package editors; import Section.SwagSection; import Song.SwagSong; import; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.math.FlxRect; import flixel.system.FlxSound; import flixel.util.FlxSort; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import FunkinLua; using StringTools; class EditorPlayState extends MusicBeatState { // Yes, this is mostly a copy of PlayState, it's kinda dumb to make a direct copy of it but... ehhh private var strumLine:FlxSprite; private var comboGroup:FlxTypedGroup; public var strumLineNotes:FlxTypedGroup; public var opponentStrums:FlxTypedGroup; public var playerStrums:FlxTypedGroup; public var grpNoteSplashes:FlxTypedGroup; public var notes:FlxTypedGroup; public var unspawnNotes:Array = []; var generatedMusic:Bool = false; var vocals:FlxSound; var startOffset:Float = 0; var startPos:Float = 0; public function new(startPos:Float) { this.startPos = startPos; Conductor.songPosition = startPos - startOffset; startOffset = Conductor.crochet; timerToStart = startOffset; super(); } var scoreTxt:FlxText; var timerToStart:Float = 0; private var noteTypeMap:Map = new Map(); override function create() { var bg:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('menuDesat')); bg.scrollFactor.set(); bg.color = FlxColor.fromHSB(, 359), FlxG.random.float(0, 0.8), FlxG.random.float(0.3, 1)); add(bg); strumLine = new FlxSprite(ClientPrefs.middleScroll ? PlayState.STRUM_X_MIDDLESCROLL : PlayState.STRUM_X, 50).makeGraphic(FlxG.width, 10); if(ClientPrefs.downScroll) strumLine.y = FlxG.height - 150; strumLine.scrollFactor.set(); comboGroup = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(comboGroup); strumLineNotes = new FlxTypedGroup(); opponentStrums = new FlxTypedGroup(); playerStrums = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(strumLineNotes); generateStaticArrows(0); generateStaticArrows(1); if(ClientPrefs.middleScroll) { opponentStrums.forEachAlive(function (note:StrumNote) { note.visible = false; }); } grpNoteSplashes = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpNoteSplashes); var splash:NoteSplash = new NoteSplash(100, 100, 0); grpNoteSplashes.add(splash); splash.alpha = 0.0; if (PlayState.SONG.needsVoices) vocals = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(Paths.voices(; else vocals = new FlxSound(); generateSong(; #if LUA_ALLOWED for (notetype in noteTypeMap.keys()) { var luaToLoad:String = Paths.modFolders('custom_notetypes/' + notetype + '.lua'); if(sys.FileSystem.exists(luaToLoad)) { var lua:editors.EditorLua = new editors.EditorLua(luaToLoad); new FlxTimer().start(0.1, function (tmr:FlxTimer) { lua.stop(); lua = null; }); } } #end noteTypeMap.clear(); noteTypeMap = null; scoreTxt = new FlxText(0, FlxG.height - 50, FlxG.width, "Hits: 0 | Misses: 0", 20); scoreTxt.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 20, FlxColor.WHITE, CENTER, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); scoreTxt.scrollFactor.set(); scoreTxt.borderSize = 1.25; scoreTxt.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; add(scoreTxt); var tipText:FlxText = new FlxText(10, FlxG.height - 24, 0, 'Press ESC to Go Back to Chart Editor', 16); tipText.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 16, FlxColor.WHITE, LEFT, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); tipText.borderSize = 2; tipText.scrollFactor.set(); add(tipText); FlxG.mouse.visible = false; //sayGo(); super.create(); } function sayGo() { var go:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('go')); go.scrollFactor.set(); go.updateHitbox(); go.screenCenter(); go.