split misc, attempt to fix mcserver

This commit is contained in:
Cynthia Foxwell 2024-08-02 11:53:00 -06:00
parent 78d759ad97
commit 538761fdf0
11 changed files with 1075 additions and 943 deletions

View file

@ -1,951 +1,12 @@
const Command = require("../lib/command.js");
const InteractionCommand = require("../lib/interactionCommand.js");
const logger = require("../lib/logger.js");
const CATEGORY = "misc";
const {ApplicationCommandOptionTypes} = require("../util/dconstants.js");
const {formatUsername, safeString} = require("../util/misc.js");
const {formatTime} = require("../util/time.js");
const {parseHtmlEntities} = require("../util/html.js");
const GoogleImages = require("google-images");
const {tinycolor, random: randomColor} = require("@ctrl/tinycolor");
const sharp = require("sharp");
const net = require("node:net");
const fs = require("node:fs");
const {resolve} = require("node:path");
const imagesClient = new GoogleImages(hf.apikeys.gimg, hf.apikeys.google);
const logger = require("../lib/logger.js");
const yt = new Command("youtube");
yt.category = CATEGORY;
yt.helpText = "Search YouTube";
yt.usage = "[search term]";
yt.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line) return "Arguments are required.";
const req = await fetch(`${hf.config.piped_api}/search?q=${encodeURIComponent(line)}&filter=videos`).then((x) =>
const topVid = req.items[0];
let out = `**${safeString(parseHtmlEntities(topVid.title))}** | \`${safeString(
)}\`\nhttps://youtube.com${topVid.url}\n\n**__See Also:__**\n`;
for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
const vid = req.items[i];
if (!vid) continue;
out += `- **${safeString(parseHtmlEntities(vid.title))}** | By: \`${safeString(
)}\` | <https://youtube.com${vid.url}>\n`;
return out;
const ytInteraction = new InteractionCommand("youtube");
ytInteraction.helpText = "Search Youtube";
ytInteraction.options.search = {
name: "search",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING,
description: "Search query",
required: true,
default: "",
ytInteraction.callback = async function (interaction) {
const search = this.getOption(interaction, "search");
return yt.callback(interaction, search);
const fyt = new Command("fyt");
fyt.category = CATEGORY;
fyt.helpText = "Search YouTube and take the first result.";
fyt.usage = "[search term]";
fyt.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line) return "Arguments are required.";
const req = await fetch(`${hf.config.piped_api}/search?q=${encodeURIComponent(line)}&filter=videos`).then((x) =>
const vid = req.items[0];
return `**${safeString(parseHtmlEntities(vid.title))}** | \`${safeString(
const fytInteraction = new InteractionCommand("fyt");
fytInteraction.helpText = "Search Youtube and take the first result.";
fytInteraction.options.search = {
name: "search",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING,
description: "Search query",
required: true,
default: "",
fytInteraction.callback = async function (interaction) {
const search = this.getOption(interaction, "search");
return fyt.callback(interaction, search);
const WA_NO_ANSWER = "<:ms_cross:503341994974773250> No answer.";
const wolfram = new Command("wolfram");
wolfram.category = CATEGORY;
wolfram.helpText = "Wolfram Alpha";
wolfram.usage = "<-v> [query]";
wolfram.callback = async function (msg, line, args, {verbose, v}) {
const _verbose = verbose ?? v;
const query = args.join(" ");
const req = await fetch(
).then((x) => x.json());
const data = req.queryresult.pods;
if (!data) return WA_NO_ANSWER;
// fake no answer
//if (data[0].subpods[0].plaintext.includes("geoIP")) return WA_NO_ANSWER;
if (_verbose) {
const embed = {
title: `Result for: \`${safeString(query)}\``,
fields: [],
footer: {
icon_url: "http://www.wolframalpha.com/share.png",
text: "Powered by Wolfram Alpha",
image: {
url: data[1].subpods[0].img.src,
const extra = data.slice(1, 6);
for (const x in extra) {
name: extra[x].title,
value: `[${extra[x].subpods[0].plaintext.length > 0 ? extra[x].subpods[0].plaintext : "<click for image>"}](${
inline: true,
return {embed};
} else {
let image;
if (data[1].subpods[0].img.src)
try {
const res = await fetch(data[1].subpods[0].img.src);
if (res) {
const imgData = await res.arrayBuffer();
image = Buffer.from(imgData);
} catch {
let string = "";
if (data[1].subpods[0].plaintext.length > 0) string = safeString(data[1].subpods[0].plaintext);
let text;
if (string.length > 2000 - (6 + safeString(query).length)) {
text = string;
string = "Output too long:";
return {
content: `\`${safeString(query)}\` -> ${string.length > 0 ? string : ""}`,
attachments: [
text && {
file: text,
filename: "message.txt",
image && {
file: image,
filename: "wolfram_output.gif",
].filter((x) => !!x),
const wolframInteraction = new InteractionCommand("wolfram");
wolframInteraction.helpText = "Wolfram Alpha";
wolframInteraction.options.query = {
name: "query",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING,
description: "What to query Wolfram Alpha for",
required: true,
default: "",
wolframInteraction.options.verbose = {
name: "verbose",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING,
description: "Verbose output",
required: false,
default: false,
wolframInteraction.callback = async function (interaction) {
const query = this.getOption(interaction, "query");
const verbose = this.getOption(interaction, "verbose");
return wolfram.callback(interaction, query, [query], {verbose});
const gimg = new Command("gimg");
gimg.category = CATEGORY;
gimg.helpText = "Search Google Images";
gimg.usage = "[query]";
gimg.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line) return "No arguments given.";
const images = await imagesClient.search(line, {
safe: msg.channel.nsfw && !msg.channel?.topic.includes("[no_nsfw]") ? "off" : "high",
const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length);
const image = images[index];
return {
embeds: [
title: image.description,
url: image.parentPage,
image: {
url: image.url,
footer: {
text: `Image ${Number(index) + 1}/${images.length}. Rerun to get a different image.`,
const fimg = new Command("fimg");
fimg.category = CATEGORY;
