package editors; #if desktop import Discord.DiscordClient; #end import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.addons.display.FlxGridOverlay; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.system.FlxSound; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxInputText; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUI9SliceSprite; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUI; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUICheckBox; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUIInputText; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUINumericStepper; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUITabMenu; import flixel.ui.FlxButton; import; import; import; import; import haxe.Json; import DialogueBoxPsych; import flixel.FlxCamera; import; import lime.system.Clipboard; #if sys import; #end using StringTools; class DialogueCharacterEditorState extends MusicBeatState { var box:FlxSprite; var daText:Alphabet = null; private static var TIP_TEXT_MAIN:String = 'JKLI - Move camera (Hold Shift to move 4x faster) \nQ/E - Zoom out/in \nR - Reset Camera \nH - Toggle Speech Bubble \nSpace - Reset text'; private static var TIP_TEXT_OFFSET:String = 'JKLI - Move camera (Hold Shift to move 4x faster) \nQ/E - Zoom out/in \nR - Reset Camera \nH - Toggle Ghosts \nWASD - Move Looping animation offset (Red) \nArrow Keys - Move Idle/Finished animation offset (Blue) \nHold Shift to move offsets 10x faster'; var tipText:FlxText; var offsetLoopText:FlxText; var offsetIdleText:FlxText; var camGame:FlxCamera; var camOther:FlxCamera; var mainGroup:FlxSpriteGroup; var hudGroup:FlxSpriteGroup; var character:DialogueCharacter; var ghostLoop:DialogueCharacter; var ghostIdle:DialogueCharacter; override function create() { persistentUpdate = persistentDraw = true; camGame = new FlxCamera(); camOther = new FlxCamera(); camGame.bgColor = FlxColor.fromHSL(0, 0, 0.5); camOther.bgColor.alpha = 0; FlxG.cameras.reset(camGame); FlxG.cameras.add(camOther); FlxCamera.defaultCameras = [camOther]; mainGroup = new FlxSpriteGroup(); mainGroup.cameras = [camGame]; hudGroup = new FlxSpriteGroup(); hudGroup.cameras = [camGame]; add(mainGroup); add(hudGroup); character = new DialogueCharacter(); character.scrollFactor.set(); mainGroup.add(character); ghostLoop = new DialogueCharacter(); ghostLoop.alpha = 0; ghostLoop.color = FlxColor.RED; ghostLoop.isGhost = true; ghostLoop.jsonFile = character.jsonFile; ghostLoop.cameras = [camGame]; add(ghostLoop); ghostIdle = new DialogueCharacter(); ghostIdle.alpha = 0; ghostIdle.color = FlxColor.BLUE; ghostIdle.isGhost = true; ghostIdle.jsonFile = character.jsonFile; ghostIdle.cameras = [camGame]; add(ghostIdle); box = new FlxSprite(70, 370); box.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('speech_bubble'); box.scrollFactor.set(); box.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; box.animation.addByPrefix('normal', 'speech bubble normal', 24); box.animation.addByPrefix('center', 'speech bubble middle', 24);'normal', true); box.setGraphicSize( * 0.9)); box.updateHitbox(); hudGroup.add(box); tipText = new FlxText(10, 10, FlxG.width - 20, TIP_TEXT_MAIN, 8); tipText.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 16, FlxColor.WHITE, RIGHT, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); tipText.cameras = [camOther]; tipText.scrollFactor.set(); add(tipText); offsetLoopText = new FlxText(10, 10, 0, '', 32); offsetLoopText.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 32, FlxColor.WHITE, LEFT, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); offsetLoopText.cameras = [camOther]; offsetLoopText.scrollFactor.set(); add(offsetLoopText); offsetLoopText.visible = false; offsetIdleText = new FlxText(10, 46, 0, '', 32); offsetIdleText.