const Command = require("../lib/command.js"); const CATEGORY = "general"; const help = new Command("help"); help.category = CATEGORY; help.helpText = "Lists all commands"; help.usage = "[command] or [--category]"; help.callback = function (msg, line) { const sorted = {}; for (const cmd of hf.commands.values()) { const cat = cmd.category.toLowerCase(); if (!sorted[cat]) { sorted[cat] = []; } sorted[cat].push(cmd); } if (line == "") { const embed = { title: "HiddenPhox Help", fields: [], }; for (const cat in sorted) { embed.fields.push({ name: cat.toUpperCase().charAt(0) + cat.toLowerCase().substring(1), value: `${sorted[cat].length} Commands\n\`${ hf.config.prefix }help --${cat.toLowerCase()}\``, inline: true, }); } return {embed}; } else if (line.startsWith("--")) { const cat = line.replace("--", "").toLowerCase().trim(); if (sorted[cat]) { const embed = { title: `HiddenPhox Help: Category > ${ cat.toUpperCase().charAt(0) + cat.toLowerCase().substring(1) }`, fields: [], }; for (const cmd of sorted[cat]) { embed.fields.push({ name: hf.config.prefix +, value: cmd.helpText, inline: true, }); } return {embed}; } else { return "Category not found."; } } else { let cmd = hf.commands.get(line.toLowerCase().trim()); if (!cmd) { for (const c of hf.commands.values()) { if (c.hasAlias(line.toLowerCase().trim())) { cmd = c; break; } } } if (cmd) { const aliases = cmd.getAliases(); const embed = { title: `HiddenPhox Help: Command > \`${hf.config.prefix}${}\``, description: cmd.helpText, fields: [ { name: "Category", value: cmd.category.toUpperCase().charAt(0) + cmd.category.toLowerCase().substring(1), inline: true, }, ], }; if (aliases.length > 0) { embed.fields.push({ name: "Aliases", value: aliases.join(", "), inline: true, }); } if (cmd.usage) { embed.fields.push({ name: "Usage", value: `${hf.config.prefix}${} ${cmd.usage}`, inline: true, }); } if (cmd.description) { embed.fields.push({ name: "Full Description", value: cmd.description, }); } return {embed}; } else { return "Command not found."; } } }; hf.registerCommand(help); const ping = new Command("ping"); ping.category = CATEGORY; ping.helpText = "Pong"; ping.description = "Measures response times to Discord."; ping.addAlias("p"); ping.callback = async function (msg) { const newMsg = await{ content: "Pong.", allowedMentions: { repliedUser: false, }, messageReference: { messageID:, }, }); const rtt = Math.floor( newMsg.timestamp - (msg.editedTimestamp || msg.timestamp) ); const gateway =[[]] || 0 ).latency; newMsg.edit({ content: `Pong. RTT: \`${rtt}ms\`, Gateway: \`${gateway}ms\``, allowedMentions: { repliedUser: false, }, }); }; hf.registerCommand(ping); const invite = new Command("invite"); invite.category = CATEGORY; invite.helpText = "Returns invite link for the bot."; invite.callback = function () { return ``; }; hf.registerCommand(invite);