fimg.helpText = "Send first result from Google Images";
fimg.usage = "[query]";
fimg.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line) return "No arguments given.";
const images = await imagesClient.search(line, {
safe: msg.channel.nsfw && !msg.channel?.topic.includes("[no_nsfw]") ? "off" : "high",
const image = images[0];
return {
embeds: [
title: image.description,
url: image.parentPage,
image: {
url: image.url,
const poll = new Command("poll");
poll.category = CATEGORY;
poll.helpText = "Start a poll";
poll.usage = "[topic] [option 1] [option 2] [...option 3-10]";
poll.callback = async function (msg, line, [topic, ...options]) {
if (!line || !topic) return 'Usage: hf!poll "topic" "option 1" "option 2" "...options 3-10"';
const arrOptions = [...options].slice(0, 10);
if (arrOptions.length < 2) return "A minimum of two options are required.";
const reactions = [];
let displayString = `**${formatUsername(msg.author)}** has started a poll:\n## __${topic}__\n`;
for (let i = 0; i < arrOptions.length; i++) {
displayString += (i === 9 ? "\ud83d\udd1f" : `${i + 1}\u20e3`) + ": " + arrOptions[i] + "\n";
reactions[i] = i === 9 ? "\ud83d\udd1f" : `${i + 1}\u20e3`;
return {
content: displayString,
addReactions: reactions,
const vote = new Command("vote");
vote.category = CATEGORY;
vote.helpText = "Start a yes/no vote";
vote.usage = "[topic]";
vote.callback = async function (msg, line, topic, {maybe}) {
if (!topic) return "No topic given.";
topic = topic.join(" ");
return {
content: `**${formatUsername(
)}** has started a vote:\n## __${topic}__\n<:ms_tick:503341995348066313>: Yes\n<:ms_cross:503341994974773250>: No${
maybe ? "\n<:ms_tilda:581268710925271095>: Maybe/Uncertain" : ""
addReactions: [
maybe && ":ms_tilda:581268710925271095",
].filter((x) => x != null),
const DAYS = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"];
const anonradio = new Command("anonradio");
anonradio.category = CATEGORY;
anonradio.helpText = "aNONradio.net schedule";
anonradio.callback = async function () {
const now = new Date();
let playing;
for (const file of fs.readdirSync(resolve(__dirname, "misc"))) {
try {
playing = await fetch("https://anonradio.net/playing").then((res) => res.text());
require(resolve(__dirname, "misc", file));
} catch (err) {
try {
playing = await fetch("http://anonradio.net/playing").then((res) => res.text());
} catch (err) {
logger.error("hf:modules:misc", `Failed to load "${file}": ${err}`);
let schedule;
try {
schedule = await fetch("https://anonradio.net/schedule/").then((res) => res.text());
} catch (err) {
try {
schedule = await fetch("http://anonradio.net/schedule/").then((res) => res.text());
} catch (err) {
if (!playing || !schedule) return "Failed to fetch schedule.";
const icecast = await fetch("http://anonradio.net:8010/status-json.xsl")
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((data) => JSON.parse(data.replace(/"title": - ,/g, '"title":" - ",')));
let lines = schedule.split("\n");
lines = lines.slice(4, lines.length - 2);
const parsedLines = [];
for (const line of lines) {
const [_, time, id, name] = line.match(/^(.{3,4} .{4})\s+(.+?) {2}(.+?)$/);
const tmp = time.split(" ");
const day = tmp[0];
let hour = tmp[1];
const currentDay = now.getUTCDay();
const targetDay = DAYS.indexOf(day);
const delta = (targetDay + 7 - currentDay) % 7;
let currentYear = now.getUTCFullYear();
const currentMonth = now.getUTCMonth() + 1;
const currentDateDay = now.getUTCDate();
let targetMonth = currentMonth;
const lastDay = new Date(currentYear, currentMonth, 0).getDate();
let targetDateDay = currentDateDay + delta;
if (targetDateDay > lastDay) {
targetMonth = currentMonth === 12 ? 1 : currentMonth + 1;
targetDateDay = 1;
if (currentMonth === 12) currentYear++;
hour = hour.slice(0, 2) + ":" + hour.slice(-2);
const timestamp =
Date.parse(`${DAYS[targetDay]}, ${currentYear}-${targetMonth}-${targetDateDay} ${hour} UTC`) / 1000;
let nameOut = name;
if (time == "Sat 0300") nameOut = name.replace("Open Mic - Anyone can stream", "Synth Battle Royale");
name: nameOut.replace(" <- Up NEXT", ""),
let liveNow = {name: "ident", id: "aNONradio"};
if (parsedLines[0].name.includes("<- Live NOW")) {
liveNow = parsedLines.splice(0, 1)[0];
liveNow.name = liveNow.name.replace(" <- Live NOW", "");
let title = "";
let subtitle = "";
if (playing.includes("listeners with a daily peak of")) {
title = `${liveNow.name} (\`${liveNow.id}\`)`;
subtitle = playing;
} else {
const [_, current, peakDay, peakMonth, dj, metadata] = playing.match(/\[(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)\] \((.+?)\): (.+)/);
if (metadata == "https://archives.anonradio.net" || liveNow.name == "Synth Battle Royale") {
title = `${liveNow.name} (\`${dj}\`)`;
} else {
title = `${metadata} (\`${dj}\`)`;
subtitle = `${current} listening with a daily peak of ${peakDay} and ${peakMonth} peak for the month.`;
let openmicTime = "";
if (liveNow.id == "openmic") {
const streamData = icecast.icestats.source.find((src) => src.listenurl == "http://anonradio.net:8010/openmic");
if (streamData && streamData.stream_start_iso8601) {
const startTime = new Date(streamData.stream_start_iso8601).getTime();
openmicTime = `-\\*- OpenMIC DJ has been streaming for ${formatTime(Date.now() - startTime)} -\\*-\n`;
return {
embeds: [
title: subtitle,
author: {
name: title,
url: "http://anonradio.net:8000/anonradio",
description: openmicTime + "__Schedule:__",
fields: parsedLines.map((line) => ({
inline: true,
name: `${line.name} (\`${line.id}\`)`,
value: `<t:${line.timestamp}:R>`,
const REGEX_IPV4 = /^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)(\.(?!$)|$)){4}$/;
const shodan = new Command("shodan");
shodan.category = CATEGORY;
shodan.helpText = "Look up an IP on Shodan InternetDB";
shodan.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line || line == "") return "Arguments required.";
if (!REGEX_IPV4.test(line)) return "Invalid IP address.";
const data = await fetch("https://internetdb.shodan.io/" + line).then((res) => res.json());
if (data.detail) return data.detail;
return {
embed: {
title: `Results for \`${data.ip}\``,
fields: [
name: "Hostnames",
