const {formatTime} = require("../lib/utils.js"); const GUILD_ID = "300436792916836352"; const THREAD_ID = "1054106209273253888"; const MESSAGE_ID = "1054109813132509245"; async function updateNowPlaying() { let playing; try { playing = await fetch("").then((res) => res.text() ); } catch (err) { try { playing = await fetch("").then((res) => res.text() ); } catch (err) { // } } let schedule; try { schedule = await fetch("").then((res) => res.text() ); } catch (err) { try { schedule = await fetch("").then((res) => res.text() ); } catch (err) { // } } if (!playing || !schedule) return; let lines = schedule.split("\n"); lines = lines.slice(4, lines.length - 2); const line = lines[0]; if (!line) return; const [_, _time, id, name] = line.match(/^(.{3,4} .{4})\s+(.+?) {2}(.+?)$/); const liveNow = {name: "ident", id: "aNONradio"}; if (name.includes("<- Live NOW")) { = id; = name.replace("<- Live NOW", "").trim(); } let title = ""; let subtitle = ""; if (playing.includes("listeners with a daily peak of")) { title = `${} (\`${}\`)`; subtitle = playing; } else if (playing.startsWith("Coming up")) { title = playing; } else { const [_, current, peakDay, peakMonth, dj, metadata] = playing.match( /\[(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)\] \((.+?)\): (.+)/ ); if ( metadata == "" || == "Synth Battle Royale" ) { title = `${} (\`${dj}\`)`; } else { title = `${metadata} (\`${dj}\`)`; } subtitle = `${current} listening with a daily peak of ${peakDay} and ${peakMonth} peak for the month.`; } let openmicTime = ""; if ( == "openmic") { try { const icecast = await fetch("") .then((res) => res.text()) .then((data) => JSON.parse(data.replace(/"title": - ,/g, '"title":" - ",')) ); const streamData = icecast.icestats.source.find( (src) => src.listenurl == "" ); if (streamData && streamData.stream_start_iso8601) { const startTime = new Date(streamData.stream_start_iso8601).getTime(); openmicTime = `-\\*- OpenMIC DJ has been streaming for ${formatTime( - startTime )} -\\*-\n`; } } catch (err) { // } } const content = `${title}\n${subtitle}\n${openmicTime}`.trim(); const thread =; if (thread) { const msg = await thread.getMessage(MESSAGE_ID); if (msg.content !== content) { await thread.editMessage(MESSAGE_ID, {content}); } } } hf.timer.add( "anonradio", async () => { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => reject("timeout"), 1900); updateNowPlaying().then(() => resolve(true)); }).catch(() => {}); }, 2000 );