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 32, FlxColor.WHITE, LEFT, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); offsetIdleText.cameras = [camOther]; offsetIdleText.scrollFactor.set(); add(offsetIdleText); offsetIdleText.visible = false; reloadCharacter(); updateTextBox(); reloadText(); addEditorBox(); FlxG.mouse.visible = true; updateCharTypeBox(); super.create(); } var UI_typebox:FlxUITabMenu; var UI_mainbox:FlxUITabMenu; function addEditorBox() { var tabs = [ {name: 'Character Type', label: 'Character Type'}, ]; UI_typebox = new FlxUITabMenu(null, tabs, true); UI_typebox.resize(120, 180); UI_typebox.x = 900; UI_typebox.y = FlxG.height - UI_typebox.height - 50; UI_typebox.scrollFactor.set(); = camGame; addTypeUI(); add(UI_typebox); var tabs = [ {name: 'Animations', label: 'Animations'}, {name: 'Character', label: 'Character'}, ]; UI_mainbox = new FlxUITabMenu(null, tabs, true); UI_mainbox.resize(200, 250); UI_mainbox.x = UI_typebox.x + UI_typebox.width; UI_mainbox.y = FlxG.height - UI_mainbox.height - 50; UI_mainbox.scrollFactor.set(); = camGame; addAnimationsUI(); addCharacterUI(); add(UI_mainbox); UI_mainbox.selected_tab_id = 'Character'; lastTab = UI_mainbox.selected_tab_id; } var leftCheckbox:FlxUICheckBox; var centerCheckbox:FlxUICheckBox; var rightCheckbox:FlxUICheckBox; function addTypeUI() { var tab_group = new FlxUI(null, UI_typebox); = "Character Type"; leftCheckbox = new FlxUICheckBox(10, 20, null, null, "Left", 100); leftCheckbox.callback = function() { character.jsonFile.dialogue_pos = 'left'; updateCharTypeBox(); }; centerCheckbox = new FlxUICheckBox(leftCheckbox.x, leftCheckbox.y + 40, null, null, "Center", 100); centerCheckbox.callback = function() { character.jsonFile.dialogue_pos = 'center'; updateCharTypeBox(); }; rightCheckbox = new FlxUICheckBox(centerCheckbox.x, centerCheckbox.y + 40, null, null, "Right", 100); rightCheckbox.callback = function() { character.jsonFile.dialogue_pos = 'right'; updateCharTypeBox(); }; tab_group.add(leftCheckbox); tab_group.add(centerCheckbox); tab_group.add(rightCheckbox); UI_typebox.addGroup(tab_group); } var curSelectedAnim:String; var animationArray:Array = []; var animationDropDown:FlxUIDropDownMenuCustom; var animationInputText:FlxUIInputText; var loopInputText:FlxUIInputText; var idleInputText:FlxUIInputText; function addAnimationsUI() { var tab_group = new FlxUI(null, UI_mainbox); = "Animations"; animationDropDown = new FlxUIDropDownMenuCustom(10, 30, FlxUIDropDownMenuCustom.makeStrIdLabelArray([''], true), function(animation:String) { var anim:String = animationArray[Std.parseInt(animation)]; if(character.dialogueAnimations.exists(anim)) { ghostLoop.playAnim(anim); ghostIdle.playAnim(anim, true); curSelectedAnim = anim; var animShit:DialogueAnimArray = character.dialogueAnimations.get(curSelectedAnim); offsetLoopText.text = 'Loop: ' + animShit.loop_offsets; offsetIdleText.text = 'Idle: ' + animShit.idle_offsets; animationInputText.text = animShit.anim; loopInputText.text = animShit.loop_name; idleInputText.text = animShit.idle_name; } }); animationInputText = new FlxUIInputText(15, 85, 80, '', 8); blockPressWhileTypingOn.push(animationInputText); loopInputText = new FlxUIInputText(animationInputText.x, animationInputText.y + 35, 150, '', 8); blockPressWhileTypingOn.push(loopInputText); idleInputText = new FlxUIInputText(loopInputText.x, loopInputText.y + 40, 150, '', 8); blockPressWhileTypingOn.push(idleInputText); var addUpdateButton:FlxButton = new FlxButton(10, idleInputText.y + 30, "Add/Update", function() { var theAnim:String = animationInputText.text.trim(); if(character.dialogueAnimations.exists(theAnim)) //Update { for (i in 0...character.jsonFile.animations.length) { var animArray:DialogueAnimArray = character.jsonFile.animations[i]; if(animArray.anim.trim() == theAnim) { animArray.loop_name = loopInputText.text; animArray.idle_name = idleInputText.text; break; } } character.reloadAnimations(); ghostLoop.reloadAnimations(); ghostIdle.reloadAnimations(); if(curSelectedAnim == theAnim) { ghostLoop.playAnim(theAnim); ghostIdle.playAnim(theAnim, true); } } else //Add { var newAnim:DialogueAnimArray = { anim: theAnim, loop_name: loopInputText.text, loop_offsets: [0, 0], idle_name: idleInputText.text, idle_offsets: [0, 0] } character.jsonFile.animations.push(newAnim); var lastSelected:String = animationDropDown.selectedLabel; character.reloadAnimations(); ghostLoop.reloadAnimations(); ghostIdle.reloadAnimations(); reloadAnimationsDropDown(); animationDropDown.selectedLabel = lastSelected; } }); var removeUpdateButton:FlxButton = new FlxButton(100, addUpdateButton.y, "Remove", function() { for (i in 0...character.jsonFile.animations.length) { var animArray:DialogueAnimArray = character.jsonFile.animations[i]; if(animArray != null && animArray.anim.trim() == animationInputText.text.trim()) { var lastSelected:String = animationDropDown.selectedLabel; character.jsonFile.animations.remove(animArray); character.reloadAnimations(); ghostLoop.reloadAnimations(); ghostIdle.reloadAnimations(); reloadAnimationsDropDown(); if(character.jsonFile.animations.length > 0 && lastSelected == animArray.anim.trim()) { var animToPlay:String = character.jsonFile.animations[0].anim; ghostLoop.playAnim(animToPlay); ghostIdle.playAnim(animToPlay, true); } animationDropDown.selectedLabel = lastSelected; animationInputText.text = ''; loopInputText.text = ''; idleInputText.text = ''; break; } } }); tab_group.add(new FlxText(animationDropDown.x, animationDropDown.y - 18, 0, 'Animations:')); tab_group.add(new FlxText(animationInputText.x, animationInputText.y - 18, 0, 'Animation name:')); tab_group.add(new FlxText(loopInputText.x, loopInputText.y - 18, 0, 'Loop name on .XML file:')); tab_group.add(new FlxText(idleInputText.x, idleInputText.y - 18, 0, 'Idle/Finished name on .XML file:')); tab_group.add(animationInputText); tab_group.add(loopInputText); tab_group.add(idleInputText); tab_group.add(addUpdateButton); tab_group.add(removeUpdateButton); tab_group.add(animationDropDown); UI_mainbox.addGroup(tab_group); reloadAnimationsDropDown(); } function reloadAnimationsDropDown() { animationArray = []; for (anim in character.jsonFile.animations) { animationArray.push(anim.anim); } if(animationArray.length < 1) animationArray = ['']; animationDropDown.setData(FlxUIDropDownMenuCustom.makeStrIdLabelArray(animationArray, true)); } var imageInputText:FlxUIInputText; var scaleStepper:FlxUINumericStepper; var xStepper:FlxUINumericStepper; var yStepper:FlxUINumericStepper; var blockPressWhileTypingOn:Array = []; function addCharacterUI() { var tab_group = new FlxUI(null, UI_mainbox); = "Character"; imageInputText = new FlxUIInputText(10, 30, 80, character.jsonFile.image, 8); blockPressWhileTypingOn.push(imageInputText); xStepper = new FlxUINumericStepper(imageInputText.x, imageInputText.y + 50, 10, character.jsonFile.position[0], -2000, 2000, 0); yStepper = new FlxUINumericStepper(imageInputText.x + 80, xStepper.y, 10, character.jsonFile.position[1], -2000, 2000, 0); scaleStepper = new FlxUINumericStepper(imageInputText.x, xStepper.y + 50, 0.05, character.jsonFile.scale, 0.1, 10, 2); tab_group.add(new FlxText(10, imageInputText.y - 18, 0, 'Image file name:')); tab_group.add(new FlxText(10, xStepper.y - 18, 0, 'Position Offset:')); tab_group.add(new FlxText(10, scaleStepper.y - 18, 0, 'Scale:')); tab_group.add(imageInputText); tab_group.add(xStepper); tab_group.add(yStepper); tab_group.add(scaleStepper); var reloadImageButton:FlxButton = new FlxButton(10, scaleStepper.y + 60, "Reload Image", function() { reloadCharacter(); }); var loadButton:FlxButton = new FlxButton(reloadImageButton.x + 100, reloadImageButton.y, "Load Character", function() { loadCharacter(); }); var saveButton:FlxButton = new FlxButton(loadButton.x, reloadImageButton.y - 30, "Save Character", function() { saveCharacter(); }); tab_group.add(reloadImageButton); tab_group.add(loadButton); tab_group.add(saveButton); UI_mainbox.addGroup(tab_group); } function updateCharTypeBox() { leftCheckbox.checked = false; centerCheckbox.checked = false; rightCheckbox.checked = false; switch(character.jsonFile.dialogue_pos) { case 'left': leftCheckbox.checked = true; case 'center': centerCheckbox.checked = true; case 'right': rightCheckbox.checked = true; } reloadCharacter(); updateTextBox(); } private static var DEFAULT_TEXT:String = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'; function reloadText() { if(daText != null) { daText.killTheTimer(); daText.kill(); hudGroup.remove(daText); daText.destroy(); } daText = new Alphabet(0, 0, DEFAULT_TEXT, false, true, 0.05, 0.7); daText.x = DialogueBoxPsych.DEFAULT_TEXT_X; daText.y = DialogueBoxPsych.DEFAULT_TEXT_Y; hudGroup.add(daText); } function reloadCharacter() { var charsArray:Array = [character, ghostLoop, ghostIdle]; for (char in charsArray) { char.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('dialogue/' + character.jsonFile.image); char.jsonFile = character.jsonFile; char.reloadAnimations(); char.setGraphicSize( * DialogueCharacter.DEFAULT_SCALE * character.jsonFile.scale)); char.updateHitbox(); } character.x = DialogueBoxPsych.LEFT_CHAR_X; character.y = DialogueBoxPsych.DEFAULT_CHAR_Y; switch(character.jsonFile.dialogue_pos) { case 'right': character.x = FlxG.width - character.width + DialogueBoxPsych.RIGHT_CHAR_X; case 'center': character.x = FlxG.width / 2; character.x -= character.width / 2; } character.x += character.jsonFile.position[0] + mainGroup.x; character.y += character.jsonFile.position[1] + mainGroup.y; character.playAnim(); //Plays random animation if(character.jsonFile.animations.length > 0) { curSelectedAnim = character.jsonFile.animations[0].anim; var animShit:DialogueAnimArray = character.dialogueAnimations.get(curSelectedAnim); ghostLoop.playAnim(animShit.anim); ghostIdle.playAnim(animShit.anim, true); offsetLoopText.text = 'Loop: ' + animShit.loop_offsets; offsetIdleText.text = 'Idle: ' + animShit.idle_offsets; } #if desktop // Updating Discord Rich Presence DiscordClient.changePresence("Dialogue Character Editor", "Editting: " + character.jsonFile.image); #end } function updateTextBox() { box.flipX = false; var anim:String = 'normal'; switch(character.jsonFile.dialogue_pos) { case 'left': box.flipX = true; case 'center': anim = 'center'; }, true); DialogueBoxPsych.updateBoxOffsets(box); } override function getEvent(id:String, sender:Dynamic, data:Dynamic, ?params:Array) { if(id == FlxUIInputText.CHANGE_EVENT && sender == imageInputText) { character.jsonFile.image = imageInputText.text; } else if(id == FlxUINumericStepper.CHANGE_EVENT && (sender is FlxUINumericStepper)) { if(sender == scaleStepper) { character.jsonFile.scale = scaleStepper.value; reloadCharacter(); } else if(sender == xStepper) { character.jsonFile.position[0] = xStepper.value; reloadCharacter(); } else if(sender == yStepper) { character.jsonFile.position[1] = yStepper.value; reloadCharacter(); } } } var currentGhosts:Int = 0; var lastTab:String = 'Character'; var transitioning:Bool = false; override function update(elapsed:Float) { if(transitioning) { super.update(elapsed); return; } if(character.animation.curAnim != null) { if(daText.finishedText) { if(character.animationIsLoop()) { character.playAnim(, true); } } else if(character.animation.curAnim.finished) { character.animation.curAnim.restart(); } } var blockInput:Bool = false; for (inputText in blockPressWhileTypingOn) { if(inputText.hasFocus) { FlxG.sound.muteKeys = []; FlxG.sound.volumeDownKeys = []; FlxG.sound.volumeUpKeys = []; blockInput = true; if(FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL && FlxG.keys.justPressed.V && Clipboard.text != null) { //Copy paste inputText.text = ClipboardAdd(inputText.text); inputText.caretIndex = inputText.text.length; getEvent(FlxUIInputText.CHANGE_EVENT, inputText, null, []); } if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.ENTER) inputText.hasFocus = false; break; } } if(!blockInput && !animationDropDown.dropPanel.visible) { FlxG.sound.muteKeys = TitleState.muteKeys; FlxG.sound.volumeDownKeys = TitleState.volumeDownKeys; FlxG.sound.volumeUpKeys = TitleState.volumeUpKeys; if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.SPACE && UI_mainbox.selected_tab_id == 'Character') { character.playAnim(); updateTextBox(); reloadText(); } //lots of Ifs lol get trolled var offsetAdd:Int = 1; var speed:Float = 300; if(FlxG.keys.pressed.SHIFT) { speed = 1200; offsetAdd = 10; } var negaMult:Array = [1, 1, -1, -1]; var controlArray:Array = [FlxG.keys.pressed.J, FlxG.keys.pressed.I, FlxG.keys.pressed.L, FlxG.keys.pressed.K]; for (i in 0...controlArray.length) { if(controlArray[i]) { if(i % 2 == 1) { mainGroup.y += speed * elapsed * negaMult[i]; } else { mainGroup.x += speed * elapsed * negaMult[i]; } } } if(UI_mainbox.selected_tab_id == 'Animations' && curSelectedAnim != null && character.dialogueAnimations.exists(curSelectedAnim)) { var moved:Bool = false; var animShit:DialogueAnimArray = character.dialogueAnimations.get(curSelectedAnim); var controlArrayLoop:Array = [FlxG.keys.justPressed.A, FlxG.keys.justPressed.W, FlxG.keys.justPressed.D, FlxG.keys.justPressed.S]; var controlArrayIdle:Array = [FlxG.keys.justPressed.LEFT, FlxG.keys.justPressed.UP, FlxG.keys.justPressed.RIGHT, FlxG.keys.justPressed.DOWN]; for (i in 0...controlArrayLoop.length) { if(controlArrayLoop[i]) { if(i % 2 == 1) { animShit.loop_offsets[1] += offsetAdd * negaMult[i]; } else { animShit.loop_offsets[0] += offsetAdd * negaMult[i]; } moved = true; } } for (i in 0...controlArrayIdle.length) { if(controlArrayIdle[i]) { if(i % 2 == 1) { animShit.idle_offsets[1] += offsetAdd * negaMult[i]; } else { animShit.idle_offsets[0] += offsetAdd * negaMult[i]; } moved = true; } } if(moved) { offsetLoopText.text = 'Loop: ' + animShit.loop_offsets; offsetIdleText.text = 'Idle: ' + animShit.idle_offsets; ghostLoop.offset.set(animShit.loop_offsets[0], animShit.loop_offsets[1]); ghostIdle.offset.set(animShit.idle_offsets[0], animShit.idle_offsets[1]); } } if (FlxG.keys.pressed.Q && camGame.zoom > 0.1) { camGame.zoom -= elapsed * camGame.zoom; if(camGame.zoom < 0.1) camGame.zoom = 0.1; } if (FlxG.keys.pressed.E && camGame.zoom < 1) { camGame.zoom += elapsed * camGame.zoom; if(camGame.zoom > 1) camGame.zoom = 1; } if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.H) { if(UI_mainbox.selected_tab_id == 'Animations') { currentGhosts++; if(currentGhosts > 2) currentGhosts = 0; ghostLoop.visible = (currentGhosts != 1); ghostIdle.visible = (currentGhosts != 2); ghostLoop.alpha = (currentGhosts == 2 ? 1 : 0.6); ghostIdle.alpha = (currentGhosts == 1 ? 1 : 0.6); } else { hudGroup.visible = !hudGroup.visible; } } if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.R) { camGame.zoom = 1; mainGroup.setPosition(0, 0); hudGroup.visible = true; } if(UI_mainbox.selected_tab_id != lastTab) { if(UI_mainbox.selected_tab_id == 'Animations') { hudGroup.alpha = 0; mainGroup.alpha = 0; ghostLoop.alpha = 0.6; ghostIdle.alpha = 0.6; tipText.text = TIP_TEXT_OFFSET; offsetLoopText.visible = true; offsetIdleText.visible = true; currentGhosts = 0; } else { hudGroup.alpha = 1; mainGroup.alpha = 1; ghostLoop.alpha = 0; ghostIdle.alpha = 0; tipText.text = TIP_TEXT_MAIN; offsetLoopText.visible = false; offsetIdleText.visible = false; character.playAnim(); updateTextBox(); reloadText(); } lastTab = UI_mainbox.selected_tab_id; currentGhosts = 0; } if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.ESCAPE) { MusicBeatState.switchState(new editors.MasterEditorMenu()); FlxG.sound.playMusic('freakyMenu'), 1); transitioning = true; } ghostLoop.setPosition(character.x, character.y); ghostIdle.setPosition(character.x, character.y); hudGroup.x = mainGroup.x; hudGroup.y = mainGroup.y; } super.update(elapsed); } var _file:FileReference = null; function loadCharacter() { var jsonFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter('JSON', 'json'); _file = new FileReference(); _file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onLoadComplete); _file.