value: data.hostnames.length > 0 ? data.hostnames.map((str) => `\`${str}\``).join(" ") : "None",
inline: true,
name: "Open ports",
value: data.ports.length > 0 ? data.ports.join(", ") : "None",
inline: true,
name: "Tags",
value: data.tags.length > 0 ? data.tags.map((str) => `\`${str}\``).join(", ") : "None",
inline: true,
name: "CPEs",
value: data.cpes.length > 0 ? data.cpes.map((str) => `\`${str}\``).join(" ") : "None",
inline: true,
name: "Vulnerabilities",
value: data.vulns.length > 0 ? data.vulns.map((str) => `\`${str}\``).join(" ") : "None",
inline: true,
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
const generate = new Command("generate");
generate.category = CATEGORY;
generate.helpText = "Generate images from prompt via craiyon";
generate.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line || line.length === 0) return "Arguments required.";
const start = Date.now();
let retries = 0;
let request = await fetch("https://backend.craiyon.com/generate", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({prompt: line}),
while (request.status !== 200) {
request = await fetch("https://backend.craiyon.com/generate", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({prompt: line}),
const data = await request.json();
const images = data.images
.map((img) => Buffer.from(img, "base64"))
.map((img, index) => ({contents: img, name: `${index}.jpg`}));
const title = `Responses for "${safeString(line)}"`;
const out = {
content: `Generated in ${formatTime(Date.now() - start)}${retries > 0 ? " with " + retries + " retries" : ""}`,
embeds: [],
files: images,
let splitIndex = 0;
for (const index in images) {
if (index % 3 == 0) splitIndex++;
url: "https://www.craiyon.com/?" + splitIndex,
image: {
url: `attachment://${index}.jpg`,
return out;
const search = new Command("search");
search.category = CATEGORY;
search.helpText = "Search, powered by LibreX";
search.callback = async function (msg, line, args, {results = 2}) {
const query = args.join(" ");
if (!hf.config.librex) return "LibreX instance not defined.";
if (!query || query == "") return "Search query required.";
const encodedQuery = encodeURIComponent(query);
if (query.startsWith("!")) {
const url = `https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=${encodedQuery}&format=json`;
const res = await fetch(url);
if (res.url != url) return res.url;
const res = await fetch(`${hf.config.librex}/api.php?q=${encodedQuery}&p=0&t=0`).then((res) => res.json());
if (res.error?.message) {
if (res.error.message.indexOf("No results found.") > -1) {
return "Search returned no results.";
} else {
return `Search returned error:\n\`\`\`\n${res.error.message}\`\`\``;
} else {
const searchResults = Object.values(res)
.filter((result) => result.did_you_mean == null && typeof result !== "string")
.splice(0, Number(results));
if (searchResults.length > 0) {
let out = `__**Results for \`${safeString(query)}\`**__\n`;
for (const result of searchResults) {
if (result.special_response) {
out += "> " + safeString(parseHtmlEntities(result.special_response.response.split("\n").join("\n> ")));
out += `\n<${encodeURI(result.special_response.source)}>`;
} else {
out += `**${safeString(parseHtmlEntities(result.title)).trim()}** - <${encodeURI(result.url)}>`;
out += `\n> ${safeString(parseHtmlEntities(result.description))}`;
out += "\n\n";
return out.trim();
} else {
return "Search returned no results.";
const searchInteraction = new InteractionCommand("search");
searchInteraction.helpText = "Search, powered by LibreX";
searchInteraction.options.query = {
name: "query",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING,
description: "What to search for",
required: true,
default: "",
searchInteraction.options.results = {
name: "results",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.INTEGER,
description: "How many results to show",
required: false,
min_value: 1,
max_value: 10,
default: 2,
searchInteraction.callback = async function (interaction) {
const query = this.getOption(interaction, "query");
const results = this.getOption(interaction, "results");
return search.callback(interaction, query, [query], {results});
const colornamesRaw = fs.readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, "../../data/colornames.csv"), "utf8");
const color = new Command("color");
color.category = CATEGORY;
color.helpText = "Show information on a color or get a random color";
color.callback = async function (msg, line, args, {truerandom, first}) {
const query = args.join(" ");
let color = tinycolor(query),
random = false;
if (!query || query == "") {
color = truerandom ? tinycolor(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xffffff)) : randomColor();
random = true;
if (!color.isValid) {
const search = `^([0-9a-f]{6}),${query},`;
if (!first) {
const colornamesMatches = colornamesRaw.match(new RegExp(search, "img"));
if (colornamesMatches.length > 1) {
const hexes = colornamesMatches.map((m) => m.split(",")[0]);
const random = hexes[Math.floor(Math.random() * hexes.length)];
const left = "- #" + hexes.slice(0, Math.ceil(hexes.length / 2)).join("\n- #");
const right = "- #" + hexes.slice(Math.ceil(hexes.length / 2), hexes.length).join("\n- #");
return {
embed: {
color: parseInt(`0x${random}`),
footer: {
text: `Picked #${random} for embed color \u2022 Use \`--first\` or the \`first\` option to bypass this`,
fields: [
{name: `Got ${colornamesMatches.length} matches for \`${safeString(query)}\``, value: left, inline: true},
{name: "\u200b", value: right, inline: true},
const colornamesHex = colornamesRaw.match(new RegExp(search, "im"))?.[1];
if (colornamesHex) {
color = tinycolor(colornamesHex);
} else {
return "Color not valid.";
const image = await sharp({
create: {
width: 128,
height: 128,
channels: 3,
background: {r: color.r, g: color.g, b: color.b},
const hex = color.toHex();
const fileName = `${hex}.png`;
const fields = [
name: "Hex",
value: color.toHexString(),
inline: true,
name: "RGB",
value: color.toRgbString(),
inline: true,
name: "HSL",
value: color.toHslString(),
inline: true,
name: "HSV",
value: color.toHsvString(),
inline: true,
name: "Integer",
value: color.toNumber(),
inline: true,
if (color.toName() != false) {
