package pm.c7.scout.config; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import joptsimple.internal.Strings; import net.fabricmc.loader.api.FabricLoader; import pm.c7.scout.ScoutUtil; // most of this is taken from EMI public class ScoutConfig { private static final Map, Setter> SETTERS = Maps.newHashMap(); private static final Map, Writer> WRITERS = Maps.newHashMap(); private static final Map> unparsed = Maps.newHashMap(); public static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG; public static String startupConfig; // {{{ config values @Comment("Allow shulker boxes to be placed in bags. Bags are already blacklisted from shulker boxes with no toggle.") @ConfigValue("features.allow-shulkers") public static boolean allowShulkers = true; @Comment("Allow bags to act as a quiver and pull arrows.") @ConfigValue("features.use-arrows") public static boolean useArrows = true; // }}} // {{{ methods public static void loadConfig() { try { File config = getConfigFile(); if (config.exists() && config.isFile()) { QDCSS css = QDCSS.load(config); loadConfig(css); } else { File defaultConfig = new File(FabricLoader.getInstance().getConfigDir().getParent().toFile(), "defaultconfigs/scout.css"); if (defaultConfig.exists() && defaultConfig.isFile()) { QDCSS css = QDCSS.load(defaultConfig); loadConfig(css); } } if (startupConfig == null) { startupConfig = getSavedConfig(); } writeConfig(); } catch (Exception e) { ScoutUtil.LOGGER.error("[Scout] Error reading config"); e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void loadConfig(QDCSS css) { try { Set consumed = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Field field : ScoutConfig.class.getFields()) { ConfigValue annot = field.getAnnotation(ConfigValue.class); if (annot != null) { if (css.containsKey(annot.value())) { consumed.add(annot.value()); assignField(css, annot.value(), field); } } } for (String key : css.keySet()) { if (!consumed.contains(key)) { unparsed.put(key, css.getAll(key)); } } } catch (Exception e) { ScoutUtil.LOGGER.error("[Scout] Error reading config"); e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void writeConfig() { try { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(getConfigFile()); writer.write(getSavedConfig()); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ScoutUtil.LOGGER.error("[Scout] Error writing config"); e.printStackTrace(); } } public static String getSavedConfig() { Map> unparsed = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (Field field : ScoutConfig.class.getFields()) { ConfigValue annot = field.getAnnotation(ConfigValue.class); if (annot != null) { String[] parts = annot.value().split("\\."); String group = parts[0]; String key = parts[1]; Comment comment = field.getAnnotation(Comment.class); String commentText = ""; if (comment != null) { commentText += "\t/**\n"; var lines = comment.value().split("\\n"); for (String line : lines) { commentText += "\t * "; commentText += line; commentText += "\n"; } commentText += "\t */\n"; } String text = commentText; try { text += writeField(key, field); } catch (Exception e) { ScoutUtil.LOGGER.error("[Scout] Error serializing config"); e.printStackTrace(); } unparsed.computeIfAbsent(group, g -> Lists.newArrayList()).add(text); } } for (Map.Entry> entry : ScoutConfig.unparsed.entrySet()) { String[] parts = entry.getKey().split("\\."); String group = parts[0]; String key = parts[1]; for (String value : entry.getValue()) { unparsed.computeIfAbsent(group, g -> Lists.newArrayList()).add("\t/** unparsed */\n\t" + key + ": " + value + ";\n"); } } String ret = ""; boolean firstCategory = true; for (Map.Entry> category : unparsed.entrySet()) { if (!firstCategory) { ret += "\n"; } firstCategory = false; ret += "#" + category.getKey() + " {\n"; ret += Strings.join(category.getValue(), "\n"); ret += "}\n"; } return ret; } private static File getConfigFile() { return new File(FabricLoader.getInstance().getConfigDir().toFile(), "scout.css"); } private static void assignField(QDCSS css, String annot, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { Class type = field.getType(); Setter setter = SETTERS.get(type); if (setter != null) { setter.setValue(css, annot, field); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[Scout] Unknown parsing type: " + type); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static String writeField(String key, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { String text = ""; Class type = field.getType(); if (WRITERS.containsKey(type)) { text += "\t" + key + ": " + ((Writer) WRITERS.get(type)).writeValue(field.get(null)) + ";\n"; } return text; } private static void defineType(Class clazz, Setter setter, Writer writer) { SETTERS.put(clazz, setter); WRITERS.put(clazz, writer); } private static void defineType(Class clazz, Setter setter) { defineType(clazz, setter, field -> field.toString()); } // }}} // {{{ static init static { defineType(boolean.class, (css, annot, field) -> field.setBoolean(null, css.getBoolean(annot).get())); defineType(int.class, (css, annot, field) -> field.setInt(null, css.getInt(annot).get())); defineType(double.class, (css, annot, field) -> field.setDouble(null, css.getDouble(annot).get())); defineType(String.class, (css, annot, field) -> { String s = css.get(annot).get(); s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1); field.set(null, s); }, (String field) -> "\"" + field + "\"" ); DEFAULT_CONFIG = getSavedConfig(); } // }}} // {{{ annotations @Target(ElementType.FIELD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public static @interface ConfigValue { public String value(); } @Target(ElementType.FIELD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public static @interface Comment { public String value(); } // }}} // {{{ interfaces private static interface Setter { void setValue(QDCSS css, String annot, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException ; } private static interface Writer { String writeValue(T value); } // }}} }