the creators of Sakura Spirit.", "developers": [{"id": "521816532288798741", "name": "Winged Cloud"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "sakura angels.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5b087542b5db154e28d5e70e5ee72f79", "id": "504029936697344048", "name": "Sakura Angels", "publishers": [{"id": "521816532288798739", "name": "Sekai Project"}], "splash": "d6c21ceae899c7bef54eccad5b19b5bc", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "342380", "sku": "342380"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "42ddd6901ae7a4709f6261ad6fde198468462a02017ba06d4b3c25da09f0b176" }, { "description": "A free-to-play clicker game developed by Winged Cloud. 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The game is a spin-off from Cyanide Studio's Of Orcs and Men featuring the goblin protagonist Styx.", "developers": [{"id": "521816537653444608", "name": "Cyanide Studio"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "styxgame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "9680245ef769f87136887c4e3ca27d98", "id": "504055375880912946", "name": "Styx: Master of Shadows", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816537192202247", "name": "Focus Home Interactive"} ], "splash": "c552d4d4f3c5b9e5762c5d9896ef6964", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "242640", "sku": "242640"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "413033f84010c50648760bfacd9994855a3d8b7f139f5a2cd203f19b4d67df2a" }, { "description": "The first game in the SUGURI series.", "developers": [{"id": "521816753341333506", "name": "Orange_Juice"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "suguri.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d542c96fea9abe6b488f2b8039abd52d", "id": "504055570483904522", "name": "Suguri", "publishers": [{"id": "521816753341333506", "name": "Orange_Juice"}], "splash": "14d37b6046139cea29168e7d239dc35b", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "262240", "sku": "262240"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "23e872af7116cd147e23ec572e4d13a049139737ad63cf6e4c9750693cb393ad" }, { "description": "The deadly futuristic sport of Monday Night Combat returned with a free-to-play sequel, bringing with it new combatants and environments. It was later discontinued on May 24, 2018.", "developers": [{"id": "521816559031812104", "name": "Uber Entertainment"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "supermncgameclient.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "68dfef81edd08fd398b2bc1eaab3913b", "id": "504055809962147840", "name": "Super Monday Night Combat", "publishers": [{"id": "521816559031812104", "name": "Uber Entertainment"}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "104700", "sku": "104700"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "a3298707938e6f96dfb834803f838a0ed65e13aa938ee931f05e89bee3def33c" }, { "description": "Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP is an adventure game from Capybara Games. 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The campaign consists of 13 deployments that range from simple warrant service to hostage situations involving heavily-armed terrorists, and it is the player's duty to minimize casualties on all sides.", "developers": [{"id": "521816521731735572", "name": "Irrational Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "swat4.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "swat4x.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "6b35aabbc1c730931b8e5a7bfae60f98", "id": "504056709015404544", "name": "SWAT 4", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816549666062336", "name": "Sierra"}, {"id": "521816693094481942", "name": "Sierra Entertainment, Inc."} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "79055a48d0f1912ca05dfa5e18301edc0037c9e21d0f2ff40ec8b428efffeed2" }, { "description": "In the style of the classic Baldur's Gate games, Sword Coast Legends is an all new D&D-licensed party-based RPG set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.", "developers": [{"id": "521816678430933003", 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Legend is the first entry in the 2006 reboot of the series and is the first Tomb Raider game developed by Crystal Dynamics after they took over the role from Core Design.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816535753555988", "name": "Crystal Dynamics, Inc."} ], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "tomb raider legend/trl.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5196ffc80fa8bb244f6953b328571a12", "id": "504080831396970511", "name": "Tomb Raider: Legend", "publishers": [{"id": "521816520817639456", "name": "Eidos Interactive"}], "splash": "fa6bba4d301ee1648834c6728c9e4909", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "7000", "sku": "7000"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "0aaf1aa65d2f1ba9c2e05c0c3ead4bfaf9698b53aad362ff1cf25bf65dd1c156" }, { "description": "When Lara Croft accidentally releases the Egyptian god Set, she must quickly find a way to entomb him once again before he unleashes the apocalypse.", "developers": [{"id": "521816511178997818", "name": "Core Design Ltd."