fields.splice(0, 0, {
name: "Name",
value: color.toName(),
inline: true,
const colornamesName = colornamesRaw.match(new RegExp(`^${hex},([^,]+?),`, "im"))?.[1];
if (colornamesName) {
name: "\u200b",
value: `**[colornames](https://colornames.org/color/${hex}) Name**\n${colornamesName}`,
return {
embeds: [
title: random ? "Random Color" : "",
color: color.toNumber(),
thumbnail: {
url: `attachment://${fileName}`,
file: {
file: image,
name: fileName,
const colorInteraction = new InteractionCommand("color");
colorInteraction.helpText = "Show information on a color or get a random color";
colorInteraction.options.input = {
name: "input",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING,
description: "Color to get info on",
required: false,
default: "",
colorInteraction.options.truerandom = {
name: "truerandom",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.BOOLEAN,
description: "Should the random color give a 'true random' color instead of an adjust color",
required: false,
default: false,
colorInteraction.options.first = {
name: "first",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.BOOLEAN,
description: "Take first match for a colornames color by name",
required: false,
default: false,
colorInteraction.callback = async function (interaction) {
const input = this.getOption(interaction, "input");
const truerandom = this.getOption(interaction, "truerandom");
const first = this.getOption(interaction, "first");
return color.callback(interaction, input, [input], {truerandom, first});
function writeVarInt(value) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(0);
do {
let temp = value & 0b01111111;
value >>>= 7;
if (value != 0) {
temp |= 0b10000000;
buf = Buffer.concat([buf, Buffer.from([temp])]);
} while (value != 0);
return buf;
const ident = Buffer.from("HiddenPhox (c7.pm) ", "utf8");
const identPort = Buffer.alloc(2);
const handshake = Buffer.concat([
const handshakeWithLength = Buffer.concat([writeVarInt(handshake.length), handshake]);
const status = Buffer.concat([writeVarInt(1), writeVarInt(0x0)]);
const HANDSHAKE_PACKET = Buffer.concat([handshakeWithLength, status]);
const formattingToAnsi = {
r: "0",
l: "1",
m: "9",
n: "4",
o: "3",
0: "30",
1: "34",
2: "32",
3: "36",
4: "31",
5: "35",
6: "33",
7: "37",
8: "90",
9: "94",
a: "92",
b: "96",
c: "91",
d: "95",
e: "93",
f: "97",
const mcserver = new Command("mcserver");
mcserver.category = CATEGORY;
mcserver.helpText = "Query a Minecraft server";
mcserver.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line || line == "") return "Arguments required.";
const split = line.split(":");
const ip = split[0];
const port = split[1] ?? 25565;
await msg.addReaction("\uD83C\uDFD3");
const data = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
logger.verbose("mcserver", "querying", ip, port);
const client = net.createConnection(
host: ip,
port: port,
timeout: 180000,
function () {
logger.verbose("mcserver", "connect");
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
logger.verbose("mcserver", "timeout");
}, 180000);
let totalData = Buffer.alloc(0);
client.on("data", function (data) {
totalData = Buffer.concat([totalData, data]);
logger.verbose("mcserver", "data", data.length, totalData.length);
client.on("close", function (err) {
if (err) {
logger.verbose("mcserver", "close with error", err);
return reject(err);
const dataAsString = totalData.toString().trim();
const json = JSON.parse(dataAsString.slice(dataAsString.indexOf("{"), dataAsString.lastIndexOf("}") + 1));
logger.verbose("mcserver", "close", json);
return resolve(json);
client.on("timeout", function () {});
if (data == "timeout") {
await msg.removeReaction("\uD83C\uDFD3");
return "Timed out trying to query.";
} else {
await msg.removeReaction("\uD83C\uDFD3");
const motd = data.description.text.replace(/\u00a7([a-f0-9k-or])/gi, (formatting) => {
const ansi = formattingToAnsi[formatting];
return ansi ? `\x1b[${ansi}m` : "";
const players = data.players?.sample?.map((player) => player.name) ?? [];
const totalPlayers = `(${data.players.online}/${data.players.max})`;
let image;
if (data.favicon) {
image = Buffer.from(data.favicon.slice(data.favicon.indexOf(",")), "base64");
return {
embed: {
title: `Server info for: \`${line}\``,
fields: [
name: "MOTD",
value: `\`\`\`ansi\n${motd}\n\`\`\``,
name: "Version",
value: `${data.version.name} (\`${data.version.protocol}\`)`,
inline: true,
name: `Players ${players.length > 0 ? totalPlayers : ""}`,
value: players.length > 0 ? players.join(", ") : totalPlayers,
inline: players.length == 0,
thumbnail: image && {
url: "attachment://icon.png",
file: image && {
file: image,
name: "icon.png",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
const Command = require("../lib/command.js");
const {formatTime} = require("../util/time.js");
const DAYS = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"];
const anonradio = new Command("anonradio");
anonradio.category = "misc";
anonradio.helpText = "aNONradio.net schedule";
anonradio.callback = async function () {
const now = new Date();
let playing;
try {
playing = await fetch("https://anonradio.net/playing").then((res) => res.text());
} catch (err) {
try {
playing = await fetch("http://anonradio.net/playing").then((res) => res.text());
} catch (err) {
let schedule;
try {
schedule = await fetch("https://anonradio.net/schedule/").then((res) => res.text());
} catch (err) {
try {
schedule = await fetch("http://anonradio.net/schedule/").then((res) => res.text());
} catch (err) {
if (!playing || !schedule) return "Failed to fetch schedule.";
const icecast = await fetch("http://anonradio.net:8010/status-json.xsl")
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((data) => JSON.parse(data.replace(/"title": - ,/g, '"title":" - ",')));
let lines = schedule.split("\n");
lines = lines.slice(4, lines.length - 2);
const parsedLines = [];
for (const line of lines) {
const [_, time, id, name] = line.match(/^(.{3,4} .{4})\s+(.+?) {2}(.+?)$/);
const tmp = time.split(" ");
const day = tmp[0];
let hour = tmp[1];
const currentDay = now.getUTCDay();
const targetDay = DAYS.indexOf(day);
const delta = (targetDay + 7 - currentDay) % 7;