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; add(go); FlxTween.tween(go, {y: go.y += 100, alpha: 0}, Conductor.crochet / 1000, { ease: FlxEase.cubeInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { go.destroy(); } });'introGo'), 0.6); } //var songScore:Int = 0; var songHits:Int = 0; var songMisses:Int = 0; var ghostMisses:Int = 0; var startingSong:Bool = true; private function generateSong(dataPath:String):Void { FlxG.sound.playMusic(Paths.inst(, 0, false);; = endSong; vocals.pause(); vocals.volume = 0; var songData = PlayState.SONG; Conductor.changeBPM(songData.bpm); notes = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(notes); var noteData:Array; // NEW SHIT noteData = songData.notes; var playerCounter:Int = 0; var daBeats:Int = 0; // Not exactly representative of 'daBeats' lol, just how much it has looped for (section in noteData) { for (songNotes in section.sectionNotes) { if(songNotes[1] > -1) { //Real notes var daStrumTime:Float = songNotes[0]; if(daStrumTime >= startPos) { var daNoteData:Int =[1] % 4); var gottaHitNote:Bool = section.mustHitSection; if (songNotes[1] > 3) { gottaHitNote = !section.mustHitSection; } var oldNote:Note; if (unspawnNotes.length > 0) oldNote = unspawnNotes[ - 1)]; else oldNote = null; var swagNote:Note = new Note(daStrumTime, daNoteData, oldNote); swagNote.mustPress = gottaHitNote; swagNote.sustainLength = songNotes[2]; swagNote.noteType = songNotes[3]; if(!Std.isOfType(songNotes[3], String)) swagNote.noteType = editors.ChartingState.noteTypeList[songNotes[3]]; //Backward compatibility + compatibility with Week 7 charts swagNote.scrollFactor.set(); var susLength:Float = swagNote.sustainLength; susLength = susLength / Conductor.stepCrochet; unspawnNotes.push(swagNote); var floorSus:Int = Math.floor(susLength); if(floorSus > 0) { for (susNote in 0...floorSus+1) { oldNote = unspawnNotes[ - 1)]; var sustainNote:Note = new Note(daStrumTime + (Conductor.stepCrochet * susNote) + (Conductor.stepCrochet / FlxMath.roundDecimal(PlayState.SONG.speed, 2)), daNoteData, oldNote, true); sustainNote.mustPress = gottaHitNote; sustainNote.noteType = swagNote.noteType; sustainNote.scrollFactor.set(); unspawnNotes.push(sustainNote); if (sustainNote.mustPress) { sustainNote.x += FlxG.width / 2; // general offset } } } if (swagNote.mustPress) { swagNote.x += FlxG.width / 2; // general offset } else {} if(!noteTypeMap.exists(swagNote.noteType)) { noteTypeMap.set(swagNote.noteType, true); } } } } daBeats += 1; } unspawnNotes.sort(sortByShit); generatedMusic = true; } function startSong():Void { startingSong = false; = startPos;; = 1; vocals.volume = 1; vocals.time = startPos;; } function sortByShit(Obj1:Note, Obj2:Note):Int { return FlxSort.byValues(FlxSort.ASCENDING, Obj1.strumTime, Obj2.strumTime); } private function endSong() { LoadingState.loadAndSwitchState(new editors.ChartingState()); } override function update(elapsed:Float) { if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.ESCAPE) {; vocals.pause(); LoadingState.loadAndSwitchState(new editors.ChartingState()); } if (startingSong) { timerToStart -= elapsed * 1000; Conductor.songPosition = startPos - timerToStart; if(timerToStart < 0) { startSong(); } } else { Conductor.songPosition += elapsed * 1000; } var roundedSpeed:Float = FlxMath.roundDecimal(PlayState.SONG.speed, 2); if (unspawnNotes[0] != null) { var time:Float = 1500; if(roundedSpeed < 1) time /= roundedSpeed; while (unspawnNotes.length > 0 && unspawnNotes[0].strumTime - Conductor.songPosition < time) { var dunceNote:Note = unspawnNotes[0]; notes.add(dunceNote); var index:Int = unspawnNotes.indexOf(dunceNote); unspawnNotes.splice(index, 1); } } if (generatedMusic) { var fakeCrochet:Float = (60 / PlayState.SONG.bpm) * 1000; notes.forEachAlive(function(daNote:Note) { if(!daNote.mustPress && ClientPrefs.middleScroll) { = true; daNote.visible = false; } else if (daNote.y > FlxG.height) { = false; daNote.visible = false; } else { daNote.visible = true; = true; } // i am so fucking sorry for this if condition var strumX:Float = 0; var strumY:Float = 0; if(daNote.mustPress) { strumX = playerStrums.members[daNote.noteData].x; strumY = playerStrums.members[daNote.noteData].y; } else { strumX = opponentStrums.members[daNote.noteData].x; strumY = opponentStrums.members[daNote.noteData].y; } strumX += daNote.offsetX; strumY += daNote.offsetY; var center:Float = strumY + Note.swagWidth / 2; if(daNote.copyX) { daNote.x = strumX; } if(daNote.copyY) { if (ClientPrefs.downScroll) { daNote.y = (strumY + 0.45 * (Conductor.songPosition - daNote.strumTime) * roundedSpeed); if (daNote.isSustainNote) { //Jesus fuck this took me so much mother fucking time AAAAAAAAAA if ('end')) { daNote.y += 10.5 * (fakeCrochet / 400) * 1.5 * roundedSpeed + (46 * (roundedSpeed - 1)); daNote.y -= 46 * (1 - (fakeCrochet / 600)) * roundedSpeed; if(PlayState.isPixelStage) { daNote.y += 8; } else { daNote.y -= 19; } } daNote.y += (Note.swagWidth / 2) - (60.5 * (roundedSpeed - 1)); daNote.y += 27.5 * ((PlayState.SONG.bpm / 100) - 1) * (roundedSpeed - 1); if(daNote.mustPress || !daNote.ignoreNote) { if(daNote.y - daNote.offset.y * daNote.scale.y + daNote.height >= center && (!daNote.mustPress || (daNote.wasGoodHit || (daNote.prevNote.wasGoodHit && !daNote.canBeHit)))) { var swagRect = new FlxRect(0, 0, daNote.frameWidth, daNote.frameHeight); swagRect.height = (center - daNote.y) / daNote.scale.y; swagRect.y = daNote.frameHeight - swagRect.height; daNote.clipRect = swagRect; } } } } else { daNote.y = (strumY - 0.45 * (Conductor.songPosition - daNote.strumTime) * roundedSpeed); if(daNote.mustPress || !daNote.ignoreNote) { if (daNote.isSustainNote && daNote.y + daNote.offset.y * daNote.scale.y <= center && (!daNote.mustPress || (daNote.wasGoodHit || (daNote.prevNote.wasGoodHit && !daNote.canBeHit)))) { var swagRect = new FlxRect(0, 0, daNote.width / daNote.scale.x, daNote.height / daNote.scale.y); swagRect.y = (center - daNote.y) / daNote.scale.y; swagRect.height -= swagRect.y; daNote.clipRect = swagRect; } } } } if (!daNote.mustPress && daNote.wasGoodHit && !daNote.hitByOpponent && !daNote.ignoreNote) { if (PlayState.SONG.needsVoices) vocals.volume = 1; var time:Float = 0.15; if(daNote.isSustainNote && !'end')) { time += 0.15; } StrumPlayAnim(true, % 4, time); daNote.hitByOpponent = true; if (!daNote.isSustainNote) { daNote.kill(); notes.remove(daNote, true); daNote.destroy(); } } var doKill:Bool = daNote.y < -daNote.height; if(ClientPrefs.downScroll) doKill = daNote.y > FlxG.height; if (doKill) { if (daNote.mustPress) { if (daNote.tooLate || !daNote.wasGoodHit) { //Dupe note remove notes.forEachAlive(function(note:Note) { if (daNote != note && daNote.mustPress && daNote.noteData == note.noteData && daNote.isSustainNote == note.isSustainNote && Math.abs(daNote.strumTime - note.strumTime) < 10) { note.kill(); notes.remove(note, true); note.destroy(); } }); if(!daNote.ignoreNote) { songMisses++; vocals.volume = 0; } } } = false; daNote.visible = false; daNote.kill(); notes.remove(daNote, true); daNote.destroy(); } }); } keyShit(); scoreTxt.text = 'Hits: ' + songHits + ' | Misses: ' + songMisses; super.update(elapsed); } override function beatHit() { super.beatHit(); if (generatedMusic) { notes.sort(FlxSort.byY, ClientPrefs.downScroll ? FlxSort.ASCENDING : FlxSort.DESCENDING); } } override function stepHit() { super.stepHit(); if ( > Conductor.songPosition + 20 || < Conductor.songPosition - 20) { resyncVocals(); } } function resyncVocals():Void { vocals.pause();; Conductor.songPosition =; vocals.time = Conductor.songPosition;; } function keyShit() { // HOLDING var up = controls.NOTE_UP; var right = controls.NOTE_RIGHT; var down = controls.NOTE_DOWN; var left = controls.NOTE_LEFT; var upP = controls.NOTE_UP_P; var rightP = controls.NOTE_RIGHT_P; var downP = controls.NOTE_DOWN_P; var leftP = controls.NOTE_LEFT_P; var upR = controls.NOTE_UP_R; var rightR = controls.NOTE_RIGHT_R; var downR = controls.NOTE_DOWN_R; var leftR = controls.NOTE_LEFT_R; var controlArray:Array = [leftP, downP, upP, rightP]; var controlReleaseArray:Array = [leftR, downR, upR, rightR]; var controlHoldArray:Array = [left, down, up, right]; //'asdfa', upP); if (generatedMusic) { // rewritten inputs??? notes.forEachAlive(function(daNote:Note) { // hold note functions if (daNote.isSustainNote && controlHoldArray[daNote.noteData] && daNote.canBeHit && daNote.mustPress && !daNote.tooLate && !daNote.wasGoodHit) { goodNoteHit(daNote); } }); if (controlHoldArray.contains(true) || controlArray.contains(true)) { var canMiss:Bool = !ClientPrefs.ghostTapping; if (controlArray.contains(true)) { for (i in 0...controlArray.length) { // heavily based on my own code LOL if it aint broke dont fix it var pressNotes:Array = []; var notesDatas:Array = []; var notesStopped:Bool = false; var sortedNotesList:Array = []; notes.forEachAlive(function(daNote:Note) { if (daNote.canBeHit && daNote.mustPress && !daNote.tooLate && !daNote.wasGoodHit && daNote.noteData == i) { sortedNotesList.push(daNote); notesDatas.push(daNote.noteData); canMiss = true; } }); sortedNotesList.sort((a, b) -> - b.strumTime)); if (sortedNotesList.length > 0) { for (epicNote in sortedNotesList) { for (doubleNote in pressNotes) { if (Math.abs(doubleNote.strumTime - epicNote.strumTime) < 10) { doubleNote.kill(); notes.remove(doubleNote, true); doubleNote.destroy(); } else notesStopped = true; } // eee jack detection before was not super good if (controlArray[epicNote.noteData] && !notesStopped) { goodNoteHit(epicNote); pressNotes.push(epicNote); } } } else if (canMiss && controlArray[i]) noteMiss(i, true); } } } } playerStrums.forEach(function(spr:StrumNote) { if(controlArray[spr.ID] && != 'confirm') { spr.playAnim('pressed'); spr.resetAnim = 0; } if(controlReleaseArray[spr.ID]) { spr.playAnim('static'); spr.resetAnim = 0; } }); } var combo:Int = 0; function goodNoteHit(note:Note):Void { if (!note.wasGoodHit) { switch(note.noteType) { case 'Hurt Note': //Hurt note noteMiss(note.noteData); --songMisses; if(!note.isSustainNote) { if(!note.noteSplashDisabled) { spawnNoteSplashOnNote(note); } } note.wasGoodHit = true; vocals.volume = 0; if (!note.isSustainNote) { note.kill(); notes.remove(note, true); note.destroy(); } return; } if (!note.isSustainNote) { popUpScore(note); combo += 1; songHits++; if(combo > 9999) combo = 9999; } playerStrums.forEach(function(spr:StrumNote) { if (Math.abs(note.noteData) == spr.ID) { spr.playAnim('confirm', true); } }); note.wasGoodHit = true; vocals.volume = 1; if (!note.isSustainNote) { note.kill(); notes.remove(note, true); note.destroy(); } } } function noteMiss(direction:Int = 1, ?ghostMiss:Bool = false):Void { combo = 0; //songScore -= 10; if(ghostMiss) ghostMisses++; songMisses++;'missnote', 1, 3), FlxG.random.float(0.1, 0.2)); vocals.volume = 0; } var COMBO_X:Float = 400; var COMBO_Y:Float = 340; private function popUpScore(note:Note = null):Void { var noteDiff:Float = Math.abs(note.strumTime - Conductor.songPosition + 8); vocals.volume = 1; var placement:String = Std.string(combo); var coolText:FlxText = new FlxText(0, 0, 0, placement, 32); coolText.x = COMBO_X; coolText.y = COMBO_Y; // var rating:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(); //var score:Int = 350; var daRating:String = "sick"; if (noteDiff > Conductor.safeZoneOffset * 0.75) { daRating = 'shit'; //score = 50; } else if (noteDiff > Conductor.safeZoneOffset * 0.5) { daRating = 'bad'; //score = 100; } else if (noteDiff > Conductor.safeZoneOffset * 0.25) { daRating = 'good'; //score = 200; } if(daRating == 'sick' && !note.noteSplashDisabled) { spawnNoteSplashOnNote(note); } //songScore += score; /* if (combo > 60) daRating = 'sick'; else if (combo > 12) daRating = 'good' else if (combo > 4) daRating = 'bad'; */ var pixelShitPart1:String = ""; var pixelShitPart2:String = ''; if (PlayState.isPixelStage) { pixelShitPart1 = 'pixelUI/'; pixelShitPart2 = '-pixel'; } rating.loadGraphic(Paths.image(pixelShitPart1 + daRating + pixelShitPart2)); rating.screenCenter(); rating.x = coolText.x - 40; rating.y -= 60; rating.acceleration.y = 550; rating.velocity.y -=, 175); rating.velocity.x -=, 10); rating.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; var comboSpr:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image(pixelShitPart1 + 'combo' + pixelShitPart2)); comboSpr.screenCenter(); comboSpr.x = coolText.x; comboSpr.acceleration.y = 600; comboSpr.velocity.y -= 150; comboSpr.