}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "tomb4.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "170fb0e803327bf324e1911d3508b825", "id": "504081066848681984", "name": "Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816609518518283", "name": "Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd."} ], "splash": "f0dc15384ab0daa2a40b6434eaf2b5f0", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "224980", "sku": "224980"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6ab9f4c5a7372aaccd0177150f8ecf087ead6f1751354650d20cf2a1d6b7c692" }, { "description": "With an improved graphics engine, Lara Croft is back and is looking better than ever. This time around she'll be going on an adventure to find the sacred Mayan underworld of Xibalba in Southern Mexico.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816535753555988", "name": "Crystal Dynamics, Inc."} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "tru.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "2043200d8266d5bdf10f6a8dcad5ffc6", "id": "504081253314723874", "name": "Tomb Raider: Underworld", "publishers": [{"id": "521816520817639456", "name": "Eidos Interactive"}], "splash": "3808ad77df2e32ba904c44e59bd8dc66", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "steam", "id": "8140", "sku": "8140"}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "02e0535143c7a463bab5092ca84e6ef21e23019deaeccaf3fb2cb17dcadf910d" }, { "description": "Go from a local unknown to a superstar skater in the fifth installment of the Tony Hawk franchise, adding a new story mode, new tricks (including wallplanting and the ability to travel on foot), and enhanced character creation (including face mapping and trick creation).", "developers": [ {"id": "521816545433878550", "name": "Neversoft Entertainment"} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "thug.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0df3c28623af69c1a8214e0b6fcab67c", "id": "504081569405730826", "name": "Tony Hawk's Underground", "publishers": [{"id": "521816501544550404", "name": "Activision"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "9c3b4aa146308c01438c0c0c68442ba4aa00489d4b7a812da600c5e863908bd8" }, { "description": "Join Tony Hawk and his pro skater team as they try to beat Bam Margera's group of misfits in the over-the-top World Destruction Tour.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816545433878550", "name": "Neversoft Entertainment"} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "thug2.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b774f87a9a347cfc9f2f345d8e41fa36", "id": "504081807340470291", "name": "Tony Hawk's Underground 2", "publishers": [{"id": "521816548059643905", "name": "1C Company"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "616b3257035600373c598de04e732313450bbb2a3c2fca2bf261ab8763a74082" }, { "description": "Trackday Manager is a simulation game where players take control of a manager of a racing team.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816597569208329", "name": "Arctic Hazard Game Studio"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "trackday manager.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "a53bd1b5072523dfe70c714b21437c98", "id": "504082602848813087", "name": "Trackday Manager", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816597569208326", "name": "Arctic Hazard Game Studio a/s"} ], "splash": "712ae432e132b366a6bdce9100c15499", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "348030", "sku": "348030"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "59571dcf769ca48557f1ec7b4ae85fc413a2f87f05e6b7a9782da12e7c2a6824" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "transforbest.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": null, "id": "504082814350655518", "name": "TransforBest", "publishers": [{"id": "521816662723526657", "name": "TransforBest"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "127c330148e8fb179761df3136709dd226b19d729e3c6fb7ace3dda1e30be0b9" }, { "description": "Triple Town is a match-three game by Spry Fox for iOS, Android, Kindle, and social networks such as Facebook and Google+. The game focuses on creating a town by matching objects of different types.", "developers": [{"id": "521816722127192064", "name": "Spry Fox"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "tripletown.