let currentYear = now.getUTCFullYear();
const currentMonth = now.getUTCMonth() + 1;
const currentDateDay = now.getUTCDate();
let targetMonth = currentMonth;
const lastDay = new Date(currentYear, currentMonth, 0).getDate();
let targetDateDay = currentDateDay + delta;
if (targetDateDay > lastDay) {
targetMonth = currentMonth === 12 ? 1 : currentMonth + 1;
targetDateDay = 1;
if (currentMonth === 12) currentYear++;
hour = hour.slice(0, 2) + ":" + hour.slice(-2);
const timestamp =
Date.parse(`${DAYS[targetDay]}, ${currentYear}-${targetMonth}-${targetDateDay} ${hour} UTC`) / 1000;
let nameOut = name;
if (time == "Sat 0300") nameOut = name.replace("Open Mic - Anyone can stream", "Synth Battle Royale");
name: nameOut.replace(" <- Up NEXT", ""),
let liveNow = {name: "ident", id: "aNONradio"};
if (parsedLines[0].name.includes("<- Live NOW")) {
liveNow = parsedLines.splice(0, 1)[0];
liveNow.name = liveNow.name.replace(" <- Live NOW", "");
let title = "";
let subtitle = "";
if (playing.includes("listeners with a daily peak of")) {
title = `${liveNow.name} (\`${liveNow.id}\`)`;
subtitle = playing;
} else {
const [_, current, peakDay, peakMonth, dj, metadata] = playing.match(/\[(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)\] \((.+?)\): (.+)/);
if (metadata == "https://archives.anonradio.net" || liveNow.name == "Synth Battle Royale") {
title = `${liveNow.name} (\`${dj}\`)`;
} else {
title = `${metadata} (\`${dj}\`)`;
subtitle = `${current} listening with a daily peak of ${peakDay} and ${peakMonth} peak for the month.`;
let openmicTime = "";
if (liveNow.id == "openmic") {
const streamData = icecast.icestats.source.find((src) => src.listenurl == "http://anonradio.net:8010/openmic");
if (streamData && streamData.stream_start_iso8601) {
const startTime = new Date(streamData.stream_start_iso8601).getTime();
openmicTime = `-\\*- OpenMIC DJ has been streaming for ${formatTime(Date.now() - startTime)} -\\*-\n`;
return {
embeds: [
title: subtitle,
author: {
name: title,
url: "http://anonradio.net:8000/anonradio",
description: openmicTime + "__Schedule:__",
fields: parsedLines.map((line) => ({
inline: true,
name: `${line.name} (\`${line.id}\`)`,
value: `<t:${line.timestamp}:R>`,

src/modules/misc/color.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
const Command = require("../lib/command.js");
const InteractionCommand = require("../lib/interactionCommand.js");
const {ApplicationCommandOptionTypes} = require("../util/dconstants.js");
const {safeString} = require("../util/misc.js");
const {tinycolor, random: randomColor} = require("@ctrl/tinycolor");
const sharp = require("sharp");
const fs = require("node:fs");
const {resolve} = require("node:path");
const colornamesRaw = fs.readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, "../../data/colornames.csv"), "utf8");
const color = new Command("color");
color.category = "misc";
color.helpText = "Show information on a color or get a random color";
color.callback = async function (msg, line, args, {truerandom, first}) {
const query = args.join(" ");
let color = tinycolor(query),
random = false;
if (!query || query == "") {
color = truerandom ? tinycolor(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xffffff)) : randomColor();
random = true;
if (!color.isValid) {
const search = `^([0-9a-f]{6}),${query},`;
if (!first) {
const colornamesMatches = colornamesRaw.match(new RegExp(search, "img"));
if (colornamesMatches.length > 1) {
const hexes = colornamesMatches.map((m) => m.split(",")[0]);
const random = hexes[Math.floor(Math.random() * hexes.length)];
const left = "- #" + hexes.slice(0, Math.ceil(hexes.length / 2)).join("\n- #");
const right = "- #" + hexes.slice(Math.ceil(hexes.length / 2), hexes.length).join("\n- #");
return {
embed: {
color: parseInt(`0x${random}`),
footer: {
text: `Picked #${random} for embed color \u2022 Use \`--first\` or the \`first\` option to bypass this`,
fields: [
{name: `Got ${colornamesMatches.length} matches for \`${safeString(query)}\``, value: left, inline: true},
{name: "\u200b", value: right, inline: true},
const colornamesHex = colornamesRaw.match(new RegExp(search, "im"))?.[1];
if (colornamesHex) {
color = tinycolor(colornamesHex);
} else {
return "Color not valid.";
const image = await sharp({
create: {
width: 128,
height: 128,
channels: 3,
background: {r: color.r, g: color.g, b: color.b},
const hex = color.toHex();
const fileName = `${hex}.png`;
const fields = [
name: "Hex",
value: color.toHexString(),
inline: true,
name: "RGB",
value: color.toRgbString(),
inline: true,
name: "HSL",
value: color.toHslString(),
inline: true,
name: "HSV",
value: color.toHsvString(),
inline: true,
name: "Integer",
value: color.toNumber(),
inline: true,
if (color.toName() != false) {
fields.splice(0, 0, {
name: "Name",
value: color.toName(),
inline: true,
const colornamesName = colornamesRaw.match(new RegExp(`^${hex},([^,]+?),`, "im"))?.[1];
if (colornamesName) {
name: "\u200b",
value: `**[colornames](https://colornames.org/color/${hex}) Name**\n${colornamesName}`,
return {
embeds: [
title: random ? "Random Color" : "",
color: color.toNumber(),
thumbnail: {
url: `attachment://${fileName}`,
file: {
file: image,
name: fileName,
const colorInteraction = new InteractionCommand("color");
colorInteraction.helpText = "Show information on a color or get a random color";
colorInteraction.options.input = {
name: "input",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING,
description: "Color to get info on",
required: false,
default: "",
colorInteraction.options.truerandom = {
name: "truerandom",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.BOOLEAN,
description: "Should the random color give a 'true random' color instead of an adjust color",
required: false,
default: false,
colorInteraction.options.first = {
name: "first",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.BOOLEAN,
description: "Take first match for a colornames color by name",
required: false,
default: false,
colorInteraction.callback = async function (interaction) {
const input = this.getOption(interaction, "input");
const truerandom = this.getOption(interaction, "truerandom");
const first = this.getOption(interaction, "first");
return color.callback(interaction, input, [input], {truerandom, first});

View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
const Command = require("../lib/command.js");
const {safeString} = require("../util/misc.js");
const {formatTime} = require("../util/time.js");
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
const generate = new Command("generate");
generate.category = "misc";
generate.helpText = "Generate images from prompt via craiyon";
generate.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line || line.length === 0) return "Arguments required.";
const start = Date.now();
let retries = 0;
let request = await fetch("https://backend.craiyon.com/generate", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({prompt: line}),
while (request.status !== 200) {
request = await fetch("https://backend.craiyon.com/generate", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({prompt: line}),
const data = await request.json();
const images = data.images
.map((img) => Buffer.from(img, "base64"))
.map((img, index) => ({contents: img, name: `${index}.jpg`}));
const title = `Responses for "${safeString(line)}"`;
const out = {
content: `Generated in ${formatTime(Date.now() - start)}${retries > 0 ? " with " + retries + " retries" : ""}`,
embeds: [],
files: images,
let splitIndex = 0;
for (const index in images) {
if (index % 3 == 0) splitIndex++;
url: "https://www.craiyon.com/?" + splitIndex,
image: {
url: `attachment://${index}.jpg`,
return out;

src/modules/misc/gimg.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
const Command = require("../lib/command.js");
const GoogleImages = require("google-images");
const imagesClient = new GoogleImages(hf.apikeys.gimg, hf.apikeys.google);
const gimg = new Command("gimg");
gimg.category = "misc";
gimg.helpText = "Search Google Images";
gimg.usage = "[query]";
gimg.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line) return "No arguments given.";
const images = await imagesClient.search(line, {
safe: msg.channel.nsfw && !msg.channel?.topic.includes("[no_nsfw]") ? "off" : "high",
const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length);
const image = images[index];
return {
embeds: [
title: image.description,
url: image.parentPage,
image: {
url: image.url,
footer: {
text: `Image ${Number(index) + 1}/${images.length}. Rerun to get a different image.`,
const fimg = new Command("fimg");
fimg.category = "misc";
fimg.helpText = "Send first result from Google Images";
fimg.usage = "[query]";
fimg.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line) return "No arguments given.";
const images = await imagesClient.search(line, {
safe: msg.channel.nsfw && !msg.channel?.topic.includes("[no_nsfw]") ? "off" : "high",
const image = images[0];
return {
embeds: [
title: image.description,
url: image.parentPage,
image: {
url: image.url,

View file

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
const Command = require("../lib/command.js");
const logger = require("../lib/logger.js");
const net = require("node:net");
const {resolveSrv} = require("node:dns/promises");
function readVarInt(data) {
var result = 0;
var offset = 0;
var pos = 0;
for (; offset < 32; offset += 7) {
var b = data[pos];
if (b == -1) {
throw new Error("Malformed varint");
result |= (b & 0x7f) << offset;
if ((b & 0x80) == 0) {
return result;
// Keep reading up to 64 bits.
for (; offset < 64; offset += 7) {
b = data[pos];
if (b == -1) {
throw new Error("Truncated message");
if ((b & 0x80) == 0) {
return result;
return null;
function writeVarInt(value) {
var buf = [];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
if ((value & ~0x7f) === 0) {
return Buffer.from(buf);
} else {
buf.push((value & 0x7f) | 0x80);
value >>>= 7;
const ident = Buffer.from("HiddenPhox (c7.pm) ", "utf8");
const identPort = Buffer.alloc(2);
const handshake = Buffer.concat([
const handshakeWithLength = Buffer.concat([writeVarInt(handshake.length), handshake]);
const status = Buffer.concat([writeVarInt(1), writeVarInt(0x0)]);
const HANDSHAKE_PACKET = Buffer.concat([handshakeWithLength, status]);
const formattingToAnsi = {
r: "0",
l: "1",
m: "9",
n: "4",
o: "3",
0: "30",
1: "34",
2: "32",
3: "36",
4: "31",
5: "35",
6: "33",
7: "37",
8: "90",
9: "94",
a: "92",
b: "96",
c: "91",
d: "95",
e: "93",
f: "97",
function queryServer(ip, port, HANDSHAKE_PACKET) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
logger.verbose("mcserver", "querying", ip, port);
try {
const client = net.createConnection(
host: ip,
port: port,
timeout: 60000,
function () {
logger.verbose("mcserver", "connect");
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
logger.verbose("mcserver", "timeout");
}, 60000);
let totalData = Buffer.alloc(0);
let length = 0;
client.on("data", function (data) {
if (length == 0) {
length = readVarInt(data);
logger.verbose("mcserver", "expected data length", length);
if (length > 0) {
totalData = Buffer.concat([totalData, data]);
if (totalData.length >= length) {
logger.verbose("mcserver", "data", data.length, totalData.length);
client.on("close", function (err) {
if (err) {
logger.verbose("mcserver", "close with error", err);
return reject(err);
const dataAsString = totalData.toString().trim();
const json = JSON.parse(dataAsString.slice(dataAsString.indexOf("{"), dataAsString.lastIndexOf("}") + 1));
logger.verbose("mcserver", "close", json);
return resolve(json);
client.on("timeout", function () {});
} catch (err) {
logger.verbose("mcserver", "failed:", err);
resolve({error: err});
async function queryServerIdent(ip, port) {
return await queryServer(ip, port, HANDSHAKE_PACKET);
async function queryServerNoIdent(ip, port) {
const ident = Buffer.from(ip, "utf8");
const identPort = Buffer.alloc(2);
const handshake = Buffer.concat([
const handshakeWithLength = Buffer.concat([writeVarInt(handshake.length), handshake]);
const status = Buffer.concat([writeVarInt(1), writeVarInt(0x0)]);
const HANDSHAKE_PACKET = Buffer.concat([handshakeWithLength, status]);
return await queryServer(ip, port, HANDSHAKE_PACKET);
const mcserver = new Command("mcserver");
mcserver.category = "misc";
mcserver.helpText = "Query a Minecraft server";
