misc: port wolfram

This commit is contained in:
Cynthia Foxwell 2021-07-23 20:39:57 -06:00
parent 6ba2f696ac
commit 3a3e4fc4ad
1 changed files with 70 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -61,3 +61,73 @@ fyt.callback = async function (msg, line) {
const WA_NO_ANSWER = "<:ms_cross:503341994974773250> No answer.";
const wolfram = new Command("wolfram");
wolfram.category = CATEGORY;
wolfram.helpText = "Search YouTube and take the first result.";
wolfram.usage = "<-v> [query]";
wolfram.callback = async function (msg, line, verboseFlag, _query) {
let verbose = false;
let query = _query;
if (verboseFlag == "-v" && _query) {
verbose = true;
if (!_query) {
query = verboseFlag;
const req = await fetch(
).then((x) => x.json());
const data = req.queryresult.pods;
if (!data) return WA_NO_ANSWER;
// fake no answer
if (data[0].subpods[0].plaintext.includes("geoIP")) return WA_NO_ANSWER;
if (verbose) {
const embed = {
title: `Result for: \`${safeString(query)}\``,
fields: [],
footer: {
icon_url: "http://www.wolframalpha.com/share.png",
text: "Powered by Wolfram Alpha",
image: {
url: data[1].subpods[0].img.src,
const extra = data.slice(1, 6);
for (const x in extra) {
name: extra[x].title,
value: `[${
extra[x].subpods[0].plaintext.length > 0
? extra[x].subpods[0].plaintext
: "<click for image>"
inline: true,
return {embed};
} else {
return `\`${safeString(query)}\` -> ${
data[1].subpods[0].plaintext.length > 0
? safeString(data[1].subpods[0].plaintext)
: data[1].subpods[0].img.src