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onLoadCancel); _file.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError); _file.browse([jsonFilter]); } function onLoadComplete(_):Void { _file.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT, onLoadComplete); _file.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onLoadCancel); _file.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError); #if sys var fullPath:String = null; var jsonLoaded = cast Json.parse(Json.stringify(_file)); //Exploit(???) for accessing a private variable if(jsonLoaded.__path != null) fullPath = jsonLoaded.__path; //I'm either a genious or dangerously dumb if(fullPath != null) { var rawJson:String = File.getContent(fullPath); if(rawJson != null) { var loadedChar:DialogueCharacterFile = cast Json.parse(rawJson); if(loadedChar.dialogue_pos != null) //Make sure it's really a dialogue character { var cutName:String =, - 5); trace("Successfully loaded file: " + cutName); character.jsonFile = loadedChar; reloadCharacter(); reloadAnimationsDropDown(); updateCharTypeBox(); updateTextBox(); reloadText(); imageInputText.text = character.jsonFile.image; scaleStepper.value = character.jsonFile.scale; xStepper.value = character.jsonFile.position[0]; yStepper.value = character.jsonFile.position[1]; _file = null; return; } } } _file = null; #else trace("File couldn't be loaded! You aren't on Desktop, are you?"); #end } /** * Called when the save file dialog is cancelled. */ function onLoadCancel(_):Void { _file.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT, onLoadComplete); _file.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onLoadCancel); _file.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError); _file = null; trace("Cancelled file loading."); } /** * Called if there is an error while saving the gameplay recording. */ function onLoadError(_):Void { _file.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT, onLoadComplete); _file.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onLoadCancel); _file.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError); _file = null; trace("Problem loading file"); } function saveCharacter() { var data:String = Json.stringify(character.jsonFile, "\t"); if (data.length > 0) { var splittedImage:Array = imageInputText.text.trim().split('_'); var characterName:String = splittedImage[0].toLowerCase().replace(' ', ''); _file = new FileReference(); _file.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSaveComplete); _file.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onSaveCancel); _file.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onSaveError);, characterName + ".json"); } } function onSaveComplete(_):Void { _file.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSaveComplete); _file.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onSaveCancel); _file.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onSaveError); _file = null; FlxG.log.notice("Successfully saved file."); } /** * Called when the save file dialog is cancelled. */ function onSaveCancel(_):Void { _file.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSaveComplete); _file.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onSaveCancel); _file.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onSaveError); _file = null; } /** * Called if there is an error while saving the gameplay recording. */ function onSaveError(_):Void { _file.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSaveComplete); _file.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onSaveCancel); _file.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onSaveError); _file = null; FlxG.log.error("Problem saving file"); } function ClipboardAdd(prefix:String = ''):String { if(prefix.toLowerCase().endsWith('v')) //probably copy paste attempt { prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.length-1); } var text:String = prefix + Clipboard.text.replace('\n', ''); return text; } }