package editors; #if desktop import Discord.DiscordClient; #end import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.addons.display.FlxGridOverlay; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.system.FlxSound; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxInputText; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUI9SliceSprite; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUI; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUICheckBox; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUIInputText; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUINumericStepper; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUITabMenu; import flixel.ui.FlxButton; import MenuCharacter; import; import; import; import; import haxe.Json; #if sys import; #end using StringTools; class MenuCharacterEditorState extends MusicBeatState { var grpWeekCharacters:FlxTypedGroup; var characterFile:MenuCharacterFile = null; var txtOffsets:FlxText; var defaultCharacters:Array = ['dad', 'bf', 'gf']; override function create() { characterFile = { image: 'Menu_Dad', scale: 1, position: [0, 0], idle_anim: 'M Dad Idle', confirm_anim: 'M Dad Idle' }; #if desktop // Updating Discord Rich Presence DiscordClient.changePresence("Menu Character Editor", "Editting: " + characterFile.image); #end grpWeekCharacters = new FlxTypedGroup(); for (char in 0...3) { var weekCharacterThing:MenuCharacter = new MenuCharacter((FlxG.width * 0.25) * (1 + char) - 150, defaultCharacters[char]); weekCharacterThing.y += 70; weekCharacterThing.alpha = 0.2; grpWeekCharacters.add(weekCharacterThing); } add(new FlxSprite(0, 56).makeGraphic(FlxG.width, 386, 0xFFF9CF51)); add(grpWeekCharacters); txtOffsets = new FlxText(20, 10, 0, "[0, 0]", 32); txtOffsets.setFormat("VCR OSD Mono", 32, FlxColor.WHITE, CENTER); txtOffsets.alpha = 0.7; add(txtOffsets); var tipText:FlxText = new FlxText(0, 540, FlxG.width, "Arrow Keys - Change Offset (Hold shift for 10x speed) \nSpace - Play \"Start Press\" animation (Boyfriend Character Type)", 16); tipText.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 16, FlxColor.WHITE, CENTER); tipText.scrollFactor.set(); add(tipText); addEditorBox(); FlxG.mouse.visible = true; updateCharTypeBox(); super.create(); } var UI_typebox:FlxUITabMenu; var UI_mainbox:FlxUITabMenu; var blockPressWhileTypingOn:Array = []; function addEditorBox() { var tabs = [ {name: 'Character Type', label: 'Character Type'}, ]; UI_typebox = new FlxUITabMenu(null, tabs, true); UI_typebox.resize(120, 180); UI_typebox.x = 100; UI_typebox.y = FlxG.height - UI_typebox.height - 50; UI_typebox.scrollFactor.set(); addTypeUI(); add(UI_typebox); var tabs = [ {name: 'Character', label: 'Character'}, ]; UI_mainbox = new FlxUITabMenu(null, tabs, true); UI_mainbox.resize(240, 180); UI_mainbox.x = FlxG.width - UI_mainbox.width - 100; UI_mainbox.y = FlxG.height - UI_mainbox.height - 50; UI_mainbox.scrollFactor.set(); addCharacterUI(); add(UI_mainbox); var loadButton:FlxButton = new FlxButton(0, 480, "Load Character", function() { loadCharacter(); }); loadButton.screenCenter(X); loadButton.x -= 60; add(loadButton); var saveButton:FlxButton = new FlxButton(0, 480, "Save Character", function() { saveCharacter(); }); saveButton.screenCenter(X); saveButton.x += 60; add(saveButton); } var opponentCheckbox:FlxUICheckBox; var boyfriendCheckbox:FlxUICheckBox; var girlfriendCheckbox:FlxUICheckBox; var curTypeSelected:Int = 0; //0 = Dad, 1 = BF, 2 = GF function addTypeUI() { var tab_group = new FlxUI(null, UI_typebox); = "Character Type"; opponentCheckbox = new FlxUICheckBox(10, 20, null, null, "Opponent", 100); opponentCheckbox.callback = function() { curTypeSelected = 0; updateCharTypeBox(); }; boyfriendCheckbox = new FlxUICheckBox(opponentCheckbox.x, opponentCheckbox.y + 40, null, null, "Boyfriend", 100); boyfriendCheckbox.callback = function() { curTypeSelected = 1; updateCharTypeBox(); }; girlfriendCheckbox = new FlxUICheckBox(boyfriendCheckbox.x, boyfriendCheckbox.y + 40, null, null, "Girlfriend", 100); girlfriendCheckbox.callback = function() { curTypeSelected = 2; updateCharTypeBox(); }; tab_group.add(opponentCheckbox); tab_group.add(boyfriendCheckbox); tab_group.add(girlfriendCheckbox); UI_typebox.addGroup(tab_group); } var imageInputText:FlxUIInputText; var idleInputText:FlxUIInputText; var confirmInputText:FlxUIInputText; var confirmDescText:FlxText; var scaleStepper:FlxUINumericStepper; function