package vlc; import flixel.FlxG; import openfl.system.Capabilities; #if (cpp && !mobile) import cpp.NativeArray; import cpp.UInt8; import haxe.ValueException; import; import; import openfl.Lib; import openfl.display.Bitmap; import openfl.display.BitmapData; import openfl.display3D.textures.RectangleTexture; import openfl.errors.Error; import; import openfl.geom.Rectangle; import vlc.LibVLC; /** * ... * @author Tommy S */ #if (cpp && !mobile) @:cppFileCode('#include "LibVLC.cpp"') #end class VlcBitmap extends Bitmap { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // =================================================================================== // Consts //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // =================================================================================== // Properties //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public var videoWidth:Int; public var videoHeight:Int; public var repeat:Int = 0; public var duration:Float; public var length:Float; public var inWindow:Bool; public var initComplete:Bool; public var fullscreen:Bool; public var volume(default, set):Float = 1; public var isDisposed:Bool; public var isPlaying:Bool; public var disposeOnStop:Bool = false; public var time:Int; public var onVideoReady:Void->Void; public var onPlay:Void->Void; public var onStop:Void->Void; public var onPause:Void->Void; public var onResume:Void->Void; public var onSeek:Void->Void; public var onBuffer:Void->Void; public var onProgress:Void->Void; public var onOpening:Void->Void; public var onComplete:Void->Void; public var onError:Void->Void; // =================================================================================== // Declarations //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var bufferMem:Array; #if (cpp && !mobile) var libvlc:LibVLC; #end // =================================================================================== // Variables //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var frameSize:Int; var _width:Null; var _height:Null; var texture:RectangleTexture; var texture2:RectangleTexture; var bmdBuf:BitmapData; var bmdBuf2:BitmapData; var oldTime:Int; var flipBuffer:Bool; var frameRect:Rectangle; var screenWidth:Float; var screenHeight:Float; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public function new() { super(null, null, true); #if (cpp && !mobile) init(); #end } function mThread() { init(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function init() { #if (cpp && !mobile) addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage); #end } function onAddedToStage(e:Event):Void { removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage); libvlc = LibVLC.create(); stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onResize); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, vLoop); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public function play(?source:String) { #if (cpp && !mobile) libvlc.setRepeat(repeat); if (!inWindow) { if (source != null); else; } else { if (source != null) libvlc.playInWindow(source); else libvlc.playInWindow(); libvlc.setWindowFullscreen(fullscreen); } if (onPlay != null) onPlay(); #end } public function stop() { #if (cpp && !mobile) isPlaying = false; libvlc.stop(); // if (disposeOnStop) // dispose(); if (onStop != null) onStop(); #end } public function pause() { #if (cpp && !mobile) isPlaying = false; libvlc.pause(); if (onPause != null) onPause(); #end } public function resume() { #if (cpp && !mobile) isPlaying = true; libvlc.resume(); if (onResume != null) onResume(); #end } public function seek(seekTotime:Float) { #if (cpp && !mobile) libvlc.setPosition(seekTotime); if (onSeek != null) onSeek(); #end } public function getFPS():Float { #if (cpp && !mobile) if (libvlc != null && initComplete) return libvlc.getFPS(); else return 0; #else return 0; #end } public function getTime():Int { #if (cpp && !mobile) if (libvlc != null && initComplete) return libvlc.getTime(); else return 0; #else return 0; #end } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function checkFlags() { #if (cpp && !mobile) if (!isDisposed) { if (untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[1]') == 1) { untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[1]=-1'); statusOnPlaying(); } if (untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[2]') == 1) { untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[2]=-1'); statusOnPaused(); } if (untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[3]') == 1) { untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[3]=-1'); statusOnStopped(); } if (untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[4]') == 1) { untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[4]=-1'); statusOnEndReached(); } if (untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[5]') != -1) { statusOnTimeChanged(untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[5]')); } if (untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[6]') != -1) { statusOnPositionChanged(untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[9]')); } if (untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[9]') == 1) { untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[9]=-1'); statusOnError(); } if (untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[10]') == 1) { untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[10]=-1'); statusOnSeekableChanged(0); } if (untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[11]') == 1) { untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[11]=-1'); statusOnOpening(); } if (untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[12]') == 1) { untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[12]=-1'); statusOnBuffering(); } if (untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[13]') == 1) { untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[13]=-1'); statusOnForward(); } if (untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[14]') == 1) { untyped __cpp__('libvlc->flags[14]=-1'); statusOnBackward(); } } #end } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function onResize(e:Event):Void { set_height(FlxG.stage.stageHeight); set_width(FlxG.stage.stageHeight * (16 / 9)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function videoInitComplete() { #if (cpp && !mobile) videoWidth = libvlc.getWidth(); videoHeight = libvlc.getHeight(); duration = libvlc.getDuration(); length = libvlc.getLength(); if (bitmapData != null) bitmapData.dispose(); if (texture != null) texture.dispose(); if (texture2 != null) texture2.dispose(); // BitmapData bitmapData = new BitmapData(,, true, 0); frameRect = new Rectangle(0, 0,,; // (Stage3D) // texture = Lib.current.stage.stage3Ds[0].context3D.createRectangleTexture(videoWidth, videoHeight, Context3DTextureFormat.BGRA, true); // this.bitmapData = BitmapData.fromTexture(texture); smoothing = true; if (_width != null) width = _width; else width = videoWidth; if (_height != null) height = _height; else height = videoHeight; bufferMem = []; frameSize = videoWidth * videoHeight * 4; setVolume(volume); initComplete = true; if (onVideoReady != null) onVideoReady(); #end } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function vLoop(e) { #if (cpp && !mobile) checkFlags(); render(); #end } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function render() { var cTime = Lib.getTimer(); if ((cTime - oldTime) > 28) // min 28 ms between renders, but this is not a good way to do it... { oldTime = cTime; #if (cpp && !mobile) // if (isPlaying && texture != null) // (Stage3D) if (isPlaying) { try { NativeArray.setUnmanagedData(bufferMem, libvlc.getPixelData(), frameSize); if (bufferMem != null) { // BitmapData // libvlc.getPixelData() sometimes is null and the exe hangs ... if (libvlc.getPixelData() != null) bitmapData.setPixels(frameRect, Bytes.ofData(bufferMem)); // (Stage3D) // texture.uploadFromByteArray( Bytes.ofData(cast(bufferMem)), 0 ); // this.width++; //This is a horrible hack to force the texture to update... Surely there is a better way... // this.width--; } } catch (e:Error) { trace("error: " + e); throw new Error("render broke xd"); } } #end } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function setVolume(vol:Float) { #if (cpp && !mobile) if (libvlc != null && initComplete) libvlc.setVolume(vol * 100); #end } public function getVolume():Float { #if (cpp && !mobile) if (libvlc != null && initComplete) return libvlc.getVolume(); else return 0; #else return 0; #end } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function statusOnOpening() { if (onOpening != null) onOpening(); } function statusOnBuffering() { trace("buffering"); if (onBuffer != null) onBuffer(); } function statusOnPlaying() { if (!initComplete) { isPlaying = true; initComplete = true; videoInitComplete(); } } function statusOnPaused() { if (isPlaying) isPlaying = false; if (onPause != null) onPause(); } function statusOnStopped() { if (isPlaying) isPlaying = false; if (onStop != null) onStop(); } function statusOnEndReached() { if (isPlaying) isPlaying = false; // trace("end reached!"); if (onComplete != null) onComplete(); } function statusOnTimeChanged(newTime:Int) { time = newTime; if (onProgress != null) onProgress(); } function statusOnPositionChanged(newPos:Int) { } function statusOnSeekableChanged(newPos:Int) { if (onSeek != null) onSeek(); } function statusOnForward() { } function statusOnBackward() { } function onDisplay() { // render(); } function statusOnError() { trace("VLC ERROR - File not found?"); if (onError != null) onError(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private override function get_width():Float { return _width; } public override function set_width(value:Float):Float { _width = value; return super.set_width(value); } private override function get_height():Float { return _height; } public override function set_height(value:Float):Float { _height = value; return super.set_height(value); } function get_volume():Float { return volume; } function set_volume(value:Float):Float { setVolume(value); return volume = value; } // =================================================================================== // Dispose //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function dispose() { #if (cpp && !mobile) libvlc.stop(); #end stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, vLoop); if (texture != null) { texture.dispose(); texture = null; } onVideoReady = null; onComplete = null; onPause = null; onPlay = null; onResume = null; onSeek = null; onStop = null; onBuffer = null; onProgress = null; onError = null; bufferMem = null; isDisposed = true; #if (cpp && !mobile) while (!isPlaying && !isDisposed) { libvlc.dispose(); libvlc = null; } #end } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } #end