local ENABLED = CreateClientConVar("cbox_timestamps", "1", true, false, "Enables timestamps", 0, 1) local TRUETIME = CreateClientConVar("cbox_timestamps_24hr", "1", true, false, "Whether timestamps should be 24 hour instead of 12 hour", 0, 1) local SECONDS = CreateClientConVar("cbox_timestamps_seconds", "0", true, false, "Whether timestamps should display seconds", 0, 1) local COLOR = CreateClientConVar("cbox_timestamps_color", "151 211 255", true, false, "Color timestamps should be") local color_white = Color(255, 255, 255) cbox.hooks.Add("PreChatAddText", "cbox.timestamps", function(args) if not ENABLED:GetBool() then return end local use24 = TRUETIME:GetBool() local stamp = "" if use24 then stamp = stamp .. os.date("%H:") else stamp = stamp .. os.date("%I:") end stamp = stamp .. os.date("%M") if SECONDS:GetBool() then stamp = stamp .. os.date(":%S") end if not use24 then stamp = stamp .. os.date(" %p") end local new_args = {cbox.utils.ParseColorString(COLOR:GetString()), stamp, color_white, " - "} for _, arg in ipairs(args) do new_args[#new_args + 1] = arg end return new_args end)