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "cfa3e10dae33bd68c5ec4f9182391461", "id": "504083025211162677", "name": "Triple Town", "publishers": [{"id": "521816722127192064", "name": "Spry Fox"}], "splash": "f32143fce9e6390803a7e269b13578f6", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "209950", "sku": "209950"}, {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "00ba758bee5f522f343a92950e7c7698992fc1f6ec5b655ff3fa9f1600f489f1" }, { "aliases": ["UNRAVEL"], "description": "A puzzle-platformer featuring a yarn cat, developed by Coldwood Interactive and published by Electronic Arts.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816542707449858", "name": "Coldwood Interactive AB"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "unravel.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "90062d8bca0e8f697f110b9ef7bf34c6", "id": "504084141319520299", "name": "Unravel", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816542707449857", "name": "Coldwood Interactive"}, {"id": "521816499464306692", "name": "Electronic Arts"} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "43004338ac1535bd59f76fe516f998e2cc9492b30fbf303d35123dcc738aad46" }, { "description": "A multiplayer-focused spin-off of the 1998 first-person shooter Unreal, bringing a new assortment of gameplay options, weaponry, arenas, and playable characters.", "developers": [{"id": "521816615457783818", "name": "Epic Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "unrealtournament.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "109891165154738176", "hook": true, "icon": "3b530bfa987a9bf6834fca0112df054c", "id": "504084447797313537", "name": "Unreal Tournament", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816543777128455", "name": "GT Interactive Software Corp."} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "e3bab92bbbe5d13aa1c4d659a6e64b9899976739de216963e59dff4cf8236dbf" }, { "aliases": ["Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition"], "description": "The third main installment of the fast-paced arena-based first-person shooter brings its futuristic world to the Unreal Engine 3 game engine while adding a grimy aesthetic and a new story-based single-player campaign (involving a crew of mercenaries set out to avenge their fallen colony against the Necris).", "developers": [{"id": "521816615457783818", "name": "Epic Games"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "ut3.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "8ec2190491678d56dfd1c8f0f89dc76d", "id": "504084581989744679", "name": "Unreal Tournament 3", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816519332855821", "name": "Epic Games, Inc."}, {"id": "521816523954978816", "name": "Midway Games"} ], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "13210", "sku": "13210"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "aa7bc0c5f93105503961f52d05eafda11acb58c0766df5d771eb8742f835f7b8" }, { "description": "Take on the role of a hacker in the year 2010.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816530397298691", "name": "Introversion Software Limited"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "uplink.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ca0ea1c6f009683df500f4496a440ee1", "id": "504085139983433774", "name": "Uplink", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816534205857810", "name": "Ambrosia Software, Inc."} ], "splash": "194bb81e72ca0f0b88090686ab75047d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "1510", "sku": "1510"}, {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d9aa07c6a3745ba11526d08f1da41cd238063c309a279d59fcdc1235330bfa58" }, { "aliases": ["War For the Overworld"], "description": "War for the Overworld is an RTS god game where players command a dungeon. It was inspired by games like Dungeon Keeper, Overlord, StarCraft and Evil Genius.", "developers": [{"id": "521816688073637899", "name": "Subterranean Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "wftogame.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "69b033f8abfe5f35dbcca650ba21a6e0", "id": "504085687155425286", "name": "War for the Overworld", "publishers": [{"id": "521816688073637899", "name": "Subterranean Games"}], "splash": "fdba269f18cfa6d9a6390a49099ec2ff", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "230190", "sku": "230190"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1aa3a373471ee32fba9b56a34b3a8acc7f90b2d5a11837645c7a53160cb473fe" }, { "description": "Warsow is a free FPS, focusing on fast, competitive online play. Combining a featherweight engine with cartoony, celshaded graphics, this open source game could produce some of the fastest gameplay you will ever see.", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "warsow_x64.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "warsow_x86.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "a081ae638eb6e9f69da667650c96420c", "id": "504086535079985181", "name": "Warsow", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [{"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""}], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3a0e61d5eb8f152f881fd8a187f1d2f983ad3257275167bcc9ed66d40b227a2d" }, { "description": "A Kickstarter-funded platformer that utilizes movement inspired by Super Smash Bros. Melee.", "developers": [{"id": "521816787952599061", "name": "rologfos"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "waveland.