addCharacterUI() { var tab_group = new FlxUI(null, UI_mainbox); = "Character"; imageInputText = new FlxUIInputText(10, 20, 80, characterFile.image, 8); blockPressWhileTypingOn.push(imageInputText); idleInputText = new FlxUIInputText(10, imageInputText.y + 35, 100, characterFile.idle_anim, 8); blockPressWhileTypingOn.push(idleInputText); confirmInputText = new FlxUIInputText(10, idleInputText.y + 35, 100, characterFile.confirm_anim, 8); blockPressWhileTypingOn.push(confirmInputText); var reloadImageButton:FlxButton = new FlxButton(10, confirmInputText.y + 30, "Reload Char", function() { reloadSelectedCharacter(); }); scaleStepper = new FlxUINumericStepper(140, imageInputText.y, 0.05, 1, 0.1, 30, 2); confirmDescText = new FlxText(10, confirmInputText.y - 18, 0, 'Start Press animation on the .XML:'); tab_group.add(new FlxText(10, imageInputText.y - 18, 0, 'Image file name:')); tab_group.add(new FlxText(10, idleInputText.y - 18, 0, 'Idle animation on the .XML:')); tab_group.add(new FlxText(scaleStepper.x, scaleStepper.y - 18, 0, 'Scale:')); tab_group.add(reloadImageButton); tab_group.add(confirmDescText); tab_group.add(imageInputText); tab_group.add(idleInputText); tab_group.add(confirmInputText); tab_group.add(scaleStepper); UI_mainbox.addGroup(tab_group); } function updateCharTypeBox() { opponentCheckbox.checked = false; boyfriendCheckbox.checked = false; girlfriendCheckbox.checked = false; switch(curTypeSelected) { case 0: opponentCheckbox.checked = true; case 1: boyfriendCheckbox.checked = true; case 2: girlfriendCheckbox.checked = true; } updateCharacters(); } function updateCharacters() { for (i in 0...3) { var char:MenuCharacter = grpWeekCharacters.members[i]; char.alpha = 0.2; char.character = ''; char.changeCharacter(defaultCharacters[i]); } reloadSelectedCharacter(); } function reloadSelectedCharacter() { var char:MenuCharacter = grpWeekCharacters.members[curTypeSelected]; char.alpha = 1; char.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('menucharacters/' + characterFile.image); char.animation.addByPrefix('idle', characterFile.idle_anim, 24); if(curTypeSelected == 1) char.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', characterFile.confirm_anim, 24, false); char.scale.set(characterFile.scale, characterFile.scale); char.updateHitbox();'idle'); confirmDescText.visible = (curTypeSelected == 1); confirmInputText.visible = (curTypeSelected == 1); updateOffset(); #if desktop // Updating Discord Rich Presence DiscordClient.changePresence("Menu Character Editor", "Editting: " + characterFile.image); #end } override function getEvent(id:String, sender:Dynamic, data:Dynamic, ?params:Array) { if(id == FlxUIInputText.CHANGE_EVENT && (sender is FlxUIInputText)) { if(sender == imageInputText) { characterFile.image = imageInputText.text; } else if(sender == idleInputText) { characterFile.idle_anim = idleInputText.text; } else if(sender == confirmInputText) { characterFile.confirm_anim = confirmInputText.text; } } else if(id == FlxUINumericStepper.CHANGE_EVENT && (sender is FlxUINumericStepper)) { if (sender == scaleStepper) { characterFile.scale = scaleStepper.value; reloadSelectedCharacter(); } } } override function update(elapsed:Float) { var blockInput:Bool = false; for (inputText in blockPressWhileTypingOn) { if(inputText.hasFocus) { FlxG.sound.muteKeys = []; FlxG.sound.volumeDownKeys = []; FlxG.sound.volumeUpKeys = []; blockInput = true; if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.ENTER) inputText.hasFocus = false; break; } } if(!blockInput) { FlxG.sound.muteKeys = TitleState.muteKeys; FlxG.sound.volumeDownKeys = TitleState.volumeDownKeys; FlxG.sound.volumeUpKeys = TitleState.volumeUpKeys; if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.ESCAPE) { FlxG.mouse.visible = false; MusicBeatState.switchState(new editors.MasterEditorMenu()); FlxG.sound.playMusic('freakyMenu')); } var shiftMult:Int = 1; if(FlxG.keys.pressed.SHIFT) shiftMult = 10; if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.LEFT) { characterFile.position[0] += shiftMult; updateOffset(); } if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.RIGHT) { characterFile.position[0] -= shiftMult; updateOffset(); } if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.UP) { characterFile.position[1] += shiftMult; updateOffset(); } if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.DOWN) { characterFile.position[1] -= shiftMult; updateOffset(); } if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.SPACE && curTypeSelected == 1) { grpWeekCharacters.members[curTypeSelected]'confirm', true); } } var char:MenuCharacter = grpWeekCharacters.members[1]; if(char.animation.curAnim != null && == 'confirm' && char.animation.curAnim.finished) {'idle', true); } super.update(elapsed); } function updateOffset() { var char:MenuCharacter = grpWeekCharacters.members[curTypeSelected]; char.offset.set(characterFile.position[0], characterFile.position[1]); txtOffsets.text = '' + characterFile.position; } var _file:FileReference = null; function loadCharacter() { var jsonFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter('JSON', 'json'); _file = new FileReference(); _file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onLoadComplete); _file.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onLoadCancel); _file.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError); _file.browse([jsonFilter]); } function onLoadComplete(_):Void { _file.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT, onLoadComplete); _file.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onLoadCancel); _file.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError); #if sys var fullPath:String = null; var jsonLoaded = cast Json.parse(Json.stringify(_file)); //Exploit(???) for accessing a private variable if(jsonLoaded.__path != null) fullPath = jsonLoaded.__path; //I'm either a genious or dangerously dumb if(fullPath != null) { var rawJson:String = File.getContent(fullPath); if(rawJson != null) { var loadedChar:MenuCharacterFile = cast Json.parse(rawJson); if(loadedChar.idle_anim != null && loadedChar.confirm_anim != null) //Make sure it's really a character { var cutName:String =, - 5); trace("Successfully loaded file: " + cutName); characterFile = loadedChar; reloadSelectedCharacter(); imageInputText.text = characterFile.image; idleInputText.text = characterFile.image; confirmInputText.text = characterFile.image; scaleStepper.value = characterFile.scale; updateOffset(); _file = null; return; } } } _file = null; #else trace("File couldn't be loaded! You aren't on Desktop, are you?"); #end } /** * Called when the save file dialog is cancelled. */ function onLoadCancel(_):Void { _file.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT, onLoadComplete); _file.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onLoadCancel); _file.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError); _file = null; trace("Cancelled file loading."); } /** * Called if there is an error while saving the gameplay recording. */ function onLoadError(_):Void { _file.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT, onLoadComplete); _file.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onLoadCancel); _file.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError); _file = null; trace("Problem loading file"); } function saveCharacter() { var data:String = Json.stringify(characterFile, "\t"); if (data.length > 0) { var splittedImage:Array = imageInputText.text.trim().split('_'); var characterName:String = splittedImage[splittedImage.length-1].toLowerCase().replace(' ', ''); _file = new FileReference(); _file.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSaveComplete); _file.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onSaveCancel); _file.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onSaveError);, characterName + ".json"); } } function onSaveComplete(_):Void { _file.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSaveComplete); _file.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onSaveCancel); _file.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onSaveError); _file = null; FlxG.log.notice("Successfully saved file."); } /** * Called when the save file dialog is cancelled. */ function onSaveCancel(_):Void { _file.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSaveComplete); _file.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onSaveCancel); _file.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onSaveError); _file = null; } /** * Called if there is an error while saving the gameplay recording. */ function onSaveError(_):Void { _file.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSaveComplete); _file.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onSaveCancel); _file.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onSaveError); _file = null; FlxG.log.error("Problem saving file"); } }