mcserver.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line || line == "") return "Arguments required.";
const split = line.split(":");
let ip = split[0];
const port = split[1] ?? 25565;
try {
const addrs = await resolveSrv(ip);
if (addrs.length > 0) {
const mcAddr = addrs.find((a) => a.port == port);
if (mcAddr?.name) ip = mcAddr.name;
} catch {
// noop
await msg.addReaction("\uD83C\uDFD3");
let data = await queryServerIdent(ip, port);
if (data == "timeout") {
await msg.removeReaction("\uD83C\uDFD3");
return "Timed out trying to query.";
} else if (data?.error) {
await msg.removeReaction("\uD83C\uDFD3");
return `Failed to query:\n\`\`\`\n${data.error}\n\`\`\``;
} else {
if (data.version.name == "TCPShield.com") data = await queryServerNoIdent(ip, port);
await msg.removeReaction("\uD83C\uDFD3");
const motd = data.description.text.replace(/\u00a7([a-f0-9k-or])/gi, (formatting) => {
const ansi = formattingToAnsi[formatting];
return ansi ? `\x1b[${ansi}m` : "";
const players = data.players?.sample?.map((player) => player.name) ?? [];
const totalPlayers = `(${data.players.online}/${data.players.max})`;
let image;
if (data.favicon) {
image = Buffer.from(data.favicon.slice(data.favicon.indexOf(",")), "base64");
return {
embed: {
title: `Server info for: \`${line}\``,
fields: [
name: "MOTD",
value: `\`\`\`ansi\n${motd}\n\`\`\``,
name: "Version",
value: `${data.version.name} (\`${data.version.protocol}\`)`,
inline: true,
name: `Players ${players.length > 0 ? totalPlayers : ""}`,
value: players.length > 0 ? players.join(", ") : totalPlayers,
inline: players.length == 0,
thumbnail: image && {
url: "attachment://icon.png",
file: image && {
file: image,
name: "icon.png",

src/modules/misc/poll.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
const Command = require("../lib/command.js");
const {formatUsername} = require("../util/misc.js");
const poll = new Command("poll");
poll.category = "misc";
poll.helpText = "Start a poll";
poll.usage = "[topic] [option 1] [option 2] [...option 3-10]";
poll.callback = async function (msg, line, [topic, ...options]) {
if (!line || !topic) return 'Usage: hf!poll "topic" "option 1" "option 2" "...options 3-10"';
const arrOptions = [...options].slice(0, 10);
if (arrOptions.length < 2) return "A minimum of two options are required.";
const reactions = [];
let displayString = `**${formatUsername(msg.author)}** has started a poll:\n## __${topic}__\n`;
for (let i = 0; i < arrOptions.length; i++) {
displayString += (i === 9 ? "\ud83d\udd1f" : `${i + 1}\u20e3`) + ": " + arrOptions[i] + "\n";
reactions[i] = i === 9 ? "\ud83d\udd1f" : `${i + 1}\u20e3`;
return {
content: displayString,
addReactions: reactions,
const vote = new Command("vote");
vote.category = "misc";
vote.helpText = "Start a yes/no vote";
vote.usage = "[topic]";
vote.callback = async function (msg, line, topic, {maybe}) {
if (!topic) return "No topic given.";
topic = topic.join(" ");
return {
content: `**${formatUsername(
)}** has started a vote:\n## __${topic}__\n<:ms_tick:503341995348066313>: Yes\n<:ms_cross:503341994974773250>: No${
maybe ? "\n<:ms_tilda:581268710925271095>: Maybe/Uncertain" : ""
addReactions: [
maybe && ":ms_tilda:581268710925271095",
].filter((x) => x != null),

View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
const Command = require("../lib/command.js");
const InteractionCommand = require("../lib/interactionCommand.js");
const {ApplicationCommandOptionTypes} = require("../util/dconstants.js");
const {safeString} = require("../util/misc.js");
const {parseHtmlEntities} = require("../util/html.js");
const search = new Command("search");
search.category = "misc";
search.helpText = "Search, powered by LibreX";
search.callback = async function (msg, line, args, {results = 2}) {
const query = args.join(" ");
if (!hf.config.librex) return "LibreX instance not defined.";
if (!query || query == "") return "Search query required.";
const encodedQuery = encodeURIComponent(query);
if (query.startsWith("!")) {
const url = `https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=${encodedQuery}&format=json`;
const res = await fetch(url);
if (res.url != url) return res.url;
const res = await fetch(`${hf.config.librex}/api.php?q=${encodedQuery}&p=0&t=0`).then((res) => res.json());
if (res.error?.message) {
if (res.error.message.indexOf("No results found.") > -1) {
return "Search returned no results.";
} else {
return `Search returned error:\n\`\`\`\n${res.error.message}\`\`\``;
} else {
const searchResults = Object.values(res)
.filter((result) => result.did_you_mean == null && typeof result !== "string")
.splice(0, Number(results));
if (searchResults.length > 0) {
let out = `__**Results for \`${safeString(query)}\`**__\n`;
for (const result of searchResults) {
if (result.special_response) {
out += "> " + safeString(parseHtmlEntities(result.special_response.response.split("\n").join("\n> ")));
out += `\n<${encodeURI(result.special_response.source)}>`;
} else {
out += `**${safeString(parseHtmlEntities(result.title)).trim()}** - <${encodeURI(result.url)}>`;
out += `\n> ${safeString(parseHtmlEntities(result.description))}`;
out += "\n\n";
return out.trim();
} else {
return "Search returned no results.";
const searchInteraction = new InteractionCommand("search");
searchInteraction.helpText = "Search, powered by LibreX";
searchInteraction.options.query = {
name: "query",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING,
description: "What to search for",
required: true,
default: "",
searchInteraction.options.results = {
name: "results",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.INTEGER,
description: "How many results to show",
required: false,
min_value: 1,
max_value: 10,
default: 2,
searchInteraction.callback = async function (interaction) {
const query = this.getOption(interaction, "query");
const results = this.getOption(interaction, "results");
return search.callback(interaction, query, [query], {results});

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
const Command = require("../lib/command.js");
const REGEX_IPV4 = /^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)(\.(?!$)|$)){4}$/;