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b760863b41ee7bdd56d26cb867d0f167", "id": "504086615132733450", "name": "WaveLand", "publishers": [{"id": "521816787952599061", "name": "rologfos"}], "splash": "1727318af7705bb8c9748ded756706d4", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "532170", "sku": "532170"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "fb6ac8d8f8cb7c57881e8328baf7b1bf20c3f95aa1c13818b84b14922d5a8f00" }, { "description": "Wings of Vi is a platformer developed by Grynsoft.", "developers": [{"id": "521816616028078090", "name": "Grynsoft"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "wings of vi.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "93d38dcac8480f7348d74b7330a1b4b8", "id": "504086961498226688", "name": "Wings of Vi", "publishers": [{"id": "521816616028078090", "name": "Grynsoft"}], "splash": "0a76e674bcd481989e5ee32a2e8f316a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "318530", "sku": "318530"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "8c9bba037837617420510fd6aa6d5e45c889ba371dd0035d04aafc869be679b5" }, { "description": "A standalone expansion and prequel to the 2014 game Wolfenstein: The New Order, loosely recreating the story in Return to Castle Wolfenstein.", "developers": [{"id": "521816549666062338", "name": "MachineGames"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "wolfoldblood_x64.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "wolfoldblood_x32.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "wolfoldblood_x86.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ff688030301f350ee49b94f77c787d4c", "id": "504087375618506772", "name": "Wolfenstein: The Old Blood", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816549666062338", "name": "MachineGames"}, {"id": "521816500508819469", "name": "Bethesda Softworks"} ], "splash": "5e4738e51c7900b8d2b6675a5412146a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "350080", "sku": "350080"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "d621b6d0c994be0ebeb4a0eb6ba8e57648a77add2f42e5964f3c3a850d0d3de7" }, { "description": "A supercharged mini-golf game set in outer space.", "developers": [{"id": "521816512512786452", "name": "Rightstick Studios"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "wonder wickets.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "wonderwickets-release.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "272207804297773068", "hook": true, "icon": "dcb35c42f5e9c1fbe2126d80c82e2f57", "id": "504087681635188766", "name": "Wonder Wickets", "publishers": [{"id": "521816512512786448", "name": "ANIM\u2022ACE"}], "splash": "aa2752f7c642fc133ae595354a2ca63f", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "598640", "sku": "598640"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "627f4e92bcbd58e691385d172ddd90c495898fb52baf0718ac42f0e2b6332e78" }, { "description": "X-Plane 11 is a flight simulator.", "developers": [{"id": "521816566007070781", "name": "Laminar Research"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "x-plane.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "7d569e4995bfb134d999e58b67293114", "id": "504087790032650290", "name": "X-Plane 11", "publishers": [{"id": "521816566007070781", "name": "Laminar Research"}], "splash": "d597d408ffe238ebddecab7894a23cdb", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "269950", "sku": "269950"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "844930cd051bb23f04e7cc4b0b1fb614bff5d28a76a06de8a27b50505ea3a6a4" }, { "description": "A \"strategic planetary defense simulation\" in a cold war setting, inspired by the original X-Com.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816509111336962", "name": "Goldhawk Interactive"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "xenonauts.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d29b9292ff3927b280d54268f53db123", "id": "504088140139462686", "name": "Xenonauts", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816509111336962", "name": "Goldhawk Interactive"} ], "splash": "6f0a8a4d496639863a9513706025fb08", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "gog", "id": "", "sku": ""}, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "223830", "sku": "223830"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "3e05e64b57ae710ce5a30cfb9af74322b63ff64c8c666b0a1287ba010ee07625" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "zandronum.