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; comboSpr.velocity.x +=, 10); comboGroup.add(rating); if (!PlayState.isPixelStage) { rating.setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); rating.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; comboSpr.setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); comboSpr.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; } else { rating.setGraphicSize( * PlayState.daPixelZoom * 0.7)); comboSpr.setGraphicSize( * PlayState.daPixelZoom * 0.7)); } comboSpr.updateHitbox(); rating.updateHitbox(); var seperatedScore:Array = []; if(combo >= 1000) { seperatedScore.push(Math.floor(combo / 1000) % 10); } seperatedScore.push(Math.floor(combo / 100) % 10); seperatedScore.push(Math.floor(combo / 10) % 10); seperatedScore.push(combo % 10); var daLoop:Int = 0; for (i in seperatedScore) { var numScore:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image(pixelShitPart1 + 'num' + + pixelShitPart2)); numScore.screenCenter(); numScore.x = coolText.x + (43 * daLoop) - 90; numScore.y += 80; if (!PlayState.isPixelStage) { numScore.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; numScore.setGraphicSize( * 0.5)); } else { numScore.setGraphicSize( * PlayState.daPixelZoom)); } numScore.updateHitbox(); numScore.acceleration.y =, 300); numScore.velocity.y -=, 160); numScore.velocity.x = FlxG.random.float(-5, 5); numScore.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; if (combo >= 10 || combo == 0) comboGroup.add(numScore); FlxTween.tween(numScore, {alpha: 0}, 0.2, { onComplete: function(tween:FlxTween) { numScore.destroy(); }, startDelay: Conductor.crochet * 0.002 }); daLoop++; } /* trace(combo); trace(seperatedScore); */ coolText.text = Std.string(seperatedScore); // comboGroup.add(coolText); FlxTween.tween(rating, {alpha: 0}, 0.2, { startDelay: Conductor.crochet * 0.001 }); FlxTween.tween(comboSpr, {alpha: 0}, 0.2, { onComplete: function(tween:FlxTween) { coolText.destroy(); comboSpr.destroy(); rating.destroy(); }, startDelay: Conductor.crochet * 0.001 }); } private function generateStaticArrows(player:Int):Void { for (i in 0...4) { // FlxG.log.add(i); var babyArrow:StrumNote = new StrumNote(ClientPrefs.middleScroll ? PlayState.STRUM_X_MIDDLESCROLL : PlayState.STRUM_X, strumLine.y, i, player); babyArrow.alpha = 0; FlxTween.tween(babyArrow, {alpha: 1}, 0.5, {ease: FlxEase.circOut}); if (player == 1) { playerStrums.add(babyArrow); } else { opponentStrums.add(babyArrow); } strumLineNotes.add(babyArrow); babyArrow.postAddedToGroup(); } } // For Opponent's notes glow function StrumPlayAnim(isDad:Bool, id:Int, time:Float) { var spr:StrumNote = null; if(isDad) { spr = strumLineNotes.members[id]; } else { spr = playerStrums.members[id]; } if(spr != null) { spr.playAnim('confirm', true); spr.resetAnim = time; } } // Note splash shit, duh function spawnNoteSplashOnNote(note:Note) { if(ClientPrefs.noteSplashes && note != null) { var strum:StrumNote = playerStrums.members[note.noteData]; if(strum != null) { spawnNoteSplash(strum.x, strum.y, note.noteData, note); } } } function spawnNoteSplash(x:Float, y:Float, data:Int, ?note:Note = null) { var skin:String = 'noteSplashes'; if(PlayState.SONG.splashSkin != null && PlayState.SONG.splashSkin.length > 0) skin = PlayState.SONG.splashSkin; var hue:Float = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[data % 4][0] / 360; var sat:Float = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[data % 4][1] / 100; var brt:Float = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[data % 4][2] / 100; if(note != null) { skin = note.noteSplashTexture; hue = note.noteSplashHue; sat = note.noteSplashSat; brt = note.noteSplashBrt; } var splash:NoteSplash = grpNoteSplashes.recycle(NoteSplash); splash.setupNoteSplash(x, y, data, skin, hue, sat, brt); grpNoteSplashes.add(splash); } override function destroy() {; vocals.stop(); vocals.destroy(); super.destroy(); } }