const shodan = new Command("shodan");
shodan.category = "misc";
shodan.helpText = "Look up an IP on Shodan InternetDB";
shodan.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line || line == "") return "Arguments required.";
if (!REGEX_IPV4.test(line)) return "Invalid IP address.";
const data = await fetch("https://internetdb.shodan.io/" + line).then((res) => res.json());
if (data.detail) return data.detail;
return {
embed: {
title: `Results for \`${data.ip}\``,
fields: [
name: "Hostnames",
value: data.hostnames.length > 0 ? data.hostnames.map((str) => `\`${str}\``).join(" ") : "None",
inline: true,
name: "Open ports",
value: data.ports.length > 0 ? data.ports.join(", ") : "None",
inline: true,
name: "Tags",
value: data.tags.length > 0 ? data.tags.map((str) => `\`${str}\``).join(", ") : "None",
inline: true,
name: "CPEs",
value: data.cpes.length > 0 ? data.cpes.map((str) => `\`${str}\``).join(" ") : "None",
inline: true,
name: "Vulnerabilities",
value: data.vulns.length > 0 ? data.vulns.map((str) => `\`${str}\``).join(" ") : "None",
inline: true,

src/modules/misc/wolfram.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
const Command = require("../lib/command.js");
const InteractionCommand = require("../lib/interactionCommand.js");
const {ApplicationCommandOptionTypes} = require("../util/dconstants.js");
const {safeString} = require("../util/misc.js");
const WA_NO_ANSWER = "<:ms_cross:503341994974773250> No answer.";
const wolfram = new Command("wolfram");
wolfram.category = "misc";
wolfram.helpText = "Wolfram Alpha";
wolfram.usage = "<-v> [query]";
wolfram.callback = async function (msg, line, args, {verbose, v}) {
const _verbose = verbose ?? v;
const query = args.join(" ");
const req = await fetch(
).then((x) => x.json());
const data = req.queryresult.pods;
if (!data) return WA_NO_ANSWER;
// fake no answer
//if (data[0].subpods[0].plaintext.includes("geoIP")) return WA_NO_ANSWER;
if (_verbose) {
const embed = {
title: `Result for: \`${safeString(query)}\``,
fields: [],
footer: {
icon_url: "http://www.wolframalpha.com/share.png",
text: "Powered by Wolfram Alpha",
image: {
url: data[1].subpods[0].img.src,
const extra = data.slice(1, 6);
for (const x in extra) {
name: extra[x].title,
value: `[${extra[x].subpods[0].plaintext.length > 0 ? extra[x].subpods[0].plaintext : "<click for image>"}](${
inline: true,
return {embed};
} else {
let image;
if (data[1].subpods[0].img.src)
try {
const res = await fetch(data[1].subpods[0].img.src);
if (res) {
const imgData = await res.arrayBuffer();
image = Buffer.from(imgData);
} catch {
let string = "";
if (data[1].subpods[0].plaintext.length > 0) string = safeString(data[1].subpods[0].plaintext);
let text;
if (string.length > 2000 - (6 + safeString(query).length)) {
text = string;
string = "Output too long:";
return {
content: `\`${safeString(query)}\` -> ${string.length > 0 ? string : ""}`,
attachments: [
text && {
file: text,
filename: "message.txt",
image && {
file: image,
filename: "wolfram_output.gif",
].filter((x) => !!x),
const wolframInteraction = new InteractionCommand("wolfram");
wolframInteraction.helpText = "Wolfram Alpha";
wolframInteraction.options.query = {
name: "query",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING,
description: "What to query Wolfram Alpha for",
required: true,
default: "",
wolframInteraction.options.verbose = {
name: "verbose",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING,
description: "Verbose output",
required: false,
default: false,
wolframInteraction.callback = async function (interaction) {
const query = this.getOption(interaction, "query");
const verbose = this.getOption(interaction, "verbose");
return wolfram.callback(interaction, query, [query], {verbose});

src/modules/misc/yt.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
const Command = require("../lib/command.js");
const InteractionCommand = require("../lib/interactionCommand.js");
const {ApplicationCommandOptionTypes} = require("../util/dconstants.js");
const {safeString} = require("../util/misc.js");
const {parseHtmlEntities} = require("../util/html.js");
const yt = new Command("youtube");
yt.category = "misc";
yt.helpText = "Search YouTube";
yt.usage = "[search term]";
yt.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line) return "Arguments are required.";
const req = await fetch(`${hf.config.piped_api}/search?q=${encodeURIComponent(line)}&filter=videos`).then((x) =>
const topVid = req.items[0];
let out = `**${safeString(parseHtmlEntities(topVid.title))}** | \`${safeString(
)}\`\nhttps://youtube.com${topVid.url}\n\n**__See Also:__**\n`;
for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
const vid = req.items[i];
if (!vid) continue;
out += `- **${safeString(parseHtmlEntities(vid.title))}** | By: \`${safeString(
)}\` | <https://youtube.com${vid.url}>\n`;
return out;
const ytInteraction = new InteractionCommand("youtube");
ytInteraction.helpText = "Search Youtube";
ytInteraction.options.search = {
name: "search",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING,
description: "Search query",
required: true,
default: "",
ytInteraction.callback = async function (interaction) {
const search = this.getOption(interaction, "search");
return yt.callback(interaction, search);
const fyt = new Command("fyt");
fyt.category = "misc";
fyt.helpText = "Search YouTube and take the first result.";
fyt.usage = "[search term]";
fyt.callback = async function (msg, line) {
if (!line) return "Arguments are required.";
const req = await fetch(`${hf.config.piped_api}/search?q=${encodeURIComponent(line)}&filter=videos`).then((x) =>
const vid = req.items[0];
return `**${safeString(parseHtmlEntities(vid.title))}** | \`${safeString(
const fytInteraction = new InteractionCommand("fyt");
fytInteraction.helpText = "Search Youtube and take the first result.";
fytInteraction.options.search = {
name: "search",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING,
description: "Search query",
required: true,
default: "",
fytInteraction.callback = async function (interaction) {
const search = this.getOption(interaction, "search");
return fyt.callback(interaction, search);