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": null, "id": "504088311594483722", "name": "Zandronum", "publishers": [{"id": "521816539087896600", "name": "Zandronum"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "db411e5b860d3566ef014f21931e28f9765b24f0c25287fe69be185c71de56c7" }, { "aliases": ["Zombi"], "description": "A first-person survival horror game set in London during a modern-day zombie apocalypse. 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The game features 2 or more teams building bases and dogfighting it out with a variety of ships over multiple star sectors.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816598017867788", "name": "Microsoft Research Games"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "allegiance.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "9e47f6f6fa1ab144fa4b6eb93b748e19", "id": "504444177413701632", "name": "Microsoft Allegiance", "publishers": [{"id": "521816504824758295", "name": "Microsoft Studios"}], "splash": "1a60053a29fa2ba53ab49ab36f19904a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "700480", "sku": "700480"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "328fc69dc8f23b51bf351a0044e78d0eb5436164f40787ef15de58cb42552931" }, { "description": "", "developers": [{"id": "521816520267923475", "name": "Adult Swim Games"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "shodn.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "169e61d5edc4fc8198a865cd087d3425", "id": "504468643384524800", "name": "Super House of Dead Ninjas", "primary_sku_id": "504468643384524800", "publishers": [{"id": "521816710106447877", "name": "Megadev"}], "slug": "super-house-of-dead-ninjas", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ { "distributor": "discord", "id": "504468643384524800", "sku": "504468643384524800" }, {"distributor": "steam", "id": "224820", "sku": "224820"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1dd97baa669d18b960e6742e888fb1c3dc7a443357e441f7c296561058bb7900" }, { "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "aseprite.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0553b1f1dea19ec0d0cc1bf7d3614330", "id": "504605035162763294", "name": "Aseprite", "publishers": [{"id": "521816766163451905", "name": "David Capello"}], "splash": "95276a90e70b699d0455fc548f84123d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "431730", "sku": "431730"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "6b2abe16e836d6c846dee93dc30a9880ed714962a9678f5664e999a1183eb049" }, { "cover_image": "499a4bdddcfd046e862d30e2041e0cbd", "description": "From the creators of Rogue Legacy comes a \"true-cooperative\" action RPG. FULL METAL FURIES puts an emphasis on team play with a unique combat system where everyone is important. Work together to defeat special enemies, string organics combos to deal massive damage, and save a wartorn world that is battling itself to extinction.", "developers": [{"id": "521816517071994890", "name": "Cellar Door Games"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "full metal furies/brawler2d.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "guild_id": "403607175638941706", "hook": true, "icon": "4c7ef2b100ed7e3cd6ce96fdb8cd6f26", "id": "504743823281487882", "name": "Full Metal Furies", "primary_sku_id": "504743823281487882", "publishers": [{"id": "521816517071994890", "name": "Cellar Door Games"}], "slug": "full-metal-furies", "splash": "10e0a780ee213f06554173b6e270520d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "416600", "sku": "416600"}, { "distributor": "discord", "id": "504743823281487882", "sku": "504743823281487882" } ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "c454a6be51f360e2390e3050e45a9549afe01b392bacfebe3436099551b28a45" }, { "aliases": ["Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm"], "description": "Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm is a visual novel developed by Japanese developer sprite for the PC, PlayStation Vita, PS4 and Switch. The story follows Hinata Masaya who, as a child, loved the sky sport Flying Circus but after suffering a terrible defeat he loses all motivation for it. Years later he regains his passion after meeting a new transfer student whom he agrees to train in Flying Circus.", "developers": [{"id": "521816556720619544", "name": "sprite"}], "executables": [ { "is_launcher": false, "name": "\u84bc\u306e\u5f7c\u65b9\u306e\u30d5\u30a9\u30fc\u30ea\u30ba\u30e0.exe", "os": "win32" } ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "ac6f4828ebbd41f5971f8ebf2846ac37", "id": "504764773167136768", "name": "\u84bc\u306e\u5f7c\u65b9\u306e\u30d5\u30a9\u30fc\u30ea\u30ba\u30e0", "publishers": [{"id": "521816556720619544", "name": "sprite"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "1b470d5877ae580ff928e7cb7d9fb6008ed1428fa0aa23cf1ed4d7c20d3a1c1b" }, { "aliases": ["Avalon Lords"], "description": "Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises is the prequel RTS to the MMO Avalon Lords.", "developers": [{"id": "521816799411568645", "name": "Animus