const Command = require("../lib/command.js"); const CATEGORY = "image"; const {getImage} = require("../lib/utils.js"); const dumpyConvert = require("dumpy").convert; const Jimp = require("jimp"); async function createImageCallback(msg, url, callback, filename) {; let img; try { img = await getImage(msg, url); } catch (e) { if (e == "Image not found in last 20 messages.") { return "Image not found. Please give URL, attachment, user mention or custom emoji."; } else { return ":warning: An internal error occurred."; } } const out = await callback(img); if (out) { return {file: {file: out, name: filename}}; } else { return ":warning: Nothing was returned."; } } const dumpy = new Command("dumpy"); dumpy.category = CATEGORY; dumpy.helpText = "Among Us Dumpy GIF Creator"; dumpy.usage = " [url]"; dumpy.callback = async function (msg, line, [width, url]) { if (isNaN(parseInt(width))) url = width; width = Math.min(Math.max(isNaN(parseInt(width)) ? 10 : width, 2), 48); return await createImageCallback( msg, url, async (img) => await dumpyConvert(img, width), "dumpy.gif" ); }; hf.registerCommand(dumpy); const hooh = new Command("hooh"); hooh.category = CATEGORY; hooh.helpText = "Mirror bottom to top"; hooh.usage = "[url]"; hooh.callback = async function (msg, line) { return await createImageCallback( msg, line, async (url) => { const img = await; const half1 = img .clone() .crop( 0, img.bitmap.height / 2, img.bitmap.width, img.bitmap.height / 2 ); const half2 = half1.clone().mirror(false, true); return await img .composite(half1, 0, img.bitmap.height / 2) .composite(half2, 0, 0) .getBufferAsync(Jimp.MIME_PNG); }, "hooh.png" ); }; hf.registerCommand(hooh); const woow = new Command("woow"); woow.category = CATEGORY; woow.helpText = "Mirror top to bottom"; woow.usage = "[url]"; woow.callback = async function (msg, line) { return await createImageCallback( msg, line, async (url) => { const img = await; const half1 = img .clone() .crop(0, 0, img.bitmap.width, img.bitmap.height / 2); const half2 = half1.clone().mirror(false, true); return await img .composite(half1, 0, 0) .composite(half2, 0, img.bitmap.height / 2) .getBufferAsync(Jimp.MIME_PNG); }, "woow.png" ); }; hf.registerCommand(woow); const haah = new Command("haah"); haah.category = CATEGORY; haah.helpText = "Mirror left to right"; haah.usage = "[url]"; haah.callback = async function (msg, line) { return await createImageCallback( msg, line, async (url) => { const img = await; const half1 = img .clone() .crop(0, 0, img.bitmap.width / 2, img.bitmap.height); const half2 = half1.clone().mirror(true, false); return await img .composite(half1, 0, 0) .composite(half2, img.bitmap.width / 2, 0) .getBufferAsync(Jimp.MIME_PNG); }, "haah.png" ); }; hf.registerCommand(haah); const waaw = new Command("waaw"); waaw.category = CATEGORY; waaw.helpText = "Mirror right to left"; waaw.usage = "[url]"; waaw.callback = async function (msg, line) { return await createImageCallback( msg, line, async (url) => { const img = await; const half1 = img .clone() .crop(img.bitmap.width / 2, 0, img.bitmap.width / 2, img.bitmap.height); const half2 = half1.clone().mirror(true, false); return await img .composite(half1, img.bitmap.width / 2, 0) .composite(half2, 0, 0) .getBufferAsync(Jimp.MIME_PNG); }, "waaw.png" ); }; hf.registerCommand(waaw); const invert = new Command("invert"); invert.category = CATEGORY; invert.helpText = "Invert an image"; invert.usage = "[url]"; invert.callback = async function (msg, line) { return await createImageCallback( msg, line, async (img) => { return await => x.invert().getBufferAsync(Jimp.MIME_PNG) ); }, "invert.png" ); }; hf.registerCommand(invert); const flip = new Command("flip"); flip.category = CATEGORY; flip.helpText = "Flip an image horizontally"; flip.usage = "[url]"; flip.callback = async function (msg, line) { return await createImageCallback( msg, line, async (img) => { return await => x.mirror(true, false).getBufferAsync(Jimp.MIME_PNG) ); }, "flip.png" ); }; hf.registerCommand(flip); const flop = new Command("flop"); flop.category = CATEGORY; flop.helpText = "Flip an image vertically"; flop.usage = "[url]"; flop.callback = async function (msg, line) { return await createImageCallback( msg, line, async (img) => { return await => x.mirror(false, true).getBufferAsync(Jimp.MIME_PNG) ); }, "flop.png" ); }; hf.registerCommand(flop); const jpeg = new Command("jpeg"); jpeg.category = CATEGORY; jpeg.helpText = "Turn an image into a compressed mess"; jpeg.usage = "[url]"; jpeg.addAlias("needsmorejpeg"); jpeg.callback = async function (msg, line) { return await createImageCallback( msg, line, async (img) => { return await => x.quality(1).getBufferAsync(Jimp.MIME_JPEG) ); }, "jpeg.jpg" ); }; hf.registerCommand(jpeg);