package; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; using StringTools; class StrumNote extends FlxSprite { private var colorSwap:ColorSwap; public var resetAnim:Float = 0; private var noteData:Int = 0; private var player:Int; public function new(x:Float, y:Float, leData:Int, player:Int) { colorSwap = new ColorSwap(); shader = colorSwap.shader; noteData = leData; this.player = player; this.noteData = leData; super(x, y); var skin:String = 'NOTE_assets'; if(PlayState.SONG.arrowSkin != null && PlayState.SONG.arrowSkin.length > 1) skin = PlayState.SONG.arrowSkin; if(PlayState.isPixelStage) { loadGraphic(Paths.image('pixelUI/' + skin)); width = width / 4; height = height / 5; loadGraphic(Paths.image('pixelUI/' + skin), true, Math.floor(width), Math.floor(height)); animation.add('green', [6]); animation.add('red', [7]); animation.add('blue', [5]); animation.add('purple', [4]); antialiasing = false; setGraphicSize( * PlayState.daPixelZoom)); switch (Math.abs(leData)) { case 0: animation.add('static', [0]); animation.add('pressed', [4, 8], 12, false); animation.add('confirm', [12, 16], 24, false); case 1: animation.add('static', [1]); animation.add('pressed', [5, 9], 12, false); animation.add('confirm', [13, 17], 24, false); case 2: animation.add('static', [2]); animation.add('pressed', [6, 10], 12, false); animation.add('confirm', [14, 18], 12, false); case 3: animation.add('static', [3]); animation.add('pressed', [7, 11], 12, false); animation.add('confirm', [15, 19], 24, false); } } else { frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(skin); animation.addByPrefix('green', 'arrowUP'); animation.addByPrefix('blue', 'arrowDOWN'); animation.addByPrefix('purple', 'arrowLEFT'); animation.addByPrefix('red', 'arrowRIGHT'); antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); switch (Math.abs(leData)) { case 0: animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrowLEFT'); animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'left press', 24, false); animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'left confirm', 24, false); case 1: animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrowDOWN'); animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'down press', 24, false); animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'down confirm', 24, false); case 2: animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrowUP'); animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'up press', 24, false); animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'up confirm', 24, false); case 3: animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrowRIGHT'); animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'right press', 24, false); animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'right confirm', 24, false); } } updateHitbox(); scrollFactor.set(); } public function postAddedToGroup() { playAnim('static'); x += Note.swagWidth * noteData; x += 50; x += ((FlxG.width / 2) * player); ID = noteData; } override function update(elapsed:Float) { if(resetAnim > 0) { resetAnim -= elapsed; if(resetAnim <= 0) { playAnim('static'); resetAnim = 0; } } /*if( == 'confirm' && !PlayState.isPixelStage) { updateConfirmOffset(); }*/ super.update(elapsed); } public function playAnim(anim:String, ?force:Bool = false) {, force); centerOffsets(); if(animation.curAnim == null || == 'static') { colorSwap.hue = 0; colorSwap.saturation = 0; colorSwap.brightness = 0; } else { colorSwap.hue = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[noteData % 4][0] / 360; colorSwap.saturation = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[noteData % 4][1] / 100; colorSwap.brightness = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[noteData % 4][2] / 100; if( == 'confirm' && !PlayState.isPixelStage) { updateConfirmOffset(); } } } function updateConfirmOffset() { //TO DO: Find a calc to make the offset work fine on other angles centerOffsets(); offset.x -= 13; offset.y -= 13; } }