Interactive"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "avalonlords.exe", "os": "win32"}, {"is_launcher": false, "name": "avalonlords.app", "os": "darwin"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "88691df2e73b6793cb6ca05ae298c0d5", "id": "504765148481716224", "name": "Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816799411568643", "name": "Animus Interactive Inc"} ], "splash": "cf6efc01423b08c336b8563097033dbc", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "329280", "sku": "329280"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "deec97a46c9ce1a1db6f19d6e5dc74489f8fd1145d4755662c2d21a2d68d056b" }, { "aliases": ["BlackShot SEA", "Blackshot SEA"], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "blackshot.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "0332603516e59e5a7260fd241e6a3fc0", "id": "504767731825115176", "name": "BlackShot: Mercenary Warfare FPS", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816725793275925", "name": "Vertigo Games America"} ], "splash": "5cbc125c4c454c7165b92c4cbacc20aa", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "433350", "sku": "433350"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "4e3d4cdf6f71bf5433c00c533921737d8c17d95c2c4ba3b2728377fb0c2d413d" }, { "aliases": ["BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend"], "description": "Yet another updated version of \"BlazBlue Continuum Shift\", this time for the PS Vita, PS3 & Xbox 360. Features a new playable character and additional features.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816536743149599", "name": "Arc System Works Co., Ltd."} ], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "bbcse.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "e51f28df7d7fc94b2d8cd1dd7023f045", "id": "504768003469082655", "name": "BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816553080094726", "name": "H2 Interactive Co. 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The game shut down on August 6th, 2018.", "developers": [{"id": "521816499950714881", "name": "Jagex Ltd."}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "chronicle.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "7f11c02a1c8aef3d9afdd4317de374c9", "id": "504790398984781834", "name": "Chronicle: RuneScape Legends", "publishers": [{"id": "521816499950714881", "name": "Jagex Ltd."}], "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "205890", "sku": "205890"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "2bf846f4b84799f094d3cb764511422595d05bfb9d6f8d8ad9163e3fb7a111c1" }, { "aliases": ["Combat Mission: Black Sea"], "description": "Battlefront.com's latest entry in the Combat Mission modern warfare simulator depicts a 2017 conflict between NATO and Russia.", "developers": [{"id": "521816536743149596", "name": "Battlefront.com"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "cm black sea.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "74cf375f6e6d371ca7e8503cab69af56", "id": "504801397825470464", "name": "Combat Mission Black Sea", "publishers": [{"id": "521816536743149596", "name": "Battlefront.com"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "a7b04fe2b9cdfa10689e1a93ac191e8da77467cd6484b39a772353e61158dcd6" }, { "aliases": ["Combat Mission: Shock Force"], "description": "Battlefront.com enters the 21st century with Combat Mission: Shock Force. This tactical wargame is set in a hypothetical war between NATO forces and Syria.\n", "developers": [{"id": "521816536743149596", "name": "Battlefront.com"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "cm shock force.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "1e5cfcc7ccdd23610356c14a345e4f0f", "id": "504801527219617808", "name": "Combat Mission Shock Force", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816521249521702", "name": "Paradox Interactive AB"} ], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "8b0113b1137c473d9799243ad988ea1aef454ed435723a296af716a48d3e94ce" }, { "aliases": ["Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2"], "description": "Take command of Yuri's devastating army in his goal of total domination with the official expansion pack of Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816745099395084", "name": "Westwood Studios, Inc."} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "gamemd.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": 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It was originally released on the Xbox and later made it onto PS2 and PC.", "developers": [ { "id": "521816566543810562", "name": "Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc." } ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "mgs2_sse.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "2e27611ec8b6d27d6cd90cef67a6fa30", "id": "505146559835406352", "name": "Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance", "publishers": [{"id": "521816513074692111", "name": "Konami"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "96cf1810333a509cc2a056fa92b25e4adcd73d66bc9acbec19fa891789b64789" }, { "aliases": ["Modlands"], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "modlands.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "2c8f529ca7005eb4838fe1117bb81f8a", "id": "505147819255136297", "name": "Modlands 0.512a version 0.512a", "publishers": [{"id": "521816550102138910", "name": "Triplejump"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "18fbf59600aad360297a57d8a7c8acb038e7a3a90dcd9d9f6e7ea50e4005855b" }, { "aliases": ["NEO AQUARIUM - The King of Crustaceans"], "description": "A competitive 3D shooter where lobsters, crabs and barnacles battle for evolutionary superiority.", "developers": [{"id": "521816571103019009", "name": "Nussoft"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "neoaquarium.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4ce0920868778b9c81a10a412a7cf20f", "id": "505150034698960952", "name": "NEO AQUARIUM - The King of Crustaceans -", "publishers": [{"id": "521816571103019009", "name": "Nussoft"}], "splash": "ef493490173c177c7b35d0f443ac387a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "355240", "sku": "355240"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "678784edcbb83e7e02ee3610304637aabbed6dbbb17825875343a99b5a172af9" }, { "aliases": ["Offspring Fling"], "description": "A forest creature must rescue all of her children in this indie puzzle-platformer.", "developers": [{"id": "521816793644531722", "name": "Kyle Pulver"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "offspring fling.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "a50dd52a193c1526f3451fe5ba4d27de", "id": "505150420377665566", "name": "Offspring Fling!", "publishers": [{"id": "521816793644531722", "name": "Kyle Pulver"}], "splash": "a1c4016e6e5324bc321ab3626b4edfd8", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "211360", "sku": "211360"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "97ae56f5c2cf46f5c45aebfdb02a86a41e8bea89c04268625349eba3cad6464b" }, { "aliases": ["OlliOlli2"], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "olliolli2.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "dc1a45790aa5b6ec57555634050c7898", "id": "505150905696649216", "name": "OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood", "publishers": [{"id": "521816670004576270", "name": "Roll7"}], "splash": "e289a97ff19acc2327cf3bee515ffddb", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "365660", "sku": "365660"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "e27cd81c0eb1d13049203e9e70ad8ebf3bd425e8e4e93926f6867645dbdd9c3c" }, { "aliases": ["Organ Trail"], "description": "A zombified parody of The Oregon Trail, swapping Western pioneers with survivors of a zombie apocalypse. Expanded off the original browser game, the director's cut boasts new challenges and significant changes to the original gameplay.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816741693620225", "name": "The Men Who Wear Many Hats"} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "organtrail.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "d7e202a900abb593522fd73d4750532e", "id": "505151146722197504", "name": "Organ Trail: Director's Cut", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816741693620225", "name": "The Men Who Wear Many Hats"} ], "splash": "a9625a409010af9f92517a7b5d6c0788", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "233740", "sku": "233740"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "1175471cdd0e24dcf54ce7c712b264727a8af89002398d4ce7b705b2f47e1365" }, { "aliases": ["PangYa!"], "description": "", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "projectg.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "b06ed7443e1f900892db01bf8e3afaea", "id": "505151476427915283", "name": "PangYa (NtreevSoft)", "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "6223fab4d9c40d4d1d6875da437362cf00434660c5d78807e4153ecd6c90b1de" }, { "aliases": ["Perpetuum Online"], "description": "A Sci-Fi Mech MMORPG, currently in Beta. The game mimics many of the aspects of Eve, though being ground based with Mech combat differentiates it from other MMOs currently available. ", "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "perpetuum.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "66a2a4d1e66eac19e10f215fc66b4b78", "id": "505151662151958530", "name": "Perpetuum", "publishers": [{"id": "521816611980705795", "name": "Avatar Creations"}], "splash": "7eb08d2c2c49e8c6c4a59a3d5e1f0d7a", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "223410", "sku": "223410"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "ae12733a4d1e045b3a91c330ce324f41e259802da9784abee21e44094d3c3091" }, { "aliases": ["Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst"], "description": "Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst is an expanded version of Phantasy Star Online that offers more content in the form of Episode 4 and also features improved graphics and more items to collect. ", "developers": [{"id": "521816507676885013", "name": "Sonic Team"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "psobb.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "c9a7ff130c57010bc088f3a1cf024b3b", "id": "505152925115482112", "name": "Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst", "publishers": [{"id": "521816507676885010", "name": "Sega"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "52e6b060deab16d3331babe027c0108e3f64de20568cedd8943c86ce9d26ae41" }, { "aliases": ["Phantom Break: Battle Grounds"], "description": "Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds is a beat-em-up that was released on XBLA, and is slated for release on the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4. It is a spinoff of 5pb's 2D fighting game.", "developers": [{"id": "521816754989694997", "name": "Division2"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "pbbg_win32.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "3ab530df69847810a4cca938857de515", "id": "505153286840516649", "name": "Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds", "publishers": [{"id": "521816754989694996", "name": "5pb."}], "splash": "ce738355d33a173956e4e0da3cf38b2c", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "329490", "sku": "329490"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "06268329e9fd4bef7da3e4c9f64828bb828c20bb410ae41be5c37f84587f911d" }, { "aliases": ["Project Hedra"], "description": "Project hedra is a rouguelike game with RPG elements to it, open-world, replayable, quest-orientated are some of the features that best describe it.", "developers": [{"id": "621984260638769152", "name": "Zaphyk"}], "executables": [{"is_launcher": false, "name": "hedra.exe", "os": "win32"}], "flags": 0, "hook": 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"083ea38d9d4bc4519d7731698b252885b00188b8a16894cbb622c2c19fbf3f0c" }, { "description": "A free-to-play, hack and slash roguelike, developed by Grasshopper Manufacture and published by Gung-Ho Entertainment for the PlayStation 4.", "developers": [ {"id": "521816539746271242", "name": "Grasshopper Manufacture inc."} ], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "brggame-steam.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "5360e438d48b9c6c19416cae8c2e6a35", "id": "505256510453186560", "name": "LET IT DIE", "publishers": [ {"id": "521816539746271241", "name": "GungHo Online Entertainment"} ], "splash": "bb7e7df6f41d9a8f6b5843067a64016d", "summary": "", "third_party_skus": [ {"distributor": "steam", "id": "794600", "sku": "794600"} ], "type": 1, "verify_key": "f37d9ac0825232d3f9c70dcfc4ecc34a52a7954e48bbe44e843b299afe50f063" }, { "description": "DIRT 2 is part of the long-running rally-racing-series from Codemasters.", "developers": [{"id": "521816499464306688", "name": 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You can control either a Dwarven clan attempting to build a settlement or a single adventurer in a randomly generated and persistent world complete with its own unique history.", "developers": [{"id": "521816733728768033", "name": "Bay 12 Games"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "dwarf fortress.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "f700a19a352ab17aeb31c19812afdcba", "id": "505491707253620739", "name": "Dwarf Fortress", "publishers": [{"id": "521816733728768033", "name": "Bay 12 Games"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "2fc536c84cb50af538aa3437a44b0db38af105a613f5cacaa9fc4b7b5fd7bed1" }, { "aliases": ["Quake III"], "description": "Quake III: Team Arena is an expansion pack released for Quake III Arena in December 2000 by id Software. It features new modes focused on teamplay, as well as new weapons, items, player models, and maps.", "developers": [{"id": "521816563024920606", "name": "id Software"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "quake3.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, "hook": true, "icon": "4cf84c68f6b2b05bbc6faf434cb89ae6", "id": "505493023031951411", "name": "Quake III", "publishers": [{"id": "521816563024920606", "name": "id Software"}], "summary": "", "type": 1, "verify_key": "49a73f013a3664b36112ffddca597710e4cecd845c7048700a86083f240666cb" }, { "aliases": ["King Of Fighters XIII"], "description": "Expanding on the revamped visual style of The King of Fighters XII, the thirteenth main installment of the tag-team fighting game series concludes the three-part story of Ash Crimson and the mysterious Those From The Past organization.", "developers": [{"id": "521816564564230163", "name": "SNK"}], "executables": [ {"is_launcher": false, "name": "kofxiii.exe", "os": "win32"} ], "flags": 0, 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